Shelves Windows 8: Dell aims at the head of walk

Business – the manufacturer texan ré pè you qu’ he intends to make systè me d’ exploitation of Microsoft a pillar of its straté gie produced towards the companies, via in particular a range of shelves Windows 8.

Dell put much on supporting its activitA© on the segment Undertaken, has  the time on family PC and the shelves. With “We will be it  dA¨s the first day out of Windows 8 has” has in a maintenance on Bloomberg West TV.

In addition to the computers (desktop PC, portable, ultrabook), the manufacturer will propose A©galement a range of shelves Windows 8.

Strong demand of the companies for the shelves with Office

According to the owner of Dell, there is a strong demand on behalf of the companies for shelves on which can turn the Windows applications and in particular the Office software. A commercial argument on which it does count its?? to support to counter the percA©e?? who, according to a prA©vision of Forrester citA© by Bloomberg, would be on a rate of 10 billion dollars of sales to the companies this annA©e. What would explain also why Microsoft does not seem to want to carry has? ¦

Dell posts its intention to position like the leader of the segment of, but will continue has  to propose terminals under Android has assurA© Amit Midha, prA©sident it Asian branch. (Eureka Press)

June 1, 2012 at 11:38 am Leave a comment

Economic situation: 2012, one year difficult for the IT and the recession for the council

Figures – So overall the marché franç board of the services and software should record in 2012 a lé gè Re growth of 0,9% (+2,1% for Europe of l’ west), the cabinet CAP counts a r&amp of course; eacute; transfer for council IT. Only l' externalisation makes it possible to save appearances.

No the rA©cession for the marchA© of the software and services IT in 2012, as a whole. Ca?? is the prA©vision of the cabinet franA§ais CAP. For this annA©e, CAP counts thus on a growth of 0,9%, against 3,2% in 2011.

This only indicator total could let believe that joined CAP of tendency da?? IDC (+1,2%) and of Syntec NumA©rique (+1%). Not really if one takes account of the rA©partition of this growth between the activitA©s of this marchA© of the software and services in France.

FA©brilitA© in the budgets of the DSI

For the software, the cabinet prA©voit in 2012 a rise of 1% (NumA©rique and). On the other hand, Ca?? is well a rA©cession which is awaited by CAP in the field of council IT (- 1,4%) and of the services da?? intA©gration (- 0,9%).

has “Since the end of the last quarters 2011, we note a fA©brilitA© in the construction industry Des. the large diffA©rence with the annA©e passA©e is that the DSI are not by the extent of the crisis which had them amenA © S.A.  to cut maniA¨re a little ha? tive has” analysis thus Arnold Aumasson, senior vice-prA©sident of CAP.

Of their cA/tA©, IDC and Syntec NumA©rique A©taient more optimistic. IDC, which rA©dige the economic situation reports of the employers’ fA©dA©ration, has annoncA© as a fA©vrier that services IT should record +1,1% of growth this annA©e.

growth of the outsourcing mask problA¨mes of the conseilA 

A few months more tA/t, Syntec NumA©rique considered the growth of the council to him and of the services in 2012 has  +0,9%, and have  +1,1% for the council in technologies. Ca?? is in rA©alitA©?? outsourcing (infogA©rance, TMA, BPO…) which would owe attA©nuer the rA©cession of the total marchA© of the council &services IT in 2012, is often activitA©s traitA©es offshore (except France), with thus of possible consA©quences for.


This annA©e, CAP prA©voit thus a growth of 4,1% in?? outsourcing has?? a prA©vision has “trA¨s lA©gA¨rement. Has” has “the DSI are amenA © S.A.  infogA©rer more and more, especially on the level of the infrastructures of which?? exploitation requires a budget considA©rable if they are not externalisA©es has” additions Franck Nassah of CAP.

\#?? uncertainty A©conomique and the needs D `A©conomies are not spA©cific has  France. NA©anmoins da?? aprA¨s the cabinet, the marchA© franA§ais will less better draw its A©pingle from the play than our neighbors europA©ens. Is C `indeed a growth of 2,1% of the sector of the software and services which is awaited in 2012 in Europe of?? west, against only 0,9% in France.

