Sick Day With Very Little Brain

It’s only a sinus infection!

I have been glumphing along, acting like I have some hideous, mysterious, deadly disease — perhaps a new shot-resistant flu strain — I was inches away from hospitilization and a lingering, painful death.  Oh well, I knew it was nothing that serious, but that did not stop me from feeling and sharing complete misery.

Oh go ahead and play that miniature violin, and list all the people who have worse ills than me and no doubt complain much less.  I know I am being ridiculous; many people are ridiculous when they get a little sickypoo.  For one excuse, I don’t have a whole lot else to blog about, and very little brain to blog about what I do have.

What my head feels like.

I went to the doctor today and am currently waiting for the Medicine Shoppe in Ilion to deliver my prescription.  How awesome is that?  Home delivery!  Many people have to get their drugs in dark alleys or on street corners.

Hey, buddy, could you lend me a little of that brain?

I have been looking for this picture for days!  I always like to use it when I am feeling particularly brain dead (cue unkind remarks about my usual lack of brain).  It is The Brain from Planet Arous. The other picture is from The Brain That Wouldn’t Die.  As a sad side note, I saw on Facebook that the lady that played said Brain just died.

So it’s another Blogger’s Sick Day,  and a Wuss-out Wednesday as well.  I have great hopes for the prescription I await.


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