Rating: 5-Star
Genre: Mystery and Suspense
ASIN: B007M9UM14
File Size: 1507 KB
ISBN-10: 1482051346
ISBN-13: 978-1482051346
Pages: 422

The Black Mile by Mark Dawson is bound to keep you guessing as to who is killing London prostitutes. Known as The Ripper, this elusive serial killer uses the Nazi bombing of London to his advantage. This first book in the Soho Noir Thrillers series combines suspense, mystery, conspiracies, well fleshed out characters, and language particular to the 1940s to create a realistic setting. At times, though, I wished that the book had been Americanized to help with the story flow. Never the less, the stylistic language would  not prevent me from reading the next book in the series.