
iHope International Touches 5,000 Lives in Trans Nzoia County with Successful Free Medical Camp

iHOPE International CEO, Amy Pajnik, has again lead a powerful delegation of 27 leading world Surgeons and obstetrics and gynecology medics from Argentina, Europe and America on the first Trans Nzoia Medical camp that has been going on at the Kitale District and Mt. Elgon Hospitals.

Amy Pajnik, CEO, US based iHope International and Dr. Norma Rae, Obsgyn, Director of Women Health, New Jersey, USA and iHope International Medical Camp Director / photo courtesy AlenMEDIA
The Trans Nzoia County Free iHope International Medical Camp in Kitale, Kenya

The Medical Camp that was flagged off by Trans Nzoia Senator Hon. Allan Chesang in Kitale on Monday and attended by Trans Nzoia County leading Health Officials triggered a partnership that not only saw thousands treated but also the handing over of iHope International Medical supplies and equipment donation worth $450,000.

Team iHope International Trans Nzoia Medical Camp
Dr. Norma Rae and Dr. Monica (Pharmacist) performing a myomectomy surgery to save a bleeding woman who has been suffering for 13 years and couldn’t afford surgery / photo courtesy iHope International

‘We thank iHope International for supporting our County with supplies and equipment and bringing in specialist medics to help our people. We shall be forever grateful with this partnership going forward’ – Senator Allan Chesang, Trans Nzoia County.

Senator Allan Chesang with Team iHope International in Kitale, Trans Nzoia County / photo courtesy iHope International

‘We are pleased to come back and bring healing to the people of Trans Nzoia County. This time round we are fortunate to have World Renowned Pediatric Surgeon, Dr. Dario Rodriguez Buzzon Cesar from Argentina and Dr. Norma Rae, US Obsgyn Consultant and Medical Camp Team Leader’ – Amy Pajnik, CEO iHope International.

The team of 27 medics who include Consultant Surgeons, General Surgeons, Pediatric Surgeons, internal medicine doctors, neo natal doctors, OBGYN, Anesthetic doctors and nurse specialist doctors have already conducted 57 successful surgeries and treated over 5,000 Kenyans from Trans Nzoia and it’s surrounding counties to date.

7 major surgeries were conducted yesterday with more 15 more expected to undergo life changing reconstructive surgeries today.

Leading the team of Obsgyns, who will also perform maternal deliveries and maternal child is Dr. Norma Rae, Obsgyn, Director of Women Health, New Jersey, USA, who has a passion for promoting women health in Africa.

‘We are glad to offer these life changing surgeries that will transform lives in Kenya’ – iHope International CEO Amy Pajnik.

Simon Walubengo from neighboring Bungoma County thanked the US doctors for helping him secure tumor free surgery for his granddaughter who has had the tumor on her face for 8 years. He was unable to get medical attention for her because of lack of funds.

Team iHope International when they donated medical supplies and equipment worth $400,000 to Usain Gishu County in November 2022 / picture courtesy AlenMEDIA

iHope International has conducted numerous medical camps in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Uganda, performing over 2,000 successful major surgeries so far. 

Each medical camp is supported by atleast 40 volunteer medics and iHope International staff

iHope International hopes to extend it’s Africa partnerships with the African Union, Governments and Private sector inorder to reach more people on the continent.


Could A Gov Sakaja/Badi Ali UDA Political Handshake Heal Nairobi?

In the wake of the hotly contested ongoing Ruling Party United Democratic Party (UDA) Nairobi polls, scheduled to climax with the election of top UDA party officials in the city, insider party sources reveal backend political jostling to ensure UDA remains dominant in Nairobi politics going forward.

Credible sources within the nascent but formidable UDA political party and a good number of grassroots players have hinted at an ‘unexpected political alliance’ between sitting Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja and seasoned city political player Badi Ali.

This alliance, pundits say, aims to shake the city’s political foundations to the core by engineering an outmaneuver plan to push for a collaboration that will see Gov Sakaja support Mr. Ali for the Nairobi Chairman’s seat and the latter support the flamboyant city Governor for National Party Position at the National Delegates Conference later in December this year.

A flurry of secret behind-the-scenes night meetings between the two camps are said to have been going on with the express silent permission of the two esterwhile gentlemen who are both in the race for the Nairobi UDA Chairman.

A recent independent Nairobi Chairman popularity poll showed Sakaja in pole position with 36.2% followed closely behind by the seasoned Nairobi politician Badi Ali with 32.5% and Embakasi North MP James Gakuya at a close 31.3% to Badi Ali.

If the loud whispers are to be believed and Gov Sakaja actually throws his weight behind a Badi Ali candidacy for the Chairman’s position, then the usually volatile Nairobi city cut throat politics could turn completely topsy-turvy Nairobi.

UDA, President William Ruto’s political vehicle that handed him a Supreme Court contested Presidential Election win, kicked off its national grassroots elections on the 26th of April 2024, with atleast 19,000 candidates offering themselves for grassroots to various party office positions across all the 47 counties in the country.

UDA National Elections Board chair Eng. Anthony Mwaura at a recent party presser / pic courtesy UDA Party Website

UDA National Elections Board chair Eng. Anthony Mwaura has recently said the party has put in place measures to deliver credible party elections that will see those elected at this level automatically become National Delegates and thus eligible to contest for national office positions at the National Delegates Conference later in the year.

UDA has rolled out a four-phase elections program to be conducted in all 47 counties, which culminates in the National Delegates Conference (NDC) to elect its national leaders, including the party leader.

UDA Party’s Constituency level elections for Phase One counties are on schedule after the National Election Board Chairman Eng. Anthony Mwaura oversaw the dispatchment of election materials to their respective constituencies.

It will be instrumental to see the outcome of this Sakaja Badi Ali newfound alliance.


RPP conducts Governance Training For Political Parties Officials

Governance Expert Barasa Nyukuri conducting a governance training seminar for registered political party officials | pic courtesy

RPP conducts Governance Training For Political Parties Officials

Bungoma based Governance expert Barasa Nyukuri conducting a Political Parties Leadership training seminar under the aegis of the office of the Registrar of Political Parties.

The 4 day seminar that brought together 98 National Executive Council members of the 90 registered political parties in Kenya was held at the Nokras Riverine Hotel in Muranga and attended by seminar host Ann Nderitu, the Registrar of Political Parties.

In a series of various governance training seminars,   the renowned and revered Nyukuri imparts good governance morals that aim to directly affect Transformative leadership in Kenya.

Participants were awarded with course certificates to verify their attendance in this important series of governance training sessions by the Registrars office.

Governance trainer Barasa Nyukuri with the seminar host Ann Nderitu, the Registrar of Political Parties in Kenya | pic courtesy


Will Businessman Lendrix Waswa Be Senator or MP in 2027?

Bungoma business mogul and politician Joseph Lendrix Waswa has this weekend held several wide ranging consultative meetings with important stakeholders in Webuye, Sirisia, Tongaren, Mt. Elgon, and Bungoma town to listen to wise counsel on which political direction to take in the future following his successful support of sitting Senator Wafula Wakoli’s campaign victory in the last elections.

Businessman Lendrix Waswa departs Webuye after a lengthy political consultative meeting over the weekend with various stakeholders / video courtesy Wamoto MBS

Mr Waswa, who is thought to be eyeing either the Senatorial seat or the Webuye West parliamentary seat, is said to have listened keenly to various supporters whom he is consulting widely to propel the Bungoma philanthropist for possible political office come 2027.

Accompanied by his spouse, political insiders, Ford Kenya stalwarts and business supporters, the flamboyant businessman traversed the region using a chopper that flew him back to Nairobi immediately after the whirlwind weekend tour.

Insiders intimate that Mr Waswa, a close Speaker of the National Assembly ally, who has been consolidating his business empire, with the latest launch of the MBS Security Nairobi Headquarters imminent, is scheduled to hold further consultations with top political honchos in Bungoma and Nairobi so as to help him arrive at a constructive political decision for the future.

Mr. Waswa shelves his Senatorial political ambitions in the last Senatorial elections after stepping down and throwing his financial and moral support in favor of the Party candidate Senator Wafula Wakoli, who trounced his competing field with a resounding victory for Ford Kenya.

It will be interesting to follow this developing matter that will certainly cause political ripples in the region whichever direction Mr Waswa decides to take.


Webuye Catholic Faithfuls Attend First Friday Way of The Cross Lent Mass

Webuye Parish Priest Rev Fr John Sulumeti today led hundreds of Webuye catholic faithful in kicking off the first Friday of the Way of the Cross – a 14 – step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ’s last day on Earth as a man – that sets off Lent, a solemn Christian religious observance in the liturgical year commemorating the 40 days Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan.

The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of Jesus’ last day, beginning with Christ’s condemnation.

Webuye Parish Priest Rev Fr John Sulumeti leading faithful in the fist Way of the Cross Mass today at Holy Trinity Catholic Church / AlenMedia™

At each station, faithfuls recall and meditate on a specific event from Christ’s last day. Specific prayers are recited as faithful move to the next station until all 14 are complete.

During the Lent period, Catholic faithful also meditate on a  Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops led Catholic Justice & Peace Department (CJPD) campaign that mobilizes people to align their actions with the guiding principle of socio-ecological change.

This year’s Catholic Lenten Campaign dubbed ‘Return to Integrity’ was launched at the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral of Embu Diocese by Archbishop Anthony Muheria on 9th February 2023.

Archbishop Muheria in his Homily called upon leaders at all levels in Kenya to nurture, integrity at a personal level.

Rev Fr Sulumeti passionately called upon Catholic faithful to diligently attend every Friday the Way of The Cross Masses preceding Good Friday in order to reflect on the great challenges Jesus experienced before His crucifixion and grow their spiritual relationship with God during Lent.


Evans Wafula Admonishes Bungoma Youth To Plant Trees

Olympia Wafula Foundation Kenya Chapter Chairman Evans Wafula at the Foundation Offices in Nairobi / picture courtesy

The Chairman of the Kenya Chapter of the Olympia-Wafula Foundation Evans Wafula has admonished young people in Bungoma to embrace the culture of planting trees as an ongoing ritual that goes beyond National Tree Planting Days.

Speaking in Mihuu Primary School while handing over sports equipment to Mihuu FC, the Nairobi based Human Rights Advocate and Media Development Expert pledged to donate 300 tree seedlings per Ward to youth groups in Webuye East for planting during the month of November.

‘We must train our young people on the responsibility of planting trees. Let us all protect our environment for posterity’ – Evans Wafula.

Through his foundation, the media guru promised to support the Kenya Kwanza efforts in planting trees in Kenya and Bungoma County.

A previous Olympia-Wafula Foundation function that donated a wheelchair to a deserving Kenyan / picture courtesy

The Olympia-Wafula Foundation, a social enterprise outfit that supports physically challenged the world over by donating wheelchairs, intends to expand its reach and encompass youth projects in especially the Western region of Kenya.

The Foundations official website says, ‘Our vision is to promote healthy living solutions for differently able and disadvantaged people with special emphasis on education and advocacy to empower and enrich their lives through social inclusion. This will be achieved though an exchange of experiences and ideas’ – http://www.olympia-wafulafoundation.org/about/



After a recent public political spat by Webuye West MP Hon. Dan Wanyama at his political nemesis Speaker Moses Wetangula who doubles up as Ford Kenya Party leader, over the UDA/Ford Kenya rivalry in Bungoma, many pundits have begun to write Dan Wanyama’s political obituary way before the 2027 poll.

Daring Speaker Wetangula to orchestrate the removal of UDA MCA’s in County Assembly Committees, the Webuye West legislator promised to retaliate by urging UDA MPs in the National Assembly to institute a vote of no confidence against him in the August House.

Keen Ford Kenya stalwarts led by the newly installed Party Secretary General and Tongaren MP Dr. John Murumba Chikati and the party’s Youth League quickly retaliated the Webuye West legislators tirades at the Party Supremo, quickly reminding Hon Wanyama that had it not been Wetangula’s personal intervention, he would have been floored by aspirant Kelly Walubengo in the forthcoming polls.

Hot on the heels of the back and forth tongue lashing from both camps, several names have already be mentioned as possible entrants into the Webuye West 2027 race to end Dan Wanyama’s reign as MP.

Hot favorite for the seat is current Ford Kenya Matulo Ward MCA Stephen Kaiser Simiyu affectionately known as Sonko whose successful development record in the Ward in the one short one year he has served speaks for itself.

Other serious names being mentioned include last elections runners up and US based businessman Kelly Walubengo, sitting youthful Ford Kenya fiery Sitikho Ward MCA Hon. Grace Sundukwa, and Bungoma businessman, philanthropist and last elections aspirant for Bungoma Senator Joseph Lendrix Waswa, often refered to as Chairman, who at the last minute decided to throw his political and financial weight in support of current Senator Hon. Wafula Wakoli.

It goes without saying that whoever bags the Ford Kenya nominations certificate will be the outright winner in that election, if all factors of Speaker Wetangula’s political influence today remains constant.

It’s will be a headache of immense proportions for the Party to choose who will fly the Party flag then and dislodge UDA’s hold on Webuye West following the Jubilee Party representation between 2017 and 2022.

All four Ford Kenya Party members will have to work overtime to catch the attention of the Party Leader whose not will certainly be the golden ticket into hallowed corridors of power in Bunge.

Besides the money factor that will be used to influence the nominations outcome, with Hon. Simiyu, Chairman Waswa and Walubengo starting from a privileged position, youth and women influence will play a crucial role in determining the Party nominations winner.