May 30, 2012 at 5:39 am Leave a comment

Numerical at the school: a duty and an opportunity according to CNN

Opinion D `expert – In a report/ratio, the National council of the numé ric (CNNum) estimates that the numé ric is too little pré feels in l’ é stick and thus proposes d’ there remé dier by a governorship ré gionale and a common platform ré fé renç ant the resources numé ric pé dagogic.

The National council of numA©ric has bouclA© his consacrA© report/ratio has  the place of numA©ric has  ?? A©cole and with the possible tracks for its dA©veloppement. With the clA©: With “the numA©ric sorrow has  With? tre put at the service of?? With? stick. At”

CNN thus estimates qua?? does a junction have its?? to carry out between the teachers and the actors of numA©ric (in light suppliers of produitsa? ¦) to support?? rise of technologies in?? teaching. Syntec NumA©rique, in with the candidates, prA/ne D `elsewhere also one dA©ploiement accA©lA©rA© of the e-A©ducation.

BA©nA©fices pA©dagogic or profits for industry?

This has “junction has” owes thus dA©boucher on the best taken into account of the needs for the teachers and A©lA¨ves and more da?? investment in favour has “innovating numA©ric pA©dagogic resources. With”

\#?? rise of numA©ric has  ?? A©cole passes for CNN by a governorship rA©gionale more adaptA©e. With “Indeed?? A©clatement of the responsabilitA©s between the acadA©mies, in load of the pA©dagogy, and the territorial collectivitA©s which ensure the dA©penses in A©quipement and school handbooks, has  ?? origin many difficultA©s opA©rationnelles has” observes CNN.

How there remA©dier? By a voluntary mutualisation has “responsabilitA©s and means on the level rA©gional, between the local acadA©mies and collectivitA©s. With” an authority rA©gionale dA©finirait with A©tablissements the projects pA©dagogic numA©ric then would ensure opA©rationnelle management of it (setting in has? uvre jusqua?? With  maintenance).

Different great recommendation of CNN: the installation da?? a platform of rA©fA©rencement of the numA©ric pA©dagogic resources. Ca?? is-HAVe – to say? Does a software service dotA© have “da?? an search engine and collaboratives functions allowing the teachers to note the resources, and da?? A©changer comments and councils. With”

has “By giving better a visibilitA© to the resources identifiA©es by the teachers, such a tool would facilitate?? A©mergence da?? a marchA© for A©diteurs has” additions the CNN, of which are leaders da?? actors of the Web and of?? IT.

May 30, 2012 at 5:37 am Leave a comment

New iPad: already 2 has 3 weeks of time d& 039;

Technology – the premiè Re fourné E of deliverable shelves &worsen; to leave March 16 is dé j&worsen; é puisé E. In France, as in the United States, the purchasers must have patience 2 &worsen; 3 weeks.

Has “has new iPadA has” seems well left to beat
records of sale dA¨s its launching. 24 hours aprA¨s?? opening of
prA©commandes, the stock of modA¨les deliverable has  to leave March 16 is dA©jA  A©puisA©
did a little everywhere in the world and dA©lais them its?? lengthen.

In France for example,
for last Friday, all the versions of new the iPad have posted 2 has  3
weeks of dA©lai. Idem in Germany, in England and Switzerland, only countries
europA©ens oA? the shelf is for the moment available in prA©commande.

With? Tats-plain thought has? tre parcelled out better since the delivery date Na?? A©tA© dA©calA©e qua had?? with
March 19, but this Monday morning, the dA©lai is also passA© has  2 has  3 weeks. One awaits then qu `Apple
communicates (or not) on the sales figures of the first weekenda? ¦ (Eureka Press)

See also our gallery D `images

May 29, 2012 at 4:09 pm Leave a comment

an equivalent of the Kinect system soon in Android?

Technology – Google has dé posé a patent for a technology which transforms the camé ruffle d’ a Android terminal in systè me of dé tection of the movements.

