CrossFit Santa Clara Kids

Saturday, May 15, 2010

We’re looking forward to moving to the new gym, but while we’re here we’re going to make use of our great parking lot!

Warmup: Row 500 m, 2 sets of 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 Overhead Squats w/PVC

Skills: Squats (slow, tree, and wall), power clean and squat clean w/PVC

WOD: AMRAP in 15 minutes:

Run to the street & back (50 yards)
12 Kb swings
9 box jumps

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

Rainy weather again, so we squeezed into the gym alongside the adult class.

Warmup: Run 400m (small gap in the rain!), active dynamic warmup & stretches

Skill: Overhead Squat w/ PVC, 15# bar and 22#bar

WOD: Long Tabata intervals (40:20 instead of 20:10).
3 intervals each of rowing, pullups and pushups

Saturday, May 8, 2010 and Snday, May 9th

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mother’s of our CrossFit Kids!

Saturday’s class was a fun one!

Warmup: Row 250m, then two sets of 20 pullups, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 squats

Skill: Shoulder Press, Push Press with PVC

WOD: 5 rounds of 10 push press (dumbbells), 10 Box jumps, 200m run

To Celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday, we pulled out one of our favorite workouts, “Rol the Dice”!

Warmup: Row 500m, plate squats & swings, pushups, pullups & situps

Skill: Deadlift

WOD: “Roll the Dice!”

1 – Deadlift
2 – Pullups
3 – Clapping pushups(!)
4 – Toes-to-bar
5 – Box jumps
6 – Kettlebell swings

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It was warm and windy at the track today! Who ever heard of MAY coming “in like a lion”?

Burpee circle
Burgener warmup with PVC

Run 200m
20 hang power cleans
Run 200 m
20 Front Squats
Run 200 m
20 Hang squat cleans
Run 200m
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Warmup: Active warmup and stretching, really got the joints warmed up and the heart beating a bit faster.

Skills: Front Squats with the PVC pipe and 15# bar

WOD: “Jackie”

Row 1000 m
50 thrusters
30 pullups

Foam roller afterwards.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

We didn’t dance around the Maypole, but we did lots of other movements and had a lot of fun today.

Warmup: Active dynamic warm up including high knees, butt-kickers, slide steps and skipping. Squats holding a small plate, then “plate pushing” – a new activity I picked up at the Carl Paoli gymnastics workshops today!

Skill: Headstands. Learning to make a base, progression to reach full extension against the wall. Used AbMats to protect our heads 🙂

WOD: 2 rounds of 1 minute each:

Ball slams
Box jumps
Thrusters with dumbbells

After our workout we practiced vertical jumps, and a jump with a half-turn. Then some stretching!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We thought we were going to get rained out and have to use the gym again, but the skies cleared so we went to the track! There was a chilly wind so we tried to keep moving, but the sun was out so it was pretty nice to be outside again!

Warmup: 400m Indian run with medball

Skill: Burgener warmup, squats

WOD: As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

Run 200 yards
20 squats

Sunday, April 25, 2010

That was one of our kids’ comments halfway through today’s WOD! I know how he felt!

Warmup: Active Dynamic Warmup

Skills: Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk

Work form with PVC, then sets of 3 presses with the 15# bar, adding weight incrementally. Finished with 25# on the Push Jerks.

WOD: 3 rounds for time of:

7 burpee box jumps
7 kettlebell swings

Stretch & foam roll after.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Team workouts and working with a partner can be a lot of fun, so we gave it a try today. We discovered that communication is really important between partners!

Warmup: Row 500m. 10 squats, 10 front squats, 10 Overhead squats. 10 Shoulder presses, 10 Push presses, 10 Push jerks.

Skill: split jerks

WOD: Partner workout! Between the two of you, do this work:

Row 500m
50 pushups
50 situps
50 pullups
50 Kettlebell swings
Row 500m

Note: you don’t HAVE to to the exact same number of reps each, and you DO have to finish each task before you can move to the next.

Our teams did great, and finished about 20 seconds apart! Way to push each other guys!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The weather outside looked ominous so we opted to come to the gym instead of getting rained on at the track. Of course the sun came out when we started our class!

Warmup: 1000 m row, 400m medball run & toss (like rugby!)

Skills: Deadlifts and SDHP with kettlebells

WOD: Tabata! 4 rounds of:

Tire Jumps
Kettlebell swings
Tire pushups

Note: Jonathan set a PR in his 1000m row by more than 20 seconds! Woohoo!

June 2024