
All About Hennessey Sponsor/Partner Passive Program

We create a one time feature article about your business.
Your business listing in the AAH Business Directory
Your business logo with a clickable link to your website or facebook page is rotated on one of the main pages on AAH.com
Your business logo with a clickable link to your website or facebook page is included in the Hennessey POST email newspaper once a month.Only $50 per month with a 12 month agreement

All About Hennessey Sponsor/Partner Active Program

We create a one time feature article about your business.
Your business logo with a clickable link to your website or facebook page is listed in the AAH Business Directory
Your business logo with a clickable link to your website or facebook page is rotated on one of the main pages on AAH.com
Your business logo with a clickable link to your website or facebook page is included in the Hennessey POST email newspaper once a month.
You get one ad per month that runs on all of the AAH Network properties
You are the sponsor of at least one news post per month

Only $100 per month with a 12 month agreement

All payments must be made via auto pay debit/credit, or bank ACH.  Based on a 12 month commitment.This agreement will auto renew, you may cancel any time after the first 12 month commitment. You are responsible for contacting AAH to schedule your monthly ad.  All About Hennessey is a production of KJ FilmWorks, LLC
