
What do you really, really want?

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Season 1, Episode 4: Stop sulking, just be the best version of YOU to find HIM/HER!

Hey, the Spice Girls said it best in their 2009 song, “Wannabe.” Let me refresh your memory, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDX8eTORFCo. Now that you got your groove on, what will it take for you to be my lover, or anyone’s lover? The point of this show is respect yourself, clean yourself up, wake up guys and gals, and accentuate your positives. In this episode, Lux and I stumble through our own insecurities and offer you advice on presenting your best in appearance. So drop those droopy trousers and baggy dresses, and look for ways to showcase yourself. Stop complaining, and take an honest look at yourself, and think what are your best features – eyes, lips, hair, body, personality, etc. and find a way of putting it out there. I am not asking that you perv us, rather think about yourself from another vantage point. Stop sulking about what is wrong with you or anyone else, look for the positives. In this wild buffet of dating, what saucy and tasty items can you bring to the table. Please no dirty thoughts otherwise you will be stuck with raunchy folks. If you want classy, think classy. If you want a sexed mate, you will get that, so what will you do when they move on for the next big thrill. That might be all you want, just don’t whine later. A long-lasting relationship is dependent on chemistry right, but not just in bed, but in pillow talk. I mean someone who wants to tell you their deepest dreams and fears, someone who wants to explore your mind, help propel you to be your best by inspiring you. You would do the same for them. It might be just you want to share in hobbies, but remember many women are not into bowling, fishing or golfing – others are, so guys don’t be so narrow. Women, remember some guys like to hang with guys, watch football ( I personally love football), but I know sometimes guys need to hang with their friends so don’t crowd them. Let them have their space, and develop your own interests. Don’t force them to go to church on Sunday, or to attend your sewing class or rose garden club. It’s not about control. It’s more about letting your relationship flow naturally – both persons in a relationship need to come up for air and breathe. Sharing the same breath non-stop is for teen love. Yuck.

Be your best, or fake it as best as you can! That’s what I do! Lux too! We are two balls of insecurity, rolling, rolling, rolling, hoping to roll into our nearly perfect companion, by living as our best selves, not for anyone else, but for us!

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May You Renew You!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

Season 4 Episode 31

Take this as a wish, goal or a challenge!

Let’s review where we are in our dating life? I mean we are not getting any younger, right? I am constantly reminded by that but I am not giving up on me or you. In fact, Lux and I have consider ways to put the spark back into our dating life.

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We are seriously looking into learning how AI will impact our life in the months ahead and in the much more distant future. That doesn’t mean we are giving up on Dirty Bathwater. Nah, there is still plenty of stuff to try and talk about with regards to dating after 50. So why give up yet or ever? I believe we can get better as we get older. Just remember we are all getting older every day, even if some of us have had a head start. Let’s begin to rethink our life this May, if I may continue….

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May is a good month to reflect on your dating life.  It’s always Mom’s favorite month and it holds promise for dating renewal.  Or let’s put it this way, we start thinking about how nice the weather is, rather than whether we will ever hook up with anyone.   I know that I feel invincible in the summer because there are so many pleasant distractions.    This is especially true if you like the outdoors.   So whenever you get lonely, take a walk with your pet, someone else’s pet or just yourself. 

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Lux has been moping around this spring, trying to meet a woman who understands him.   I think we look for that special someone to complete us.  In reality, the only one who can complete us – is us.    I hope that you dig deeply into yourself this summer and find out what makes you happy.  I think January 1st is too cold to seriously consider any major changes in our life.  I think May would be a better time of the year to concentrate on the renewal of your mind, body and soul.   

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My advice is to find the nearest lounge chair and chill into the early evening hours.  Take some time with the most wonderful person you will ever meet!  You!  You are truly unique, wise with years and all you need is a bit of confidence in yourself   As you begin to adjust your self-image, others will notice – and soon enough there will be someone sitting in the pool chair near you.   

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May you have a wonderful time hanging out with you and whomever you meet in your journey to self-discovery.    I know I am going to be working on me this summer and I hope to see you, perhaps soon in the real!

If you need to chat, please drop us a line at giddyjaden@gmail.com.

