Florida's Living Shorelines Training Program for Marine Contractors


To increase the number of marine contractors who can assess dynamic eroding shorelines and provide solutions featuring living shorelines where feasible, to make living shorelines a more accessible option to the public for shoreline stabilization.

What is it?

A 2-day, interactive course developed by a multi-institutional team and offered throughout Florida in locations with the greatest need and suitability. After the course, participants will be able to 1) Communicate to homeowners the benefits and relative costs of shoreline stabilization options; 2) Confidently perform a site assessment, evaluate design options, and navigate the permitting process; 3) Implement a living shoreline project with vegetation and/or breakwater materials; and 4) Follow up, evaluate, and provide homeowners with maintenance information. The course includes lecture material, a workbook, videos, group exercises, field trips, and an exam. A continuing education credit incentive through the Construction Industry Licensing Board is offered to contractors who attend the training.


When is it offered?

Living Shoreline Course: Apalachicola
Venue: Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve
April 11th and 12th
Registration open: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/living-shoreline-training-for-marine-contractors-apalachicola-registration-772559334767?aff=oddtdtcreator

Living Shoreline Course: Sun Coast (Tampa)
Venue: Manatee County Extension Service, Palmetto FL
May 16th and 17th
Registration Open: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/772560307677?aff=oddtdtcreator

Living Shoreline Course: Jacksonville
Venue TBD
Sept/Oct. 2024, exact dates TBD
Registration will open over summer


Which contractors have completed the course?

All professional contractors, consultants, and landscapers who have completed the course and passed the exam are listed here. The partnering organizations who developed and offer the course do not endorse or promote any of the contacts listed.