Cherish all the moments of love

Vers 1:
I know you’ve been searching for a love that’s true
And the path has been winding and long
Just open your heart and see what you can find
And never forget, love will find you

Love is a pearl that’s so rare
It’s found in the depths of the ocean
Embrace it if you find it, don’t ever let go
And cherish all the moments of love

Vers 2:
Let go of your doubts and fears and take a chance
To find the love that you’ve been dreaming of
The one that will bring joy and pleasure and bliss
And don’t forget, love will find you

Love is a pearl that’s so rare
It’s found in the depths of the ocean
Embrace it if you find it, don’t ever let go
And cherish all the moments of love

It’s time to take a leap of faith
And find the love that awaits
Don’t let it pass you by
It’s out there if you try

Love is a pearl that’s so rare
It’s found in the depths of the ocean
Embrace it if you find it, don’t ever let go
And cherish all the moments of love

Love is a pearl that’s so rare
It’s found in the depths of the ocean
Embrace it if you find it, don’t ever let go
And cherish all the moments of love

Copyright © Milla

Summer is here

Vers 1:
Now is the time, the days are long
The sun is shining, the birds are singing their song
The days are warm, the nights are slightly cooler
The perfect time to make some memories

Summer is here, everything is so bright
Let us have some fun in the daylight
Maybe make some new friends
Let’s make this summer to one that will never end

Vers 2:
Now is the time, for a dip in the sea
Laugh and being happy, cheerful and free
Take a trip to the blooming park
Just be outside until it gets dark

Summer is here, everything is so bright
Let us have some fun in the daylight
Maybe make some new friends
Let’s make this summer to one that will never end

This summer, it’s now or never
Make memories, that will last forever
Experience the beauty of nature
Something to remember in the future

Summer is here, everything is so bright
Let us have some fun in the daylight
Maybe make some new friends
Let’s make this summer to one that will never end

Summer is here, everything is so bright
Let us have some fun in the daylight
Maybe make some new friends
Let’s make this summer to one that will never end

Copyright © Milla

For all the times no one did

Vers 1:
Through endless nights I stood alone
With no one’s love, only my own
But I held on, with all my might
Because I knew I had to fight

I love myself, for all the times no one did
I respect myself, when others scorned and hid
I accept myself, despite the judgment hurled
For I am worthy, I am a part of this world

Vers 2:
I gave myself the hugs I yearned to feel
Embracing every broken, fragile piece
Through hardships faced with solitude
I found strength within my own fortitude

I love myself, for all the times no one did
I respect myself, when others scorned and hid
I accept myself, despite the judgment hurled
For I am worthy, I am a part of this world

I forgive myself for past regrets
Recognizing now the love within, not debts
In my own heart, I found what I sought
The love, the respect I never forgot

I love myself, for all the times no one did
I respect myself, when others scorned and hid
I accept myself, despite the judgment hurled
For I am worthy, I am a part of this world

Today I’m home, where I belong
With love and belief that make me strong
Through years of searching, I’ve come so far
Today I embrace the truth, I am a star

Copyright © Milla

The mask that falls away

Vers 1:
In the stillness of the night
I find myself lost in thought
Wondering if it’s all been real
Or just a game we’ve caught

Sometimes it’s not the people who change
But the mask that falls away
Leaving us raw and exposed
In the cold light of the day

Vers 2:
I used to believe in fairy tales
But now I see the truth
The shadows of the heart reveal
The secrets of our youth

Sometimes it’s not the people who change
But the mask that falls away
Leaving us raw and exposed
In the cold light of the day

So I’ll keep on living and loving
Even when the mask fades away
For in the depths of our souls
True beauty will always stay

Chorus x2:
Sometimes it’s not the people who change
But the mask that falls away
Leaving us raw and exposed
In the cold light of the day

Copyright © Milla

Be the love you never received

Vers 1:
Empty promises whispered in the night
A hollow echo where warmth should ignite
Faded photographs, a distant, blurry face
A love unclaimed, a missing, empty space
Yearning for a touch, a tender, gentle hand
But the warmth you needed, they couldn’t understand

So be the love you never received
The solace, the comfort, the hope you believed
Let your heart overflow with kindness and grace
Fill the void within with a loving embrace
Be the light that shines in the darkest of days
The love that heals, the love that will stay

Vers 2:
Scars etched deep, a reminder of pain
The wounds of neglect, pouring down like rain
But you rise above, a phoenix taking flight
Breaking free from the shadows, reaching for the light
You learn to forgive, to let go of the past
The love you lost, a lesson that will last

So be the love you never received
The solace, the comfort, the hope you believed
Let your heart overflow with kindness and grace
Fill the void within with a loving embrace
Be the light that shines in the darkest of days
The love that heals, the love that will stay

You are worthy, deserving and strong
To love and be loved, nothing can go wrong
Weaving a tapestry of love with every thread
A love that sustains, a love that’s never dead

So be the love you never received
The solace, the comfort, the hope you believed
Let your heart overflow with kindness and grace
Fill the void within with a loving embrace
Be the light that shines in the darkest of days
The love that heals, the love that will stay

