Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist, short-story writer, journalist, and sportsman.





  • A Plumbing Nightmare

    Exposed: The Shocking Truth Behind Plumbing Prices! Unveiling the Future of Creativity: Pioneering Collaboration Between Human Ingenuity and AI Brilliance. AI and Human Synergy: Crafting the Blueprint for Fair Pricing in the Digital Age. This article is a collaboration between humans (AKA me) and AI experts. AI is great if you use it properly and…

  • AI Sex bots in Research and Film

    Here are some questions that are not generally thought about with AI. I also consulted Bing Co-pilot, Google Gemini, and Gab AI engines on these questions. Speaking of AI. I have been asking Gab AI about AI humanoid sexbots. I’ll bet you never even thought about that. Someone who can converse on any topic and…

  • Gab Explains AI In Simple Terms

    This is from an email today from – Gab Social, the creators of Gab AI | An Uncensored and Unbiased AI Platform, that explains AI. I also use Google Gemini and Microsoft Bing AI. “Over the past year, AI has exploded in innovation and popularity, but many people still have no idea what it…

  • Hope For All After Death

    Plot Summary Vimeo Preview Claude AI Summary: The text is a blog post that explores different spiritual and theological perspectives, including Christian inclusivism, hopeful universalism, and the Eastern church’s view of heaven and hell. It advocates learning from religious traditions and incorporating contemplative practices like mindfulness, yoga, and Zen into Christianity. The authors present themselves…

  • About Me

    SPECIALTY Retired former software manuals, case studies, white paper, content, direct response writer, Six Sigma Black belt; System Analyst/ Software Engineer; AI user, perpetual student. Randy Kemp – Carol Stream, Illinois USA, B2B Tech Copy, AA-College of Dupage, BA – Aurora University, MA-Norwich University | This short two-minute AI YouTube video will present my…

  • Native American Ceremonies

    Gab AI Summary: The text discusses the author’s experience with the Native American Two Feathers Medicine Clan, led by Duke Big Feather. The author participated in ceremonies involving peyote and ayahuasca, which are legal for the Native American community. The author also explores various spiritual practices and mystical experiences, such as the teachings of Don…

  • Alleged rich Chinese women romance Forex trading scammers.

    Gab AI Summary: The text discusses the author’s experience with an alleged Chinese woman from Singapore who tried to scam him through a romance and a Forex trading scheme. The author suspected the woman’s excessive display of wealth and insistence on using a specific trading platform. The author researched and discovered that the scam involved…

  • Catholic Dating Profile

    Introduce Yourself! I’m a complicated, intuitive thinker)/eclectic person with various talents. I dabble in French, Spanish, Chinese, and writing and active social media (i.e., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). I’m into wellness. Look at the Ideal Match Section, where I share my past soul wounds. I study religious faiths, cultures, and philosophies (i.e., meditation and spiritual healing)…

  • LinkedIn Copywriters International Rules

    This is the description and rules for the group at Copywriters International LinkedIn Group Group Description: What is copywriting? John Kennedy called it “salesmanship in print.” Wiki calls it “the use of words to promote a person, business, opinion, or idea.” For this group, we will define “copywriting” as “the art of written persuasion in…

  • LinkedIn Working Writers’ Rules

    This is the description and rules from the group at Working Writers LinkedIn Group Group Description This group fosters productive discussions among working writers from all backgrounds, regardless of experience, genre, or discipline. We define “working writers” as anyone who aspires or strives to profit from the written word. Working writers are encouraged to connect, network,…