In preparation for the Postgraduate Program in Design Thinking and Innovation that combined with the Coolhunting Design and Global Trends Postgraduate Program will conform our Masters Degree in Research for Design and Innovation next year. we are proud to introduce our 1st Design Thinking Week in 2011, with the support and participation of leading lecturers and professionals in this field.

A rough draft of the program would be:

February 1
4:00 – 4:30 pm

4:30 pm

Welcome by Elisava School of Design Barcelona
4:45 pm

Presentation of the Postgraduate Program in Coolhunting, Design and Global Trends and the Masters Degree in Design Research by Jorge Rodriguez
5 :00- 7 pm
Design Thinking 101 : Jordi Prats &  Jose Antonio Gago from  Ineedit Barcelona
Design Thinking applied to product processes in Companies in Barcelona. Case Studies  (en Español)

Coffee Break

7:15 – 9 pm

Rich Radka, Claro Partners, Making Design Thinking Viable Within a Business Context – (English)  In this presentation, Rich will build upon definitions of Design Thinking and its methodologies and processes to address the art of successfully applying Design Thinking in a business environment. He will discuss topics such as corporate silos, cultural readiness, maintaining momentum, practice vs. process, the use of stories and quantitative evidence, ghost deliverables, finding champions, DNA and how to increase the chance that ideas get implemented.

February 2
5 – 9 pm
Room 1 Workshop A Design Thinking: Learning by doing, Arne Van Oosterom,  Design Thinkers NL  (English) During this hands on session participants will be challenged to solve complex problems using design thinking methods.  Context Mapping, User Research, Journey Mapping, Ideation, Prototyping. Max 30 participants

refreshments available from 6 pm inside the workshops. no coffee break

Room 2  Workshop B Design Thinking, Claudia Nicolai D. School Postdam  (English) This half-day workshop will first introduce the approach of Design Thinking by using an iterative process. As a human-centered design thinker you need to understand the people you are trying to solve problems for. In order to find new solutions for your particular users you should build empathy and an understanding for who they are, what they like and dislike, and what really matters for them. In an exercise we will try to capture the real life experiences of users.

February 3
13.30 hrs to 17.30 hrs
Barcelona UnConference: Society 2.0 powered by Wenovski Design Thinking Network and Claro Partners(English)

Society is shifting from top-down to ground up. It’s becoming increasingly collaborative where things and experiences are shared & co-owned. Consumers have more power; ad-hoc groups of people can come together quickly so reputations and trusted networks are important to enable peer-to-peer exchange. The technologies and conventions of social networking are widely understood at a subconscious level and creating societies that are more connected for better and for worse. More humans live in cities than don’t for the first time in history, and the planet’s population keeps growing unchecked. We are also in the midst of a long, deep global economic crisis, we are facing climate change, nearing the end of fossil fuels…

Let’s erase the stereotypes from our minds about how our cultures, governments, businesses, and interpersonal relationships operate. What does society really look like in 2011? How does it really operate? And where is it going over the next decade?

We’d like to invite you to take part in an “UnConference’ on the theme of Society 2.0. What is an UnConference, you ask? An UnConference is a gathering of smart, passionate people around a topic but without the normal structure of powerpoint, agendas, or set roles such as presenter and audience. There is no single objective we plan to meet, and not bullet points to tick off a list. Instead, we will all co-orchestrate our time together to create a stimulating discourse that will provide each of us with something very valuable – new ideas, new perspectives, and hopefully the beginnings of new relationships.

However, an UnConference is not undisciplined, unfocused, unproductive or self-indulgent. It should be anarchistic but is not chaotic. We do not want to all make the effort to join together and then settle for a series of unconnected monologues or unconvincing predictions; we want to take part in an enriching experience and build upon one another’s ideas. So we ask everyone who will attend to think about Society 2.0, and come ready to share your thoughts, worries, enthusiasms, stories, hypotheses, opinions, observations along with some supporting evidence to ensure that our conversation is indeed anchored in things real and specific. No material preparation is necessary, but feel free to bring notes, examples, evidence as you see fit.

UnConference:  Society 2.0 – Arne van Oosterom, DesignThinkers, the Netherlands; Aldo de Jong and Rich Radka, Claro Partners, Barcelona
This “un-conference” will apply diverse points of view and thinking styles to the theme of Society 2.0. Unlike a conventional conference, there will be no presentation, no presenter or audience, no agenda or objectives. Instead, we will engage in spontaneous, ground-up, organically emergent creative thinking to stimulate and inform all involved both through form and content. Bring your thoughts, stories, opinions, predications on what Society 2.0 is and what its implications are to us collectively and individually
1.30 – 3.15 – Introduction of theme, initial thoughts and development of key threads of conversation
3.15 – 3.30 – Break
3.30 – 5.30 – Breakout sessions into smaller groups to consider more specific threads within the theme; report back to the full group and conclusions

Conclusions, Closing & Acknowledgments by Jorge Rodriguez