Be the love, be the light, be the hope
Let your love flow, beyond all scope
Be the love you never received
And in that love, you’ll finally believe

Copyright © Milla

Forever in our hearts

Vers 1 (Man):
I’m standing here in the dark
My heart is beating fast
I’m waiting for you to come
To make this moment last

Vers 2 (Woman):
I’m here to take your hand
And make this night divine
We’ll share a special bond
That will last through all time

Chorus (Both):
We’ll be together, never apart
Our love will last forever in our hearts
Our special love will never die
I can see it in your eyes

Vers 3 (Man):
I’m so glad that you’re here
Your beauty takes my breath away
I’m so happy to be with you
It’s like a dream come true

Vers 4 (Woman):
I’m so glad that you’re here
Your love is like a flame
It’s burning in my heart
And I’m never the same

Chorus (Both):
We’ll be together, never apart
Our love will last forever in our hearts
Our special love will never die
I can see it in your eyes

Bridge (Both):
I’m standing here, with my heart in my hands
I’m hoping you’ll understand
The way I feel, the way I care
I’m hoping you’ll always be there

Chorus (Both):
We’ll be together, never apart
Our love will last forever in our hearts
Our special love will never die
I can see it in your eyes

Copyright © Milla

New songs

Hej! Jag kan varken sjunga eller skapa musik, men jag skriver låttexter. Jag är mycket tacksam för detta samarbete. Lyssna gärna!

Hey! I can neither sing nor create music, but I write lyrics. I am very grateful for this cooperation. Feel free to listen!

Sweetest Obsession

Vers 1:
I’d walk through fire just to see you smile
I’d climb the highest mountain just to hold you for a while
Your touch is like a drug, I can’t resist
I’d gladly risk it all, just to have one taste of your kiss

I’d gladly die a thousand deaths
To have one taste of your lips
Your love is my sweetest obsession
I’d give up everything just for one more chance at your affection

Vers 2:
I’m spellbound by your beauty, your grace
I’d cross oceans and deserts just to see your face
Every moment without you feels like a crime
I’ll keep on chasing you, ’til the end of time

I’d gladly die a thousand deaths
To have one taste of your lips
Your love is my sweetest obsession
I’d give up everything just for one more chance at your affection

I’m lost in the depths of your eyes
Your love is my eternal prize
I’ll keep on dreaming, I’ll keep on believing
That one day, you’ll see me standing here, breathing

I’d gladly die a thousand deaths
To have one taste of your lips
Your love is my sweetest obsession
I’d give up everything just for one more chance at your affection

I’ll keep on loving you, through the highs and lows
I’ll never give up, ’cause only you I chose
Your sweetest obsession, I’ll never let go
I’d gladly die a thousand deaths, just to let you know

Copyright © Milla

When the magic began

Vers 1:
I still remember the day I broke up with normal
It felt like the weight of the world had lifted off my shoulders
Suddenly the colors were brighter, the air felt crisper
I traded in my grey skies for a kaleidoscope of stars

That’s when the magic began, oh the magic began
When I said goodbye to ordinary and embraced the unknown
Oh darling, the world became my canvas
Painted with the colors of freedom, love, and possibility

Vers 2:
I walked away from the ordinary, into the wild unknown
Where every corner held a secret waiting to be known
I danced with the moon, sang with the wind
I found beauty in the chaos, and peace within the storm

That’s when the magic began, oh the magic began
When I let go of the rules and followed my heart’s song
Oh darling, the universe whispered secrets in my ear
Promises of adventure, of love, of dreams coming true

No more playing it safe, no more holding back
I spread my wings and soared into the vast unknown
Every moment felt electric, every breath felt alive
I found my true self in the ashes of what was left behind

That’s when the magic began, oh the magic began
When I dared to dream beyond the boundaries of fear
Oh darling, the world became a symphony of possibilities
Playing a melody that only my heart could hear

So here I stand, a wanderer in a world of wonder
Where the day I broke up with normal was the day I truly began
Embracing the magic, the beauty, the love that surrounds me
Forever grateful for the moment I dared to take that chance

Copyright © Milla

You complete the puzzle for me

Vers 1:
Every time you smile
My heart starts racing wild
The world just fades away
When you light up my day

You make my heart skip a beat
With your smile, so sweet
I can’t help but feel the heat
As I fall deeper, so complete
You complete the puzzle for me
You are the one that I love
I can’t get enough of you, oh no
My love for you just continues to grow

Vers 2:
I can’t resist your charms
My love for you is so warm
With every grin and smile
You make everything worthwhile

You make my heart skip a beat
With your smile, so sweet
I can’t help but feel the heat
As I fall deeper, so complete
You complete the puzzle for me
You are the one that I love
I can’t get enough of you, oh no
My love for you just continues to grow

The way you look into my eyes
I can’t help but feel butterflies
With you, I never want to let go
You’re the missing piece to my soul

Chorus x2:
You make my heart skip a beat
With your smile, so sweet
I can’t help but feel the heat
As I fall deeper, so complete
You complete the puzzle for me
You are the one that I love
I can’t get enough of you, oh no
My love for you just continues to grow

Copyright © Milla