
Dialogue from Punch-Out! arcade game

When I was 23 and just a year out of film school, I had steady work as a freelance photographer but supplimented my income by doing deliveries one day a week. At the end of my route to a convenience store somewhere in Southern California, I would treat myself to playing the Punch-Out! arcade game.

In the game, every time your character got hit hard you’d hear the announcer say, ”BODY BLOW! BODY BLOW!” I think I only did that delivery gig a few months, but the phrase “BODY BLOW! BODY BLOW!” is seared in my mind. So much so whenever I hit a rough patch in life I think “BODY BLOW! BODY BLOW!”

The last two months have been kind of like. Noting life changing, but it did derail my plans of doing two YouTube videos a month. That, and I went down a Toy Story 3 rabbit hole in March that I just crawled out of. The results are a new 10-minute video on what Oscar winning screenwriter Michael Arndt calls the six tentpole moments of Toy Story 3. (He’s clear to say this “tentpole” concept isn’t the only way to write a screenplay, but it works for him in writing a mainstream movie. In the video below, I condense about 10 hours of his teaching I’ve listened over the last couple of months into just under 10 minutes. Check out Arndt’s great 70 minute video Toy Story 3: Mistakes Made, Lesson Learned to flesh this out more.)

My plan in June is to get back to making two sub-3 minute videos in June on my YouTube Channel. And since creating YouTube videos is a growing part of working in production, I’ll start passing on some insights I’ve learned doing this blog solo. (Did you know there is a job now called YouTube Channel Show Runner?) Even if you can write, shoot, edit, etc. there is so much to learn. On this video alone, I had to edit seven versions before I got one that didn’t get blocked for copyright reasons.

I hope the video is helpful to you and your writing and filmmaking. (I’d appreciate it if you subscribed to the channel.) And for those of you who prefer reading, I will get a transcript of the video on here by tomorrow.

Scott W. Smith

“It was in our first meeting that (co-writer) Andy Robin said, ‘Why don’t we tell the story like The Right Stuff?’ That’s what carried me through the movie, because I was an insane NASA guy and Mercury program guy. I love that stuff. I love cereal, obviously. So that combination of cereal and NASA, I’m in.”
—Jerry Seinfeld on his directorial debut Unfrosted

If you met comedian Jerry Seinfeld and documentary filmmaker Ken Burns in the late 1970s I bet both of them would have signed a deal that would have guaranteed that they could each have a 30-year run in their chosen creative endeavor and just have their basic financial needs met.

Seinfeld said when he started out doing comedy he had a construction day job and performed standup for free at night (though he did get free hamburgers at the club). He was later able to quit his day job because he was able to be the emcee at the club making $25 a night. New York was much cheaper back then. But too expensive for Burns, who fled to even less expensive New Hampshire to edit his Brooklyn Bridge documentary. He said of the move that he felt like he was taking a vow of poverty.

There was no clear financial stream for documentary filmmakers back then. And Seinfeld said that only a few comedians made a living when he started out. But both Burns and Seinfeld not only found a path in their 20s, but they found great success. So much so they they are both in their 70s and still producing at a high level. Both are household names, have 38 Primetime Emmys combined, and one is a multimillionaire and the other a billionaire.

And now they’re together at last to promote Seinfeld’s new movie Unfrosted that dropped on Netflix today. I don’t know if the movie is any good, but the trailer is great.

P.S. Since The Right Stuff (1983) was evoked in making Unfrosted, if you’ve never seen that film check it out. It’s one of the best films made in the 1980s that unfortunately got buried in controversy and greatly overlooked when it first came out. Just brilliant filmmaking and acting. And Sam Shepard as Chuck Yeager—legendary.

Related post: How to Write Like Jerry Seinfeld in Five Steps

Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.

Oscar-nominated cinematographer Lawrence Sher (Joker) ends a super Vanity Fair discussion on color and lighting by encouraging people to ”Go make something cool.” He packs into 15-minutes various lighting samples from films he’s shot (Garden State, The Hangover, Paul). If you’ve ever had someone tell you to never use or to turn off un-color corrected fluorescent lights (with their green spike), or ugly sodium vapor lights, or not to mix color temperatures, then you’ll appreciate the creative approach that Sher takes to lighting a scene.

