home water birth

Why not home?

Holistic, Personalized, Compassionate Maternity Care

Birth in the comfort of your own home with a licensed midwife

Baltimore home birth midwife

Meet the Midwife

paige barocca

Licensed Direct-Entry Midwife
Certified Professional Midwife

Paige has been actively involved in the Baltimore birth community since 2012. Learn more about her journey from mother to midwife.

Kind Words

  • prenatal care with home birth midwife

    "Your care went above and beyond prenatal care.

    You supported and loved us, and were genuinely excited for us all each step of the way. You made sure to include us in all experiences and decisions, and your factual and unbiased information was incredibly helpful as we navigated the world of home birth for the first time.”

  • doppler fetal heart tones safe homebirth

    "You truly made this experience even more amazing.

    I can’t imagine going on the journey of bringing life into the world and not completely trusting your care provider the way that I did with you.”

  • palpation of pregnant belly early labor support at home

    "You have such a nurturing presence,

    which felt just right us, and is exactly what is needed to be a great midwife. I loved how you reminded me to get out of my head, and to not run away when things felt really tough. Such a great reminder and metaphor for life. I only wish every woman could experience such an empowering and transformative birth!”

  • natural labor and delivery with midwife

    "The whole experience was truly magical.

    To go completely natural was on my bucket list, but it’s always so easy to cave at the hospital. Your gentle and calming voice, the relaxing environment created, and the aftercare was superior. It was exactly how I imagined home birth being!”

  • midwife support water birth homebirth

    "I could not have found a better midwife.

    You provided care throughout a very difficult time in my life that provided empowerment and helped me to heal. Your support through and after my stressful delivery helped me to successfully transition to motherhood.”

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Ready to learn more? 

Moonstone Midwifery attends home births in the Greater Baltimore Area.

A virtual consult is offered to all prospective families. Let’s answer each of your questions as you consider how to grow your family. Please complete the form below to begin our conversation.

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From the Gram