Esoteric Astrology as News

 October 6-12, 2016


Inscribed in The Book of Life




mercury-mercuris-tarotMercury enters Libra this week, the sign of creating Right Human Relations with all the kingdoms. Mercury signifies our thoughts, communications and ideas. Mercury in Libra calls us to have Right Thoughts & Right Speech which leads to Goodwill, Right Relations and actually Peace in our world. Recognizing also that everyone is on different developmental levels as everyone grows toward the Light. When we know this, then we can always come from the heart, which is all that matters.

christopher_columbus_by_carl_von_pilotyMonday is Columbus Day, which has become a “politically correct issue” these many years. What does Columbus Day celebrate? Expansion of Europe’s knowledge of the world, discovery of a new world across the ocean. A brave young man with three ships discovers the world is larger than Europe. In some esoteric texts Master St. Germaine is considered an incarnation of Christopher Columbus who was born in Genoa, Italy, 1451–1506 AD, later settling in Portugal, landing in America in 1492 during the first of four voyages to the New World sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. His voyages expanded all world views.


In prophetic texts, it is said that on those three ships were the Hebrew people that Queen Isabella refused to kill (as her advisors told her to do) and with compassion she placed them on the Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria, for the new world. And therefore, our United States is considered to be a Judeo-Christian nation.


Wednesday, Oct. 12, is Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement, most solemn festival in the Jewish year), festival of Judgment & Remembrance. Yom Kippur ends ten days of repentance begun at Rosh Hashanah when God ‘opened’ the Books of Judgment and Creation, observing humanity for acts of goodness, kindness, forgiveness and service. Judgment has been “pending” these ten days when prayers, forgiveness and service were required. Then on Yom Kippur (Saturday), our fate is decided, the judgment “sealed” (by G-d and the Heavenly Court).

However, the verdict is not finalized. We are given another chance. G-d offers us Divine Mercy through the Festival of Sukkot (explained next week).

May everyone be inscribed by G-d in the Creation Book of Life. Let us prepare plates of apples and honey, pomegranates & wine, sharing with family & friends, wishing everyone an upcoming “sweet year”.




I Choose the Way

Which Leads Between

Two Great Lines of Force

(Libra Seed Thought)




View Graphs of the Sun’s Activity

X-flare & Geo-magnetic Storm Monitor: Solar events (sun spots, solar flares, etc.) represent the activity of our the Solar Logos. The Sun’s activity accelerates our evolution. There is a connection between the activity on the Sun and events on Earth.







View Phases of the Moon





March 21 – April 19: A sort of Libra tension seems to descend upon you. Maintain awareness and do not ignore this pressure or become impatient. Tension is to be used for creative purposes. Should conflicts arise with close relationships, be more cooperative, use intentional Goodwill, choose to love more. Love is a choice. The unusual may appear. You will be tested in maintaining balance.


April 20 – May 20:  Each day you tell us you’re working on the mountain of tasks set before you. You suspend all pleasure and focus on each day’s labor, some of which is surprising for each day contains unexpected and unforeseen challenges. Tend to your health carefully, resisting any foods, drinks, people and/or events that lowers or imbalances your immune system (like sugar). Rest in the afternoons.


May 21 – June 20:  Your behavior tells us you’ve become a Leo, expressing yourself with an “I am” focus, wanting to make self-proclamations and needing recognition. Self-denial, discipline, and setting aside gratifications are not strengths at this time. Invite others to enter your state of new self-awareness. You need lots of amusement, enjoyment, games and fun. Some Geminis will marry. Some won’t.


June 21 – July 22:  Are there many thoughts about or activity with family? Are you considering relocation? Or redoing your home? Are you accomplishing great tasks around the house? Something about home and family is developing and expanding. To neutralize any possible conflicts, begin to agree with everyone. Or just listen. If living with parents, you’ll need freedom soon. Redirect any irritability toward being thankful. It works.


July 23 – August 22: Many new and expansive thoughts and ideas are appearing. Share all ideas with those who listen well. Don’t keep them to yourself. Observe how others respond. Do they listen and ask questions or refer your ideas to themselves? Many are learning how to listen. The ability to listen only occurs when we are aware, awake and observant. Each day’s pulsating beat and rhythm will be felt. You work to nurture everything.


August 23 – September 22:  Money is a neutral energy. It helps us have what we need and want. It allows us to choose, to have possessions, make purchases, have beauty and nurture body and spirit. When used wisely money helps us to share, help others in need and accomplish goals. Money is made out of the mineral and plant kingdoms. We thank them. And we thank you, too, for all that you share and give now and in the future.


September 23 – October 22: Be aware that your energy is very expanded, bright, impressive and active. Lack of sensitivity to this can create relationship difficulties. Not inclined at this time to bend to others’ needs, it’s best to work alone allowing for freedom and independence. Be extra careful with health. You could overwork and be unaware of your body’s requirements. A new more loving self-identity is forming. Pay attention to the signs.


October 23 – November 21:  Allow all difficult experiences to simply pass you by. Often others act with unconscious patterning, undermining your intentions. You could feel frustration, and irritation. To ease this situation, work a bit in solitude and consider everything you do as service to the world. Then all experiences benefit your well-being. Have intentions for Goodwill, even in times of difficulty. Go to church (or synagogue).


November 22 – December 21:  Your thoughts are toward the future, a focus on hopes, wishes and dreams and your next level of work in the world. You want to do what summons your potential. Don’t be too solitary. Although you’re quite independent, there’s a need for balance by interacting with those you trust and have fun with. Coordinate your needs with the needs of others. Saturn’s in your first house. You may need more rest.


December 22 – January 19:   Mars has entered Capricorn. This give you much needed energy, more each day. However, you could burn out easily too. Careful of hurting yourself. Careful not to bump your head. You may be Identifying goals and ambitions, trying to work hard and independently, with initiative and great effort. Carefully and subtly, with your Soul star, align your interests with everyone around you and help will appear. And rest more.


January 20 – February 18: Tend carefully to money. You may not know where it is or be afraid of losing it. Know that you need not hope others agree with your thinking. They already do. Unusual events and people come into your life creating within you freer points of view. Assess them. What you believe in now frames your future. You find your energies turning inward. Life changes us from within.


February 19 – March 20:  You can barely maintain the shadows of the old ways of living. You want new values, a revolution to occur in your life and a new path taken in relationships. Assess your use of personal resources. Perhaps you need to untangle yourself from something or someone. Faraway places are on your mind. You’re doing a good job, Pisces. You pray each day for miracles & a new home to appear. You’re doing your work.


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