Parish Council Minutes April 2004

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Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 6th April 2004 at the School

PRESENT: Cllr David Keene (Chair), Cllr David Hyde, Cllr Bob Finn, Cllr Peter Burton, Cllr Sarah Jackson, Cllr Peter Cook.

1. APOLOGIES: Cllr Bill Lewis, Cllr Pat Seymour (Milton Keynes Council).

2. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS INTERESTS: There were no declarations.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2004 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4. GATEWAY FATURE/SPEED LIMIT/LIGHTING: The Gateway Feature had been rejected by Councillors when it came to be installed, because of the size and design. Andy Coe (Milton Keynes Council), had agreed to attend tonight to discuss this, however in his absence Councillors agreed to defer this matter and enquire whether we are to be offered any alternatives. Clerk will try and secure his attendance for the next meeting. Councillors would also like to discuss with him the possibility and extending the speed limit at the Newport entrance to the village.


5.1 Multi Activity Area: Bernard Perkins had inspected recently and advised that more grass seed was required. He will take up this matter. It was agreed that the metal spikes should be removed, as they could be dangerous. Milton Keynes Council has advised, that for safety reasons a net should not be installed on the basketball frame.

5.2 Village Appraisal: It was agreed that a meeting would be held on Wednesday 21st April 8pm at the home of Cllr Cook, to collate the feedback from the appraisal.

5.3 Village Trees: Cllr Hyde and Cllr Burton had met with John Price (MKC) and inspected the trees. We now await a written report on the findings, although it is understood that there are no immediate dangers.

5.4 Perry Lane Recreation Area: A further meeting had been held, where it was agreed that a draft constitution will now be drawn up and officers appointed. The financial plan requires prices to be set for the 2004/5 football season. Cllrs Keene, Cook and Burton will arrange to meet with representatives from the football clubs to agree prices. The storage unit can be dismantled after the end of April, there will be a cost of £450 to dispose of the asbestos.

5.5 Village Repairs: Cllr Hyde has been advised by Milton Keynes Council that repairs to the roadsides in Bedford Road will be carried out shortly, also kerbing to be installed between the White Hart and Field Close. Footpath and set repairs are due from July inwards. Alec Chinnery (EMEB), has advised that following the pole top report, cables in Water Lane will be put underground next year. Phase 2 (possible 2006), will see the same in the High Street and Crofts End, and Phase 3 Park Road. Following the removal of poles, there may well be a loss of streetlights, they would expect the Parish Council to meet the cost of replacement. The Anglian Water covers on the grass at the junction of Crofts End and School Lane, have still not been repaired. Clerk has reported this twice, but will chase again.

5.6 Parish Council Meeting Place/Minutes: Arrangements have now been made for future meetings to take place in the Village Hall (effective from May). It was agreed that in future, minutes of meetings would not be made public until they have been approved by the Council. They will still be available for residents who attend meetings

5.7 Stonepits Close: Clerk had circulated the proposed notes to be sent out with the draft licence. It was agreed that these were acceptable. Clerk will now advertise the letting of this land.

5.8 Bus Shelter: This has now been repaired.

5.9 Cycle Route: We have received no further communications on this matter.

5.10 Dog Fouling: Following a request for a dog bin in Gun Lane, this was discussed, however the Council do not feel that the problem was great enough to proceed.


6.1 The current balances are £9,079.88 in the Enterprise Account and £728.49 in the Treasurer Account.

6.2 Cheques: It was agreed that the following cheques be signed:

Anglian Water Pavilion £72.57 Cheque 101171
P Burton Dog Signs £20.76 Cheque 101172
Powergen Pavilion Electric £32.70 Cheque 101173
MK Council Pavilion Rates £250.80 Cheque 101174
Bucks Comm Action Subs £20.00 Cheque 101175
BALC Subscription £97.59 Cheque 101176
J Sharp Salary £187.50 Cheque 101177

6.3 Receipts & Payments 2003/2004: These were circulated and agreed. The Chair signed as a true record. It was proposed by Cllr Burton and seconded by Cllr Finn that Mr A Cussell again be appointed Internal Auditor for the 2003/4 Accounts.

6.4 Playing Field Association Membership: It was proposed by Cllr Burton and seconded by Cllr Jackson, that the Council join the Playing Fields Association at a cost of £20 per annum.


04/00456 25 Crofts End It was agreed by all that the proposal to build a new dwelling was an over development of the site. Milton Keynes Council will be advised
04/00457 25 Crofts End Milton Keynes Council to be advised that the plans for this are inadequate and a decision cannot be made on the evidence before the Parish Council
04/00487 8a Church Road No objections

Sherington Shooting Ground: The Planning Department have advised that the plans have been returned to the Agent, as there is insufficient detail to consider the application.

8. MAY DAY CELEBRATIONS AT THE KNOLL: There appears to be no official organiser of this event, although groups have been advised to notify the Parish Council, if they are intending to have a stall on the day.


Area Forum: Cllr Keene attended the meeting at Emberton and advised that Andy Hudson (Waste Management Manager), gave a presentation on fly tipping etc. The X19 service from Corby to London is to be withdrawn on 19th April 2004.

Thames Valley Police Consultative Group Meeting: Cllr Jackson had attended and advised that specific traffic problems could be taken up by Ken Antell (Thames Valley Police). Parish Council to request data from the last Speed Indicator Device visit and assess whether there is still a problem with speeding vehicles through the village. ACTION: Clerk

Listening Evening – Landscape Maintenance: Cllr Hyde had attended this event.


Sherington Village Hall: Application to renew the Entertainment Licence. The Parish Council has no objections.

Bus Shelter & School Buses: Letter received from resident, regarding the condition of the bus shelter, this is suffering from litter, graffiti and attempted arson. There will be a notice in Scan, Clerk will also put up a notice in the shelter. The school buses do not stop in the same place each day. Road Safety Officer to be contacted about this matter. ACTION: Clerk


European Elections: A discussion took place as to whether an open meeting should be held. It was agreed that there probably would not be the interest to justify this.

Tree in School Lane: Milton Keynes Council had agreed to remove this tree, however this still has not been done. Clerk will chase. ACTION: Clerk

Landscape Maintenance: Mr Ferris asked whether the demise of the Section 136 Scheme would have an effect o the grass cutting etc. The cost of this is now included in the general council tax and hopefully, there should be no difference in the service provided.


Millennium Fund: Cllr Burton advised that the balance £1,800 in this fund was to be donated to the Sherington Residents Management Group.

Seats & Noticeboards: Cllr Burton asked when these were going to be finished. Mr Pilcher advised that the work would be completed before the end of the month, and that the seats which had been stained last year, would have another coat.

11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: : The next Meeting will be held on 4th May 2004 in the VILLAGE HALL at 7.30pm.

The Meeting closed at 9.45pm