Image of Jemma Munford wearing yellow hat and holding a mug that says 'hello' on it

The Taming Toddler Sleep Programme

Gently guide your toddler to restful sleep, and find your confidence, calm and love for parenting once again.

This extensive and hands on coaching programme takes you through the better sleep blueprint towards more settled nights, easier bedtimes and giving you back your confidence to smash your parenting goals. All in 6 weeks with my extended support guarantee

Did you expect that by the time you had a toddler, sleep challenges would be a thing of the past?

🥱 Do you look around your friendship circle to see everyone else’s child seems to be sleeping through by now, whilst you’re still up and down the stairs all evening, being woken multiple times or you’re resigned to co-sleeping as it’s the only way to get some rest?

🥱 Are you proud of being a gentle parent but now you’re worried that’s not practical anymore? That the only way forward is to sleep train? (Spoiler alert: it’s not)

🥱 Are you feeling burnt out by the relentlessness of it all? Work feels draining, or the thought of having to go back to work when things are so tough feels impossible?

🥱 Do you dread bedtimes all day because they take so long and are so frustrating?

🥱 Do you just wish you could get some more rest, be less snappy and short-tempered so that you could be the happy, calm and fun parent you imagined you would be?

🥱 Maybe you’re feeling the rage, either at your partner or even at your child during bedtime or through the night?

The Taming Toddler Sleep Programme will support you in transforming your parenting life.

It’s a winning combination of informative workshops and continuous support with the Facebook group. The workshops were perfect, just the right amount of science and evidence base, Jemma really knows her stuff! The Facebook group was better than I thought it would be TBH, the peer support is lovely, it was so reassuring to talk to others going though sleep problems too. And Jemma was very quick to offer advice on the group too. Seeing everyone else’s questions and possible solutions is really useful.

Sarah and Max

12 months

The Taming Toddler Sleep Programme

Jemma Munford, Blissed Out Babies, author of The Better Sleep Blueprint

The Taming Toddler Sleep Program is going to give you ALL the tools you need to get better sleep without sleep training!

Aimed at children aged 12 months to 3 years, I will take you through my framework, The Better Sleep Blueprint for building a sleep plan that works for YOUR family.

You will get to learn all the hacks and tips from my extensive experience as a highly qualified sleep coach and author AND have support from myself and a group of other parents on the same journey!

This is not JUST a sleep program though, this program helps you. You’ll learn how to feel in control and content in your family life. You’ll learn how to find the balance between managing a busy family and meeting your own needs too. 

How does it work?

Join the twice weekly coaching calls to have all your questions answered face to face.

No more searching for answers, spending time and energy Googling, and still being unsure about what to do. 24 hour access to all the information you need.

Join others on the journey to better sleep. Share your secrets and successes and get help from Jem too.

Includes downloadable workbooks and journals to help you take what you learn and put it into practice.

100% of families who were asked for feedback said they experienced better sleep within 6 weeks of starting the programme. If you don’t get the same results, I’ll work with you until you do!

Introductory price £349* (limited spots)
Klarna available at checkout.

Klarna’s Pay in 3 is an unregulated credit agreement. Borrowing more than you can afford or paying late may negatively impact your financial status and ability to obtain credit. 18+, UK residents only. Subject to status. Ts&Cs and late fees apply.


  • Knowing how to transform your child’s sleep using gentle methods that align with your responsive parenting style.
  • Feeling well rested and energised, more able to enjoy your child(ren).
  • Your partner is able to be more involved.
  • Having more time and headspace to do things for YOU.
  • Having a sleep expert right there at your fingertips, no more wondering whether it’s the right thing to do.
  • The support of a group of other parents who are in exactly the same position as you and being able to chat and share tips and really start to feel like you’re not alone!


  • Rested and energised after getting more sleep at night.
  • Actually enjoy being a parent rather than just surviving.
  • Confident that your responsive ethos is the right path.
  • Excited about bedtime.
  • Like your old self by having your evenings back, and your bed back, and time to focus on your needs.
  • Calm, rather than the grumpy, shouty parent and partner with your new skills to cope with any parenting challenge.
  • Empowered that you KNOW what’s going on and what to do to help. No more frantic Googling or an Instagram feed full of advice.

Let's chat

Complete your details on the form below and I will drop you a line to arrange a quick FREE chat.

I want to make sure this programme is right for you.  There is no obligation and I won’t be offended if I’m not the right sleep coach for you.


It’s the beauty of having a sleep guru at your fingertips. The workshops are great, giving just the right amount of detail. Understanding more about sleep environments and habits and knowing what a realistic expectation is is a big part of the battle.
The Facebook group is there to ask those questions that you forgot to ask during the workshops, that pop into your head in the middle of the night or just to have moral support through difficult days and nights.

Emma and Sophie

14 Months

I booked onto the programme because at almost 1 I was still struggling with Arlo’s sleep. He’d never been a great sleeper, big on cat naps, up multiple times a night and needing lots of assistance to actually get to sleep. I could spend longer rocking him to sleep than he’d actually sleep for and as he got bigger it was becoming really unsustainable.

The transformation has honestly been incredible, Arlo now has a short nap in the morning, almost two hours in the afternoon then he’ll go to sleep by himself at night and sleep right through till morning.

Amy and Arlo

12 Months

Jemma gives so much advice and really listens to what you’re after. The general sleep info she gives at the start of the course is a great insight into what our little ones are going through and shows what to expect going forward.

I’m under no illusion that David will always sleep as well as he is at the moment but with all the advice received so far I feel fully equipped to manage any changes we might face. Honestly if you’re thinking about it just go for it, I wish we’d had access to the course sooner!

Emily and David

16 Months

“I just want to write and tell you how amazing you are.

Thanks to your advice and the new routine it has now created for us. Alana no longer wakes 4 times a night, she wakes only once which I am absolutely fine with, when she wakes, with your advice I give her a cuddle and a dummy and she goes straight back down again.

So no more bottles! No more tired mummy!

Hoorah!! Thank you, thank you, thank you”

Jenny and Alana

18 Months

Wait! There's even more!

Mental Health Toolkit

Sleep deprivation can take over your life, impacting your mental health.

In this bonus workshop hosted by Natasha Nyeke, you’ll learn to recognise the signs of stress and unhelpful thinking patterns and gain practical tips and advice to improve your mental wellbeing.

Image of Natasha Nyeke, Therapist and Matrescence Coach

Natasha is a therapist and educator, who dedicates her work to empowering women through the journey of motherhood, normalising the experience of losing oneself and embracing Matrescence; the psychological, hormonal, cultural, and economic transformations inherent in becoming a mother.

With a decade of experience as a family worker and a strong belief in prioritising maternal health, Natasha guides mothers to navigate the challenges of anxiety, shame, and perfectionism.

Read more about Natasha here. 

Weaning Workshop

Deciding to wean from breastfeeding completely can feel like a challenge in itself, posing questions like how do I start and can I wean my toddler whilst still being a gentle parent?

In this workshop, Rebecca answers all of those important questions so you can tackle weaning with confidence.

Image of Rebecca Scott-Pillai, IBCLC

Rebecca has over 20 years of experience working with families, first as a midwife, and then as a lactation consultant (IBCLC) and paediatric sleep consultant. She lives in N Ireland, with her two kids, two cats and dog. 

Read more about Rebecca here.

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