Philosophy of Lussuria

As members travel back in time with Lussuria, they are ushered into history to rediscover a world long forgotten. Since before the agricultural revolution, people lived in communities where everything was shared, including sexual partners.

While the word swinging may be a modern term, the reality is that the concept of partner swapping has been around since the dawn of man. In fact, you will find that sexual freedom of expression and lust have been celebrated throughout all periods of time across all cultures. 

Hints of these celebrations still exist. Carnival, or Carnevale, is a remnant festivity taken from the ancient Greeks and Romans celebrating the God of Fertility Bacchus, often through means of orgies, while indulging in fine food and wine. Even before then, the ancient Egyptians celebrated it to honour the Goddesses, Hathor and Isis. Today, Carnival is celebrated as a moment of merry enjoyment before Lent, a catholic period of penance. Although orgies have long been suppressed from the celebration, it is always interesting to note how much of our modern world still has its non-monogamous past enshrined in symbolism, celebrations and the arts.

An illustration of ancient Bacchanal by Édouard-Henri Avril (21 May 1843 – 1928)
An illustration of ancient Bacchanal by Édouard-Henri Avril (21 May 1843 – 1928)

Indeed, at Lussuria, we embrace non-monogamy not as something Sinful or Deviant, but as a celebration of human nature, the human body and the beauty found in the world. We believe we are in touch with our deepest needs as humans. These needs are supported by evidence from anthropology, physiology and psychology. While very powerful institutions such as all modern existing religious establishments have done everything to demonise and oppress non-monogamy, human sexuality and the feminine, there is no denying the strong urges and natural basic instincts inherent to every human being on this planet.

Lussuria takes back what was stolen from human nature, by making sure its members are informed that their desire is perfectly natural, offering them a safe place for exploration, while at the same time empowering women to discover their feminine powers and men to embrace their female counterparts in the most respectful ways possible. 

We believe this lifestyle we chose opens up the gates to the ancient philosophy of brother and sister hood, forging amazing friendships and networking opportunities which take us far beyond the world of eroticism.

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