And if you’d like to make films but aren’t even sure what a director of photography does on a shoot this is an excellent primer for you as well.

In the four years since that video came out (but I just saw for the first time today), one of the film Sher has been working on is the second Joker film with director Todd Phillips, Joker:Folie á Deux. That film will come out later this year and has reported budget three times that of the original Joker.

And if you don’t have $200 million to make on a movie, look what Sher pulled off visually on the Zach Braff indie film Garden State (2004). Then go make something cool.

Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.

My wife had back surgery last month so it’s temporarily slowed down my blogging and YouTubing output. While helping her on the mend I’ve been listening to every teaching video and interview I can featuring Oscar-winning screenwriter Michael Arndt. On one podcast he dropped a Tarkovsky quote that I had never heard and it instantly went to the top of my list of favorite quotes about art.

“The allotted function of art is not, as is often assumed, to put across ideas, to propagate thoughts, to serve as an example. The aim of art is to prepare a person for death, to plough and harrow his soul, rendering it capable of turning to good.”
—Filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky
BAFTA Film Award, The Sacrifice

Come on—to “plough and harrow” the soul. That‘s great imagery. I’m putting that quote up there with a quote written by Oscar-winning co-writer of Shakespeare in Love :

“I don’t think writers are sacred, but words are. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you might nudge the world a little or make a poem that children will speak for you when you are dead.” 
Above quote spoken by the character Henry in The Real Thing: A Play written by playwright/screenwriter Tom Stoppard 

Now the Greek dramatists would agree with Tarkovsky and Stoppard. But I am aware that here are plenty of other writers who say the purpose of film is simply to amuse and entertain. No need to argue that here.

But I hope you get the right words in the right order today in whatever you’re writing. May your words plough and harrow the soul, nudge the world a little, and prepare a person for death.

Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.

“My father always said to me I would be a late bloomer.”
—David Seidler( Oscar acceptance speech after winning for his script The King’s Speech at age 73 )

David Seilder died two weeks ago at age 86. He won a WGA award for a script he wrote with Jacqueline Feather, and an Academy Award for writing The King’s Speech.

Here’s a reprint of a post I wrote about him in 2011:

The next time you hear a writer complain about not getting the break they think they deserve, or how long it’s taking for their script to become a movie, remind them about David Seidler. Seidler’s life story—like The King’s Speech—follows one of the most basic principles of drama; A strong protagonist who is willing to go to the end of the line to get what they want.*

For Seidler all it took was 73 years to reach the top of the mountain. Diablo Cody’s Oscar win in 2009 gave inspiration to many that it was possible to win an Oscar as a rookie writer, and Seidler’s Oscar gives inspiration to many that toward the end of your career you may finally peak in the way you’ve always dreamed.

And it really was a 70 year journey for Seidler. At age 3 he and his parents fled England due to the outbreak of World War II and the impending danger of German troops. Soon after arriving in the United States Seidler began stuttering, which if you’ve seen The King’s Speech is about King George VI’s desire to overcome stuttering as he prepares to give one of the most important speeches before England’s involvement in World War II. Seidler grew up listening to the King’s speeches on the radio and his father would point out to him that the King had overcoming stuttering. And Seidler, like the King, did overcome his speech impediment.

So out of the gate Seidler seemed destined to write this story. Seidler happened to go to high school with Francis Ford Coppola and before you start into the “it’s who you know” thing remember that Seidler has been paying his dues for decades. And it’s not just who you know, it’s what you learn from who you know. (But with that said, having a classmate like Coppola is a nice bonus.) Seidler in an interview on Jeff Goldsmith’s Creative Screenwriting podcast (January 07, 2011) said he picked up some great advice from Coppola:

“I learned a great deal from Francis. He’s a very, very bright filmmaker. One of the things I learned was—know what your ending is. And that’s something that’s really stayed with me. He said he always knows the big scene at the end of the movie he’s going for. It may not be the last scene, but it’s the apex of the action. And then everything is to move towards that scene.”