Giddy 🙂 Lux (still moping)

Believe in Magic

Photo by Andy Kuzma on Pexels.com

Season 4, Episode 30

It seemed so easy when I was a child to find a friend. My first best friend was Billy, my teddy bear. He’d go everywhere with me. Then one day, I noticed how worn out he had become. I was about six. He had been an excellent listener. I realized he would need to stay at home and wait to hear about my adventures at bedtime. He was my lucky bear. Young or old, we can use a bit of childhood magic and good luck on occasion. I did have a rabbit’s foot for good luck for awhile, but my father joked it wasn’t good luck for the rabbit. As we get older, our appreciation for companionship becomes more mature. We are no longer appeased by lucky charms and would prefer charming friends and suitors who make us feel lucky to know them.

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My friends wish me “good luck” when I head out the door to meet my match. I hope that you have much better luck than I have had on the dating scene. Yet, I keep my hope on the magic that I know exists. I have felt and seen love in many relationships, even mine. Too bad we can’t bottle it up. But it is meant to be freely given and received. So as you head out the door, I say to you, “May the luck of the Irish be with you on your next date.” 

I just came across a news article in The UK Times that reported Irish families are the largest in the European Union.  That was the headline for tomorrow’s publication.  I read other reports a few years ago that Irish families had dropped to comparable sizes of other families.   But it appears that there is a trend upward.  Ask yourself this as we near St. Patrick’s Day, how lucky do you really want to get?   When you see others in love, try to avoid turning green with envy. Being over 50 can be tiring when watching toddlers. Grandparents feel the challenge of fighting off arthritis and back aches, while chasing down wee urchins.  Have you considered what it might be like to raise a brood of children again while preparing for retirement?     Maybe for a second, right?

My point is, treasure those memories for we have all seen and felt love in some form or another. A child’s laughter, cuddling with your puppy and hugging a friend or family member. If you have experienced any of those emotions, consider yourself lucky. Love can be wrapped in small gift boxes. It can be elegant and simple. Like a rose in a vase or tissue paper.

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Single doesn’t mean that you can’t love on yourself. Life is an adventure if you are open to it. You can always search for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Perhaps take that Love Boat Cruise to the tropics.   We might be getting older, but we are certainly getting wiser.  We know time is a valuable commodity at our age, and finding the perfect one is sort of like locating that illusive pot of gold.  Life is no longer about finding shiny objects. We want something of real value – love, commitment and friendship.    Those grow over time, but like everything else in life sometimes it is simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time.  Some might call that luck.  I call that opportunity – when luck meets preparedness.  

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This St. Patty’s Day look your best, be prepared to meet that right one if they happen to cross your path.  Wearing green Is important because it represents a fresh start in life.  If you spot a clover patch, move over and get closer – it just might be a match for you! I hope you get lucky in the clover fields.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!   Share you stories with Lux and Giddy at giddyjaden@gmail.com.

I Want You to Want Me

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Season 4, Episode 29

Let’s start with a riddle, what’s red and warm and has a beat. 

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It’s not a vegetable, that would be spelled beet. Remember you want to be full of life this Valentine’s Day. Beets are good for you and full of vitamins. But a positive attitude is also good for you. Red and warm with a beat could be a vibrant love song or perhaps your happy heart on Valentine’s Day. Let’s hope for the latter. It’s not about forcing love. It’s about being ready to accept it when it knocks at your door or bumps into you.

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“I want you to want me?” Do you remember that song by Cheap Trick?  I remember cheering them on during a concert when they first played it. It makes me realize how we are all so desperate to be loved and sometimes we try to make things happen, when it would be best to chill and just appreciate all the love that surrounds us.  Sometimes it is the little things in life that can trigger feelings of love.   Walking by a florist shop or browsing inside to check out the beautiful displays.  Catch a glimpse of a couple in love.  He is holding his hand, or she is holding hers or maybe you notice a couple looking longingly into each other’s eyes over dinner at a restaurant.  

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Rather than be envious, simply catch ahold of that wave of love that is the air this Valentine’s Day.  If you have ever been in love, reflect on the good moments and treasure them.  Leave the negativity out of your thoughts for at least one day, this special day.  It is a day to appreciate the opportunity to experience love as if you are watching a motion picture. 