‘Whoever bags the Ford Kenya ticket stands the highest chance to bagging the Webuye West seat. Ford Kenya will ensure that in increases its current tally of four legislator positions in Bungoma County which include Tongaren (John Chikati), Kabuchai (Majimbo Kalasinga), Webuye East (Martin Pepela Wanyonyi) and Kanduyi (John Makali). This battle will be epic’ says Bungoma based political commentator Raphael Wanjala.

As the players dig in for a bruising fight, the Party might decide to opt for a boardroom conversation between the contenders and choose a hot favorite to fly the Party flag and limit friendly fire occasioned by bruising nomination processes.

If that is the route the Party might decide to take, who becomes the flag bearer will be an interesting matter to observe.


Bunge Men’s Basketball Team Emerges Champions

The Kenya National Assembly Men’s Basketball team, current champions of the just concluded A Multi-Sports Corporate Basketball Tournament organized by Impel Sports, presenting their winners trophy to Samuel Njoroge, the Clerk of the National Assembly.

Bunge Clerk Samuel Njoroge with the Bunge Basketball team tournament champs | pic courtesy

The team recently beat runners-up National Bank of Kenya in a hotly contested match that was played at Railways Training Institute in South B, Nairobi.

Bunge Basketball Team officials and players included Brian Ojamaa, the Patron of Chetambe Basketball Club based in Bungoma County, who reiterated that ‘we have been practicing hard every Tuesday and Thursday at the Nyayo National Stadium on ball works physical fitness and that is how we ended up Tournament champions!’

EALA Games

The team is currently in training for the upcoming EALA games that will be held in Rwanda later this year.

The Referees were:-
Chief Crew – Theophilus Okano
Umpire 1 – Collins Makewa
Match Commissioner – Emmanuel King


42 Mulembe Nation MPs to support and ratify the Lwandeti Declaration

For the first time in many moons, more than 42 National Assembly legislators, sitting Governs, Senators, MCAs and political opinion leaders from different political parties and persuasion congregate at Lwandeti, in Kakamega County, today, in what pundits opine will lead to a Lwandeti Declaration aimed at forging a singular Mulembe Nation political voice.

Following a successful political pact with President William Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) in the last election fronted by now Speaker of the National Assembly Rt Hon. Moses Masika Wetangula, PhD, the new show of political unity aims to consolidate the powerful Mulembe Nation vote and support the Ruto regime in 2027.

Rt. Hon. Moses Wetangula, PhD, Speaker of the National Assembly and Kenya Kwanza Principle / photo courtesy

Hosting today’s Lwandeti Declaration at Lugari DEB Primary School to raise funds for Education projects in Lugari constituency will be Kakamega Governor HE Fernandes Barasa (ODM) and Lugari MP Hon. Nabwera Nabii (ODM).

The Parliamentary Western MPs bipartisan caucus led by Jubilee Sirisia MP Hon. John Waluke, deputized by UDA Teso South MP Hon. Mary Emaase and fully supported by Ford Kenya Secretary General and Tongaren MP Hon. Dr. John Chikati, will bring together all the Azimio and Kenya Kwanza MPs from the 5 Western Counties (Bungoma, Kakamega, Busia, Vihiga and Trans Nzoia) to chart a common way of taking advantage of the position they hold in government through the Right Honorable Speaker and the Chief Prime Cabinet Secretary Rt. Hon. Musalia Mudavadi.

Western Kenya Parliamentary caucus Chair Hon. John Waluke and Vice Chair Hon. Mary Emaase / photo courtesy

‘We don’t want to leave anyone behind. We shall accommodate everyone into this noble idea. Soon you shall see former political enemies sharing a table with us and speaking in one voice for Mulembe Nation’ – Brian Ojamaa, Communications Director, Ford Kenya Party speaking to alenMEDIA.

The Lwandeti Declaration will seek to consolidate a single voice in pushing for the revival of stalled economic projects in the region that include the stalled and ailing Nzoia and Mumias Sugar factories, the ailing Panpaper Mills, the stalled Misikhu-Brigadier and the Musikoma – Buyofu roads, the upgrade of the Kitale, Bungoma, Kakamega airstrips, the Busia One Stop Border Post-Korinda road into a dual carriageway, the establishment of an export processing zone at Nasewa at a cost of Sh1 billion, the establishment of 20,000 acres for irrigation in Bunyala amoung many other stalled projects.

‘The Ruto government promised us 30% of government and clearly we have seen many of our sons and daughters absorbed into government positions. What we now want is for our stalled Mulembe Nation projects to be revived and completed’ – Mulembe Nation Azimio MP who wished to remain anonymous.

Ford Kenya Secretary General and Tongaren MP Dr. John Chikati (r) with Webuye East MP Hon. Martin Pepela at a past function / photo courtesy

‘We are waiting for the new financial year to begin so that if united and speaking in one voice, we shall bang the table and get the resources allocated to these projects made available and projects completed’ – Bungoma IT specialist Pius Walucho.

In what is seen as angling to position a more united corporate political front, most Mulembe Nation politicians positioning for reelection and elevation into higher positions in 2027, are betting on a Ford Kenya strong wave to sweep through Western in 2027.

Hon. Didmus Barasa, MP Kimilili Constituency / photo courtesy

Kimilili MP Hon. Didmus Barasa, who is positioning himself to inherit the Bungoma Gubernatorial seat from Gov. Ken Lusaka (Ford Kenya), has already hinted at dumping his UDA party and running on a Ford Kenya ticket in anticipation of the Wetangula impending political 2027 wave.

Respected political pundits have hinted at most legislators in 2027 running on Ford Kenya tickets to take advantage of the anticipated Speaker of the National Assembly’s huge political influence then.

Kenya Kwanza principals Prime Cabinet Secretary Rt. Hon. Musalia Mudavadi and Speaker of the National Assembly Rt. Hon. Moses Wetangula at a past function / photo courtesy

‘As our forefathers Masinde Muliro, Kijana Wamalwa trudged the treacherous and tough political terrain towards the House on the Hill, National Assembly Speaker Wetangula might be just that great Mulembe leader who will finally get the Mulembe Netion leading this great nation in the future.



Kapondi – Chemayiek Mt. Elgon Political Rivalry Halts Lendrix Waswa Championship Launch [AUDIO]

Local Mt. Elgon politics pitting MP Fred Kapondi and fiery political rival Allan Chemaiyek has reared its ugly head today resulting in the postponement of the much anticipated Joseph Lendrix Waswa County Soccer Championship launch today.

The launch function, which was slated for Kipsis Primary School grounds was abruptly postponed when war mongering MP Fred Kapondi threatened to unleash his dreaded Mt Elgon Defense Forces on participants, if the function, whose guests included his bitter rival Allan Chemaiyek, took off!

Kapondi seemingly irked by his bitter political rival Allan Chemaiyek being referred to as The People’s MP Mt Elgon in a corporate tournament poster, threatened tournament organisers and participants with dire consequences.

‘We took the tournament to Mt. Elgon because many Constituency youth complained that their region had been sidelined in our Soccer activities. For MP Kapondi to threaten innocent youth with harm, because of politics is, to say the least, very shameful’ – Chairman Lendrix Waswa speaking in a media interview earlier today.

Chairman Lendrix Waswa’s intervention call to MP Kapondi trying to diffuse the tension for the tournament to proceed, was met with vulgarities and obscenities from the not so honorable MP.

‘My attempt to understand what the problem is was met with abuses from Mheshimiwa. I think he should have atleast listened to me as the tournament sponsor in all fairness’ – Chairman Lendrix Waswa, while indefinitely suspending the tournament.

Tournament champions, 1st and 2nd runner-up winners will walk away with Kshs 1M, 500k and 250k in prize money in the festival billed to be the highest awarding privately sponsored Soccer Festival ever held in Bungoma County.

‘Our corporate sponsors have invested millions in preparing for this Championship and as much as we have hit a minor unfortunate snag, we shall have to find another venue and carry on with the festival’ – Chairman Lendrix Waswa.

The tournament Chief Guest Hon. Babu Owino regretted the turn of events saying politics should not be used to frustrate youth engaging in their favorite sports.

Top invited guests at the event included Trans Nzoia Senator Allan Chesang, Kapondi’s bitter rival Allan Chemaiyek, MCA legislators Stephen Simiyu Kaiser, Matulo Ward, Joan Kirong, Kapkateny Ward, Francis Chemion, Kaptama Ward, Franklin Simomtwo, Chebyuk Ward, Idd Chamawi, Maeni Ward, Martin Cheseto, Cheptais Ward, Milly Masungo, Misikhu Ward, Grace Sundukwa, Sitikho Ward, Maureen Katila, Nominated MCA, and Jacob Kasimwaka Majembe, 2022 Senate Aspirant.


MBS Security Scores Highly in Routine County Security Checkup

Top County Security personnel have congratulated MBS Security Chairman Lendrix Waswa for adhering to high quality security staff recruitment and training that conform to required industry standards.

In what is certainly to be a long term strategy of building Public Private Partnerships with the County Security teams, MBS Security Chairman Lendrix Waswa thanked the visiting security commanders for their professionalism.

‘We want our highly trained and professional staff to compliment the County Security teams in ensuring our people and their property is well protected. We have raised the corporate security standards which we want to maintain at all costs with the services and products we provide’ – Chairman Lendrix Waswa.

Chairman Lendrix Waswa emphasizing on MBS Security staff professionalism during the County Security team visit / photo courtesy

The routine work relations courtesy call involved staff pep talks, scrutiny of Good Conduct certificates for all security personnel, a Human Resource recruitment brief from management, dog inspection and health certificates and fire and safety drill inspection.

The new entrant in the security corporate world in Bungoma and it’s environs is well prepared to provide leadership in supporting the county security teams in managing current security challenges.

‘We shall partner with the County security agents to discharge our duties effectively’ – Isaiah Sakonyi, MBS Manager.

Chairman Lendrix Waswa in a group photo with serious MBS Security staff and section heads covering Bungoma sub county stations and section heads / photo courtesy

The security officials urged the county private security firms to constantly consult with county security teams whenever they were faced with complex security issues.

MBS Security is scheduled for a phase 2 recruitment process in the coming weeks, in a plan that aims at offering quality employment opportunities to many unemployed youth in the county and it’s environs.


Businessman Lendrix Waswa using Philanthropy to transform many lives in Bungoma

While it is popularly supposed that Philanthropy transfers money from the rich to the poor, this actually is not the case.

Chairman Lendrix Waswa at a Lendrix Waswa Football tournament in Bungoma accompanied by leading politicians / photo courtesy

The man who enjoys near cult political and social status in his Bungoma backyard promises to continue lifting the lives of the poor and under privileged as he expands his corporate interests to offer quality employment for thousands of livshoods across Kenya.

In the US, the world’s most philanthropic nation, barely a fifth of the money donated by big givers goes to the poor. Most of their philanthropic projects supports the arts, sports teams and other cultural pursuits, while half goes to education and healthcare.

One of the many Lendrix Waswa Education Bursary Foundation payments to thousands of students across the country / photo courtesy

In Bungoma County, Joseph Lendrix Waswa, an influential businessman, with vast business interests in hospitality, microfinance, and farming, is using the power of Philanthropy to influence lasting social change in Bungoma County.

‘When Lendrix Waswa Foundation lends support to the society, a ‘ripple effect’ takes place. Many lives are touched, potentially for generations. Philanthropy can be looked at as one of the cornerstones of a stable society.’ – Lendrix Waswa, Chairman, Melpa Group, and Lendrix Waswa Foundation.

Besides being a top employer in Bungoma County through his companies, the new age philanthropist has changed the lives of many residents.

Fondly refered to as Chairman, Lendrix Waswa through his Foundation, has supported thousands of Kenyans through education bursaries, helped offset countless medical bills for many poor people, support housing upgrades from mud houses to iron sheet roofed housing, sunk numerous boreholes to provide water, empowered small and medium women and youth enterprise and helped nurture sports talent through his Lendrix Waswa Football Foundation.

‘We are passionate about changing lives. Our philanthropy is focused on helping people and solving their problems over the long-term’ – Chairman Waswa.



Controversial Popular Pastor Ezekiel Odero arrested!

Popular but controversial Pastor Ezekiel Odero has been arrested and his New Life International Church closed indefinitely for what police say they are probing ‘his linkage with the controversial preacher, Paul Mackenzie of the Shakahola murders, who is currently in police custody.

‘This morning we have arrested Pastor Ezekiel Odero for allegations of the deaths that have been occurring at his premises and reported in various media institutions’ – Coast Regional Commissioner Rhodah Onyancha.

Coast Regional Commissioner Rhoda Onyancha / photo courtesy

Saying the authorities had taken the action to close the prayer centre, the Regional Commissioner noted that whatever was in the centre had been cleared out.

The exhumation of bodies in Mass Graves in Shakahola Kilifi County where rogue Pastor Paul Mackenzie is alleged to have buried his followers after starving them to death / photo courtesy

Confirming that 22 suspects believed to be Mackenzie’s accomplices had been arrested in a wide-ranging operation against rogue preachers linked to the Shakahola Forest deaths, Commissioner Onyancha said Pastor Ezekiel was being grilled at the DCI regional headquarters in Mombasa County.

Flamboyant Pastor Ezekiel Odero in a past overflow crusade / photo courtesy

The commissioner also stated that 22 suspects believed to be Mackenzie’s accomplices were also arrested in a wide-ranging operation against rogue preachers linked to the Shakahola Forest deaths.

