Post Bylaws

Post bylaws and constitutions draw from the American Legion Charter for a war veterans organization.

The national office is governed by American Legion National Constitution and Bylaws.  Our American Legion Department North Carolina also has both a Constitution and State Department Bylaws. You can download them from the Department website.

How do they affect us?  Well, we operate under a Post Constitution and Post Bylaws.  Posts update them periodically, because they exist to show local compliance to Department and National Bylaws and Constitutions.  No post may function or operate in a manner not in compliance with Department Bylaws.

When national regulations are changed, it affects the state departments and, thereby, the posts within the state.

Post bylaws and constitutions, when changed, must be submitted to the Department Judge Advocate (via the Department Adjutant) for review and approval.  He will compare changes to existing file copies and the current national and department constitution and bylaws.  If in compliance, he will approve them.  If not, they have to be rewritten to comply.

Are your post documents on file?  The Department has requested that all state posts submit copies of these and other historical files.  Here is a list of what they need:

  1. Post Constitution
  2. Post Bylaws
  3. A report listing all federal  EIN numbers assigned to your post.
  4. Post incorporation documents. Some post still have temporary post documents. Please check your Post files and send a copy showing it has been filed with the Secretary of State Office.
  5. A copy of Post’s application for Charter to which your Permanent Charter is based.

This is nothing special.  All of these documents are required by the Department of North Carolina Bylaws.  With out these documents (on file at your post and at the Department), your post is in violation of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Department of North Carolina.  Submit your post’s documents to the Department, attention: State Adjutant.

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