May blog post

News and jottings from this month at the writing desk.

Happy May time, or Beltane if you’re into the witchy woo stuff. I love all things mystical, and have lots of tarot packs, several crystal balls, and tons of crystals I wear and use all the time. Also numerology is getting quite addictive. Today I am using Elemental Power oracle cards. If you’d like a card for inspiration, let me know in the comments, and I’ll pick one out for you. I’ll put the one I’ve just picked out on FB though I keep getting locked out for some reason. Don’t think I’m ignoring you if I don’t reply, or hang around much. It’s acting a bit strange, so I’ll probably switch to Instagram, as the other place is a bit random these days as well.

I write the date in my daily journal, and can’t resist adding all the numbers together. For instance, today is 15/05/2024 = 20 + 8 = 28 = 10 =1 A day of new beginnings, getting things moving and being your best self. Even if that’s relaxing and doing nothing, if your body needed that, it’s alright. Maybe you’ve started a new project with crafts, or outdoor pursuits.

I knitted another pair of socks, and finishing a jumper I started last year, and only just found it out. I need to get rid of a lot of the junk email places I’ve subscribed to over time, and they keep pinging into my inbox, it’s a job to keep up with deleting before I’ve even read the darn things.

Finished my WW1 story now, so going over that and putting the last bits and pieces into it. I’ll put the elemental power oracle cards on my Tarot Crystals and Palmistry page. Once you’ve had tarot and crystals, and palmistry in you life you can’t live without them, and the messages that come along all the time.

I’ve been entering a lot of competitions, lately, and the best win for me yet, is one of those Clean pro gadgets in rose quartz colour, and with a real rose quartz to massage your face. It buzzes on slow, quicker, faster and buzzzzzzzz. It’s funny, but great for a professional face clean and lift. At first I thought I’d won a load of cleaning products, as I entered a comp for those as well. But much happier with the Go Pro. This is it… Loving it so far. It was in a magazine called Kindred Spirit. It’s out every three months, the next one’s the end of May.

Reading a book at the moment, by Jo Jo Moyes, Still me. It’s the third in the set, following You before Me, and after You. Always great reads. So now I am into the editing for a while, before starting on something new. Will keep you updated with that.

Enjoy the rest of the Beltane, May time,

Cast a spell, or make a wish,

Imagine, and it’ll come true.

Plant some seeds, bake a cake,

Brew some herbal tea.

Whatever your choice,

have some fun,

Until the day is done.

More news next time.

Suzy Doodling

Hats off to love

On Amazon Kindle or paperback

These arrived today – this story was re-written from the 1970’s version on the request of pocket novel editor. Now it’s in the library large print, and on Amazon, also out at a publishers hoping to get a wider audience. Any reviews would be welcome, if it’s going to be a good one. Thanks for looking, and more stories coming soon.


Read more: Hats off to love

Proof copy

Isn’t it exciting when your proof copy arrives? This is the story that was completely re-written to be published as a pocket novel. Imagine, having to re-write your whole story into a completely new one. On the phone, I heard myself saying to the editor. Yes, I can do that … at the same time wondering. It was quite easier than I expected, because I had a plan. We discussed what was needed, and she told me she liked my writing style, so that was reassuring.

Front cover, which won’t have the not for resale slogan over.
Back cover

Now I’m busy writing the third hat related story, but set during WW1.

It’s getting exciting, as it’s a different type of story to the ones I normally write. Won’t say anymore else it might spoil it.

Hope you’re all having a great weekend, and enjoy the rugby if you watch it.

That reminds me, if you do like the rugby, especially set in Wales, Cardiff. This is the book for you or someone who is passionate about their team. #Barbados Nights.

For all Welsh rugby supporters, and anyone who loves a romantic drama.


Hello fellow readers and writers. Hope you’ve all got something good to read or write or create, whatever your favourite form of creation is. Sister Sal has got her you tube channel up and running now, you can find her on You tube under the name of Nanny Moon Crochet. There she shows us what she’s been up to lately, and other news. Give her a thumbs up if you call in to have a look, or subscribe if crochet is of interest to you. I’m knitting a really big chunky over jumper.

I’ve been busy putting my first pocket novel on kindle, will be in paperback form soon as well. It’s here if you want to have a look. Hats off to Love It was re-written to be published by My Weekly, and now I am writing another hats story set during another period in time. After that I will have a think of what direction I’m heading with my writing. So far, here’s the books I’ve written. I’m really proud of my writing journey, though it’s had a bit of a hic-cup over the last year or so. But all good now.