Earlier, police visited Milele Funeral Home in Mavueni, Kilifi County – a morgue near Pastor Ezekiel’s church — and questioned the management on allegations of cult operations at the Coast.

The Milele funeral Home Chief executive officer, Johnson Amani Kea, affirmed that police had indeed interrogated his staff on the number of dead bodies the morgue collected from Pastor Ezekiel’s church.

‘We have given our statements to the police, in respect to that, as required by law. We have not lodged a complaint against Pastor Ezekiel. Police are just doing their investigations, period.’ – Milele Funeral Home CEO Amani Kea.



Didmus Barasa decries high rising insecurity in Kenya, asks for speedy investigations to solve murders

Following the April cold blooded murder of Kaptama clergyman Pastor David Sylvester Ngeiwa, Kimilili legislator Hon. Didmus Barasa has decried the insecurity incidents happening around the country.
‘I decry the rising insecurity in the country and ask the security forces and agencies to arrest the situation and protect life and property’ – Hon. Barasa

Allegedly shot in the stomach as he closed his shop, the thugs took off with an unknown amount of money, leaving the body of the badly wounded man of God sprawled on the ground.

Castigating the manner in which cleric Rev. Ngeiwa was killed, the legislator noted that it was nonsensical for the police to erect police roadblocks to harass Boda Boda riders but failed to protect Wananchi from bandits and thugs.

Safety is mandatory and not a privilege, he retorted as he assured residents that it was the governments duty to protect every citizen as they build the economy.

Accompanying the legislator was Kiminini OCPD John Onditi who challenged his Mt. Elgon police officers to heightens their security alertness in order to curb insecurity. 

‘Allowing such criminals to be on the loose is very risky. Insecurity in Mt. Elgon will encourage insecurity in the area and scare away potential investors’ – OCPD Onditi.

The apprehended suspects in the clerics murder / photo courtesy

Three suspects, Job Mosobin, Geoffrey Kimutai and Andrew Ngeiwa are in police custody following the gruesome cleric murder as investigations continue.



MBS Security Setting High Standards in the Security Industry in Bungoma

The latest entrant into the Bungoma County Security and Surveillance business – MBS Security – is already causing positive ripples, days after it’s magnificent launch at the corporates Bungoma Headquarters!

Following the pomp and pageantry launch, hosted by MBS Security Chairman, business mogul Joseph Lendrix Waswa and graced by Bungoma Woman Representative Hon. Catherine Wambilianga, tongues are already wagging at the high standards the company is already setting in the security sector.

MBS Security raising the bar in how the security industry is being managed in Bungoma

Months before launching, the groups Communications team has been on an all out Social Media PR campaign to promote the new brand.

Bungoma County Woman Representative Hon. Catherine Wambilianga gracing the MBS Security launch as Chief Guest and hosted by Chairman Joseph Lendrix Waswa

Offering mobile patrols and alarm systems, VIP protection services, private investigations and security backups, CCTV installation services, and it’s complex canine unit complete with breed dogs is already attracting business interest in Bungoma and it’s environs.

MBS Security Guards at a pass out parade during the corporate launch in Webuye | photo courtesy

‘We want to change how security and it’s components is handled in our region. Professionalism is what MBS Security will always offer. We have the capacity to handle the regions VIP security protection needs up to 1000 personnel on the ground! Our impact will be felt far and wide’ – Chairman Joseph Lendrix Waswa, speaking at the launch recently.

Businessman Joseph Lendrix Waswa, Chairman, MBS Security, a subsidiary of Melpa Group which he chairs | photo courtesy

MBS Security has set up an elaborate training and recruitment human resource system that will interview and employ qualified security personnel and guards to professionally service the industry’s needs in the coming future.

Highly trained MBS Security Guards

‘Our training structure is better than the rest and we shall set ourselves apart because of our professionalism’ – Isaiah Sakonyi, MBS Training Consultant

As the future unfolds for the new corporate in town, eyes and ears will be keenly glued to the rapid growth of MBS Security.



Wambilianga’s Bungoma GBV Program gets a Massive Funding Boost

A Gender Based Violence MOU agreement signed between the Kenyan and Finnish Governments in Bungoma today raises the hopes of strengthening prevention and responses of GBV cases in Bungoma.

Signing the landmark Kshs 700M bilateral program dubbed ‘Tutembee Pamoja‘ were Bungoma Governor HE Ken Lusaka and Finnish Ambassador to Kenya HE Pirkka Tapiola.

The three year program will focus on three counties – Bungoma, Samburu and Kilifi – in what will certainly boost Hon. Catherine Wambilianga’s long fight against the vice in the county she represents as elected Woman Representative.

Hon. Catherine Wambilianga, Bungoma Woman Rep and county GBV spearhead

‘We have had severe funding challenges to support our GBV programs in the county and I am elated that this great initiative will greatly change the GBV landscape in Bungoma’ – Hon. Wambilianga, Bungoma Woman Rep

Hon. Wambilianga shares a word with CS Aisha Jumwa at the MOU signing ceremony

‘Cases of Gender-based Violence are an embarrassment to us in leadership and we have committed to rally all troops to stop the menace’ – CS Aisha Jumwa

The program, which officially commences September 21st through August 2024, is designed to support the country’s systems, strategies, policies and plans at national and county levels to reduce GBV and other harmful practices.

Bungoma County selection was based on the unique GBV challenges and context, but more importantly, the goodwill demonstrated by the County GBV leadership under Bungoma Woman Rep Hon. Catherine Wambilianga.

Witnessing the event was Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action CS, Hon. Aisha Jumwa Katana, the Finnish delegation and Hon. Wambilianga’s GBV Bungoma office representatives.

alenMEDIA™ | pics courtesy of Wambilianga Communications


Hon. Wambilianga Issues Kshs 6.8M Bursaries Cheques to Students

Bungoma Woman Representative Catherine Wambilianga has today issued The National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) Bursary cheques worth Kshs 6.8M to 982 students drawn from 298 Schools in Bungoma.

Presiding over the Moi Girls High School, Kamusinga function attended by leading Bungoma legislators, Education stakeholders, county Heads of Schools and education practitioners, the legislator encouraged parents to consistently follow up on their children’s success in school.

‘The Kenya Kwanza government will continue to support our students through Bursary programs so that they complete their education with government support’ – Hon. Wambilianga

In attendance were host Ms. Joyce Mulinda, Principal Moi Girls High School Kamusinga, MCA’s Hon. Abraham Obama (Kamukuywa), Hon. Idd Chamawi (Maeni) and Hon. Christine Mukhingi (Kimilili).

Bursary beneficiaries at the NGAAF Bursary function today | pic courtesy Wambilianga Communications

‘My Personal Assistant went through struggles to pursue her education but despite the odds she succeeded and today is my PA. I want to encourage our students never to give up in the life’s dreams’ – Hon. Wambilianga.

Bursaries belong to bright students but now everyone wants a Bursary. We only want students who will excel in their studies to benefit from bursaries and not just anyone who will drop along the way’ – Hon. Abraham Obama, MCA, Kamukuywa Ward

Joyce Mulinda, Principal, Moi Girls High School, Kamusinga| pic courtesy Wambilianga Communications

The Bungoma Woman Rep called upon residents to keep off Maandamano and saying, ‘let our people keep off these demonstrations na Watu wetu waandamane kwenda Mashambani. Hii ndio msimu wa kupanda’ – Hon. Wambilianga.

Bursary beneficiaries at the NGAAF Bursary function today | pic courtesy Wambilianga Communications

The former Teacher and

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers

Hon. Wambilianga, a former teacher and current Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) senior national official, thanked area MCA’s for turning up in solidarity to attend and support her function.

alenMEDIA™ with additional reporting from Dan Barasa, Wambilianga Communications


Is Speaker Wetan’gula positioning Bungoma Businessman Lendrix Waswa for a massive political reward?

The elaborate Lendrix Waswa Soccer Festival climaxed this last Saturday in pomp, color and style.

Prominent Bungoma businessman and politician Chairman Lendrix Waswa graced the Pan Paper Stadium grounds occasion, surrounded by his elected legislator friends, MPs Hon. Didmus Barasa, (Kimilili), Hon. Martin Pepela Wanyonyi, (Webuye East) and celebrity Matulo MCA Hon. Steve Kaiser.

But it’s what was not said, as seen by the sitting arrangement on the VIP table, that spoke volumes!

Sitting to Chairman Waswa’s immediate right was his young son, followed by Melpa Group First Lady Mrs. Waswa and on his right sat Didmus, Investor and Steve Sonko.

It is instrumental to note that Waswa played a most pivotal role in the just concluded Bungoma Senatorial election, which saw him drop his bid and throw his massive financial and political weight behind Speaker Moses Wetangula’s favorite and successor, Ford Kenya candidate Senator Wafula Wakoli.

Chairman Lendrix Waswa with now Senator Wafula Wakoli on the Senatorial campaign trail, hours after shelving his Senatorial bid and accepting to throw his weight behind Senator Wakoli’s candidacy | courtesy alenMEDIA

Loud whispers that Waswa would be rewarded for this role, echoing louder murmurs that continue to ask why, to date, Chairman Lendrix has not yet been rewarded by the powers that be, continue to rise!

That major Bungoma Kenya Kwanza top flight political players would grace his function is worth noting! Would this be a pointer to bigger political things set to play for the Chairman in the future? Only time will tell.

Appreciating the quality of players at the tournament for their discipline and fortitude, the much loved philanthropist promised to upgrade the soccer festivals top players into mainstream football clubs in Kenya.

‘We will continue to support Youth empowerment activities in the county to alleviate unemployment as we continue to create life changing opportunities for many families in Bungoma’ – Chairman Lendrix Waswa

The winners trophies in the just concluded weekend Lendrix Waswa Soccer Festival held at Panpaper Grounds Webuye | courtesy Lendrix Waswa Communication Team

The guest legislators hailed Chairman Waswa as an avid social enterprise investor whose philanthropy had turned around the lives of many youths in Bungoma.

The tri-annual tournament, sponsored by Melpa Groups top corporate brands, microfinance lender Magnum Credit, the recently launched Bungoma based MBS Security and Makhese’s finest Mutengene Resort, rewarded winning teams with soccer incentives, trophies, training gear and cash prizes.




BUNGOMA Ford Kenya Chair and County Woman Rep Hon. Catherine Wambilianga has called on parents to restrain their children from participating in the planned weekly Azimio demonstrations for their own safety.

Hon. Catherine Wambilianga, Bungoma Woman Rep speaking to Catholic faithful during morning Mass at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Webuye / alenMEDIA™

‘Wazazi tuwahimize watoto wetu wasihudhurie hayo Maandamano. Maandamano sio suluhu ya matatizo yetu ya kiuchumi kama Wakenya. Mtoto wako akipata shida huko si ni wewe mzazi ndio utaumia?’ she asked.

She called on the Azimio brigade to follow laid down legislative channels in pushing for Parliamentary policies that keep the Kenya Kwanza government in check instead of calling for demonstrations.


US based iHope International Conducts Successful Trans Nzoia County Medical Camp

Following last year’s successful Uasin Gishu iHope International supported November 2022 Medical Camp, Trans Nzoia County is the beneficiary of the first camp this year.

US based iHope International has been camping in Kitale County’s District and Mt. Elgon Hospitals since Monday 20th February and has already conducted major surgeries on complicated facials, keloids and maternal child health consultancies that include child birth.

Leading the US European delegation of volunteer medics and top surgeons is US based Amy Pajnik, the CEO of iHope International.

‘We are pleased to come back and bring healing to the people of Trans Nzoia County. This time round we are fortunate to have World Renowned Pediatric Surgeon, Dr. Dario Rodriguez Buzzon Cesar from Argentina and Dr. Norma Rae, US Obsgyn Consultant and Medical Camp Team Leader’ – Amy Pajnik, CEO iHope International.

The many Trans Nzoia residents who attended the Medical Camp / photo courtesy iHope International

The team of 27 medics who include Consultant Surgeons, General Surgeons, Pediatric Surgeons, internal medicine doctors, neo natal doctors, OBGYN, Anesthetic doctors and nurse specialist doctors have already conducted 57 successful surgeries and treated over 5,000 Kenyans from Trans Nzoia and it’s surrounding counties to date.

Besides conducting the Medical Camp, iHope International has also donated to Trans Nzoia County government medical supplies and equipment worth $450,000.

World Renowned Pediatric Surgeon, Dr. Dario Rodriguez Buzzon Cesar from Argentina at the Medical Camp / photo courtesy iHope International

Equipment includes surgical equipment and instruments, portable ultrasound machines, lab consumables, optic eye glasses, and general medication supplies.

‘We thank iHope International for supporting our County with supplies and equipment and bringing in specialist medics to help our people. We shall be forever grateful with this partnership going forward – Senator Allan Chesang, Trans Nzoia County.

The 7 day med camp comes to a close tomorrow .

Team iHope International

iHope International is a US based non profit humanitarian organisation that provides free medical and healthcare services to needy communities around the world.


Distinguished Prof. George Magoha dies at 71

No Nonsense Former Education Cabinet Secretary George Albert Omore Magoha has died Tuesday at Nairobi Hospital following several massive cardiac arrests aged 71. 

His wife Dr Barbra Magoha confirmed the death and said the Professor of Surgery was rushed to hospital yesterday after falling ill.

