Dignity and inclusion . . . on the sidewalk

Writing for the Centre for Action and Contemplation Rabbi Sharon Brous draws on her Jewish tradition to name the dignity of every human being. She tells a story illustrating how nearness and neighborliness lead to loving action: My friend goes to a church of Caribbean immigrants in downtown Los Angeles. One day his pastor preached:... Continue Reading →

Anglican Diocese of Kootenay Synod May 23-26 2024

Resources from the Social and Ecological Justice Working Group of the Anglican Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia/Yukon Online Landing Page What a mouthful; feel free to shorten this title to the acronym “SEJ.” It represents a small group of dedicated and creative Anglicans from most of the dioceses throughout the geographical Province of BC and... Continue Reading →

Pilgrimage — A timely spiritual opportunity

Reports and Resources from the Social and Ecological Justice Working Group of the Anglican Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia/Yukon Online Landing Page What a mouthful; feel free to shorten this title to the acronym “SEJ.” It represents a small group of dedicated and creative Anglicans from most of the dioceses throughout the geographical Province of... Continue Reading →

All before nine o’clock in the morning

Thoughts on the value and practice of a daily routine I love routines. I especially love my early morning routines, especially those I typically accomplish before nine o’clock in the morning. Why this precise time? Well the early Christian Apostles exhibited their spiritual enthusiasm at this very hour (ACTS 2:15). Good for them; good for... Continue Reading →


I make no apology for my cheesy title; it is a contemporary re-working of a traditional children’s song:  Old MacDonald had a farm; AI AI Oh. And yes, I thought it up all by myself! No AI involved—a product of my own warped imagination, more attuned to poetic scansion than content-rich technical analysis. You must... Continue Reading →

In cathedrals and places where they sing

St. Paul's Cathedral, London, UK Guest Comment by Matthew LarkinSaturday, May 18, 2024 I have huge respect for Matthew Larkin. Our paths crossed briefly many years ago while he was director of music at St. John the Divine Church in Victoria BC. He is not only a brilliant musician who possesses a keen intellect which... Continue Reading →

Charismatic Creation

A sermon for Pentecost Sunday 2024 -- St. Stephen Anglican Church, Summerland BC “So Ken, are you a charismatic Christian? “Not sure how to answer that question. Why do you ask?” “I used to hear about charismatic churches, especially twenty or so years ago. Don’t hear much about them now.” “What stuff?” “Speaking in tongues;... Continue Reading →

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