Parish Council Minutes June 2006

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June 2006

Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th June 2006 in the Village Hall, Sherington commencing at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs Bill Lewis (Chair), David Hyde (Vice Chair), Peter Cook, Bob Finn, Peter Burton and David Keene

ATTENDING: Lara Bruce (Clerk) and 3 public.

1. APOLOGIES Cllr Herbert

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Lewis declared an interest in the planning items for The Barn and Sherington Shooting Ground. Cllr Keene declared an interest in the planning items for 10 Crofts End and 14 Park Road. Cllr Burton declared an interest in the Sherington Residents Management Group item.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd May 2006 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


4.1. Underground and street lighting in village. The clerk reported that Alec Chinnery from Central Networks has confirmed that the next stage of undergrounding in the High Street followed by Crofts End will now start in September and is expected to be completed by December. Cllrs Lewis and Hyde met with Lorraine Calcott (MKC) on 18th May. She presented her plan for the positioning of lights in the village and suggestions for the design of the lights. These items will be circulated among the councillors who can then comment on the design.

It is understood that due to the lights being replaced as a result of the undergrounding of the electricity cables and not because the Parish Council requested new lights, the Parish Council will not be expected to contribute to the cost of the new lights.

4.2 The Mound. The clerk reported that Ted Smith from STREETCARE has made arrangements for Sherington Mound to be adopted into the North Landscape Maintenance Contract. It will be on a maintain ‘as is’ basis.
With regards to the installation of a waste bin, Chris Carvell (MKC) has informed the clerk that it is not council policy to install bins into areas that are not visited at least three times a week. This is due to windblown litter, arson, vandalism etc.

4.3 Pavilion windows and shutters. A quote was received from UK Glazing in Newport Pagnell for replacement windows, mesh and PVCu for the dome. It was agreed to go ahead with the work other than the grills to the front entrance. The total work approved came to £741.76. ACTION: Clerk to arrange.

4.4 Bus Shelter Repairs. A quote was received from David Haycock for £160 for the repairs and maintenance work to the bus shelter. It was agreed to ask David to amend the quote to include painting the sides of the bus shelter above the seat. ACTION: Clerk to arrange

4.5 Ditch. The ditch opposite Manor Farm is now getting full and the pipes may still need jetting. ACTION: Clerk to chase

4.6 Village Hall Footpath. Cllr Hyde presented the minutes from the prior years Village Hall Management Committee AGM (held on 9/6/05) where it was agreed that a path would be built within 2 to 3 months.


5.1. Drainage on Bedford Road. The clerk reported that Mark Bennett (MKC) had confirmed that this matter has now been passed to him to investigate. The drains installed last year in Bedford Road are on the west side of the road and the water is on the east side so it is unlikely that the new drains are to blame. The water main runs along the east side of the road and this may be leaking. Mark will send Anglian Water an official ‘Section 81’ notice. In addition, there is a ditch that may not have been piped along the east side of Bedford Road and there is also a drain that comes from the corner of a field on the east side and crosses the road. Mark has added jobs to the list of work for both the specialist drain jetting contractor (to be done 1st July) and in the drain file for further investigation. ACTION: Clerk to chase

5.2 Hillview repairs. A letter had been received from residents of Hillview who are concerned with the state of the footpaths and road. They drew attention to the rusty road sign. It was agreed to chase up Ian McGregor with regard to the pilot scheme that he thought might be suitable for Sherington and also request a new road sign. ACTION: Clerk to arrange.

Post meeting note from clerk – Hill View is due to have the footpath resurfaced during 2007/08 according to the 5 year plan for highways repairs in Sherington.