A transformational tough-talking man, Prof. Magoha minced no words at mediocrity. He spoke his mind and made friends and foes in equal measure.

Mourning the late Educationist, President Ruto eulogised the Professor as a unique, gifted and great servant of Kenya, adding that he feels privileged to have known and worked with the former Education Cabinet Secretary.

‘Prof Magoha is a towering giant of our time, a great man who stood tall in the academy, where he excelled in learning, teaching and research, as well as in administration’ – President Ruto in a statement.

He led robust turnaround interventions at the University of Nairobi and the Kenya National Examinations Council. Throughout his tenure (as CS), he evinced a commitment to high standards in the public service and uncompromising integrity, the President added. 

His death comes hot on the heels of a Maseno University announcement that the revered Professor would be joining the institution as a professor of surgery at its School of Medicine.

The Magoha family has been struck by a double tragedy following the death of Prof. Magoha’s brother Prof Richard Nyabera Magoha, who was to be buried this Saturday after passing on in the US December 6, 2022. 

The distinguished scholar and medic has left an indelible mark in the Education and Surgery world in Kenya and around the world.

The former CS, former Vice Chancellor at the University of Nairobi and former Professor of Urological and Transplant Surgery at UoN’s College of Health Sciences is scheduled to be buried in his Kisumu County home.

He leaves a widow Dr. Barbara Magoha and son Dr. Micheal Magoha.

Rest in Peace Prof. Magoha.


Nakifuma Piggery in Maraka Ward to Change Lives, Create Employment for Youth [VIDEO]

In the sleepy village of interior PEFA Maraka Ward is a farm gem that will probably be the largest piggery operation in Bungoma and the region.

Projected to host upto 10,000 pigs at its peak, the joint venture between Kenya’s Melpha Farm Limited and Uganda’s largest piggery trading as Nakifuma Farm, the project will provide direct and indirect employment opportunities to thousands of Bungoma residents.

The making of Nakifuma Farm Kenya / courtesy AlenMEDIA

Nakifuma Farm Kenya, aims to host pigs living in luxurious conditions which include resting on expensive pads, feeding on special diets and drinking water directly through taps, like their pig friends in Nakifuma Uganda.

As construction at the 13 acre site progresses at electric speed, project Engineer David Nganga sets his sights at completing the project in a record 2 months flat.

‘The project will provide many advantages to Webuye residents and the larger Bungoma County. We will directly affect the Pig Feeds market and provide quality products for the markets around us’ – Joseph Lendrix, Chairman, Melpha Group that owns the  Nakifuma Farm Kenya franchise.

‘I am excited to hear about the project, which will certainly be a game changer in our region that has seen many industries and enterprises collapse because of poor management and slanted political interests’ – Andrew Obando, Bungoma resident.

So as Bungoma readies to sample choice and sumptuous pork from Nakifuma Farm Kenya, the possibility of Pig Farmers in Bungoma forming an association to fight for their competitive business advantages.

Farming Consultant Geoffrey Wafula sees the project as an opportunity to directly change nutritional food value from the traditional red meat to white meat.

‘Nakifuma Farm Kenya should offer training opportunities for smaller pig farming entrepreneurs to establish their farms to expand the pig farming market in Bungoma’ – Geoffrey Wafula, Farming Consultant.

Bungoma has roughly 35 piggeries at various capacity stages in the county. Nakifuma Farm Kenya hope to bring professionalism in the rearing of pigs in the region.


Melpa Farm partners with Nakifuma Farm to Breed Pigs on a Large Scale in Bungoma County

The conglomerate Nakifuma Farm based in Uganda and South Africa is finally being launched in Maraka Ward, Webuye East Sub county, Bungoma County, Kenya.

Operating under the MELPA FARM brand, the mega, scheduled to launch in March, will host more than 10,000 pigs at its peak, hence creating direct job opportunities to hundreds of Bungoma residents and opening opportunities for thousands of households in Bungoma.

“This project will change Webuye East and Bungoma forever. This is a great opportunity for us to revive our Agriculture sector and I call upon the County Government to create positive enabling environments for Agriculture to flourish “ , Joseph Lendrix Waswa, Project Founder and Chairman Melpa Group



‘Stolen’ Egyptian Mummy Returned from the US

An ancient 2.9 m (9.5 ft) long Egyptian sarcophagus known as the “Green Coffin”, stolen in 2008 from the Abu Sir necropolis in north Egypt by a global art trafficking network had been returned to Egypt.

The wooden sarcophagus that dates back to the Late Dynastic Period, which spanned 664BC to 332BC, belonged to a priest called Ankhenmaat, and was on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences, US, according to a BBC report.

While trying to stop trafficking of its priceless artifacts, the Egyptian government has managed to repatriate a massive 5,300 stolen artefacts returned to Egypt from across the world.

Smuggled through Germany into the United States in 2008, the ‘Green Coffin’ was handed over to Cairo officials by Daniel Rubinstein, the US charge d’affaires in Egypt.


Kenyan Genius IT Engineering Solutions for Private and Corporate Water & Electricity Projects

A Kenyan genius Electrical Engineer with IT training has designed a remarkable private Siemens Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for his marvelous homestead, that monitors his four water tank levels, automatically filling them up from a rain water harvesting reservoir or borehole.

The water level monitoring system installed with a Siemens Programmable Logic Controller digital unit that allows owners to remotely monitor and control water level activity / pic courtesy AlenMedia

The outright genius invention he built from scratch in one week can be operated manually or connected to the internet to enable remote monitoring and control from any other location within or outside his home via a web browser on his iPhone or computer.  It can be enhanced to be monitored from virtually anywhere if connected to the internet.

“If water level goes below the minimum, the system will switch on the reservoir service pump, if there is water in the rain water reservoir, and automatically switch to the borehole pump if the reservoir is empty” – Ben Mbinji, private Control panel water monitor inventor.

The Privately installed PLC with internet connection to monitor water levels digitally / pic courtesy AlenMedia

Shuttling between his Bungoma and Nairobi homes, the genius Engineer has designed similar control panels for some of his digitally savvy close friends with different design needs.

He has been involved in designing and modifying control systems for water and effluent treatment plants that run automatically and are monitored and controlled remotely if desired.

The software display on Ben’s iPhone / pic courtesy AlenMedia

Resident in a Bungoma residential area plagued by frequent electricity fluctuations, Mr. Mbinji has also designed for his countryside home what I call a ‘house guard’, (like a fridge or TV guard socket), a solution installed in his main power meter box that monitors voltage and protects all electrical equipment in his entire house – from the electric fence covering the entire perimeter compound, to fridges, computers, electric cookers, phones, internet routers, iron boxes, electric appliances; everything – from power fluctuations due to intermittent power outages.

“The days of us replacing especially security lights, failed tv, fridge, bulbs ever so often is long gone” Mbinji quips with a chuckle.

Specializing in designing digitally enabled solutions on personalized projects for clients looking for automation of plants, eg water treatment plants, private home water and electricity solutions, Mr. Mbinji develops personalized digital solutions for specific needs.

“Many people or corporates actually require these kinds of control solutions incorporating IT to run their operations, but the challenge is where to find the professional help they require. I will be glad to help design and implement these exciting premium solutions for interested clients” – Ben Mbinji.


[VIDEO] – MTM Rugby Director Victor Muniafu makes a case for why potential partners should support Rubgy in Bungoma County

MTM Webuye Rugby, a great opportunity for corporate sponsors / video courtesy AlenMedia

Mulembe Nation Caucus to Govt – Immediately Revive Stalled Projects in Mulembe Nation

In a rare show of unity and purpose, Western Kenya county Members of Parliament have challenged the national government to prioritize the revival of collapsed industries in the region and quickly set up new projects to benefit the region.

Speaking on behalf of the MPs under their Western Region Parliamentary Group Caucus, Secretary and Lugari MP Hon. Nabii Nabwera decried state of struggling projects in the region that include the Malakisi Ginnery, Webuye Panpaper, Mumias and Nzoia Sugar.

‘We are saddened by the fact that since their collapse, the government has gone silent over their revival. We are perturbed that no single effort has being made to revive them. We are tax payers hence the major shareholders in the country’s growth’ Hon. Nabii Nabwera.

With Western Kenya’s poor development hinged on these stalled or ailing projects, thus retrogressing against other counties, the MPs demanded that the government sets aside a budget to revive the ailing and stalled industries.

‘We are calling upon the government to distribute development projects equally to Western Region just like other regions. We are not children of a lesser god where promises are only made in bits and there are no tangible projects to be proud off’ – Hon. Nabii Nabwera

New water, agriculture, roads, energy and other projects that must be commenced in Western Kenya Counties to spur development in the region, the Caucus Secretary noted.

Caucus chairman and Sirisia MP John Waluke confirmed that the Caucus’ main aim was to unite all leaders and communities residing in Western Region.

‘We want to work as a team so that we unite and focus on a common goal. This unity will help us in pushing for appointments in government’ – Hon. Waluke.

Legislators present at the Kanduyi based Hunters Paradise Resort Press Conference included Bungoma County Women Rep Hon. Catherine Wambilianga, Kanduyi MP Hon. John Makali, Webuye East MP Hon. Martin Wanyonyi, Westlands MP Hon. Tim Wanyonyi, Bumula MP Hon. Jack Wamboka amoung others.

The caucus comprises of legislators drawn from the Western region counties of Kakamega, Vihiga, Busia, Bungoma and Trans Nzoia.


MTM Webuye Rugby Festival Hots Up In Chilly Webuye

The MTM Webuye Rugby 10’s entered it’s second day at the Webuye DEB grounds. Western Rugger enthusiasts defied the slight drizzle over Webuye skies and braved the chilly weather to support their teams.

30 teams drawn from Western region in three categories are fighting for pole position in the 12 year old tournament that has attracted 250 players.

Age grade and Women Rubgy matches were played at Matulo Airstrip Grounds. Webuye Spartans Academy, a scion of WRFC were the winners in under 12’s, with Bukembe Juniors finishing as runner-ups.

In the girls under 15 category, Misikhu walloped Namarambi 5 – 0 to emerge the category winner.

Vihiga ladies RFC beat Kabras ladies RFC 10 nil to emerge the winners.

Sixteen teams are participating in  today’s event with hit favorites being host Webuye RFC, Bukembe and Lugulu RFCs.

Webuye Rugby Chairman Jeff Khaoya Binki thanked KCB for their last minute support for the tournament.

Kikechi Kombo, KRU Development Director and Prof. Max Muniafu, MTM Patron exchanging ideas / pic courtesy AlenMedia

Bonny Salano, USIU Sports Director, who has attended all MTM Webuye Rugby tournaments from it’s inception was impressed with the turnout and called upon sponsors to support the Tournament, which he called the Best Age Grade Tournament in Kenya and the top 3 community festival in Africa after Livingstone Falls, Zambia and Kano in Nigeria.

Bonny Salamo, USIU Sports Director with Victor Muniafu, the tournaments Sports Director / pic courtesy AlenMedia

Tournament Director Victor Muniafu, a retired Kenya Rugby Football Union Referee encouraged Bungoma corporates to support Rugby because of the Rugby attraction to the middle and up market corporate sector.

The tournament ends tomorrow with the senior finals being the climax of the 3 day tournament.


Magnum Credit Microfinance Unveils Exciting Loan Products in the Kenyan Market

With commercial banks tightening loan request approvals, making it harder for borrowers to access credit, many middle and upper income earning Kenyans are slowly leaning to asset for finance lender in the market.

Loan against a Logbook, Shares, Import, Asset Finance, are words now being closely associated with Kenya’s current financial hard times and loan financing options.

Magnum Credit Offices in Nairobi / pic courtesy Magnum Credit

Coupled with the many existing and startup microfinance corporate establishments in the market, it is fast becoming necessary for Kenyans separate the wheat from the chaff while making individual or corporate important financing life changing decisions.

Recently launched and headquartered in the Nairobi concrete jungle is Magnum Credit, that have divestived into the crowded microfinancing financing world, offering Kenyans credibility, professional and word-of-honor financing options.

Team Magnum Credit ready and waiting to offer solutions to your loan requests / pic courtesy Magnum Credit

With your paperwork and loan requirements done – copy of Kenyan National ID, copy of KRA pin, passport size photos, 6 months Bank and MPESA Statements, no CRB check – the Lonrho House, Standard Street based new kid on the microfinancing block will give you 70% of your loan for a logbook, in 4 hours flat!

‘We also offer Education loans, loans against Share certificates, import and asset financing. What separates us from the rest of the crowd is our 4 hour turn around time between start of loan process to release of funds of loan facility. During hard times, we don’t want subject our clients to long and tedious guessing games’ – Miss Masika, General Manager, Magnum Credit

Besides the quick client loan disbursement period, Magnum Credit promises to offer better loans solutions than those offered by Banks and other Microfinance corporates in the market, will never do CRB background checks, ensure a smooth Magnum Credit customer service experience for all their clients,  customer service and guarantee more than flexible loan repayment arrangements with their clients.

Ready to serve

Magnum Credit looks to change the way the Kenyan microfinance playing field does business and deliver a quality customer experience that builds trust within it’s client base.

Ms. Masika, General Manager, Magnum Credit / pic courtesy Magnum Credit

‘As we build our customer base, we shall in time, bring our services closer to our clients by opening more branches across our counties and most of the major cities in Kenya that include Bungoma, Kisumu, Mombasa, Eldoret, Kisii, Machakos and Garissa’ – , Bonface Ndonj, Marketing Manager


Bungoma Makhese Maize Milling Plant Ground Breaking Set For January 2023

Small-scale maize milling in Kenya is certainly a profitable business opportunity for many entrepreneurs.

