Activision Incident Against Rob Kotick

“CEO Rob  Charged with sexual harassment”

“Incident Report Activision”

June 9th Thursday

A lot of the training today was Rob Kotick and I working together, while my other employee, GELIA, was left alone to do other stuff. Rob  asked me several simple but intimate questions about my family and background in which I did take part and some the conversation. He asked me to come over to his house after work so that we could “write together “when he learned that I write scripts in my spare time. He suddenly became irritated and said he “needed a break” after I told him I had other plans and denied his offer.

Rob  saw that I needed to ask my supervisor, CHRIS JENKINS, a question after lunch. When Rob  questioned what the inquiry was specifically about I explained that it had to do with adjusting my schedule so that I could work from 8 to 5 which is also his shift. He offered to switch our schedules but “I’ll have to pay him back someday”,  he said. I carried on putting the cups away while he laughed. I tells him I like Chris and I think he’s a cool guy, in which he voices his dislike for Chris and Bobby, (mailroom)  and then tells me how “he’s a cool guy also.”

While I was standing next to him stocking sodas, Rob  text me at random, saying “Change Of life.” I questioned him on his text to me. He then went on to discuss how many people’s perceptions of themselves “alter” between the ages of 28 and 32 and how they become more “free.” I said “I’ll look it up after work”,  and then continued stocking the sodas in kitchen 2. (Screenshot).

During the last 30 to 45 mins of the day in Kitchen 1, Rob  began to talk about how his college friends thought he was a “goody two shoes” but that his peers were unaware of the “lifestyle” he was living during those years.   Despite the fact that he continued bringing up the topic of “lifestyle” and wanted to talk about it,  I made the decision to stay out of the conversation. I persisted in trying to steer the subject back to learning how to operate the coffee machine. When it was time to leave he asked me once more if I wanted to come over,  but I once again denied his invitation. As I went to gather my stuff from the stockroom Rob  sent another text this time containing Two Books. He told me it was because I was funny and fun to be around.

June 10th, Friday

Rob  is still fixated on me, and he finds methods to keep us apart from my coworker, Gelia throughout the day. He occasionally text me in an effort to start a discussion when he is not there but I only replied to work related to messages. (Screenshots are included).

Rob  discovered an opportunity for us to be alone again. He bought up the word “Lifestyle” again and this time he asked me whether I understood what he meant when he stated it the day before.  I replied “I did not” and he said he was “Not Out Gay”,  and that was the lifestyle he was alluding to. I tell him that I’m not going to judge him and that I appreciate him informing me even though he didn’t have to. I assure him that his secret is secure with me and I won’t tell anyone. He continued by saying that he doesn’t “shake around me” but that he generally does around guys who he is interested in (along with a story about one of his “hook ups”.) I was taken aback and asked him to repeat it, during which he continued “isn’t that crazy” I’m interested in you and I don’t shake around you “and chuckled. I reply him, I appreciate that but I am straight, despite the fact that I was plainly uncomfortable. He followed by asking if I had ever considered doing anything with a male? I was still a little taken aback so I took a moment to comprehend what was being stated before responding. “The delay tells it all”,  he said before I could respond. I chuckled but I also confessed to him that I was still taken aback by what he had told me. 

He then asked “Are things going to be weird between us now or has he ruined everything?” I told him that I have gay friends and family and that it doesn’t bother me,  but that I am straight and apologized if I might have come off any other way for him to think otherwise. He told me it was no reason to apologize and asked for a highfive,  in which I gave him.

June 13th Monday

My supervisor, CHRIS JENKINS, has a meeting with Gelia, Bobby (mailroom), Rob  and myself and Kitchen 1.  He informs Rob  that due to a change in his position he will be mostly assisting Bobby and the water garden, the office across the street, and that he won’t be in touch much with Gelila  and I in the coming weeks, unless we need him. Rob  is instructed to train me at the Water Garden the following morning considering I will be over there every Friday. And Rob  approached me after the meeting and said I guess I won’t be seeing you as much just when it started to get good I ignored the remark and went onto the stockroom.

Later in the morning, Rob  asked for him and I to go check the copy machines together. I didn’t like the idea of him and I going together and suggested that all three of us, myself and Gelela and Rob  go together so that we could all receive training on it at the same time. He refused, saying that “Bobby already trained her”. I knew this to be untrue. I responded by saying “Bobby hasn’t shown neither of us how to operate the machine”, to which he reacted angrily and rushed off advising me to figure it out on my own. A short while afterwords, he text me, and we discussed the situation. Additionally he apologized in person and said he simply needed to go on a short break. (Screenshot). 

He asked me “Do I mind being in his car tomorrow, so we can drive to the Water Garden together “, I declined and told him I could just walk over there and meet him. He stated he was disappointed but will see me there tomorrow.

June 14th Tuesday

I called Rob  since I couldn’t find him at the Water Garden. “What’s crackin, good looking” he said as soon as he picked up the phone. His phone cut out before I could tell him where I was so I chose to text him instead. (Screenshot).

