In order to register for any of our products, you must indicate your acceptance of the appropriate cancellation policy and the release of liability.

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Cancellation Policies and Release of Liability

In order to register for any of our products, you must indicate your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions including the Cancellation Policy and the Release of Liability for each product or products that you are purchasing. The Cancellation Policy and Release of Liability are listed on each product page as well as below.

  • Policies for Portillo 2024

    Policies for Val d'Isere 2024

    When you check out, you will agree to the terms and conditions which include the Cancellation Policy and Release of Liability for the Portillo 2024 Trip:

    Cancellation Policy - Portillo Chile 2024

    All payments made by credit card confirm acceptance and knowledge of our cancellation policies.

    All cancellations must be dated and in writing via email, confirmed by a response from the Clendenin Method.

    Reminder: Trip insurance will cover most of these liabilities. We recommend buying trip insurance about June 7, 2024, after you have paid 50% of the total trip price. Again, we recommend trip insurance which covers cancellation for any reason. Our primary travel agent for trip insurance is Lance Cygielman ( / (307) 734-9303).

    • If you cancel on or before June 6, 2024, all payments are 100% refundable.
    • Your second payment is required by June 7, 2024. If payment is not made by this date without notification of cancellation, your deposit will be returned less a $300.00 cancellation fee.
    • For registrations cancelled between June 7, 2024, and July 20, 2024, payments to date will be returned less a $300.00 cancellation fee.
    • Final payment is required by July 20, 2024. If payment is not made by this date without notification of cancellation, no refund is possible, unless you or we can fill your spot.
    • From July 20, 2024, through the camp date, no refunds are possible with cancellation, unless you or we can fill your spot or unless "force majeure" is duly established and justified.
    • For any shortening of stay or early departure whatever the reason, no refunds are possible.

    Release of Liability - Portillo 2024

    I have voluntarily applied to participate in a Clendenin Method Program. I understand that the sports of skiing and snowboarding pose risks of injury that are my responsibility. I assume these risks, including the risk posed by loss of control and collisions with other skiers or snowboarders, trees, rocks, racing gates, and manmade obstacles, whether they are obvious or not obvious.

    I agree as consideration for being permitted to participate in the Clendenin Method program not to sue John Clendenin, Clendenin Productions LLC, Portillo, Mandarin Oriental, program and event organizers, staff, coaches, sponsors, and any of the associated officers, agents, or employees for injury or death resulting from participation in the ski or snowboard days and related activities in the Clendenin Method program, regardless of the cause, including negligence.

    I hereby authorize the use and reproduction of any and all photographs, film, and video taken of me, without compensation, and I understand that all negatives and positives, together with the prints and/or tapes, shall constitute the property of Clendenin Productions LLC and John Clendenin.

    Clendenin Productions LLC and the Clendenin Method Programs reserve the right to cancel or reschedule CM programs. CM will provide a full refund if a program is cancelled. A full refund will be provided if a program is rescheduled and a client is no longer able to participate.

    You are responsible for meeting all requirements to travel to Chile and return to your home country. Again, we highly recommend trip insurance that covers cancellation for any reason.

    I have read this agreement fully, and understand that this agreement is binding on my heirs and assigns, and that I am releasing certain legal rights that I otherwise may have.

    Clendenin Method Policies

    The Clendenin Method reserves the right to refuse service or dismiss from participation in any Clendenin Method lesson, camp, or tour

    • any client who has been or is currently behaving in an unsafe manner or not in accordance with local health requirements,
    • any client who does not meet the minimum requirement of being able to comfortably ski all groomed terrain, or
    • any client who has been or is currently being disruptive in a lesson, camp, or tour.

    Qualified CM-certified Coaches will be present at CM trips. Clendenin Productions LLC does not guarantee that John Clendenin will be present at any CM trips.

    The trip rates are based on a minimum of 12 people committing to the trip. We reserve the right to cancel the trip if we don't have 12 people committed by June 1, 2024 (If the trip is cancelled, your deposits will be refunded).

