A Journey through the Complexities of the Middle East… ‘Quill of the Dove’ by Ian Thomas Shaw.

‘Quill of the Dove’ by Ian Thomas Shaw is a narrative tapestry where the central subplot of the Middle Eastern political situation is interwoven with historical background and individual stories. Shaw, through his perceptiveness and great narrative skills, leads the reader through the roller-coaster that characterises the Middle East and a meaningful enquiry into the region. 

My Life, My Text…

When someone commits harakiri, he tears his stomach open with a dagger. A trusted man should stand by, to swiftly cut off the head in a single stroke. This is done as soon as he has made the initial incision. Mishima’s military coup failed miserably, and he proceeded to rip open his stomach.

Whale Fall

Elizabeth O’Connor’s debut novel, “Whale Fall,” begins on an isolated Welsh island teetering on the edge of change. Set in September 1938, the community’s fishermen have begun, encountering the Royal Navy at sea, a sign of the looming global conflict.

The Asian Prize for Fiction Long List 2023: A glimpse

Each tale on the long-list offers a glimpse into the human condition, reminding us of the power of storytelling to inspire, enlighten, and unite us across cultures and continents.So, fellow connoisseurs, what are your thoughts on these thought-provoking, illuminating literary works that have been listed for better recognition and honour? Share your opinion with us as well. This is, after all, an award with a reader-centric approach.

The Asian Prize for Fiction: A Recognition for the Elegance of Global Literature.

Forget the glitzy award ceremonies and hefty checks; forget the question, “So what’s the point of another literary price?”. You will know that things are about to get very real in literary-spear when the Asian Prize for Fiction announce its short listees for the Asian Prize 2023 edition, carving a unique path in the global literary landscape.