Does Google have can-HAVe? tre trouvA© the technology which goes him
to allow possA©der a single advantage on its competitors. It its?? da acts?? one
interface for Android basA©e on the recognition of the movements.

MoneyWatch aA repA©rA©A a dA©pA/t of patent made public the week
derniA¨re which dA©crit a technology able to transform will camA©ra it da?? one
Android terminal in systA¨me of dA©tection of the movements. With?? application
contrA/ler would allow?? apparatus with gestures by dA©terminant speed has 
which they are exA©cutA©s for in dA©duire the da type?? action (to change da?? A©cran,
to make dA©filer text, to turn a pagea? ¦).

According to MoneyWatch, Google could
dA©cider da?? intA©grer this technology in Android or of the rA©server with
only smartphones and Motorola shelves. It could also its?? in being useful like
arms in the war with the patents which makes rage in empA? song Apple, Microsoft or
my? me RIM da?? accA©der has  this innovation. (Eureka Press)


May 29, 2012 at 4:07 pm Leave a comment

a novel member of Anonymous stopped in England

Legal – This hacker has dé robé a base of donné be containing the names of 10.000 names registered women &worsen; l’ é quivalent British family planning.

the British police force has procA©dA© has  ?? arrest of James Jeffery, a 27 years hacker militant anti-abortion and member revendiquA© of Anonymous.

the week derniA¨re on Twitter, it its?? A©tait vantA© da?? to have dA©robA© a base of donnA©es of 10. 000 names of women registered in British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS)?? A©quivalent of the family planning. The young man has expliquA© his gesture by his opposition has  ?? abortion pratiquA© by two people of her entourage.

Of sound cA/tA© the BPAS has indiquA© that the pirate Na?? had not had accA¨s with the personal informations and mA©dicales registered people. According to, following  its arrest, the hacker would have A©galement pointA© vulnA©rabilitA©s in the sites of the FBI, the CIA and the British Parliament. Justice has refusA© to him the libA©ration in bond. (Eureka Press)

May 17, 2012 at 7:04 pm Leave a comment

the cost of storage will increase for the companies

Technologie – If the rise in the prices of the hard drives destiné S with the large-public is dé j&worsen; effective, it should begin &worsen; l’ ê tre for the companies &worsen; to count January 2012. EMC comes thus d’ to inform its retailers whom the prices of its discs would increase by l’ order of 5 &worsen; 15% dè S on January 1. HP also goes ré to strike the rise of its coû ts d' provisioning. IBM ré the situation in January 2012 will evaluate.

Setting has  day: QuestionnA© by ZDNet. Fr, IBM affirms not to have for the moment augmentA© the prices of its products of storage in rA©action has  the pA©nurie of hard drives
# has “the floods in ThaA? moor have indeed touchA© some of the factories which supply IBM. Does that result in ©gers dA©lais of delivery, but nothing allows for?? moment da?? to anticipate an increase in price of the IBM discs, da?? as far as all the types of discs are not impactA©s. the situation will be rA©A©valuA©e in January 2012 has” to us rA©pond Big Blue.
# Of sound cA/tA©, NetApp A©vite with prA©caution the question of the prices, malgrA© our request da?? information on this exact point of its policy face has  the pA©nurie. With “We let us work A©troitement with our suppliers of hard drives to include/understand their efforts of rA©tablissement and sA©curiser our provisioning in order to rA©pondre has  our needs. With”
# has “On the basis of these efforts and of the prA©visions of the manufacturers of hard drives, we estimate that?? provisioning will be constrained has  short-term. We have processes places from there for rA©pondre at the critical orders and continue to concentrate us on the need satisfaction of our customers. Obviously, the situation is prone has  of A©volutions and we will continue to supervise it and will provide new information when we can it has” NetApp additions.

price increases of the hard drives, consA©cutives with the floods in ThaA? moor, Na?? will not assign only the private individuals has?? who since several weeks dA©jA  are confrontA © S.A.  da?? important increases.

One of the leading vendors of storage solutions has  do destination, EMC, come indeed da?? to inform the retailers of sound whom the prices of the hard drives would undergo an inflation has  to leave January 1, 2012.

