ALS with Anna

Come along with me as my family and I learn how to navigate life with ALS.

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Blogging with Anna
  • June 2022 to July 2023 to present ALS with Anna Vol. 9 I think we need to start with a little background on ALS and to give you a simple explanation of how ALS affects the body. [ALS affects the upper motor neurons, which are in the brain, and the lower motor neurons, which are…

  • ALS with Anna Vol. 8  It’s been a rough two weeks. I went to Mayo for my 3 month check up, April 25th.. The whole trip was a dumpster fire. Now mind you we look forward to our trips to Jacksonville and to Mayo. It is like a mini vacation. We enjoy driving down together.…

  • ALS with Anna Vol. 7 So I have like 5 different blogs going on and I can’t finish one because I start another one to explain something in order to understand the first one . So I feel the need to explain what an ALS clinic is and why they are so important.  I go…

  • ALS with Anna Vol.6 Trigger warning this is raw and emotional. I’m letting you deep into my heart and soul on this one. After leaving Dr. Pulley’s office we were still in shock. We had so many questions: Why me? I have three boys to raise, they need their mama. My worst nightmare had come…

  • ALS with Anna Vol. 5 Four scores and seven years ago… Okay maybe not that long ago. It seems like a lifetime ago and honestly it was a different life time, a life Before ALS. I’m going to address the big question: When and how did my ALS start. The one thing I can’t answer…


The only limit is the extent of your imagination.

I would love to hear from you. If you have any questions or suggestions for blog topics you would like to see please reach out. As always I appreciate your love, support, and prayers.