6.1 Sherington Football Club. An email had been sent to Sherington Football Club (SFC) on 23rd May giving members of SFC a choice of four dates to meet with councillors. No date was agreed by SFC, no alternative dates were suggested by SFC and no meeting has taken place. Councillors agreed to withdraw the right for SFC to use the football pitch at Perry Lane with immediate effect. If SFC did wish to use the football pitch for the 2006/07 season then the following action must be taken within 7 days:
– Payment of the remaining £10 that is still owed for the 2005/06 season
– Return of the keys to the pavilion, storage hut and security gates.
– Agreement to pay future agreed fees by 31st August at which point the keys will be made available to SFC
– Agreement on a date before 30th June 2006 to meet councillors to discuss any future use of the pitch and facilities
ACTION: Clerk to write to SFC
Post meeting note from clerk – Jason Giller has now paid both the £10 outstanding for the 05/06 season and the £400 agreed for the 06/07 season.

6.2 Argos. Payment of £500 has now been received

6.3 New City Saints. A meeting with the new secretary of New City Saints Eddy McDermott was arranged for 9pm on Wednesday 7th June. ACTION: Cllrs Hyde and Burton to attend.

6.4 Goal posts. An application for funding for new goal posts has been made to the FA but no response has been received as yet. ACTION: Cllr Hyde to chase.


The clerk reported that no responses had been received from Richard Duffill for the questions raised after the May meeting and the responses from the councillors regarding the cycle path proposals. Cllr Hyde suggested contacting Caroline Godfrey at Parish Liaison who may be able to chase up a response. ACTION: Clerk to arrange


Cllr Lewis reported that all entrances and exits will be marked at the event. Facilities such as toilets, first aid and marshalling will also be available. Electricity will be used from 8a Church Road. With regards to parking it was hoped that the new local PC Andy Perry would attend and give assistance, or in his absence some “Specials” may be available.


Cllr Burton drew attention to the poor state of the football pitch at the village hall play area, in particular around the goalmouths where there was now no grass. The only way to prevent this happening in the future is to put down rubber matting. A quote should be sought. ACTION: Cllr Hyde to arrange

Post meeting note from clerk – the matta type mat is not suitable. MKC have been contacted for advice.


It was agreed that a couple of councillors should attend this Open Morning. Cllr Keene confirmed he would be able to attend.


11.1 Perry Lane Sports Ground Progress. All minor works now complete.

11.2 Bowls Club. SSMBC confirmed that they have not had any feedback from other clubs showing an interest in using an outdoor bowling facility.

11.3 Development Plan It was agreed to do no further work on this until and when more practical needs arise.

11.4 Future of SRMG. It was agreed to adjourn any further meetings of SRMG for the foreseeable future.


In the absence of a management committee it was agreed to appoint a ‘caretaker’ to take on various responsibilities at Sherington Sports & Recreation Ground. It was agreed to offer this role to Shane Lea for £50 per month for a 6-month trial period. It was agreed that Cllrs Burton and Cook would meet with Shane to go through a job description. ACTION: Clerk to let Shane know of appointment and pass on keys to pavilion, storage hut, security gates and play area. Cllrs Burton and Cook to arrange a meeting.

It was noted that there were an increasing amount of weeds at the Perry Lane car park. ACTION: Clerk to contact MKC to arrange a yearly programme of maintenance.


13.1 Monthly balances. Enterprise Account £14,622.89; Treasurer Account £5,144.47. Receipts during the month included Sherington Football Club £240, Argos £500 and pavilion electricity meter £32.

13.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:

06/06/06 N W Gotts Internal audit £60.00
06/06/06 P Burton Keys and locks £66.50
06/06/06 Sherington Village Hall Hall Hire £44.00
06/06/06 Sports Ground Services Mowing £243.23
06/06/06 Danny Coles Concrete path £885.00
06/06/06 Anglian Water Pavilion water £16.97
06/06/06 A H Contracts Dog Bins £93.06
06/06/06 Alan Scripps Pedestrian gate £245.00
06/06/06 Lara Bruce Clerk’s Salary £235.50
06/06/06 Lara Bruce Clerk’s Expenses £19.13
06/06/06 Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc Insurance renewal £1,175.52
06/06/06 Raymond Graham Work at Perry Lane £1,050.00
06/06/06 N Beal Pavilion cleaning £78.00
06/06/06 J W Cook Gate posts £146.88

13.3 Parish accounts year ended 31 March 2006. The Clerk reported that Noel Gotts had now internally audited the accounts. They were approved by councillors and signed on behalf of the Parish Council by Cllr Lewis. They will now be sent to the external auditors, Hacker Young. ACTION: Clerk to progress

13.4 Parish Partnership Fund 2006/07. The Clerk reported that the Parish Council have been awarded £6,000 for further development at Sherington Sports and Recreation Ground. This figure has to be matched by this council before we can claim the money.