Small maize milling businesses have the potential to grow into large commercial mills fast, supplying not only locally but also regionally.

Set to joint the lucrative maize milling business controlled by 17 of Kenya’s top millers is Makhese Milling Ltd, to be based in Webuye East Constituency.

The plant, set to built on a 12 acre property in Makhese along the Webuye Kitale will roll out their flagship brand Ngumi Maize.

Makhese Maize Millers Chairman Lendrix Waswa inspecting the land on which the Milling plant will be built in Makhese, Bungoma / photo courtesy

Makhese Millers Chairman and Group CEO Joseph Waswa says the long overdue project will be a game changer in maize milling in Bungoma.

‘Besides milling maize, to help reduce the price of UNGA for our people, and offering other brands, we want to create employment for our young people. This is the real entrepreneurial spirit of the Bottom Up economic mantra of our President HE William Ruto’ – Joseph Lendrix Waswa, Chairman, Makhese Millers Limited.

The Ngumi brand manufacturer sets to join top millers in Kenya that include Capwell Industries Limited of the Soko Maize Meal and Amaize brands, United Maize Millers with a branch in Webuye that manufactures the Jambo Maize Meal brand, Unga Limited with it’s leading brand of sifted maize meal Jogoo, Pembe Flour Mills Limited, with its Pembe Maize Flour brand, conglomerate Mombasa Maize Millers with branches in Nairobi, Kisumu, Mombasa, Kitale and Nakuru manufacturing Ndovu maize brand, and Nairobi Flour Millers with their Jembe Maize Flour amoung others.

Flour is used to make ugali, Kenya’s staple food, consumed by 78 % of Kenya’s 48 million people. It’s also consumed as porridge.

As of 2018, the per capita consumption of maize in Kenya was 60 kgs, equivalent to 5kgs per person per month.

The company is set to directly employ atleast 200 staffers and create livelihoods for over 100,000 households in Bungoma.


Webuye RFC hosts the 12th Rugby Festival

For the 12th successive season, Webuye Rugby Football Club under the powerful hand of Kenya Rugby Legend Prof. Max Muniafu, presents the Webuye Ruby 10’s Festival, slated for Monday 26th to 28th December at the Webuye DEB grounds.

Upto 30 top flight Rugby teams from the Mulembe Nation will entertain Noel Season enthusiasts in Bungoma with scintillating rugger in three categories – Senior Men, Juniors and Girls.

Over the years the tournament has exposed some of the best Rugby talents in Kenya, who have gone ahead to shine at the global stage for Kenya Shujaa and Kenya Simba’s.

Some of these great names from the Mulembe Nation include Frank Wanyama, who won the MVP medallion twice, Dan Sikuta, the current Kenya Simba’s captain who turned out for the inaugural winners Ndalu RFC, Simon Muniafu, a notable figure on the famous Simba’s side that has won so many accolades across Africa, Steve and Sidney Muniafu, who have played their rugby beyond our borders, and not forgetting Yahya Hussein, Brian Songoi, Emanuel Silungi, Felix Wamocho, Elvis Namusasi, Tyson Maina, Steve Sakari, Byrum Mukhonyi , Arthur Oundo, Arcadius Kwesa, Alvin Otieno (Buffa), Bush Mwale and Shaaban Mohamed, just to mention a few.

Some teams have come from as far as Kapsara, Kapenguria while other teams like Butere, Ndalu, Kaburengo and Turbo have been committed participants from outside Bungoma County.

Teams from within the county have included Lugulu, Bukembe, Webuye, Misikhu, Maraka, Nalondo, Bokoli, Maliki, Kimilili, Milo and Chwele communities.


Is Businessman Lendrix Waswa Speaker Moses Wetangula’s new Blue Eyed Boy in Bungoma Politics?

A new political direction and season seems to have been silently unveiled in Bungoma following the just concluded Bungoma Senatorial by election which has seen David Wafula Wakoli, a National Assembly Speaker Rt. Hon. Moses Wetangula’s protégé and long time loyal Personal Assistant elected as Senator, in a high stakes but low voter turnout election.

The poll to replace two time Senator Moses Wetangula, the undisputed political leader in Bungoma politics, has seen a comparative shift of strategy on Ford Kenya’s traditional political machinations as compared to previous elections.
Unlike past Ford Kenya party primaries and Bungoma national elections that were often violent and volatile, the culmination of the 8th August General Elections, saw Ford Kenya candidates win 4 of the 9 Bungoma constituencies, in largely peaceful elections.

Lendrix Waswa greeting Speaker Moses Wetangula during the Senatorial campaign / pic courtesy

As Wetangula exits the Senate and stamps his political authority in Bungoma, to the chagrin of his Kenya Kwanza partners, United Democratic Alliance (UDA) and bitter rivals Democratic Action a Party of Kenya (DAPK), a new rising star in Bungoma politics has shown his hand as the Ford Kenya blue eyed boy, with the ear of the revered Party Leader Wetangula, fondly referred to as Papa We Roma.

Enter prominent Bungoma businessman with international business interests Joseph Lendrix Waswa, whose entry and interest in the Senatorial race started off on a high octane.

Lending Financier Consultant and Businessman Joseph Lendrix Waswa / pic courtesy Lendrix Foundation

When the Ford Kenya member and financier Waswa formally presented his real intention of running for the Senatorial seat, the immediate reaction on the ground was ecstatic!

Fondly referred to as Chairman by his near fanatical supporters, the son of Mayi Florence and Mzee Wilson Waswa of Malinda Yabekho village in Sirisia Constituency, promised a well oiled, policy-driven campaign that would reach and touch every corner of Bungoma.

Lendrix Waswa on the Bungoma Senatorial campaign trail / pic courtesy

Young people, his base, were excited. Party insiders grew jittery! Their Party Leaders anointed Senate candidate Wafula Wakoli, had suddenly faced direct competition for the Party Ticket from a monied insider of the Party.

His clearly well organized communication strategy and ground politicking immediately caused ripples across the county. His much-hyped Lendrix Waswa Soccer Festival, launched in his native Sirisia Constituency and thereafter held in Webuye East and West constituencies to drum up support for his bid didn’t help matters for not-monied Wakoli.

Political tongues and rumor mills worked overtime, with political pundits predicting a tough duel between Waswa, Wakoli and former Bumula legislator Mwambu Mabongah.

Who between Waswa and Wakoli would eventually get the Party Leaders attention, and ultimately bag the Party nomination certificate for the race raised the stakes to fever pitch levels.

Would Weta cave in to Waswa’s growing pressure to run on a Ford Kenya ticket and literally throw his preferred successor Wakoli under the bus or employ his underground negotiating and backend political schemes to rope in Waswa and any other real or imagined Wakoli competitor?

Lendrix Waswa’s Webuye based campaign Secretariat and Command Centre, opened smack in the middle of his Hundred of Thousands shillings per day Football Festival sent shivers to the Ford Kenya brigade, that saw a real intention to win the Senatorial seat. Then the political intrigues to rope and tame Waswa begun in earnest!

The Lendrix Waswa Football Festival Launch at the Lendrix Waswa Command Centre in Webuye / pic courtesy AlenMedia

High ranking Waswa handlers at the Command Centre started getting jittery about the ‘sudden disappearance’ of their candidate, with some intimating that ‘he was summoned by the Speaker to hold consultations that would lead to Chairman stepping down for Wakoli,’ intimated a Waswa close confidante.

As the Waswa campaign gained steam on especially social media, with constant and consistent brand designs and campaign messaging flooding WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook, the campaign candidate was conspicuously absent on the ground.

Speculation that Chairman would dump Ford Kenya and run as an independent became clearer when his promotional material dropped the ‘Green’ Ford Kenya colors and adopted Purple, Burgundy and sometimes Yellow on online promo material. The more Waswa remained silent, the more the political rumor mill worked overtime to spin endless narratives of how the well connected Waswa would eat Wakoli for breakfast in the impending election.

Then out of the blue, at a hurriedly convened Sunday mid morning Presser at his Command Centre, Lendrix Waswa confirmed what many had speculated and known – Weta had finally managed to convince Waswa to step down and support Wakoli for the Senate race!

Senate Aspirant Lendrix Waswa dropping his bid and throwing his weight behind Speaker Moses Wetangula’s protégé Wafula Wakoli / pic courtesy Steve Kaiser Foundation

The faces of Waswa’s supporters at the Presser bore a picture of defeat as the hopes they had in their candidate defeating the field came crushing before their very eyes!

‘After many meetings with our Party Leader, and after carefully listening to his wisdom as my father, I have decided to shelve my Senatorial ambitions and fully support my brother Wakoli for the Senatorial position’, came the crushing words, as Waswa pleased with his supporters to support an obviously enlightened Wakoli!

Matulo Ward MCA Steve Kaiser thanking Lendrix Waswa for stepping down for Wafula Wakoli / pic courtesy Steve Kaiser Foundation

Standing in solidarity with Waswa and Wakoli were Matulo Ward MCA Steve Kaiser, leading Ford Kenya Webuye honchos, and Waswa and Wakoli supporters.

The duo, with MCA Steve Kaiser in tow, immediately thereafter attended the finals of the Webuye West Lendrix Waswa Soccer Festival at Panpaper Grounds, where Waswa passionately explained his reasons for supporting Wakoli. And they bought into the idea, accepted and promised to deliver the vote!

Now Senator Elect Wafula Wakoli at the finals of the Lendrix Waswa Football Tournament immediately after Lendrix Waswa dropped his Senatorial bid in his favor / pic courtesy AlenMedia

As Parliament closed shop for the Christmas season, Wetangula amassed his political ground forces that would traverse the length and breathe of Bungoma and seal a convincing win for Wakoli.

Lendrix Waswa was immediately thrown into the very centre of that Ford Kenya brigade campaign team. Prominent names that comprised top flight Ford Kenya elected leaders like Bungoma Woman Rep and Ford Kenya Bungoma Chair Catherine Wambilianga, Tongaren, Kanduyi and Webuye East newbie Ford Kenya MP’s Dr. John Chikati, John Makali and Martin Wanyonyi Pepela respectively, Kabuchai legislator Majimbo Kalasinga, party elected and nominated MCAs, party machinery and political friends who included Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa and recent UDP defector Kelly Walubengo, who failed to capture the Webuye West seat in the 8th August election, went full throttle to ensure a Wakoli win.

Lendrix Waswa campaigning for Wafula Wakoli / pic courtesy Lendrix Foundation

A Campaign war chest was deployed with Waswa given the mandate to ensure the youth vote was locked across Bungoma. With military precision and razzmatazz, Waswa deployed his Team Lendix Waswa onto helicopters, caravans, 4×4 fuel guzzlers and vans to sell Wakoli day and night. Wherever he went, or stood to greet or mounted a podium to speak, Waswa drew large crowds from residents who wanted to meet the famous Lendrix wa Mutengene, who had refused to become their Senator. A well oiled campaign Waswa promised and delivered, with media in tow, wherever he and his candidate went!

In the Ford Kenya Senatorial campaign trail blitz and razzmatazz – choppers, 4x4s, caravans, all in the mix! / pic courtesy

With Speaker Wetangula seemingly opting to drive the campaign from the backend, with minimal attendance at well attended rallies, churches, fundraisers, and meetings, Waswa and the Ford Kenya brigade took the bull by the horns, and didn’t disappoint.

With an imminent Wakoli win, days before 8th December election day, social media was awash with Waswa’s one-after-the-other political rally pitstops with Wakoli in tow! The money flowed, the votes increased!

Aided by a low voter turnout, voter apathy and an organized mobilization team, Senator Elect Wafula Wakoli managed a convincing win with 66,032 votes, 20,125 votes more than UDAs Mwambu Mabonga’s 45,907 and 45,513 votes more than Azimio candidate Wafula Wamunyinyi’s with a paltry 20,519 votes!

Lendrix Waswa casting his vote at Yabekho Primary School polling centre in his native Sirisia Constituency / pic courtesy

With certainty, going forward, Lendrix Waswa’s political star will continue to ride and shine as his voice in Ford Kenya party matters roars! As his supporters clamor for a Waswa takeover of the Party from Speaker Wetangula, others opine that the suave Lending Finance Consultant, Hospitality Industry player and Bungoma high end Chicken Breeder is poised to be the power behind the Wetangula throne on important Party Policy and direction.

What remains to be seen is his capacity to maintain the high political octane he has started and his ability to keep riding this newly acquired wave!

Only time will tell!


MP Waluke Out on Bond; Which Way for Bungoma Senate Race?

Veteran Sirisia MP John Waluke’s release from incaseration on bond today, further complicates Kenya Kwanza’s chances of winning the 8th December Bungoma Senatorial race.

This critical moves comes in the wake of former Prime Minister and Azimio Presidential Candidate Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga adding his powerful voice to the Waluke saga and demanding his release.

With the Senatorial race political octane heightening, and an anticipated visit to Nzoia Sugar by Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi later today, all chips are lined to fall on the doorstep of veteran legislator Hon. Wafula Wamunyunyi, who has recently been vocal in urging residents to vote for an experienced Senator as opposed to rewarding sychophancy.

It will be interesting to see how Hon. Waluke weighs in on the Senatorial race with reliable sources on the ground hinting at a massive political rally slated for the weekend in Sirisia.

