Writer | Copywriter | Author

About Me

I came across a book by Oliver Sacks that changed my trajectory. The famous storyteller of neurology inspired my lifelong interest in behavior and cognition. These subjects captivated me, leading me to pursue a degree in cognitive science, where I gained expertise in topics like attention, emotion, motivation, decision-making, and language.

Then I found copywriting.

Copywriting is where theory meets practice. My journey through digital marketing has been diverse: I began by writing blogs and articles; soon, I was writing social media content for clients; and today, I’ve written a variety of short and long-form advertisements for businesses and agencies.

From copywriting to digital marketing, I’ve navigated various industries. I’ve contributed to nonprofit causes, event marketing, and journalism. I approach each project with a blend of creativity and analytical insight, rooted in cognitive science.

Follow me on LinkedIn to connect.


Landing Pages

A brand’s web site is its bread and butter—the digital equivalent of a brick and mortar. When virtual visitors walk through your door, you want to be sure a skilled copywriter has done the work that will capture attention and drive action. That is what I do. I create impactful landing pages, maintain your brand’s voice, and ensure a cohesive user experience.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Persuasive Writing
  • Brand Voice Consistency
  • Storytelling


By understanding the target audience and leveraging data-driven insights, I’ve developed compelling messaging that resonates with viewers. My ads are designed to capture attention, convey value propositions effectively, and drive desired actions. Through strategic placement and optimization, I ensure maximum impact and ROI for advertising campaigns.

  • Targeted Ad Copy
  • Emotional Appeal
  • Benefit Focused Messaging
  • Data Driven Insights
  • Call-to-action Implementation


My articles cover a wide range of topics, from fashion to psychology. With expert insights and engaging storytelling, I offer valuable perspectives tailored to different audiences. Whether it’s style advice or translating complex concepts, I aim to captivate and inform with every piece.

  • Menswear Style Magazine
  • Adventist Today Magazine
  • The Haystack
  • 71.5 Magazine

Social Media

Crafting engaging social media posts is where I shine. I tailor content to resonate with specific audiences, ensuring it aligns with brand identity and values. By leveraging storytelling techniques, I create posts that spark conversations and foster community engagement.

  • Engaging Content Creation
  • Case studies that celebrate architecture
  • Exclusive access to design insights
  • Visual Content Integration
  • Strategic Hashtag Usage

Email Marketing

Email provides a highly personal form of communication. I have crafted personalized campaigns, from promotional emails to online newsletters, which engage the reader. I have effectively communicated value propositions through strategic timing and testing, which optimize results for clients.

  • Ignited Conference
  • Andrews University
  • MedRecruiting
  • Kettering Health

“The truth isn’t the truth until people believe you; and they can’t believe you if they don’t know what you’re saying; and they can’t know what you’re saying if they don’t listen to you; and they won’t listen to you if you’re not interesting.”

— William Bernbach

Bryan Rivera

Writer | Copywriter | Author

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