Does your work not feel as rewarding as it used to? Are you even doubting your career choice? I have been there too, ready to quit my career in academia, chronically overstretching myself for many years. Everything changed when I learned to listen to my body, rather than solely relying on my brain and thinking. As a professional, I can deeply relate to your struggles. As a Certified Feminine Embodiment coach, I can guide you safely through deep, body-based enquiries that help you process difficult experiences and make moves towards a more flourishing and rewarding life, in or outside of your current career.

Current offers include: individual coaching and a coaching program. Learn more →

Work with me

Tasting Feminine Embodiment Sessions

This is real feminine embodiment coaching in a small package. The tasting feminine embodiment session is for you if you have never experienced feminine embodiment coaching and want to try it. Or for you if you are unsure about your readiness to embark on a life-changing journey. Let’s try a flavour of feminine embodiment coaching together in a 1:1 session for the price of a coffee and a Danish pastry!

The Deep Exploration Journey

Are you questioning the direction of your career and life? Are exciting opportunities on the horizon and you are unsure whether to pursue them? Partner up with me for a discovery and path-finding journey that is embodied rather than cognitive! This very individualised offer aims to support you towards discovering which career- and life path feels aligned, walkable and just right for YOU.

The Springboard Program

Are you a women who desires success, but you feel confused about what this means for you? Do you feel you are pulled in too many directions, and you never have enough energy to do what is important? Then the Springboard program is for you! Join like-minded woman on a heroine’s journey

“It is easy to get stuck on the career motorway, with your anxious, super-charged mind in the driver’s seat. The race may be exciting for a while, but the lust for speed may go, you may break down on a lay-by, or you might decide one day to pull over, take the next exit and rest your tired brain and body for a while.”

Do you want to shift gears?

Wherever you are right now is a good place and time to start a body-based exploration of the wild, delicious and less-trodden backcountry paths that can lead you towards a more desirable, aligned, healthy and sustainable career- and life choices. This journey takes courage. I would be honoured to accompany you on your first steps or miles along the way.


My Story,
Your Story?

Academia & I have a long history. Working in academia gave me sublime experiences. It changed my worldview several times and broadened my horizons.

I travelled widely, acquired a broad skill set and worked with dedicated, clever people. This was the love stuff! And I am so grateful for these experiences. But I had to put up with loads of ugly stuff, too. Academic careers entail much uncertainty and oh so many demands. I lived with constant and immense stress which surfaced as joint pain, stiffness, nausea, migraines, sleeplessness and social anxiety.

I tried to ‘cure’ my issues with relentless physical practice. Being constantly on the go while deeply exhausted and losing feelings of joy and zest for life. Inching very close to burning out once again in 2021, I finally committed to resting my exhausted body and mind, and to reconnect with my body’s sensitivity. I became a feminine embodiment coach because I have a deep desire to support women in tough spaces to make healthier body-based career and life choices. I still work in academia, happier, more relaxed, less tired, more aware of my limitations and successful – according to my own standards.

Does my story resonate with you? Do you desire deep, lasting changes in your career and life? Drop me a line →

My values

I will always respect your souvereignity. I will not tell you what to do, or give unwanted advice. My role is to hold a safe exploration space and to ask powerful questions to guide you.

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How does the coaching work

My coaching is trauma-informed, but not trauma-centred. I currently offer online and face-to-face coaching in English or German.

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Prepare for your coaching

Come as you are, you are so welcome to show up as yourself! However, you will get most out of the coaching if you bring a specific issue (or even several) to the session.

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From the Blog

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“Birgit has a wise presence that is safe and welcoming. If you’re seeking a Feminine Embodiment Coach to help you access the wisdom of your body, I’d highly recommend working with Birgit”

Jenna Ward, Founder School of Embodied Art

The Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification is an internationally recognized, professional training for women seeking to become a coach, or expand their coaching skills, in the realm of somatic skills & women’s empowerment.