All products EMC concernA©s

In transmitted has  its partners, and publiA© by, EMC explains procA©der has  a quarterly adjustment of the prices for its?? to align on?? increase in its coA” ts, absorbA©e by?? company in the 4th quarter.

EMC rA©percute thus rises in the prices of the hard drives appliquA©es by its suppliers. The manufacturer prA©cise that?? will increase concern?? together of its ranges. And invoices it will not be painless for the final customers.

Indeed, has  to count 1st quarter 2012, prices of the hard drives da?? EMC will record an increase ranging between 5% and 15%.

the customers must has? tre informA©s before January 1

has “MY? me if we will espA©rons that this increase will be only temporary, has  this stage we cannot prA©voir jusqua?? With  ?? flood in ThaA? will moor affect the price of the hard drives has” A©crit Gregg Ambulos, person in charge of the sales distributors da?? EMC.

has “Its?? you like it, will prA©parez your customers has …

May 17, 2012 at 3:40 pm Leave a comment

Windows Azure should accomodate virtual machines Linux

Technology – It would be a major turn for Microsoft: the possibilité d’ exé cuter of the persistent virtual machines, Windows or Linux, on Windows Blues &worsen; to count spring 2012. Microsoft does not confirm this information of ZDNet, qu’ a document interns é taye however.

According to information of ZDNet. COM, Microsoft should add a news fonctionnalitA© has  its Cloud platform: the possibilitA© da?? exA©cuter of the persistent virtual machines, Windows or Linux.

Among A©volutions apportA©es by?? Should A©ditor A©galement appear the possibilitA© da?? hA©berger SharePoint and SQL Server on Blue. But principal the nouveautA© would be well VM persistent has  to leave spring 2012.

a step moreover of PaaS towards IaaS

Microsoft would owe da?? elsewhere da?? here it  to launch a phase of test or Community Technology Preview (CTP) on this fonctionnalitA© next da?? Blue. Would this one come complA©ter the da?? Blue which makes it possible the companies to provide an image of systA¨me D `exploitation prA©configurA©e.

has “the administrators can be connected has  outdistance has  the virtual machine of each rA/le for opA©rer as of your? ches of maintenance and dA©pannage has” prA©cise Microsoft. But this fonctionnalitA© does limitations comprise, of which?? absence of persistence of the donnA©es.

Thus in case for example of redA©marrage of VM, the donnA©es stockA©es are lost. This gap has “one of the technical reasons for which you could not exA©cuter SharePoint on Azure VM rA/le has” explains has  ZDNet a Microsoft partner who wishes to keep?? anonymity.

InterrogA©, Microsoft Na?? does not have confirmA© this information. An internal document, the roadmap da?? Blues, that its?? is procurA© ZDNet, A©taye however the scA©nario da?? a intA©gration in 2012 of these nouveautA©s.

virtual Machine Linux: a request of the users D `Azure

That would translate an important turn for?? A©ditor who always has refusA©, malgrA© the requests of the customers, to support the persistent virtual machines on Azure, thus espA©rant to encourage them has  dA©velopper of the applications Blues.

the support of Linux on Windows Blues, trA¨s demandA© by the users according to sources of ZDNet, would not have? tre effective before the end of March and the launching of the phase of CTP of the new function of persistent VM.

This nouveautA© would allow has  Microsoft to approach competition, and in particular Amazon. , Fabrice Meillon, architect infrastructure of Microsoft France dA©clarait that A©diteur would go further towards?? IaaS, with the possibilitA© to rent vA©ritables virtual machines, as at Amazon.

May 17, 2012 at 3:39 pm Leave a comment

Storage in company: no the perceptible shortage for the moment

Analyzes – In dé cembre, several suppliers, whose HP, HDS and EMC have annoncé price increases &worsen; to count January 2012. But at the end of 2011, the pé nurie of hard drives has seems it é pargné companies, with dé alluvium of delivery inchangé S, this malgré sometimes alarmist speeches.

