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Big ben , UK , London .⬆️

Stone age .

The stone age was a long time ago . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u8bDJD5x1g. <Watch this! The Paleolithic was the first part of time in the stone age . The Mesolithic is the middle part of the stone age . The Neolithic , well you guessed it , the new part of the stone age .


Which country started the stone age ? Leave a comment to see if you remember !

Scroll down to learn about the Paleolithic

The Paleolithic, also known as the Old Stone Age, is a significant period in human prehistory characterized by the original development of stone toolsThis epoch spans from the earliest known use of stone tools by hominins, approximately 3.3 million years ago, to the end of the Pleistocene, around 11,650 cal BP. Here are some key points about the Paleolithic:

  1. Stone Tools: During this era, hominins used knapped stone tools for various purposes. Although wood and bone tools were also employed, they have not survived as well due to rapid decomposition.
  2. Artifacts and Diversity: Around 50,000 years ago, there was a marked increase in the diversity of artifacts. Bone artifacts and the first art appeared in the archaeological record. Human fishing activities were also documented, such as those found in Blombos cave in South Africa.
  3. Human Evolution: The Paleolithic witnessed the gradual evolution of early members of the genus Homo, such as Homo habilis, who used simple stone tools. Over time, anatomically and behaviorally modern humans emerged during the Upper Paleolithic.
  4. Art and Ritual: Towards the end of the Paleolithic, specifically during the Middle or Upper Paleolithic, humans began creating the earliest works of art and engaging in religious or spiritual behaviors, including burial and ritual1.
  5. Climate Fluctuations: Conditions during the Paleolithic Age went through a series of glacial and interglacial periods, with climate fluctuations between warm and cool temperatures.
  6. Geographical Expansion: By specific time points, humans reached different regions: Australia (c. 50,000 – c. 40,000 BP), Europe at 61°N latitude (c. 45,000 BP), Japan (c. 30,000 BP), and even Siberia above the Arctic Circle (c. 27,000 BP)1.

In summary, the Paleolithic Age represents a fascinating chapter in our ancient history, marked by innovation, adaptation, and the development of stone tools that shaped our species’ trajectory. 🌿🔨🌏

Paleolithic clothing indeed played a crucial role in helping our ancient ancestors survive the harsh conditions of that era. While no actual garments have survived from the Paleolithic period (which spans roughly from 2.6 million to 12,000 years ago), evidence suggests that early humans did indeed wear clothing. Let’s explore this fascinating topic:

Heads up ! It is the Mesolithic era !

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Mesolithic period!

The Mesolithic, also known as the Middle Stone Age, bridges the gap between the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) and the Neolithic (New Stone Age). Here are some key points about this intriguing era:

  1. Definition and Duration:
  2. Characteristics:
    • The Mesolithic is associated with several key features:
      • Decline in Large Animal Hunting: People shifted away from group hunting of large animals and embraced a broader hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
      • Sophisticated Lithic Tools: Instead of heavy-chipped tools typical of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic cultures developed more sophisticated and smaller lithic tools and weapons.
      • Pottery and Textiles: Some sites show indications of pottery and textiles, although agriculture is generally associated with the transition to the Neolithic.
      • Settlements Near Water: Permanent settlements tended to be close to the sea or inland waters, ensuring a steady food supply.
      • Simple Burials: Mesolithic burials were fairly simple, in contrast to the grandiose burial mounds of the Neolithic1.
  3. Controversial Origins:
    • The terms “Paleolithic” and “Neolithic” were introduced by John Lubbock in 1865. The additional category of “Mesolithic” was proposed by Hodder Westropp in 1866.
    • Some scholars debated the need for an intermediate category. While some believed the ages blended seamlessly, others argued for a distinct Mesolithic phase.
    • Edouard Piette’s naming of the Azilian Culture attempted to fill this gap1.