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Putting yourself in the right frame of mind or heart is more likely to attract others.  Smile at the love you see and feel everywhere.  Smile at those who appear sad and lonely.  Make Valentine’s Day a day of love, from your heart to theirs.

Lux and I banter around a lot of ideas for clever dates this Valentine’s Day and offer even more excuses for feeling bitter about being single.  We are asking you to cherish the day and cherish your family, friends and those passing by you on the street.  Wish them all a Happy Valentine’s Day!  You don’t have to hand out chocolates or balloons, but free smiles would be perfect. 

It’s not always easy to keep your spirits high, but it’s better than allowing yourself to fall into despair.

Romance is the air everywhere.  Just breath it into your heart and stay alert for a fresh start.    

Love has no rhyme or reason.  It just happens.    Tell us your story!

Reach out to Lux and Giddy at giddyjaden@gmail.com.

Resolve to be true to you!

Season 4, Episode 28

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Happy New Year.  I hope you had a good start to 2024.  What were you doing at midnight?  Legend has whatever you do at the stroke of midnight during the arrival of the new year will be whatever you do all year. 

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Did you drink champagne, kiss a stranger or a lover, or perhaps hug your family or count your money, etc.  My stepmother would chase out ghosts of her house by flipping on every light in the house at the stroke of midnight. 

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Of course, then there’s the zodiac signs and spirit animals that promise to guide you through the year. In this show, Lux and I discuss what Chinese astrology has in store for you in love and life more generally.

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So many ways to bring in the new year but don’t let superstition rule your new year.   It’s yours for the defining. If you don’t like what your horoscope predicts or you didn’t do anything special at midnight, remember you can rewrite your story.

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One way to do so is to resolve to improve the elements of your life that you feel need to change.  It’s totally up to you.  No change can happen without you being a willing partner. In this month’s show, Lux and  I discuss how to make resolutions that will empower you as well as tips on how to avoid dating challenges that may come your way. YOU CAN MAKE THIS YEAR YOUR YEAR! It might not come out as you imagined it, but keep a positive attitude and watch the world shift around you. ENVISION your goals and smile like your dreams have already been realized and your fears conquered. Happy adventures.

Lux and I are always here to listen. Drop us a line at giddyjaden@gmail.com.

It’s Your Holiday List

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Season 4, Episode 27

In this show, Lux and I share some disillusionment regarding dating after 50.  We also discuss different types of bad individuals one might come across during dating and how not to fall for them out of desperation.  You don’t need that kind of shade on your parade.  Don’t feel forced to partner-up this season.  It’s not about family pleasing; it’s about what feeds your soul. Sometimes it’s better to be alone, rather than be someone’s dog bone.  Get my drift.  Santa has a list of what’s right for you, and it probably isn’t that tool who keeps sending you creepy messages.

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Here we are again, another holiday, and for many of us that means being single feels like we are the unicorn at the party.  Is that so bad? Unicorns are magical, mythical creatures filled with wonder and awe.  Wow, that sounds awesome!  So why do we feel so alone if we are so cool and unique?  From early on in life, we are taught that we should be paired with someone to have a fulfilled life.  

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Now think of friends who are going through horrible relationships and despise that person they once believed they loved  How does that equate to a meaningful life?  There Is also a lot of collateral damage done when a partnership cracks.  It often divides friends and families.  So why is being single so sad, if a person finds joy in other aspects of life, or if they really enjoy their friends and solitude, and/or if when hanging with people they meet along their life journey, they feel truly happy – then why is that so bad?  A moment?  A lifetime?   It all matters.   

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It just flashed again across my mind.   A certain tune that I have been hearing in my mind all day.  One is the loneliest number.    I actually know that any number can seem lonely if there is no authentic connection.   It’s the idea of feeling lonely in a crowd. 

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What about this scene?  In the movie Home Alone, Kevin makes friends with the Pigeon Lady during the Christmas holidays.  They both were lonely, Kevin for his family and the Pigeon Lady hid herself from the world because she felt ignored and overlooked.   Kevin reached out to her, and she ended up saving his life.    I am only pointing out that if Kevin didn’t reach out, he would have missed an opportunity for a friendship, as she would have missed out if she didn’t reciprocate his offer. 

