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Mii-dera temple – Side of the biggest lake in Siga prefecture –

Mii-dera Temple(The official name The Onjo-ji Temple) 246, Onjojicho, Otsu-shi, Shiga, 520-0036, Jap …

Kyushu region

I went to Kyushu region目次 It is island southwest part of Japan, and the third biggest island. There …

Michio Fukuoka exhibition

I visited The National Museum of Art. Osaka.目次 “Michio Fuk …

Ise grand shrine. A majority of that space is forest.

目次 Ise shrine, a majority of space is forest. Around of the Japanese shrine is forest. We call this …

Astonishment! Shuri Castle in Okinawa that burned in no time.

One day I was very surprised to see the news. Shuri Castle is on fire.Shuri Castle was burned during …