“Everything is to move towards that scene”—that’s great advice. In the script you’re working on now, does everything move toward that scene?

As Coppola launched his directing career in the ’60s, Seidler’s first job in the entertainment business was less exciting—transcribing Godzilla movies. In 1966-67 he landed his first writing gig on an Australian TV show called Adventures of the Seaspray. I believe after that he turned to a variety of jobs to pay the bills (advertising, Signal Corps, Playwright in Resident in San Franciscio, and political advisor in Fuji).

His next IMDB credit was not until 1981, an episode for the soap opera Another World.

There’s not much there to think that at that point in his career that the 43-year-old Seidler was on the fast track to have a feature made from his work, much less win an Oscar some day. But way back in 1981 is when he actually began working on what would become The King’s Speech. Obviously there were a few twists and turns in the road before it became a movie. And surprisingly, or not, Coppola—Seidler’s old high school classmate— had a small part in getting The King’s Speech script written.

“I had written Tucker for Francis and was just naive enough to think that that meant it would get made immediately and change my life forever. It took ten years to get made and it didn’t change my life that much. And I also thought that meant I could write anything I wanted in Hollywood. And you’re all wise enough to know that’s not true, but I did.”
—David Seidler

And that’s when he began to work on The King’s Speech. But unlike Tucker:The Man and His Dreams_it would not take 10 years to bring The King’s Speech to the screen, or 20 years, but almost 30 years. As Paul Harvey used to say, “You think about that.”

* A strong protagonist who is willing to go to the end of the line to get what they want. Other films in this year’s Oscars that fit that description include, Black Swan, 127 Hours, The Fighter, and True Grit. All which also build to a dramatic ending.

Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.

In under 5-minutes I solved the age old question, “Can Screenwriting Be Taught?” (At least I tried to.) If you’re somewhere between elementary school age and in a retirement home and ever wanted to write a screenplay there are worst places to start than the video I produced below.


Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.

Emmy and BAFTA winner and Oscar-nominated producer, director, writer Edward Zwick has a book out titled Hits, Flops, and Other Illusions: My Forty Years in Hollywood. I bought the audio book yesterday and will pull some quotes from it in the coming weeks. But Zwick has had an amazing career starting out writing prestige television (Thirtysomething) back in the ’80s before anyone was talking about ”prestige television.”

Then he went on to make prestige movies (Glory, Shakespeare in Love, The Last Samurai) working with many prestige actors including Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, and Denzel Washington. And he’s learned from many of the most talented people Aaron Spelling, Woody Allen and Sydney Pollack in the entertainment business.

In a podcast interview with Marc Maron, Zwick said as he was defending a plot of a script he was working on Sydney Pollack told him ”Plot is the meat that the burglars throw to the dogs when they climb over the walls to get to the jewels—which are the characters.” In other words, the plot serves the characters. It doesn’t matter how cool the plot is if the characters aren’t strong.

That reminds of the this Stephen King quote:

“Plot is, I think, the good writer’s last resort and the dullard’s first choice. The story which results from it is apt to feel artificial and labored. I lean more heavily on intuition, and have been able to do that because my books tend to be based on situation rather than story . . . . I want to put a group of characters (perhaps a pair; perhaps even just one) in some sort of predicament and then watch them try to work free.
—Stephen King
On Writing, A Memory of Craft (2000 version), page 164

Related posts: Screenwriting Quote #148 (Edward Zwick)

Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.

As I type this, I see that the post What Christopher Nolan Did When He Couldn’t Get Into Film School is the top read post of the day so far. That made me look back to see what other quotes from him that might be buried in past posts and I found this one from 2012 (and I embedded a few of his inspirations):

I had a couple of big influences. When I was 16 I read a Graham Swift novel, Waterland, that did incredible things with parallel timelines, and told a story in different dimensions that was extremely coherent. Around the same time, I remember Alan Parker’s The Wall on television, which does a very similar thing purely with imagery, using memories and dreams crossing over to other dreams and so forth. Nicolas Roeg’s The Man Who Fell to Earth and Performance were also influential. Those stuck in my head, as did a lot of crime fiction—James Ellroy, Jim Thompson—and film noirs like Jacques Tourneur’s Out of the Past, which was just staggering. Then, somehow, I got hold of a script to Pulp Fiction before the film came out and was fascinated with what Tarantino had done.”
Writer/Director Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer, The Dark Night Rises, Dunkirk)
DGA Quartlerly article The Traditionalist by Jeffrey Ressner

Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.