We went a country walk today, through the local churchyard, through fields, across a playing field, and back through our local village. Really relaxing. I’ve also got a pile of library books to read, so off now to get into those.

I’m going to make lots more time this year for doing things that make me happy. Blogging once a month will be on my list of things to do. Remember the days when we’d give each other little badges for different things?

Happy Writing, and check in again next month to let me know what you’re up to. Remember, if you enjoy a book or story, put a review in for the writer, it’s a great boost if anyone likes the story and helps us get going and write another one.

See you next time, xxxxx


Hope you all have a great 2024

Writing news! Hats off to Love

Coming soon, the kindle version of this book, and paperback on Amazon as well, I’d lost the manuscript on a previous computer and made that awful mistake of not backing it up!

Reason for that is the pocket novel only goes on sale for 2 weeks, although you can get back copies. The Linford Romance one doesn’t seem to be available. This story was the one that was completely re-written to be published as a pocket novel. The original story, had a new name, A Factory Affair, I liked the story and had an idea to do a saga. Starting in the 1970’s and going forward to see how the characters developed. For the moment it’s a standalone story.

Another version of the hat factory story is set in 1915 and goes through WW1. A lovely agent wanted a war time story but that was a while ago now, but I’m still working on that. Everyone wants a re-write of that original one it seems.

This first pocket novel was accepted in 2016, so when I work it out, in 8 years, 6 books have been written, though a lot of that was probably written pre – 2016. For me, 2024 is the year to get writing more, and look for an agent, and get my writing and books more widely read.

Thanks to everyone who reads and leaves reviews, and likes the stories. I will be working on the WW1 story as soon as the up to date, romantic one is out on kindle and paperback. Here’s the blurb.

Wishing you all the best for the new year.

End of year blog

Anyone for a mince pie?

Hello everyone ☃️🎄

December already! I seem to make a habit of putting that at the start of every month, yet here we are on the cusp of another year. Made me realise when I renewed my library book online and the new date for return is 3rd January.

The last year has been a tough one, and things aren’t the same at all as we end this year, without going into too much personal detail. On the creative front, I have mastered socks well and truly. Three pairs of wearable socks so far, a crochet waistcoat, from a pattern, and a wall hanging that’s got pride of place our front room door.

Photo by Georgie Devlin on
Pink socks for comfort and relaxation – I would highly recommend mastering socks, but only if you have lots of time and patience.

As you know I love poetry, so here is one that I wrote a while ago. All about mince pies, and would there be enough? If you’re not sure, always get an extra box. The elves are around after all, remember. They are a greedy lot and eat them like hot cakes.

         Mince Pie Mayhem

At the factory, chaos descending,

Mince pie orders, never ending.

Up to their necks in butter and lard,

Bert and Jack working hard.

Will we get all of them made?

Better had or we won’t get paid.

I know a trick or two,

Here’s what we could do.

Jack and Bert had a chat,

It’s decided, that’s that!

On the blower to a man at Aldi,

Bert said, ‘Jack that’s really handy!’

Deliver us a thousand, or even more,

Bring ’em round to our factory door.

We’ll bag ’em up and sell them all,

Peace descended, on the factory floor.

Hope you enjoyed that festive little interlude, and more sock pictures below.

I found some old diaries last night and they are so funny. There was a story of an old Rottweiler, he adopted us for a while. We knew him from going in the local shop with his mom/owner for jelly babies. He was well build to say the least, and quite stiff with arthritis in his joints. Me an Alan have a history of attracting wandering dogs, but that’s another story. This dog was standing outside out driveway, hovering. Our son was going out and pointed to him, to let us know, then went on his way. This old dog was getting soaked in the pouring rain, looking really sorry for himself. We went out to see if his owner was down the road somewhere. She wasn’t, and when he saw us he was so happy, and then he noticed the open door of the jeep, and jumped, with some difficulty into the vehicle.

Hubby being the generous type he is decided to go a little drive with his new pal and find the owners. So off they went, dripping wet dog, in my side of the car, hubby driving, cruising up and down the locality, searching for someone who was nowhere to be found. Rottweiler looked happy with the situation. Looking out of the window, slobbering his chops and glad to be out of the rain. In the end, he brought him back not quite knowing what to do as it was pelting it down by now, and the dog was freezing.

