You’re welcome here. As disciples of Christ who value the faith, gifts, and ministry of all God’s people and seek justice, racial equity, and reconciliation, we welcome all God’s children to an inclusive community. This welcome is extended without exception and regardless of sex, race, national origin, educational background, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical and mental ability, age, or economic condition. 

We’re a congregation that values questions. How can we lead one another to more faithful discipleship? How can we form our children in the faith, practice, and ethics of this faith community? How can we help to build a society that is more fair, more just, and more inclusive? How can we help to dismantle the racist structures that distort our nation? How can we resist threats to Earth’s beautiful and sacred climate?

All these are serious questions, ultimate questions, because Jesus calls us here and now to love God and our neighbors. We’re searching – through shared study, through worship, through service, through prayer – to find, not ultimate answers, but simply the next steps to take. It’s hard work. We invite you to join us in the search.

Earlier worship posts are on our Worship page.
See the upcoming Schedule for Worship Leaders.

Our regular Sunday worship is at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM with learning opportunities (Sunday School) in between services. In summer, we worship at 8:30 AM and 10:15 AM with no Sunday School. The 8:30 AM worship service is live-streamed on the St. Thomas YouTube channel.

At communion, everyone is welcome. This includes doubters, young children, and folks who have yearned for this feast. Come forward and receive hand-torn bread or gluten-free wafers and pink wine or red grape juice.

Sunday School opportunities for youth are described on the Grow page. There is usually a forum for adults mentioned in the weekly post below.

Join our mailing list to get the weekly announcements.

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