Who we are

Monclova Students is an active group of middle school and high school students coming together to experience a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Monclova Students meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. in the teen room  of our church. Students will experience student-led worship, relevant Bible messages, and a group of leaders and friends to support them in life. Students are encouraged to join us on Sundays for our Worship Service and Sunday School classes at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.  

What We Believe

We believe that in order for students to mature in their faith they must be exposed to solid biblical teaching, they must experience the personal work of Christ in their own life, and they must learn to share their faith through service to their church and the community around them.  

Check out the new Monclova Student Merch Store!

Want to support your youth group and look good at the same time? Well now you can with the all new Monclova Student Merch Store! Check it out by clicking on the link below!

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Stay connected with Student Ministry updates and events by following us on social media.

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Follow the link below to join our email list.



9:30 am and 11:00 am in person

9:30 am Online

NOTE: Everytime there is a 5th Sunday in a month we have one combined service at 10:00am. 


7:00 pm Bible Studies for All Ages



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