  • Clendenin Method Camps in Aspen and Private Camps

    Cancellation Policy for Clendenin Method Camps in Aspen and Private Camps

    All payments confirm acceptance and acknowledgement of our cancellation policies.

    All cancellations must be dated and in writing. (Sending us an email is fine; and please make sure that we confirm that we have received your email.)

    Full payment for each camp is required at the time the registration is made. A refund of your total payment, minus a 10% administration fee, will be granted up to the tenth day prior to the camp's scheduled start date and time. No refund is possible if the reservation is cancelled with notice less than 10 full days prior to the camp start date and time. All reservations made within 10 days of the scheduled date are binding.

    Clendenin Productions LLC and the Clendenin Method Programs reserve the right to cancel or reschedule any programs. If Clendenin Productions LLC or Clendenin Method Programs are canceled, a full refund will be made to the client.

    All payments made by credit card confirm acceptance and acknowledgement of our cancellation policies.

    Release of Liability

    I have voluntarily applied to participate in a Clendenin Method Program. I understand that the sports of skiing and snowboarding pose risks of injury that are my responsibility. I assume these risks, including the risk posed by loss of control and collisions with other skiers or snowboarders, trees, rocks, racing gates and manmade obstacles, whether they are obvious or not obvious.

    I agree as consideration for being permitted to participate in the Clendenin Method program not to sue John Clendenin, Clendenin Productions LLC, the Aspen Skiing Company, the U.S. Forest Service, program and event organizers, staff, coaches, sponsors, and any of the associated officers, agents or employees for injury or death resulting from participation in the ski or snowboard days and related activities, regardless of the cause, including negligence.

    I hereby authorize the use and reproduction of any and all photographs, film, and video taken of me, without compensation, and understand that all negatives and positives, together with the prints and/or tapes, shall constitute the property of Clendenin Productions LLC and John Clendenin.

    I have read this agreement fully and understand that this agreement is binding on my heirs and assigns, and that I am releasing certain legal rights that I otherwise may have.

    Clendenin Method Policies

    The Clendenin Method reserves the right to refuse service and dismiss from participation in any Clendenin Method lesson, camp, or tour

    any client who has been or is currently behaving in an unsafe manner or not in accordance with local health requirements,
    any client who does not meet the camp minimum requirement of being able to comfortably ski all groomed terrain, or
    any client who has been or is currently being disruptive in a lesson, camp, or tour.

    Qualified CM-certified Camp coaches will be present at CM camps. Clendenin Productions LLC does not guarantee that John Clendenin will be present at any CM camps.

  • Gold-Plan Private Lessons

    Cancellation Policy for Gold-Plan Private Lessons

    Full payment for each lesson is required at the time the booking reservation is made. Once coaches are scheduled and amenities reserved, you are confirmed and committed. A refund of your total payment, minus a 10% administration fee, will be granted up to 7 days prior to the scheduled start date (except for Holidays and high season, see below). No refund is possible if the reservation is cancelled with less than 7 days notice. All reservations made within seven days of the scheduled date are binding. 

    All cancellations must be dated and in writing. (Sending us an email is fine; make sure that we confirm that we have received your email.)

    In order to accommodate last-minute schedule changes, we will attempt to re-assign your coach for the cancelled dates. If we are able to re-reassign the coach to another client, we will refund payment for those days we are able to re-assign minus a 10% administration fee. 

    Holiday Periods and High Season: Full payment for lesson(s) is required at the time the booking reservation is made. Once payment is made for the following holiday/high season periods, the bookings are binding. There will be no refunds unless we are able to re-reassign your instructor for the dates cancelled. 

    • December 17, 2023 - January 5, 2024
    • February 17 - 25, 2024
    • March 10 - 30, 2024

    Clendenin Productions LLC and the Clendenin Ski Method Programs reserve the right to cancel or reschedule any programs.  

    Clendenin Productions LLC and the Clendenin Method Programs reserve the right to cancel or reschedule any programs. If Clendenin Productions LLC or Clendenin Method Programs are canceled, a full refund will be made to the client.