We let him in, he had a tin of dog meat from the shop and curled up by the fire like a little lost soul, looking round as if he was thinking, ‘I could get to like it here.’ We asked around, and folk knew the dog same as we did, it was Jacob who liked Jelly babies from the shop. Hours later a knock on the door, and his owner appeared. Seems like, Jacob had escaped from his garden in the rain and gone looking for somewhere to find some friends. He only stayed for the afternoon, but a more loving creature you’d never find. Shows you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, as to look at him, you’d never have known the gentle and loving nature he had. Not that you should go adopting Rottweilers by the way.

Hope you all have a happy Christmas and peaceful new year.

Blue socks for winter nights
Purple socks for any occasion whatsoever

July Blog Spot

Seeing as it’s the last day, I’ll slip this in to show I’m not missing any months out of the blogging habit.

First, the good news is that I am mastering knitting socks! Or should I say sock? I started one with double knitting wool, and large double ended needle, and it’s turned out to be a boot sock. On hold with the other one as I wanted to be professional and make the 4 ply sock with a 2.5mm double ended needle. This one is coming out great, and can’t wait to have an actual pair of socks to show you.

Always stretching the boundaries and needing new marketing ploys, I am going to get a You Tube channel. Yes, I know, don’t fall off your chair laughing, really have you got a you tube channel? If not why not. It’s the way forward as we can follow our chosen subjects and get the message out there and get to know readers, clients, and connect with our audience.

I will do some homework, and study all the in’s and out’s of how to go about it. And do practice video’s as I’m not a natural on video by a long shot. But keep following the blog and more news on that as it happens.

Above all, readers, know that we can only do what we believe we can. So aim high, if you fail, aim high again, the more you try the more likely you will hit your chosen target one day. I am going to be a best selling author.

Until next time.

June already!

Newsletter time, from Jones writing hub. Journaling, reminded me of my journalist days. When I’d research a topic, find a market, sometimes the other way around. Then submit the idea, yes via brown A4 envelope with return postage inside, then wait. It was exciting especially when a phone call came to say. ‘We’d like to use your story/article’ How much easier is it now with email and google?

I write novels now, that’s not to say I might enjoy article writing. Reasons are that it’s quicker and they can pay quite well if you get the right topic to the right editor of the right magazine. So here’s my June challenge to myself and you – let’s face it, proper writers can write anything, right?

Let’s write and sub an article of around 1,000 words, and see where it gets us. Last time I set a challenge like this, I got star letter and won the Writers and Artists Year book. Always useful and interesting to read.

If you want some pointers on how to start, have a look at this guide.

  • First, make a list of your hobbies
  • Now a list of areas you can talk on for more than 10 minutes
  • Topics that really excite you
  • Find magazines, websites that match your lists
  • Do a few pages of free flow writing and see what comes
  • Are you passionate/annoyed about something happening around your area
  • Would your local paper like your history article on local folklore
  • Do you believe in magic, what happened?
  • Ghosts, always a good topic for articles
  • Any interesting holiday news that could make an article

It’s surprising how much you know, and how editors are looking for great writers to fill pages. Sometimes you might wonder why you see the same names beside articles you wish you’d written. The only difference is that you didn’t write it and that someone else did.

Let’s put that right, grab a pencil/ink pen and get writing from the heart. We’ll have a catch up soon and find out who sent out what and who got published.

Good luck, and believe you can and you will.

Until next time,

Bye xx

April/May Newsletter from your Tropic ambassador.

Hello everyone, hope your spring is going well.

This newsletter is to let you know I’m still a tropic ambassador. Joining when I turned a big birthday, you can take your own guess which one, as it doesn’t need broadcasting. Other than to say my treat to me for getting to a milestone age was having tropic products to use every day. That way I was saving money by not needing to go to the salon anymore, and having top products in my bathroom cabinet.

You can either order these great products from your local ambassador, or you can shop on the link, let me know, or if you’re really loving the products if you’ve already tried them, you can join up yourself and get a whole load of products at much better prices.

Have a look at the catalogue if you want to know more.

Here’s a few of my favourite products, but obviously the ABC collection is the best place to start.

If you’d like to try anything, or treat someone special, there’s something for everyone – take a look here if you want to see more, or get in touch and I will help you choose what’s best for you.

Have a good week and talk soon.