Unleash the Power of Your Organization

Establish an online professional certificate program today and begin to see positive results immediately!

What You’ll Get

A well-educated workforce equals corporate success. Along with saving your company valuable time and money, you’ll provide your employees with the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to lead improvement initiatives that result in measurable sales growth, economic value, customer satisfaction and retention, and employee satisfaction and motivation. These skills will help strengthen your bottom line and create a streamlined work environment.

Start With a Pilot Program

Guarantee your staff’s educational success with the very latest in online e-learning technology from Michigan State University. Start a group of your employees in one of our classes, and see how their newly acquired knowledge increases productivity and impacts your bottom line. Our Pilot Program offers the following services to your organization:

    • Special corporate pricing
    • A unique online session with one of our experts to kick off the course
    • A survey of employees after class to ensure quality and satisfaction
    • An end-of-course review with corporate managers
    • All employees will be in the same online class

Don’t Wait!

Contact a Michigan State University Representative today to begin enjoying the many benefits of a highly trained workforce!

Call 800-280-9895 or e-mail corporate@MichiganStateUniversityOnline.com.