Will increase, will not increase? cA/tA© of the private individuals, the rise in the prices of the hard drives is trA¨s perceptible. Difficult nA©anmoins to say if this one rA©sulte rA©elles tensions on the provisioning, of the rise in the prices of the manufacturers, or simply of?? opportunism of certain actors (manufacturers, retailers and distributeursa? ¦).

In light, at the end of 2011, the pA©nurie of hard drives Na?? A©tait not obvious, except with through da?? a da effect?? anticipation rA©percutA© on the prices. The rA©sultats of Seagate in the 4th quarter allow its?? to question: a figure da?? businesses better qua?? waited and 47 million hard drives livrA©s. Seagate had annoncA© qua?? it would deliver 43 da million?? unitA©s. For 2012, the manufacturer S `waits my? has me  relatively stable prices. With more nothing to include/understand there…

normal Provisioning of 2011

If the effects of the pA©nurie owe apparaA®tre, it will be in 2012. Up to what point and in which form, difficult da?? to bring a rA©ponse. On the marchA© undertaken, the orders da?? infrastructures of storage have A©tA© honorA©es at the end of 2011 in any case.

the interrogations thus carry it  also plutA/t over 2012, with dA©jA effects  measurable. Increases in price are entrA©es in force on January 1 in several suppliers, of which HP and EMC.

has “the rise is also official at HDS and it lies between 5% and 15%. Concerning NetApp, us Na?? let us not have da?? information for the moment. As for  Does IBM, the prices catalogue aujourda?? today are inchangA©s. But plutA/t qua?? a raising of prices of the discs, we expect has  a reduction in the amount of the handing-over accordA©es has” comments on RA©gis Davesne, person in charge of SystA¨mes division and Stockage Enterprise Solutions at SCC.

In matiA¨re da?? provisioning, nothing has  to announce either in end da?? annA©e derniA¨re, nor for the whole dA©but 2012 according to my? me intA©grator. With “Us Na?? let us not have constatA© da?? lengthening of dA©lais, with orders in gA©nA©rale livrA©es under three weeks one month. I notice just longer waiting on one of our orders for discs fibre of 300 Go. But that does not translate therefore a pA©nurie has” remark RA©gis Davesne.

Of the companies which do not hustle their projects

On the marchA©, customers final and intA©grateurs can da?? elsewhere has? tre confrontA © S.A.  double talks with, da?? a cA/tA©, retailers encouraging their customers has  to place to the more tA/t their orders for his?? to ensure da?? With? tre livrA©s, and of?? other, of the actors who on the contrary rA©futent all difficultA© da?? provisioning.

has “You have two types of communication. Ja?? had for example the owner of storage at IBM which my?? affirmed not to meet any problA¨me, and?? other a commercial division of the partners who my?? encouraged has  to buy without delaying. All in all, the construct …

May 12, 2012 at 6:19 pm Leave a comment

Kodak about to place itself under the protection of the law on the bankruptcies

Business – L’ company centenary pré avoid &worsen; this é ventualité if she does not arrive &worsen; not &worsen; monnayer its wallet of 1.100 patents. Kodak employs 19.000 people.

Kodak is in the storm and could end up placing itself under the protection of Chapter 11 of the law amA©ricaine on the bankruptcies. Ca?? is what reports which Na?? did not obtain official confirmation.

Kodak would be prA©parA© has  this exit if da?? venture it does not arrive has  to sell its strong wallet of 1.100 patents. In a financial document publiA© in November?? company which employs 19.000 people had informed qua?? it was going to be found in suspension of payment.

To sell its patents to continue has  to live did #

In dA©but of week, the New York Stock Exchange prA©venait that the Kodak title could has? tre retirA© of quotation its?? it did not go up in the 6 months. ?? Kodak action is restA©e under the threshold of 1 dollars during 30 consA©cutifs days.

If?? company came has  to place itself under the protection of the law on the bankruptcies, the wallet of patents would be sold via enchA¨res encadrA©e by a court, and Kodak could continue has  to function and pay its invoices. (Eureka Press)

May 12, 2012 at 6:14 pm Leave a comment

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