    All payments made by credit card confirm acceptance and acknowledgement of our cancellation policies.

    Release of Liability

    I have voluntarily applied to participate in a Clendenin Method Program. I understand that the sports of skiing and snowboarding pose risks of injury that are my responsibility. I assume these risks, including the risk posed by loss of control and collisions with other skiers or snowboarders, trees, rocks, racing gates and manmade obstacles, whether they are obvious or not obvious.

    I agree as consideration for being permitted to participate in the Clendenin Method program not to sue John Clendenin, Clendenin Productions LLC, the Aspen Skiing Company, the U.S. Forest Service, program and event organizers, staff, coaches, sponsors, and any of the associated officers, agents or employees for injury or death resulting from participation in the ski or snowboard days and related activities, regardless of the cause, including negligence.

    I hereby authorize the use and reproduction of any and all photographs, film, and video taken of me, without compensation, and understand that all negatives and positives, together with the prints and/or tapes, shall constitute the property of Clendenin Productions LLC and John Clendenin.

    I have read this agreement fully and understand that this agreement is binding on my heirs and assigns, and that I am releasing certain legal rights that I otherwise may have.

    Clendenin Method Policies

    The Clendenin Method reserves the right to refuse service and dismiss from participation in any Clendenin Method lesson, camp, or tour

    any client who has been or is currently behaving in an unsafe manner or not in accordance with local health requirements,
    any client who does not meet the camp minimum requirement of being able to comfortably ski all groomed terrain, or
    any client who has been or is currently being disruptive in a lesson, camp, or tour.

    Qualified CM-certified Camp coaches will be present at CM camps. Clendenin Productions LLC does not guarantee that John Clendenin will be present at any CM camps.

  • Sessions with John

    Cancellation Policy for Sessions with John

    Full payment for each lesson is required at the time the booking reservation is made. All reservations with John Clendenin are binding. In order to accommodate schedule changes, we will attempt to reschedule Coach John for the cancelled dates. If we are able to reassign John to another client, we will refund payment for those days we are able to re-assign him minus a 10% administration fee.

    All cancellations must be dated and in writing. (Sending us an email is fine; make sure that we confirm that we have received your email.)

    Clendenin Productions LLC, the Ski and Board Doctors, and the Clendenin Ski Method Programs reserve the right to cancel or reschedule any programs.

    All payments made by credit card confirm acceptance and acknowledgement of our cancellation policies.

    Release of Liability

    I have voluntarily applied to participate in a Clendenin Method Program. I understand that the sports of skiing and snowboarding pose risks of injury that are my responsibility. I assume these risks, including the risk posed by loss of control and collisions with other skiers or snowboarders, trees, rocks, racing gates and manmade obstacles, whether they are obvious or not obvious.

    I agree as consideration for being permitted to participate in the Clendenin Method program not to sue John Clendenin, Clendenin Productions LLC, the Aspen Skiing Company, the U.S. Forest Service, program and event organizers, staff, coaches, sponsors, and any of the associated officers, agents or employees for injury or death resulting from participation in the ski or snowboard days and related activities, regardless of the cause, including negligence.

    I hereby authorize the use and reproduction of any and all photographs, film, and video taken of me, without compensation, and understand that all negatives and positives, together with the prints and/or tapes, shall constitute the property of Clendenin Productions LLC and John Clendenin.

    I have read this agreement fully and understand that this agreement is binding on my heirs and assigns, and that I am releasing certain legal rights that I otherwise may have.

    Clendenin Method Policies

    The Clendenin Method reserves the right to refuse service and dismiss from participation in any Clendenin Method lesson, camp, or tour

    any client who has been or is currently behaving in an unsafe manner or not in accordance with local health requirements,
    any client who does not meet the camp minimum requirement of being able to comfortably ski all groomed terrain, or
    any client who has been or is currently being disruptive in a lesson, camp, or tour.

I have read and accept.

I have read and agree.
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If clicking the button does not create an email, please send an email that says you agree to the policies for your Clendenin Method event.