Changing Fonts in WordPress for Free





I am a novice in the use of WordPress. It seems that using in most themes, incuding Twenty Eleven, it is not possible to vary the font and the fontsize of text unless you buy an upgrade or get involved with HTML.


I seem to have stumbled upon a way of doing this. Perhaps this is already common knowledge among the WordPress community.


The basic idea is to prepare the text “offline” using a text editor and then copy and paste it into a WordPress page.

  1. It will not work using Microsoft Wordpad.
  2. It may(indeed should) work using Microsoft Word (I have not tried it).
  3. It will work using OpenOffice Writer. This is a free word processor that can be downloaded from
  4. It works using Windows 7
  5. It only works fully where the reading computer has the same font installed as the computer which prepared the page.
  6. This text was prepared using Firefox and was successfully read using Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. Other browsers may have problems.



  1. In a text editor such as Microsoft Word, prepare the text using various fonts, fontsizes, colours etc.
  2. Select the text and CTRL+C to copy it to the clipboard.
  3. In WordPress go to the target page and in edit mode CTRL+V to paste from the clipboard into the page.

  4. On the edit page the text will all appear in the default font, but when viewed on working website the fancy fonts will show.



A selection of fonts ————————


Old English Bold 16 point (Not installed on most computers)

Times New Roman 20 point in red

Daniela 12 point (Not installed on most computers)

Edwardian Script 24 point In Green

Calibri 10 point

Arial Narrow 14 point



I hope you have success with this technique. Maybe someone will confirm that it works using Microsoft Word.

As I understand it, my Google rating will improve if this site has many links from other sites, so if you control a site, please link into this one. Thank you.

You may like to look at some of the pictures on this site.



2 thoughts on “Changing Fonts in WordPress for Free

  1. As covered in the support documents.

    It is worth noting, however, that should you ever change to a theme that doesn’t look good with that font, you will have to go through and strip out the Span tags from every single paragraph of the code editor, by hand. We had one guy who changed all his text to white using a similar technique. Then he switched to a theme with a white background, and all his text became invisible. He was faced with sticking with dark themes only or hand-editing the code to several hundred posts.

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