Scheduled to attend the Waluke Homecoming Rally in Sirisia will be Baba himself, Kanu Chairman Gideon Moi, Azimio Running mate Martha Karua, Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka, ODM Secretary General Senator Edwin Sifuna, amoung other Azimio leading lights.

John Waluke, who was, in June 2020, found guilty of defrauding the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) Sh297 million, was sentenced to a 67 year jail term.

Following his appeal of the sentence, a High Court upheld the same judgement, which led to him being locked up in Remand Prison, October 7, 2022.

The Sirisia Jubilee legislator, who has just been released on a Kshs 10M bond this morning, is expected to play an important role in the forthcoming Senator Elections.


IG Koome Reshuffles Top Nairobi Police Commanders

Following the rising insecurity in the country and wanton criminality that seems to go unabated, brand new Inspector General of Police has announced major Police Administration reshuffles that has affected top Police Commanders in Nairobi County.

Coming fast on the heels of Interior CS Prof. Kithure Kindiki’s no nonsense press conference yesterday, that literally send a warning message to marauding criminals and gangs in Nairobi and the country.

Former Central and Buru Buru OCPD Adamson Bungei succeeds James Mugera, as Nairobi County Commander, as Mugera heads to retirement.

Abdalla Komesha is the new Principle Deputy to the IGP while the Director of Operations is Boniface Maingi.

The new Deputy Director of Police Operations is Judy Lumet, the former Director, Child Protection Unit.

IGP Koome has given criminals a one month grace period to voluntarily surrender illegal firearms in their possession.

The tough talking new IGP, after holding consultations with Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja, promised tough action on criminal elements out to distabilise peace in the City.


Tandao TVs Robert Wanyonyi joins Reuters as Senior Reporter

London based new agency Reuters has recruited Western Kenya media owner Robert Wanyonyi as a roving East Africa and Central Africa reporter with immediate effect.

The Thomson Reuters Corporation owned agency has also signed a partnership working agreement with Tandao TV Kenya, who Robert Wanyonyi is the Founder and Director, to output Regional top stories for the leading international media house.

Reuters Headquarters in London

Some of the target assignments Robert Wanyonyi is expected to handle include coverage of the Tigray region hostilities between the TPLF and the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments, East Africa Community and Lake Region integration and geopolitical stories, and special coverage of sectarian and political stories in the Southern parts of Africa.

Robert Wanyonyi interviewing Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka in a past live show on Tandao TV / courtesy Tandao TV Kenya

Tandao Tv Kenya will also be the Western Kenya region Reuters franchisee and will broadcast Reuters news streams, broadcasts and programing.

Tandao TV Kenya, one of Western Kenya’s leading media house, is set to benefit from Reuters technical training for it’s staff and equipment and broadcast upgrade opportunities between the two entities.

Robert Wanyonyi on a CFi Feature Story assignment in Somalia, April 2022 / courtesy Tandao TV Kenya

Reuters reporter Robert Wanyonyi is scheduled to file stories on the Tigray conflict on 26th November in Addis Ababa, following a shaky peace deal that was signed by the warring factions Thursday last week.


IHOPE Twins Delivered Safely – MCH Free Med Camp in Uasin Gishu, Kenya

iHope Foundation Surgeons and Medics conducting a Free Medical Camp in Uasin Gishu county were excited to help 26 year old second time mother Margaret Wacera deliver her set of lovely twins – boys, delivered by Angela McDowell both New Jersey USA.

Nurse Angela McDowell with new mother Margaret Wacera / courtesy AlenMedia

The healthy boys weighing 2.2 and 2.8 kg respectively.

On hand to congratulate Mama Wacera was iHOPE Foundation Founder and CEO Amy Pajnik who gifted the new mum post natal medication and baby clothes and diapers.

Two other babies were delivered at the Burnt Forest District Hospital with a baby girl delivered via C Section.

‘iHope Foundation is bringing Hope to Humanity in Africa and the world. Our joy is to put a smile in the faces of every person who has experienced medical trauma’ – IHOPE Foundation CEO Amy Pajnik.

IHOPE Foundation CEO Amy Pajnik with happy patients / courtesy AlenMedia

The Medical Camp enters it’s 4th day today. 33 surgeries have been conducted so far with patients reaching over 1400 registering to see a doctor.


IHOPE Medical Camp Continues Saving Lives in Kenya – Massive Lymphomas, Fibroids, Tumors Removed, Complex Plastic, Reconstructive Surgery Performed – [VIDEO]

IHOPE Free Medical Camp testimonials. IHOPE Foundation – bringing Hope to Humanity

The IHOPE Foundation Free Medical Camp, that begun Sunday 30th October in Uasin Gishu County, Eldoret continues to draw the attention of Kenyans from all walks of life in their hundreds, finding hope and solutions for their complex medical conditions.

The Free Medical Camp, supported by top flight medics from Europe and the USA, and in collaborative partnership with the Uasin Gishu County Government, has to date successfully performed 33 complex surgeries and medical procedures that include plastic and reconstructive surgeries, lymphoma and tumor removals, ceaserian sections, facial reconstruction and fibroid removals (hysterectomy).

To date more than 1,400 patients have gone through the Burnt Forest District gates seeking treatment. So far the Free Med Camp triage has handled upto 500 cases with the remaining 900 on waiting lists for today and tomorrow when the Med Camp officially ends.

Dr. Rae with Lymphoma patient Irene Mogire / courtesy AlenMedia

Patients have thanked iHOPE doctors and the Uasin Gishu government of Gov. Jonathan Bii for conducting the med camp and requested that more camps are conducted in future to save more lives.

IHOPE Foundation Free Camp Medical Team / courtesy AlenMedia

Leading the medics are iHOPE Foundation Founder and CEO Amy Pajnik and Med Camp Medical Director Dr. Norma Rae, the Director of Women Health, Obstetrics and Gynecologist, New Jersey in USA. The team also includes world renowned Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Surgeons Dr. Thomas Kempny from Czech Republic and Austria’s respected Dr. Victoria Koenig.

Dr. Murimi Helping Save Lives at Save-A-Life Kenya – [VIDEO]

Dr. Joseph Murimi, Founder Save A Life

So in my current communications specialist assignment, i bump into this extra ordinary gentleman – Dr. Joseph Murimi, Founder and Director Save A Life – at the ongoing US iHOPE Foundation sponsored one week Medical Camp in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.

I admit I encounter and come across many many people in life’s journey, but very few truly impress me. The energy this man exuberates is simply infectious. In the midst of a difficult but successful Medical Camp, seeing all the trauma, pain, uncertainty, and hopelessness in the eyes of suffering men, women, children, this man’s faith in healing truly edifies my spirit!

Dr. Murimi, a former journalist turned medic, with a human touch, walks the length and breathe of Kenya, identifying people experiencing extreme medical conditions and cannot afford quality healthcare, and opening access for them to get free medical treatment.

A Save A Life patient from Nyanza who was enabled to travel to Uasin Gishu to attend the ongoing iHOPE Foundation Medical Camp / courtesy AlenMedia

His connection with iHOPE Foundation  CEO Amy Pajnik has seen 10 needy Kenyans prepped to recieve life changing surgery at the ongoing Uasin Gishu Burnt Forest District Hospital Medical camp, that was graced and recieved the attention of Governor Jonathan Bii and his entire Health sector apparatus.

I truly hope that I keep on bumping into many more humble, upright, positive energy, always smiling Kenyans/Humans like Dr. Murimi, a man of faith, a man of peace.

God bless you sir.


Uasin Gishu Governor Bii flags of US Medical Camp in Burnt Forest District Hospital

iHOPE Foundation CEO, Amy Pajnik, has today lead a powerful delegation of 15 leading world Surgeons and obstetrics and gynecology medics from Europe and America on the second day of Uasin Gishu Medical camp being held at the Level Four Burnt Forest District Hospital, Ainabkoi Sub County, in Uasin Gishu County.

Amy Pajnik, CEO iHOPE Foundation welcoming Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii to launch the Burnt Forest Level Four Hospital Medical Camp / courtesy AlenMedia

The Medical Camp that was today flagged off by Uasin Gishu Governor HE Jonathan Bii, who was accompanied by County top government officials led by the outgoing CECM for Health, Hon. Dr. Evelyne Rotich, and Chief Officer Health, Dr. Evans Kiprotich, will run for 7 days.

‘We must look for friends like iHOPE who have come to rescue us and give us hope. I thank Amy for her donation and promise her that these supplies and equipment shall be put to good use’ – HE Gov. Jonathan Bii

Gov Bii addressing Burnt Forest residents and iHOPE Foundation Medical Camp team / courtesy AlenMedia

World renowned Plastic and Reconstruction Surgeon Dr. Thomas Kempny from the Czech Republic leads the team of competent and highly respected Surgeons and Obsgyns.

World Renowned Plastic and Reconstruction Surgeon Dr. Thomas Kempny leading patient John Sikuku to the theatre for surgery / courtesy AlenMedia

7 major surgeries were conducted yesterday during the first day of the camp, with more 15 more expected to undergo life changing reconstructive surgeries today.

‘We thank the Governor for bringing the Medical camp to Burnt Forest. Please continue to support us so that our people get medical services – local elder Ndolo said.

Leading the team of Obsgyns, who will also perform maternal deliveries and maternal child is Dr. Norma Rae, Obsgyn, Director of Women Health, New Jersey, USA.

IHOPE medical team with Gov Bii / courtesy AlenMedia

IHOPE Foundation, a US based Charity Organisation also donated medical supplies and equipments to Uasin Gishu county worth $300,000 (approximately Kshs 36M).

‘We are glad to offer these life changing surgeries that will transform lives in Uasin Gishu County’ – CEO Amy Pajnik.

The Medical Supplies and Equipment

Governor Bii thanked iHOPE Foundation for the donation and requested that the team make annual medical visits to the County.

Isaiah Omwenga, a Kisii County resident who heard about the Medical Camp in Uasin Gishu travelled overnight and brought his 17 year old cousin Dennis Muchieka, who was suffering from a keloid on the ear.

IHOPE Foundation has conducted numerous medical camps in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Uganda, performing over 2,000 successful surgeries so far. 

Gov Bii blood pressure being measured. The man is fit as a fiddle / courtesy AlenMedia

Each medical camp is supported by atleast 40 volunteer medics and iHOPE Foundation staff

Gov Bii giving each US Surgeon a local Uasin Gishu name to the delight of Burnt Forest residents / courtesy AlenMedia

IHOPE Foundation hopes to extend it’s Africa partnerships with the African Union, Governments and Private sector inorder to reach more people on the continent.


US based Charity Organisation, IHOPE International launches Medical Camps in Uasin Gishu

Uasin Gishu Governor HE Jonathan Bii has this evening hosted a delegation of European and American volunteer medics and surgeons supported by American Charity Organisation, IHOPE International, that will be holding a 7 day medical camp in Eldoret County.

Speaking at a dinner he hosted for the medics tonight, the Governor, who was accompanied by top County CECs and government officials thanked CEO Amy Pajnik for bringing the Medical camp to Kenya and promised his administrations support in making the camp a success.

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii speaking to the surgeons and medics while welcoming them to Uasin Gishu for the medical camp / courtesy AlenMedia

‘We as a County aim to partner with you our friends in this noble venture that will literally save lives and add value to our people. God will bless you for this move’ – HE Governor Bii

15 specialist doctors and surgeons, who have today held 7 major surgeries on complicated facials, keloids and maternal child health consultancies that include child birth.

The IHOPE medical team with Uasin Gishu Governor HE Jonathan Bii / courtesy AlenMedia

The 7 day med camp will be held between Sunday 30th October through Saturday 3rd November at the Burnt Forest District Hospital.

IHOPE Organisation, is a US based non profit humanitarian organisation that provides free medical and healthcare services to needy communities around the world.

The organisation CEO, Amy, a Kenyan by birth, expressed her joy that this medical camp will save lives and bring hope to millions of Kenyans and Africans across the board.


DAPK Party Leader Wafula Wamunyinyi in the Bungoma Senate Race

DAPK Party Leader at the Bungoma Party Headquarters after joining the Bungoma Senatorial race

After months of complete silence, since his defeat as Kanduyi MP to Lawyer John Makali in the August Elections, Veteran Bungoma politician and Democratic Action Party of Kenya (DAPK) Party Leader Wafula Wamunyinyi has announced his entry into the now seemingly crowded Senatorial race.

The Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance candidates dream to replace his mentor and now political foe, Speaker Moses Wetangula is said to have the backing of Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta, both members of the powerful Azimio Coalition that also Wamunyinyi sits in.

Wamunyinyi joins the race to do battle with Kenya Kwanza’s Ford Kenya’s David Wafula Wakoli and UDA’s immediate former Bumula MP Mwambu Mabonga, Roots Party of Kenya’s Robert Situma, Jacob Machacha, with Security Analyst Enock Makokha, Raidon Munoko and Julius Masinde officially all gazetted as Independent Candidates.

Party Leader Wafula Wamunyinyi surrounded by Bungoma Party officials during his announcement to join the Senatorial Race / picture courtesy DAPK

It will be interesting to see how Wamunyinyi pulls off this December by election, coming hot on the heels of a dismal performance in Kanduyi and his open disdain for the Ford Kenya Party Leader and now National Assembly Speaker whom he intends to replace at the Senate.

