Parish Council Minutes March 2012

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Pages 1393 to 1395

March 2012

Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th March 2012 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs J Ager (Vice-Chair), D Hyde, I Thomson, and A Green

ALSO ATTENDING: Wendy Austyn (Clerk), Cllr Keith McLean (Sherington Ward councillor) – left at 8.30pm; and two members of the public

Cllrs Keene and Northfield.


The minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2012 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


4.1 MK Play Association Play Ranger sessions. The MKPA has informed the parish council that any funding application has to be submitted by the council, not the play association, and apologised for the misunderstanding. Councillors agreed to go ahead with the funding application to the MK Community Foundation whose next deadline for community grants is 13th April 2012. ACTION: Clerk

4.2 Adult Fitness Equipment. Robbie Caddock the MKC Play Areas Officer has confirmed that any new equipment will fall under the MKC insurance and maintenance programme. Cllr Thomson agreed to meet with him to discuss the available options, and it was agreed that the best site was at the village hall play area. It was also agreed to make use of the Play Area Improvement Fund provided by MKC to get 50% of the total cost back. The deadline for emailed applications is 16th April. ACTION: Clerk, Cllr Thomson

4.3 Jubilee Trees. The council’s application for a free tree pack has been declined due to high demand. The council was given the option to buy the trees or defer the application to the Autumn. It was agreed to take no further action at this time.


Cllr Northfield was absent but had sent an email requesting the parish council to consider building a path around the shop side of the car park to ease pedestrian access. The clerk urged the council to think about this very carefully and consult with experts before making any decision as there are many factors to consider, notwithstanding the legal implications of extending the public byway that connects the car park to Carters Close. He also asked the parish council to consider purchasing a new litter bin for outside the shop. It was agreed for the time being to move the bin adjacent to the village hall to outside the shop. ACTION: Cllr Northfield, Clerk

Cllr Keene was absent so there was no further update on this subject

Councillors discussed the merits and disadvantages of wind farms in general before the clerk reminded them that this particular consultation was about the specific conditions under which wind turbines could be installed, rather than whether or not they should be allowed. The deadline for comments is 28th March so councillors agreed to go over the proposals again and discuss by email before agreeing a response. ACTION: All cllrs


8.1 Bank Account balance at 6th March 2012 £7459.67

8.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:

06/03/2012 Bernard Crook Garden Services Ltd Stonepits mow and spray £244.80 101986
06/03/2012 Anglian Water Water for pavilion £74.57 101987
06/03/2012 E.ON Electricity for pavilion £207.29 101988
06/03/2012 Sherington Village Hall Hall hire £48.00 101989
06/03/2012 A H Contracts Dog Bins £273.00 101990
06/03/2012 Nina Beal Pavilion cleaner £70.00 101991
06/03/2012 Wendy Austyn Clerk’s salary £131.21 101992
06/03/2012 Wendy Austyn Clerk’s expenses £47.60 101993
06/03/2012 HMR&C PAYE £162.05 101994
06/03/2012 Martin Jeeves Perry Lane caretaker/bookings £100.00 101995
06/03/2012 Denman & Son Electrical Repairs to electrics in pavilion £450.00 101996

8.3 Parish Partnership Fund 2012/13 application information The new round of funding is open to applications with an email deadline of 16th April. As no specific project to make use of this fund has been identified this year, councillors agreed to support another application on behalf of Shopco. Cllr Northfield has been given the paperwork to consider. ACTION: Cllr Northfield, Clerk


9.1. 12/00147/FUL Alban Hill Nursery, High St – Installation of 6 poles with 11 floodlights around the perimeter of the nursery to be used in the winter months only between 3.30pm and 6.30pm (retrospective). There were no adverse comments.

9.2. Retrospective applications. There followed a discussion involving councillors and Ward Councillor McLean who is currently looking into this issue. Cllr McLean reported that there is currently no financial penalty imposed by the planning authority for retrospective applications; and that the local authority is bound by national planning laws. Cllr Thomson remarked on the inconsistency of the planning authority when a historic barn conversion on School Lane has been refused and yet an extensive development of a bungalow right next door has been allowed on appeal. Cllr Hyde wondered how many, if any, developments have been dismantled due to a retrospective application being refused, Cllr McLean said he would investigate this and report back. Cllr McLean left the meeting after this item and was not present for the Shopco update.

9.3. Decisions. Applications for 10 Church End and 24 Gun Lane have been permitted; the application for The Old Rectory has been refused.


10.1. Pavilion management group. Cllr Ager stated he will report at the next parish council meeting as the management groups next convenes on 13th March.


11.1. MK NECAF 7th March Stoke Goldington No one was available to attend this meeting; the minutes will be distributed as usual.


12.1. Youth Club community project. The youth club has asked for suggestions for a community project on 25th April. It was agreed that Shopco could make the best current use of the skills offered. ACTION: Cllr Northfield


13.1 A resident reported that metal drain covers have been missing from the area around Chicheley Hill roundabout since November; the clerk is currently chasing this. ACTION: Clerk

13.2 It was reported that there is evidence of anti-social behaviour at the village hall play area, namely alcohol consumption and cars spinning around on the gravel car park. It was agreed to ask the police to increase patrols in the area. ACTION: Clerk

13.3 A resident who lives close to the shop raised concerns over disturbance created by vehicles making deliveries and entering the gravel car park before 7am in order to carry out shop business. It was reported that both the MKC Planning Officer and Enforcement Officer have been to the site, and that all parties were keen to find solutions to the current issues. It was agreed that an informal discussion meeting should be held outside of the parish council meeting.



15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd April 2012 at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.17 pm

          Pages 1393 to 1395