When at the water garden with Rob , I was introduced to “Cliff?” He asked me about my other coworker Gelila because he met her before already. Cliff asked for my name once more as we were walking away, but I misheard and assumed he was asking for a Gelilia’s name.  Rob  got irritated and said of course you’re thinking about her all the time, I am jealous of her “,”, I mistakenly asked the question of why and in which he told me because “She is so beautiful, and has it so easy because she’s a lady, I don’t like the way she works, she has a very interesting way of doing things”. I suggested that he talk to Chris or Gelila if he doesn’t like the way things are going on the team but that I am not the person he should be voicing his concerns to about.

June 17th

Rob  texts me that there is a package downstairs for us, I go down, to find out there is nothing. He stated “At least I got to see you.”

June 30th

After lunch I remind Rob  face-to-face, that I will be going to the Water Garden, tomorrow since it’s Friday. He says OK and that I should remind him every Thursday, in which I tell him I don’t think that’s necessary. He later text me in the afternoon 

“OK I will be in at nine tomorrow Rob  Juan Johnson. Sleep tight!”

I do not respond (Screenshots).

July 1 Friday

I was making an inventory list while sitting in the stock room as I prepared to depart to go to the Water Garden. Rob  arrived and attempted to start a discussion but I did not engaged

 “Have a lovely weekend, go get married!” He laughed, waited for a response or reaction and proceeded to walk away.

 July 7th Monday

Rob winked at me as I cracked the joke, “The gang is all back together “. Rob  came up to me in kitchen 3 upstairs kitchen doing Gelila break and asked “if I’m cutting my beard anytime soon”. I reply that I usually do so every week and that I’m overdue for another trim. Before I could respond he said “That you look good no matter what” and before I could answer he added “I wonder what would happen if I met a guy like you outside of work”. I told him that I have no idea and that I would appreciate if he stopped telling me those type of comments. I walked down to the stock room before he could speak.

July 8th Friday

Together with Bobby, Rob , Gelela and I set up shelves in the lobby of the office. Once more concentrating on helping me,  Rob  continued to touch/ make contact with my hands as I arranged the black tubes on the shelf. Given his weird comments I felt uncomfortable and asked him to stop touching me because of COVID.

Rob  came over after building the shelves and apologized for “losing his temper” with me during it. He didn’t do anything of the sort, which confused me to the max. I inquired what he was alluding to and I also added that, “I think you guys might mistake my monotonous voice occasionally as upset or something”  to which he reacted harshly by me using the term “you guys” and advised me not to include Gelela in the same category as himself. He then went on to say “I was just apologizing because I care about you as a person and your feelings,  and”  I walked away before he could finish his sentence.

When Rob  sees me alone, he always approaches, when I saw him in the video studio room, I took out my camera to capture him attempting to approach me, but I moved away quickly before he could approach. (Video)

Working together, Rob  Gelila and I name tag each desk in the office. To finish my day and switch off the machines, I had to walk across the street to the Water Garden. I asked Gellia and Rob  in a GROUP CHAT text message to place the unfinished name tags in the stockroom so we can all find it on Monday a.m. because our supervisor Chris mentioned how important it is that we finish by Monday. Rob  responded to the text outside of the group chat thread,  and says 

“You have a good weekend also, take charge person”.

I ignore the text and reply to Gelela text in the group chat. Rob  text me again about 10 minutes later he claims that “he is not using his personal phone for business anymore” after realizing that I responded to Gellia’s text rather than his. Despite my confusion,  I texted back “if he ever does need to contact anyone regarding business to use the Group Chat so we all are on the same page.” (Screenshot)

I had about 15 more minutes left in my shift after going to the Water Garden and turning off the machines. I walked back over to the Pen factory and unfortunately ran into Rob .

He tells me that he thinks Gelela likes me, “maybe not romantically” but then I turn her on by my “mystery”. He then proceeded to tell me the exact opposite of what he said in the text he tells me that he thinks we need to communicate more and that he doesn’t think the group chat is the best idea when he needs to singularly contact one of us. I listen to him and then left (Audio). 

July 11th

Rob Kotick, Gelila and myself work upstairs in Kitchen 3, continuing the name tags. Rob asks how my weekend was without asking Leyla as well. I make the choice to bring her into the discussion and which shortly after, in the middle of the project Chris asked us to do Rob  decides to randomly go downstairs, only to mysteriously return when it was time for a glitter to go on her 10 min break. He asked did I shave my beard this weekend. This time I was very stern with him and told him to stop making inappropriate comments and questions to me or else I would have to involve someone else. I told him I’ve been uncomfortable from the jump, had enough and that he should know better. I asked that he only speaks to me about business stuff from that day further. He mother something under its breath before getting to his feet and leaving. He avoid a contact with me for the remainder of the day.

(This has been a fictionalized narrative. Based on the fabrication document of Activision/Robert Half International/Williams Lea contractor Cortez Mathews, attachment to email dated July 13, 2022.)

(Based on Los Angeles city clerk public documents:;;;;


Public Records.

Title: “The new video game and my response to the allegations”