The burly politician, who announced his Candidature surrounded by Bungoma DAPK Party stalwarts that included Party Chairman, David Muchele, Party Secretary General and immediate former Tongaren MP David Eseli and Bungoma Chairman Bishop Chris Makokha, MCAs Milly Masungo and Anthony Luseneka, promised to run an organized, effectively managed campaign that would propel him to win.

‘I bring on board my numerous years of political experience. Bungoma needs a Senator who is able to legislate, oversight and protect devolution. How will a Kenya Kwanza Senator oversight a Kenya Kwanza County led government? An Azimio candidate will be best place to ensure that resources are properly spent for the purposes they are intended for’ – Party Leader Wamunyinyi said today.

The December 8th by elections campaign period is expected to begin 11th November.

Independent Bungoma Senate Aspirant Makokha is All Systems Go for the December Election!

Tons of Hon. Enock Makokha Senatorial campaign promo material is currently at production stage in various printing houses in various secret locations.

Hot off the press…

Numerous posters, stickers, caps, reflector Jackets, aprons, and many other campaign materials are being churned out in preparation for Ground Zero distribution.

In readiness to bring about real development change in our Bungoma Mother County through the Senate, Independent Candidate Hon. Enock Opara Makokha and his strategists are spending sleepless nights, structuring a massive campaign onslaught that will see him sworn in by Senate Speaker Amason Kingi after the December 8th Senatorial elections to replace former Senator and current Speaker of National Assembly !


Kanduyi Residents Endorse Senate Aspirant Enoch Makokha – VIDEO 🎥

Residents of Lutungu, West Sangalo, Kanduyi, where Senator Aspirant Enoch Opara Makokha hails from have today endorsed the Security Experts candidacy in the forthcoming elections.

Lutungu Village residents support their sons bid to run for Senatorial office as an independent candidate in the forthcoming elections / video courtesy AlenMedia

The residents, many disputing local rumours being pedalled by political opponents that Hon. Makokha doesn’t have a home in the County, hailed him as a man of the people who has helped many less fortunate Lutungu residents through many charitable deeds.

‘This man was born here, has a wife and home here, and he is currently making plans to sink a huge borehole that will give us water in this village. Anyone saying he doesn’t have a home here is a complete liar’ – Patrick Situma, a neighbor and retired police officer said.

‘Enoch was born here and he has built us roads, paid for our children’s shook fees and when he is around, he never fails to invite us to his home and share food with us’ – Rosibeda, an immediate neighbor said.

Several residents wondered why all powerful leaders all come from Kabuchai and proposed that Makokha be supported to raise the profile of Kanduyi.

‘Former Senator and current Speaker Moses Wetangula, Bungoma Woman Representative Catherine Wambilianga and former Governor Wycliffe Wangamati all hail from Kabuchai. It’s time to support our son to become the next Senator. He deserves it’ – Bernard Juma, a Boda Boda rider around Lutungu Primary School said. 

‘We don’t have proper medical facilities. With Makokha as Senator, we shall have proper medical facilities.’ – Betty Wafula, Mama Boi

Independent candidate Enoch Makokha has shown intention to capture the seat that fell vacant following the elevation of Speaker Wetangula to high office.

The 39 year old Makokha promises greater County Oversight, legislation and representation and says he will keep the current County Government in check, inorder to deliver development to the people of Bungoma.

The Nairobi based Eastern and Central Interpol Security expert and consultant is scheduled to hold high level stakeholder meetings with supporters to officially declare his political plan and get their official endorsement.

Makokha’s entry into the now crowded Senatorial race is already eliciting excitement and causing ripples across the nine subcounties in Bungoma.


Speaker Wetangula Finally Rewards Chiveli for Party Loyalty after Tongaren Youths Demand for His Reward

Loyalty coupled with Tongaren citizen anger finally paid when National Assembly Speaker Rt. Hon. Moses Wetangula appointed Ford Kenya Youth Leader Williams Chiveli, Director of Research in the Speakers Office.

The Tongaren avid youth mobilizers supporters caused a spirited online stir demanding the Speaker, Governor, Member of Parliament and Party to award him a county position in the Lusaka Administration, for his loyalty following the young man being left out on the County nominations.

Chiveli, a Kibabii University alumni and holder of a Bachelors in Education, Arts, Kiswahili and Religion, couldn’t hide his joy and praise to Mr. Speaker Sir for the appointment.

‘I have always believed in the Party, my Party Leaders and my MP, Dr. John Chikati, and this appointment is enough evidence that our leaders listen to the youth and are ready to stand with us – Williams Chiveli.

Speaker Wetangula is believed to have contributed largely to the Youth Leaders university education and supported his bid to contest and win the University students president position in Kibabii University in 2018.

Chiveli has since his College days heavily invested in Party Youth activities in the County and this trust has earned him a soft spot for the top and mighty in the Party rank and file.

AlenMedia congratulates Mr. Chiveli in his new Appointment.


Kanduyi Residents Endorse Senate Aspirant Enoch Makokha

Residents of Lutungu Village, West Sangalo Ward in Kanduyi Constituency where Senator Aspirant Enoch Opara Makokha hails from on Tuesday endorsed the Security Experts candidacy in the forthcoming elections.

Hon. Enoch Makokha home in Lutungu, West San’galo, Kanduyi Constituency / photo AlenMedia

The residents, many disputing local rumours being pedalled by political opponents that Hon. Makokha doesn’t have a home in the County, hailed him as a man of the people who has helped many less fortunate Lutungu residents through many charitable deeds.

Patrick Situma, Lutungu resident / photo AlenMedia

‘This man was born here, has a wife and home here, and he is currently making plans to sink a huge borehole that will give us water in this village. Anyone saying he doesn’t have a home here is a complete liar’ – Patrick Situma, a neighbor and retired police officer said.

‘Enoch was born here and he has built us roads, paid for our children’s school fees and when he is around, he never fails to invite us to his home and share food with us’ – Rosibeda, an immediate neighbor said.

Several residents wondered why all powerful leaders all come from Kabuchai and proposed that Makokha be supported to raise the profile of Kanduyi.

Betty Wafula, Lutungu resident and Enoch Makokha supporter / photo AlenMedia

‘Former Senator and current Speaker Moses Wetangula, Bungoma Woman Representative Catherine Wambilianga and former Governor Wycliffe Wangamati all hail from Kabuchai. It’s time to support our son to become the next Senator. He deserves it’ – Bernard Juma, a Boda Boda rider around Lutungu Primary School said. 

Bernard Juma, Boda Boda rider, Lutungu, Kanduyi

‘We don’t have proper medical facilities. With Makokha as Senator, we shall have proper medical facilities.’ – Betty Wafula, Mama Boi

Independent candidate Enoch Makokha has shown intention to capture the seat that fell vacant following the elevation of Speaker Wetangula to high office.

Hon. Enoch Makokha, Independent Candidate, Bungoma Senatorial Election / photo Enock Makokha

The 39 year old Makokha promises greater County Oversight, legislation and representation and says he will keep the current County Government in check, inorder to deliver development to the people of Bungoma.

The Nairobi based Eastern and Central Africa International Police expert and consultant, is scheduled to hold high level stakeholder meetings with supporters to officially declare his political plan and get their official endorsement.

Makokha’s entry into the now crowded Senatorial race is already eliciting excitement and causing ripples across the nine subcounties in Bungoma.


Senator Election: Wajackoyah hands Robert Sifuna Roots Party Direct Ticket

Roots Party Leader and 2022 Presidential Candidate Prof. George Wajackoyah has handed a direct nomination ticket to youthful Bungoma politician Robert Sifuna for the forthcoming Senatorial By Election slated for December.

The flamboyant Party Leader promised his Party and personal support to the candidate and asked him to deliver quality representation and oversight when he wins the elections.

The Bungoma Senate seat fell vacant early September with the Senator Moses Wetangula being elected Speaker of the National Assembly.

The seat, which has attracted great interest and political intrigues from various candidates and parties, is believed will revert to Ford Kenya, through Wafula Wakoli, a long time aide of Speaker Wetangula, who is seen to have the Speaker and the Party’s blessings!

Other high profile contenders for the seat are Mwambu Mabonga via UDA, Jacob Machacha via an Azimio Coalition Party and Rev Herman Kasili via UDP.

Bungoma businessman Lendrix Waswa dropped his bid Sunday in favor of Wafula Wakoli, the Ford Kenya candidate, days after political intrigues that preceded the announcement.


Breaking: Rishi Sunak is Britain’s next Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak, 42, becomes Britain’s new Prime Minister and the Conservative Party’s new leader, the third in under a year.

This follows his win after securing the backing of 100 Conservative lawmakers.

The former Boris Johnson Finance Minister is scheduled to be named Prime Minister after which he will visit the King and formally request to form Government.

Sunak replaces six week old ex Prime Minister Liz Truss who was forced to resign after she launched an economic programme that triggered turmoil on financial markets.

source: Sky News

Bungoma Senator Aspirant Wafula Wakoli promises to fight for Bungoma Youth job rights

Bungoma Senate Aspirant Hon. Wafula Wakoli speaking to Webuye residents at the finals of the Joseph Lendrix Waswa Soccer Festival / video courtesy AlenMedia

Bungoma Ford Kenya Senator Aspirant Wafula Wakoli has promised to fight for the youth of the county to protect their job interests in the County.

Speaking at the finals of the Joseph Lendrix Waswa Webuye East Soccer Festival, Sunday, the politician wondered why local job positions would be given to youth outside the jurisdiction.

He promised to elevate their positions and ensure that work meant for locals remained for local residents.

Compel FC emerged the winners of the Soccer Festival after stopping Muji FC in a post match penalty shootout after the score settled at a one all draw.

Compel FC emerge Champions of the Joseph Lendrix Waswa Webuye East Soccer Festival / courtesy AlenMedia

In attendance was the Tournament Sponsor, Businessman Lendrix Waswa, Matulo MCA Hon. Steve Kaiser, and Ford Kenya Officials who had accompanied Hon. Wakoli to the finals.

IMHO: Lendrix Waswa in the wider Wetangula – Ford Kenya Political Equation

In My Humble Opinion:

Lendrix Waswa with Bungoma Senator Candidate Wafula Wakoli, Matulo MCA Steve Kaiser and Bungoma Ford Kenya officials attending the Joseph Waswa Webuye East Soccer Finals soon after Lendrix dropped his bid for Senator / pic courtesy AlenMedia

For those saying that Bungoma businessman Joseph Lendrix Waswa was a non starter in the Bungoma Senatorial race are completely obnoxious!

For any serious Party politician to try and court Waswa into their corner as a front runner in what is an important election race in Bungoma, in the wider Moses Wetangula national political matrix, is an enough pointer to the fact the Lendrix Waswa actually posed a serious political threat to Ford Kenya Senatorial Candidate Wafula Wakoli.

That Papa Wa Roma and leading Ford Kenya Party stalwarts, for weeks held numerous andakava meetings with Lendrix and his people, trying to persuade him to drop his bid, is enough to tell you the man was feared!

Bungoma Senator Candidate Wafula Wakoli gracing the Joseph Lendrix Waswa Soccer Festival in Webuye, soon after Lendrix dropped his bid to run and choose to support him / pic courtesy #AlenMedia

For those in the know, the Makhese based businessman, with wide interests in chicken farming, the real estate, logistics, entertainment and hospitality industry, and a close associate of the Speaker, had put together a financial and human resource political war chest and was serious and ready to mount a well oiled campaign to win the Senatorial seat.

Lendrix Waswa speaking to the finalists of his Joseph Lendrix Waswa Soccer Festival in Webuye / pic courtesy #AlenMedia

You don’t go spending millions of shillings to put together a Soccer Tournament (hire referees, buy uniforms and sports equipment for all the teams in the tournament, hire grounds, spend on publicity and logistics etc), in all the 9 Bungoma Constituencies, rent and set up a fully fledged Campaign Command Centre and Secretariat, (the Joseph Lendrix Command Centre), hire campaign strategists and put bloggers on a daily payroll, spend serious resources on printing promotional material, buying guzzlers, campaign vehicles, mounting top of the range Public Address systems of two landrovers, if you are not serious about running for political office!

Privy to the many strategy meetings the man held to orchestrate this massive Senatorial campaign, Lendrix was absolutely sure in his mind to marshall a good percentage of Bungoma youth, women and pockets of electorates in Sirisia, Webuye East and West, Mt. Elgon, Tongaren and Bumula to bag the seat.

It is instrumental to note that the businessman, who has in numerous occasions funded Ford Kenya political operations in Bungoma, would have considered this option, when respecting the wishes of the Party Leader and top officials in shelving his ambition for Wakoli.

A Lendrix Waswa candidacy, would have massively wounded his beloved Ford Kenya and left many casualties in the aftermath of the campaign, some opine.

Businessman Joseph Lendrix Waswa / pic courtesy Lendrix Waswa Communications

For sure, with this decision of succumbing to pressure to step down for Wafula Wakoli, Mr. Waswa’s political future is secured and you can take it to the bank that when a political opportunity presents in the future in Bungoma, you can bet that, then, Mr. Speaker Sir will remember Joseph Lendrix Waswa loyalty, as he has remembered his long serving loyal Personal Assistant Wafula Wakoli, and literally scattered the field to fight his battles, and clear the path for him (Lendrix)!

As day follows night, Speaker Moses Wetangula, indeed, struts the Bungoma and National Politics like a collosus and anyone going against the grain will face his wrath, and be defeated!