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That is the way of life, sometimes you must step outside your own fears, jump into a new situation, and see what happens.  Of course, be safe about it.  Yet don’t let fear overtake your chance to meet someone new and/or keep your confidence that the holiday season is however you want to define it.  It is your holiday as much as anyone else’s.  How others spend their holiday is perfectly fine for them if it makes them happy.  You might define the holidays as the time to wander the world and make or rekindle friendships.  So, grab ahold of Christmas or whatever holiday that you celebrate this time of the year, and be bold and make it your holiday. 

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Create your own tradition and invite others to join you or not.  But, no matter what, appreciate the beauty of the moment, for many who have already left this world would have given precious metal to enjoy another day on earth.  Remember one person indeed can change the world, so why can’t you change your life for the better, partnered or single?   Just enjoy living life to its fullest.  

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Happy Holidays, my friends.  Skip those naughty ones, a.k.a. bad potential dates, and let Santa fill their socks with coal. Remember you are not that desperate. Touch base with Lux and Giddy at giddyjaden@gmail.com.

Gobble Up The Love

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Season 4, Episode 26

Beware of Turkeys on Thanksgiving Day

I have met that turkey before on a date. He lied about his age. No turkey dating this year for me.

Confused?  Of course, nearly everyone will be celebrating with the ceremonial bird this Thanksgiving Day.    It’s a day the family comes together and sometimes those of us who are single feel singled out.   Yes, we enjoy our family and their loved ones, but we try to avoid that awkward discussion, when Aunt Petunia comments, “Oh honey,  I saved your favorite seat by the window.  I would have saved two seats, but I heard that you haven’t met anyone.  The conversation may go somewhat like that.  You know the drill.   

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Or it could get worse when your mom observes, “I like you better plump.  It fills out your face and hides those little crinkles around your eyes.”   Then your brother chimes in, “Yeah, sis, there are plenty of guys who like fluffy women.”    Now that you are feeling very self-conscious, your father notices that you hardly filled your plate.  He jests, “Come on, eat up.  This is not the day to start a diet.  If you waited this long, what’s the hurry.”   You hear a few snickers, and now you wish you were alone at home with a Snicker candy bar.   I have been there, have you?

Yes, I would rather endure the jokes and being alone for the holiday then bring a turkey to Turkey Day.   I don’t want to date someone just because people believe that I should have a partner.  I will not fall into the trap of feeling bad about being single.  There may be someone for me or not, but I won’t settle for a turkey even if that is the only item on the romance menu.   Just know while you are bummed out about being single, there are plenty of married couples who miss their freedom and wish they were you.   The divorce statistics provide evidence.  Unfortunately, there is nothing easy about getting or maintaining a relationship. 

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So that is why I say, beware of turkeys, the ones that you feel compelled to date for the sake of other people.  It’s your life and it’s your holiday.   Don’t spoil it with a fowl date.   Good luck out there.  Loneliness is epidemic, especially during the holidays. You can be lonely in a crowd.  It’s also an attitude.   Thanksgiving doesn’t need to become a downer.  Don’t fake it, bake it. Turkeys and dating shouldn’t be rushed.  Concentrate on the good things in life and people that you are thankful for knowing.  It’s a matter of perspective. 

 By the way, do you prefer breasts or thighs, dark or white meat?   Get your mind out of the gutter please. 

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And if you find the wishbone, good luck.   You don’t have to wish for the perfect mate.  You could wish for millions of dollars, a new wardrobe or car, or job, etc.  It’s your wish!   It might be as simple as another round of sweet potatoes, another turkey leg, or a slice of pumpkin pie.   

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Be happy this Thanksgiving because a turkey gave his life for you.   I am sorry, that sounds so sad.  I might skip the turkey this year and just eat the veggies.  I will definitely skip dating a turkey. 

Remember to write me and Lux, giddyjaden@gmail.com.

Boo!  Too Scared to Date after 50

Season 4, Episode 25

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I don’t blame you.  Dating is not easy for anyone, but it gets more difficult after 50.  The biggest reason has to do with how you feel about you!   I am very self-conscious about myself so I find the most awkward moments are when you meet your date in-person for the first time.  That is why, if it is possible, I like to break the ice and meet first on zoom.   However, many people rather just meet in-person first.  Some have surprised me by not looking like their photos, etc.   I am who I am.  I simply feel more confident if we have at least met first online.  No matter, but I think showing up in costume might be a super fun way to meet someone, as long as we are meeting in a safe place.  I don’t want to meet Dracula in a back alley.  I would prefer to make this a fun experience, rather than a living nightmare.