In summary, the Mesolithic represents a dynamic period of human adaptation, innovation, and cultural change. It marked the transition from ancient hunting practices to more diverse ways of life, setting the stage for the Neolithic revolution. 🌿🔨🌏

Certainly! Let’s explore the fascinating Neolithic period, also known as the New Stone Age. This era marked significant developments in human civilization:

  1. Definition and Duration:
    • The Neolithic, derived from the Greek words “néos” (meaning “new”) and “líthos” (meaning “stone”), represents the final division of the Stone Age.
    • It spanned from approximately 10,000 BCE to 2,000 BCE in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
    • During this period, the Neolithic Revolution occurred—a set of developments that independently emerged in various parts of the world.
  2. Key Characteristics:
    • Agriculture: The Neolithic saw the invention of farming. Early humans transitioned from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities.
    • Domestication: People began domesticating animals for various purposes, such as food, labor, and companionship.
    • Cultural Shift: Neolithic societies shifted from mobile camps to permanent settlements.
    • Polished Stone Tools: The use of polished stone tools became prevalent.
    • Megalithic Architecture: Notable for massive stone structures like dolmens and menhirs.
    • Crafts: Crafts such as pottery and weaving emerged.
  3. Origins:
    • The Neolithic likely began around 10,200 BCE in the Levant (modern-day Middle East) from the Natufian culture.
    • The Natufians, dependent on wild cereals, gradually adopted farming practices.
    • The Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPNA) overlapped with the Natufian period (10,200–8,800 BCE).
  4. Geographical Spread:
    • Neolithic developments spread to various regions:
      • Fertile Crescent: Originated around 11,000 BCE.
      • Yangtze and Yellow River Basins: Around 9,000 BCE.
      • New Guinea Highlands9,000–6,000 BCE.
      • Central Mexico5,000–4,000 BCE.
      • Northern South America5,000–4,000 BCE.
      • Sub-Saharan Africa: Exact location unknown, 5,000–4,000 BCE.
      • Eastern North America4,000–3,000 BCE.

In summary, the Neolithic period was a time of profound change, shaping human societies through agriculture, domestication, and cultural innovations. 🌾🏛️🌍1

Albert Einstein: A Genius from ULM, Germany 14 /03 / 1879-18/04/1955

During his early years, Einstein’s learning abilities raised concerns for his parents. Until the age of five, he struggled to construct full sentences, prompting worries about his intellectual development. However, his innate fascination with the world and the inner workings of things was evident from a young age.

At the age of five, a pivotal event occurred when his father gave him a compass to play with. This seemingly simple object captivated young Einstein, particularly the consistent pointing of the needle towards the earth’s magnetic north. Reflecting on this experience later in his autobiography, Einstein revealed that his curiosity about the compass sparked thoughts about unseen forces at play in the world. Later Albert was a total genius because, he had read a neighbour’s high school book and knew about squares. Despite the hard journey, Albert Einstein made it extremely easier for the world . He was a physicist who published a theory of special relativity . E=mc square and formulating the photoelectric laws and left the whole world shocked . If you think this is the smartest person, Meet William James Sidis.



Magnets are devises that join metal with it . Gold can’t attract with magnets but iron can . Attract is a pull force , but repel is a push force that pushes the material away . There are some materials that are not magnetic for example Gold , Zinc , Silver , copper and aluminum. Magnetic materials at the other hand are different , there are only 3 magnetic materials that are Iron, Nickel and cobalt . Your fridge is magnetic too ! Try doing an experiment , use a magnet to pick up things that are magnetic in your house for example your fridge , doorknob et cetera . There are some objects that are not magnetic some of them are a pen (not made of iron nickel or cobalt ,a plastic one .),Gold doorknob and more . If you connect a magnet with another magnet , please don’t try and put the south with south in the magnets , because the souths are friends with each-other ! If you had a big heavy load … Use an electro -magnet if it is made of iron , Nickel or cobalt ! If it is not too heavy , use a horse-shoe magnet . If it’s not at all heavy , use a bar magnet . If it weighs like a paper clip… Use a ring magnet (Neodymium magnet Nib)

Quiz Time!

If I had a piece of zinc and tried to make a magnet to it … Would it even work ? go on the notification bell to tell me ! There is a link to the comments from me!

Electricity .

Electricity normally goes in magnets . The button gives a wire to connect the energy to the wires already there . The circuit gets the energy to flow and the magnets push each other .

~150 approximate

Oxford university Oxford , UK

~=approximately . Let’s say that you have went 2678 ft in the water , what numbers approximate could it be ?

How to make a black hole vanish

Do you want to overcome the fears of the black hole ?

Pay attention now to learn how to practically destroy the big enormous behemoths that are pitch black . First , gorge the unilluminating giant . That causes the the moonless giant to rotate rapid . However, there is a chance that it can imbibe you up . There is actually a micro small particle that sucks anything near it . At this occasion it can’t . You can go as near as you want . At this point , the black hole is destroyed.

Quiz time !

is there a chance that it (Black hole) Can imbibe you up ?

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