Rt. Hon. Moses Wetangula’, Speaker, National Assembly / pic courtesy

If you go against Wetangula, you are going against Government’, Lendrix was quoted at the finals of his Joseph Lendrix Waswa Webuye East Soccer Festival Finals in Webuye’s PanPaper Stadium!

If Moses Wetangula managed to silence his political critics in the just concluded elections, when he was OUT OF GOVERNMENT, you can imagine what he will do to his real and imagined opponents, now that he is Speaker of The National Assembly, a co Principal to the President of the Republic of Kenya and Third in Command in the Republic!

Ford Kenya Defacto Party Leader and Speaker of the National Assembly Rt. Hon. Moses Masika Wetangula / pic courtesy

The man is literally unstoppable!

In my honest opinion, Weta is scheming for 2027 and will ruthlessly crush any opposition to make that path clear. All you need to do is rewatch the just concluded Cabinet Secretary Vetting process and understand how powerful the man currently is!

Ford Kenya is the rebranded Lion that in due time will be a political monster to outmatch United Democratic Alliance (UDA) in larger Western Kenya in the future.

As we watch the unfolding events with bated breathe, let us also brace for bruising political battles with Ford Kenya as various leading lights in the Party begin to fight for and consolidate their political positions and turfs.


Hon. Martin Wanyonyi Pepela, MP, Webuye East, Bungoma County / pic courtesy

In my parting shot, please keep an keen eye on the fast rising Webuye East MP Martin Pepela Wanyonyi aka Investor, whose rising fortunes may see him elevated into the Party Top Structures as Ford Kenya rebrands and repositions it’s fortunes.


Hon. Lendrix Waswa Shelves Senatorial Ambitions For Wafula Wakoli

Leading Bungoma businessman and prominent aspirant for the impending Bungoma Senatorial Election Joseph Lendrix Waswa has this afternoon shelves his political ambition for the seat and thrown his weight for the Ford Kenya candidate and long serving Party Leader and current Speaker of the National Assembly, the Right Honorable Moses Wetangula’s trusted personal assistant David Wafula Wakoli.

Following weeks of political intrigues that literally saw every weighty political player in Bungoma courting Waswa, it is instrumental to note that the powerful Wetangula has finally had his way in convincing Waswa to drop his bid and support his preferred candidate Wakoli.

Thanking Lendrix Waswa at a Press Briefing at the Joseph Lendrix Command Centre in Webuye, Matulo Ford Kenya MCA Hon. Steve Kaiser accompanied by top local party officials and Waswa supported, expressed his delight that Waswa had made his poignant decision and called his supporters to support the Party secure the December by election with a resounding win.

Lendrix Waswa promised to mobilise support for aspirant Wakoli and the Party in the Senatorial bid.

The two politicians later attended the finals of the Hon. Joseph Lendrix Waswa Webuye East Soccer Tournament. They were joined by Matulo MCA Hon. Steve Kaiser who promised to mobilise resources with his fellow County MCA’s to host a Governor’s Football Tournament.

Hon. Lendrix, Hon. Kaiser, Senator Candidate Wafula Wakoli and other Ford Kenya officials at the finals of the Joseph Waswa Soccer Tournament

Many Waswa supporters who had hoped the vibrant candidate would mount a spirited campaign expressed disappointment but promised to support and respect Lendrix WASWA’S decision.

Excited Ford Kenya supporters and aspirant Wafula Wakoli thanked Waswa for making this move and respecting the Party Leader. They promised to remember his gesture and support him in future political endeavors.


Ronita Ghosh speaking to #ThePeoplesTalk about World Chamber for Social Business

The world’s first ever World Business for Social Business enterprise Vision Bearer, Founder/President Ronita Ghosh, speaks to The People’s Talk on the need for a Social Business Plan that aims to change the overall value of humanity in strengthening their inclusion in mainstream policy making process in matters development.

Ronita Ghosh, President World Chamber for Social Business speaking to The People’s Talk

#LetsTalk | #WomenInAgribiz

Breaking: Lendrix Waswa Drops his Senatorial Ambitions and Throws His Weight Behind Wafula Wakoli

Leading Bungoma businessman and prominent aspirant for the impending Bungoma Senatorial Election Joseph Lendrix Waswa has this afternoon shelves his political ambition for the seat and thrown his weight for the Ford Kenya candidate and long serving Party Leader and current Speaker of the National Assembly, the Right Honorable Moses Wetangula’s trusted personal assistant David Wafula Wakoli.

Hon. Lendrix Waswa shelves his Senatorial Ambitions for the Bungoma Senatorial By Election / picture courtesy Steve Kaiser Foundation

Following weeks of political intrigues that literally saw every weighty political player in Bungoma courting Waswa, it is instrumental to note that the powerful Wetangula has finally had his way in convincing Waswa to drop his bid and support his preferred candidate Wakoli.

Thanking Lendrix Waswa at a Press Briefing at the Joseph Lendrix Command Centre in Webuye, Matulo Ford Kenya MCA Hon. Steve Kaiser accompanied by top local party officials and Waswa supported, expressed his delight that Waswa had made his poignant decision and called his supporters to support the Party secure the December by election with a resounding win.

Matulo MCA Hon Steve Kaiser speaking at a Presser at Joseph Lendrix Waswa Command Centre following Waswa’s decision to drop from the race / picture courtesy Steve Kaiser Foundation

Lendrix Waswa promised to mobilise support for aspirant Wakoli and the Party in the Senatorial bid.

Many Waswa supporters who had hoped the vibrant candidate would mount a spirited campaign expressed disappointment but promised to support and respect Lendrix WASWA’S decision.

Excited Ford Kenya supporters and aspirant Wafula Wakoli thanked Waswa for making this move and respecting the Party Leader. They promised to remember his gesture and support him in future political endeavors.


Ronita Ghosh Changing Lives One Step At A Time

How many humans on the planet wake up everyday with only one goal, one passion, one vision in their minds – to serve mankind with humanity to uplift the dignity of the downtrodden?

Meet the ever smiling Humanitarian par excellence, Ronita Ghosh from Pune, Maharashtra, in the South of India, who is silently, but powerfully, touching lives in India and across the globe, with her innovate Social Impact programs, that aim to alleviate poverty and bring a smile on every face she encounters!

With 15 years of Communications experience, and a huge heart for Social Business and Women Empowerment, the MBA in Social Entrepreneurship and Business Studies postgraduate from Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy is the Founder of Jikoni Foundation, (the #HappinessDabba initiative is about transforming lives of people, feeding patients, relatives, medical support staff, Covid ward attendants and anyone who is hungry) and Founder/President of World Chamber for Social Business, a social impact business organization with operations in 21 countries on 3 continents and is starting chapters in 75 countries by the end of 2022.

A recent Hindustan Times article records that the Jikoni (meaning ‘in the kitchen’ in the East Africa Kiswahili language) Foundation Founder is at the very epicentre of a Pune Humanitarian food distribution network that feeds new mothers and cancer patients in government hospitals in Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad.

Using nutritious food as a tool of transformation to bring about a change in their emotional well-being, the “Dabba Didi” is a signature in Sassoon hospital corridors.

During the second India lockdown in April 2021, Ghosh cooked khichidi and offered ambulance drivers, policemen on duty and to relatives of Covid19 patients. The concept of Poshan, which means nutrition food bank, is to focus on the food and nutrition for people in need.

As World Chamber for Social Business (WCSB) President, her work is cut out to accomplish the mission of solidifying the foundations of a highly dynamic, resilient, and inclusive innovation ecosystem supporting social entrepreneurs, reducing unrest, and fostering peace by enabling sustainable employment opportunities for the youngster.

Ronita Ghosh, President World Chamber for Social Business and Founder, Jikoni Foundation / picture courtesy Ronita Twitter

With two World Chamber Chapters already up and running in Africa (Nigeria and Kenya), Ronita races against time to work with Social Impact champion in every sector of life to amplify WCSB as the next platform for Change towards Poverty Eradication in the world.

The agenda of the Chamber ranges from liaising with the national and international trade communities and policy advocacy to introducing the legal framework and corporate governance laws for social businesses, enabling knowledge and best practices transfer, training, developmental finance, and entrepreneurial skill development, helping the for-profit organizations to make a social impact, facilitate networking and encourage conscious leadership.







Stakeholder Participation in Poverty Eradication – #SententiaSpaces

I (iAlenMedia) had the privilege of being invited to lend my two cents on an important Twitter Space, (SententiaSpaces), who brought together eminent panelists that included, World Chamber for Social Business President Sonita Ghosh, prominent Nigerian Actor Frank Donga, Women Agribusiness Network Kenya Lead, Eunice Barasa and other participants.

Here is how it went: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1kvKpmYWkXQGE


Kenyan Agribiz Guru Eunice Barasa appointed Head of Women Agribusiness Network Kenya Chapter

Ms. Eunice Barasa, Women Agribusiness Network, Lead – Kenya

The World Chamber for Social Business, an international social enterprise in empowering Women in Agribusiness has appointed Leading Women in Agribusiness champion Ms. Eunice Barasa as the Team Leader in Kenya.

The World Chamber for Social Business, a Women Agribusiness Global Network in a tweet earlier today welcomed Ms. Barasa on board and expressed confidence in her leadership.

#LetsAct to build a gender responsive ecosystem through community engagement to achieve socio-economic growth & transformation of rural women’ – Eunice Barasa said.

In accepting her new responsibilities, Ms Barasa thanked the Chamber Founder and President Ms. Ronita Ghosh for the ‘honour to serve in this capacity! I sincerely thank the WCSB Leadership and team whose trusted support will enable women deliver a food secure world’, she wrote on her Twitter page.

Eunice is an experienced Gender and Development Practitioner at Masters level from the University of Nairobi, Kenya and B Sc degree in Sociology and Gender Development from the Women’s University of Africa – Harare, Zimbabwe.

Ms. Eunice Barasa, Lead, Kenya, Women Agribusiness Network, / picture courtesy Eunice Barasa

She boasts of a vast experience in building gender – responsive ecosystems that spur social-economic growth and transformation.

The former Trade Diplomat is keen on social impact driven by the principle of the 3Ps – People, Profit and Planet – if sustainability is to be realized. Conceptualizing and initiating programs that disrupt unhealthy gender relations is her end goal.

The World’s First Chamber for Social Business was formed by business Guru Ronita Ghosh, to exclusively nurture, unite, and encourage social businesses globally.

Ronita Ghosh, Founder/President, World Chamber for Social Business / picture courtesy World Chamber for Social Business

The Chamber will unify all the social entrepreneurs and corporates who wish to contribute, impact investors and governments to achieve the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UNSDGs), and create a sustainable impact at scale.

Ms. Ronita Ghosh, Founder/President, World Chamber for Social Business / picture courtesy Ronita Ghosh

The Chamber’s mission is to solidify the foundations of a highly dynamic, resilient, and inclusive innovation ecosystem supporting social entrepreneurs, reducing unrest, and fostering peace by enabling sustainable employment opportunities for the youngster.

picture courtesy Amazon’s Watch Magazine

The agenda of the Chamber ranges from liaising with the national and international trade communities and policy advocacy to introducing the legal framework and corporate governance laws for social businesses, enabling knowledge and best practices transfer, training, developmental finance, and entrepreneurial skill development, helping the for-profit organizations to make a social impact, facilitate networking and encourage conscious leadership.

Why Lizz Truss Resigned – Shortest Reigning PM In British History

… I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party. I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party!’ were the final words of a Resigning British Prime Minister, Liz Truss, in front of her official 10 Downing Street Office, 44 days after her first!

Before her were Conservative Prime Ministers David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson, each one’s period of survival seemingly shorter than the last.
So what ignited the speedy end of Lizz Truss’ short, rocky reign, who campaigned on a platform to deliver “growth,” but achieved the complete opposite.

Rather than meeting the expectations of many Brits over concerns on rising inflation and skyrocketing energy bills, ‘Truss’s government simply gave them more to worry about, including rising mortgage rates and an economy in peril,’ wrote Yasmeen Sehran for a Times editorial.

Bronwen Maddox, CEO, Chatham House (picture courtesy)

Her incredible £45 billion ($50.6 billion) in unfunded tax cuts, ‘which disproportionately favored the country’s wealthiest, succeeded only in crashing the pound, spooking the markets, and undermining Britain’s credibility around the world,’ she added.

Before her sudden exit, Truss, who had assumed Britain’s priority was economic growth, came tumbling after final admission that she had erred by going “too far and too fast” with her economic reforms.

Britain, grappling with the cost of living crisis, the economy, climate change issues, the NHS, Immigration, with six years of instability after Brexit, a pounding COVID-19 pandemic, and a Russia Invasion of the Ukraine, just needed a government that would build certainty confidence in their lives. It remains to be seen if the next Prime Minister will achieve this elusive British expectation.

The Conservative Party MPs intend to find a suitable and unifying PM candidate within it’s ranks in order to spare the British public from a month long general election tiring process like happened before, while holding the Party together after a factitious six long and winding Lizz Truss weeks as PM!

‘The Conservative party is right to restrict this leadership election to MPs. If the party cannot produce a candidate capable of uniting the party then the road will point next to a general election’ – Bronwen Maddox, Director, Chatham House.

Immediate former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is believed to be plotting a comeback – (picture courtesy)

Tipped to replace Truss as the next Prime Minister include her former leadership rival Rishi Sunak, current cabinet ministers Penny Mourdant and Ben Wallace, while other more conservative party members are rooting for past prime ministers Boris Johnson and Theresa May, if only for their experience.

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