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Luxe and I decided to do a little research on Halloween, and we found that it has romantic roots.  The first thing you might think is how vampires captivate their prey or witches cast love spells on the unsuspecting, but that is not what I mean.   In the Victorian era, Halloween was a time for courtship, sharing ghost tales by the fireplace, toasting chestnuts, and apple bobbing. 

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Legends, fortune telling and white magic were all good-natured, and meant to help couples find their true love.  Today, if you are looking for the ideal Halloween date, you might consider a romantic dinner and maybe viewing a classic movie like Ghosts, which is also a love story.   

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This year give yourself a treat, and don’t waste this Halloween by spending it alone.  Catch someone’s attention by adding a costume to your profile picture to catch someone’s attention but be careful to meet somewhere safe so when you remove your masks, you can escape if you need to do so. 

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One of these years, I will go back home to Salem, Massachusetts for Halloween.  I have just been so busy with work and life.  I should listen to my own advice, and celebrate the season, even if alone, in good company.  That’s how you meet someone, right?  And they might be that somebody!  Happy Halloween.  Have fun and don’t be a weenie!   

Remember to write me and Lux, giddyjaden@gmail.com.

DOG-GONE-IT:   Will your dog help or hinder your next relationship?  And other ways to find a lover!

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Season 4, Episode 24

Okay, again we are at it.   How does one meet the love of their life?   What are the places that you might visit or frequent to meet that special one – or dang, meet anyone of interest?  Well Lux and I did our homework and reviewed a few suggestions from magazines that catered to those over 50 and the lonely at heart and especially those who need a little push in the dating arena.  Is that you? Or perhaps you just want to eavesdrop and see if we got it right or we have something new that that you haven’t tried yet.  Hey, you might want to share our discussion with a lonely friend, if you are trying to help them.

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So here goes, number one on OUR list.  Follow your dog’s lead.  Dog walking is always a good way to meet a fellow dog lover and maybe your future lover.   Your dog’s compatibility with them or their dog might provide a clue whether a relationship would work out.   


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There are more 50 out there dating than any other age group?  AND – Did you know that there are 27 million singles over 60 (that number doubled since 2013) and most of them prefer meeting in-person rather than online?  With that in mind, speed dating has become popular for many older seekers.  So how about you, which do your prefer, online or in-person?  Speed dating might not get you a match, but it can be a roaring good time.

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Then’s there’s senior facilities where you can hang out to play bingo and other card games and maybe even dance at times.  That’s a good place to meet friends.   Just know that might not work for dating and for everyone! I am not ready to play bingo, but I know a lot of my older friends pick up some extra cash by doing so! What’s your lucky numbers!

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Any idea might be a good idea – try as many as you can as long as you do so safely!

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It’s easy to be vulnerable as we want to believe the best in everyone.  So, when our heart is involved it become even more risky.  But there will always be a risk when it comes to a new relationship.  Just do go off by yourself on a date with a person that you hardly know, unless you tell a friend your whereabouts first.  Or bring your rottweiler or pit bull along on your date.  That should keep your date in line!  All humor aside, we want to make sure we don’t lose any listeners as we wage war on loneliness. 

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Remember we get it!  Loneliness is difficult, but it’s not the end of the world – there is so much to life besides seeking a new partner.  You can remain single too and feel ecstatic about what life has to offer every day.   If you need to chat, just email us and we’ll get back to you.  If we don’t answer, the email must have gotten lost because we would never intentionally ignore you, so please try again.  We want to hear from you at giddyjaden@gmail.com.

Check out a few of our sources:




Defining Relationships

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Season 4, Episode 23

Does it really matter how you define your relationship to others – friends, family or work associates.? It shouldn’t if you are comfortable in the relationship. Why let others define love or “being with someone” because isn’t that merely another person’s standards? No one really knows what is in the heart of you and you might not even be quite sure what is in the mind or heart of your significant other. Do you feel comfortable, content and are you willing to see where this thing goes? Then that may be all that matters?