14.1. 06/00573/FUL 3 High Street Councillors felt the drawings supporting the application lacked detail. No additional comments.

14.2. 06/00677/FUL Plot next to 10 Crofts End Councillors felt that the proposed property overwhelms the plot. MKC would also be asked to take into account resident’s objections.

14.3. 06/00687/FUL 14 Parks Road No comments.

14.4. 06/00614/FUL The Barn, Sheringtopn Bridge No adverse comments.

14.5. 06/00644/CLUE Sherington Shooting Ground No adverse comments.

14.6. Recent decisions Applications were refused for the construction of bunding at Sherington Shooting Ground and a two-storey side extension at 10 Crofts End. The application for new vehicular access was permitted at Manor Farm.


15.1. Parish Assembly Thursday 22nd June No councillors are able to attend.

15.2. MKNECAF Thursday 29th June. Cllrs Keene and Hyde to attend.

15.3. Youth Club Mangement Committee Wednesday 7th June. Cllrs Hyde, Keene and Burton to attend.


16.1. Your Energy. The company behind the application for the wind farm are arranging a bus trip to the existing wind farm at Burton Latimer for 18th and 19th June. Councillors and local parishioners are invited to attend. ACTION: Clerk to post a notice on parish notice board and village shop.

16.2. Milton Keynes Pensioners Association. A letter has been received from MKPA asking for the councils comments on the increase in the 06/07 precept, together with details of any projects planned for elderly parishioners during the year. ACTION: Clerk to respond.


17.1. A resident commented that they had yet to meet the new local PC Andy Perry.

17.2. A resident asked whether the village hall play area football pitch could be shortened in order to renovate the areas without grass. Cllr Burton explained that Health & Safety rules were likely to restrict this.

17.3. A resident asked why the Village Hall Trustees were able to refuse a new footpath around the car park when it is what local residents want. It was suggested that residents attend the Village Hall Management Committee AGM on 8th June.

17.4. A resident asked if there was or should be a restriction on the hours that model aircraft were flown at Sherington Shooting Ground.

17.5. A resident commented that the footpath between Sherington and Newport Pagnell is overgrown and very narrow in places. Cllr Hyde explained that this problem was expected to be addressed when the cycle path is put in place for this section.


18.1 Cllr Burton reported on an incident that had occurred the previous week, when he had gone to close the security gates to the car park, involving him and a Sherington resident. Cllr Burton later contacted Parish Liaison who advised that the incident must be reported to the police as Cllr Burton was on council business.

18.2 Cllr Hyde commented that the green area in Carters Close had not been mown satisfactorily. ACTION: Clerk to report to MKC

18.3 Cllr Hyde commented that the recent flooding on the road to Newport Pagnell was unacceptable. ACTION: Clerk to report to MKC

18.4 Cllr Lewis reported on a recent meeting with the new local PC, Andy Perry. They discussed the Proms in the Park event, speeding, the Youth Club and the cycle path.

18.5 Cllr Lewis reported that Cllr Herbert had given him verbal notice that he is resigning as a councillor from the Parish Council. Advice would be sought from Parish Liaison on whether a resident can be co-opted for the period before the election next year. ACTION: Clerk to arrange

18.6 Cllr Lewis reported that a resident had asked for a dog bin to be installed in Water Lane. ACTION: Clerk to investigate

18.7 Cllr Lewis had received a letter from Filgrave Parish Council asking if Sherington Parish Council would be holding a public meeting about the Wind Farm. He informed them that no meeting was planned.

19. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next two meetings will be held on Tuesday 4th July and Tuesday 5th September 2006 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35pm.

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