Last night the University of Iowa’s Caitlin Clark set the all-time scoring record for NCAA Division I women’s basketball. She finished the night with 49 points in the victory over Michigan. That gave her a total of 3,569 over her career. She has a chance over the last four games of regular season to surpass a record Pete Maravich’s achieved 54-years ago. His 3,667 points still stands as the Division I record for men and women. (A remarkable accomplishment considering he only played three seasons of varsity ball instead of three.)

The odds are that she’ll break Maravich’s record this month. Congrats on an amazing feat.

Des Moines-born Clark was only six years old when I started this little Screenwriting from Iowa …and Other Unlikely Places. I lived in Iowa at the time and saw it as a place that has historically served as fertile ground for some incredible success on a national level. In sports that includes two-time NFL MVP and Super XXXIV MVP Kurt Warner (University of North Iowa), Master’s Tournament golf champion Zack Johnson (Drake University), Brock Purdy (Iowa State) who started at QB for the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl this month, and legendary Olympic gold medal wrestler and 15 NCAA Division I national champion coach Dan Gable (Iowa).

The list of film and TV celebrities with Iowa roots goes back to John Wayne, Donna Reed, Johnny Carson, Jean Seberg, and Tennessee Williams (Mississippi-born Williams actually got his nickname Tennessee while a student at the University of Iowa). But a major inspiration for starting this blog was screenwriter Diablo Cody who graduated from the University of Iowa in 2000, on her way to winning an Oscar for her 2007 movie Juno. Also in 2007, screenwriters Scott Beck and Bryan Woods graduated from the University of Iowa on the road to their breakout film A Quiet Place.

So add Caitlin Clark to the latest breakout success from that someone unlikely place tucked away in flyover country.

Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.

“I didn’t know I knew how to make a movie until I was doing it.”
—Celine Song
The Hollywood Reporter

Before Celine Song’s Oscar nomination for her Past Lives screenplay, she’s had an interesting journey. Born in South Korea, raised in Canada, and got her MFA in playwriting from Columbia University in New York City. She then spent a decade doing off-Broadway plays including Endlings which unfortunately debuted with New York Theater Workshop in March 2020 just days before New York theaters began shutting down because of the pandemic. But as the saying goes, every ending is a new start.

Here’s a quote from Song that mixes her background in theater and filmmaking that I hope you find helpful. Especially if you live in an area where there are not a lot trained actors.

”Theater is just all table reads. Theater is just reading after reading. And I actually have trouble seeing what I have written, either a playor a screenplay, unless I’ve heard it out loud in a little room full of my friends. . . . How good the performance is in the reading is not helpful. In fact, I really don’t personally ever invite actors to the reading of my first draft. Because actors can make the script sound a lot better than it is. And we love actors and reply on them so much, but I think sometimes what happens is the actors are also auditioning for the role when they’re reading it, and that’s undo pressure on the script. So I think the performance part of it is not necessarily valuable for a script, because what you need from that reading is objectivity. What you need from that reading is the way that story and the writing itself is hitting the first very small audience. I usually invite fellow writers or people who are not in the industry, but are able to read on site. . . . You just want to see the way the script is hitting them live, because that’s where you’re going to learn if the script is working.”
—Oscar nominated writer/director Celine Song (Past Lives)
Scriptnotes podcast (#630) interview with John August

Here‘s the trailer to Past Lives which Song received a Best Original Screenplay Oscar nomination (and the film also earned a Best Picture Oscar nomination).

Related article: What Is a Table Read?

Scott W. Smith is the author of Screenwriting with Brass Knuckles and runs the Filmmaking With Brass Knuckles YouTube channel.