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Not everything we do in life has to have a definite ending. Sometimes we meet people along the way that we learn from and that help us toward becoming a better person. That’s right, the person you are with right now, might not be that forever person, but they may be someone worthy of your time and they might be preparing you for that “forever” person. Remember sometimes it is the process, more than the destination, that will create meaningful life experiences. Let your heart decide what is good for you, rather than relying on other people’s definitions of love, commitment and morality. I don’t think I need to be-labor this discussion.

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Love comes to us in many ways, so like that old song says, “Love the one you are with.” That doesn’t mean sleep around to me. It means find the value in the people that surround you – and perhaps that person who you are enjoying life with right now will continue to have significance in your life forever – or not. But don’t get dismayed, learn and move on.

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Love is bumpy and it takes brave souls to forgive themselves and others during the journey. Love begets love. Be that person filled with optimism and love for all. And while loving your life, you will bump into “that” person.

That is it for now. This is all started when I was asked by a friend if the person I was dating was a “side piece.” I had no idea what that meant. I’m only dating one person. And then I learned more about the phrase along the way, but you know it doesn’t really matter what others think about my relationship. I know I am spending time with a good friend and we care about one another. Does anything else matter? I am learning from this relationship, whatever it is. We hangout, go to concerts, go to dinner, talk through the late night, etc. That’s just life in motion. If it leads somewhere, then I’ll stay on this path.

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Got questions about your relationship, write me at giddyjaden@gmail.com. I’m a good listener. And remember to listen to our podcast “Dirty Bathwater” with Lux and me monthly.

Sandwich, Steak or Fasting?

Season 4, Episode 22

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What kind of person are you? Do you like a good sandwich, maybe with a slice of pickle in between the buns? Or would you prefer a hefty steak, with a side of mashed potatoes? Dating is like everything in life. It’s about making choices that fit with your lifestyle. It’s easy to offer someone advice, but there is not one good way to make a good dinner; people have their preferences. Some are willing to experiment and try new recipes or restaurants, others feel comfortable with that old corner diner. As individuals, you have to discover what you like and what you don’t enjoy – and that is neither wrong or right? It’s your choice. However, I think we sometimes make dating much more difficult than it has to be. You have to try a few restaurants in a new neighborhood, before you find the one that you like best. I’m being simplistic, I know, but you get the idea. For some it’s Pho and for others it’s cookie dough? Dinner, Desert, or are you dieting from dating.

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Upon reflection, I begin to wonder if there are too many dos and don’t to dating after 50, or for anyone dating. My good buddy Lux has been warning us about dating bots for some time now. He has had his fill with scammers. I have run across only one who asked me for money, which I didn’t think twice about not giving them a penny. However, I do believe in contributing equally to a date, when both agree. It really depends on each person’s financial situation. Of course, some believe otherwise. That’s fine but don’t judge anyone on their bank account. There’s much more to a person. I do believe honesty, integrity and reliability are important characteristics, not only for potential partners, but for friendship in general.

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If someone is incredibly good looking, hey that is a bonus, but not usually the deciding factor. Think for a second about your friends; what traits define them and what is it about them that makes you happy? Maybe you can learn something about yourself, by spending some time thinking about who has made you laugh, and what kind of people that you like to hang around with, as well as why you trust them. We tend to forget the obvious. In this week’s show, we also discuss how hard dating is when you must care for your parents and adolescent children. Or maybe, you are busy helping watch your grandchildren. This is called sandwiching when we have no time to date as single parents, grandparents, and/or caretakers. Lux shares the difficulties that he has had being sandwiched. How do you escape on a date, or can you?

Photo by Sergey Makashin on Pexels.com

Giddy tosses out some books on dating after 50 that she plans to read. Maybe you would like to as well. One is Love After 50 by journalist Francine Russo. The cover states, “Studies keep showing that love after fifty is more satisfying than at any other stage in life.” Interested? Check her book out. I know I will. The other one is Secrets of Dating After 50 by Karen Haddigan (2018). Both appear to be highly recommended. You will find both on Amazon.com.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

If you are not a reader, that’s okay, you can keep kissing frogs and hoping that you will find a prince or princess along the way. Good luck and remember Lux and I are always here to listen if you want to share your thoughts on dating after 50! Write us at giddyjaden@gmail.com. Until next time, Ribbit!