Creative Inspirations

Fun ideas and resources for creative art activities and projects for adults and children. Inspiration for those who want to play and create!

Mandala is a time-lapse drawing of a mandala by Lucia. You can download the mandala template .pdf file and print out at home.

Mandala pattern light.pdf

Mandala pattern dark.pdf

A few tips before you start:

  • Relax and don’t think about it too much. The more you relax, the more you enjoy it and your mandala will be beautiful.
  • Although seemingly complex, the mandala is just a combination of colours, shapes and geometric patterns that are build up together. The pattern provided offers a grid where you can simply connect dots by straight or curvy lines and create a simple design that you can then build on further.
  • Don’t plan your design, choose colours and draw lines that appeal to you in the moment.
  • Take a step back and see if you can feel what might be missing.
  • Play with different colours, shades, contrast, light and dark...
  • Take one step at a time. To begin, use bold colours to divide your space, keep it simple, it will be easier to add more complex details later.
  • There are no mistakes. If you make a “mistake” you can turn it into a part of your design or colour over it later.
  • Enjoy the process and don’t worry about the results, it will be great 🙂

We would love to see your mandala. Please share your pictures and any comments:

For best printing of the mandala pattern, set your printing preferences to 100% A4 formate, borderline, black and white.