Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud

Academic fraud is forcing Wileya major publisher of scientific journals, to close 19 journals after some were overwhelmed by industrial-scale research fraud. In the last two years, Wiley has retracted over 11,300 papers containing some fraudulent content.

Ontario shooting motivated by victim’s alleged betrayal of ISIS supporters: Crown

A fatal shooting at a Mississauga, Ont., chicken restaurant in May 2021 was allegedly motivated by the accused trying to stop the victim from telling police that a group of men he was in business with had pledged allegiance to ISIS.

That’s what Assistant Crown Attorney David D’Iorio told the jury in his opening address at the Brampton Superior Courthouse this week.

Edmonton woman married ISIS fighters, sought weapons training

The Alberta court approved a terrorism peace bond on Wednesday for an Edmonton woman federal prosecutors allege was married to two ISIS fighters and sought military training.

Fake Science Proves Problematic for Academic Publishing as Journals Close From Research Fraud

Fake scientific papers, which are increasingly the product of paper mills using AI, undermine the credibility of all research.

Iran’s New Proxy: Universities

Iran can only be rejoicing at the moral and educational collapse they have helped create on American university campuses, which are grooming America’s future teachers, judges and political leaders. Now, however, these campuses appear to be incubating America’s future terrorists and creating a national security threat.

The Disgrace and Fall of the American Elite Campus

These infantile campuses have a rendezvous with adult accountability, both public and governmental. And they won’t like what is coming.

China-linked network funding key anti-Israel protest groups in US – report

The Singham network amplified anti-Israel activism not just through the NGOs’ social media accounts, but through pro-CCP media outlets like BreakThrough News.

The Meaning of Israeli ‘Independence’

There is no question that this year, our Yom Ha’atzma’ut celebrations are different,” Israeli President Chaim Herzog said in an Independence Day message to Jews abroad. And indeed, the Jewish state’s transition from Memorial Day to Independence Day—as the former ends, the latter begins—was by all accounts less abrupt this evening, since the solemn and subdued atmosphere continued from one into the other.

The past seven months have been filled with fear and mourning, he said, but they “have reminded us, also, of our core qualities, of our power as a people to stand up, again and again, against hatred. To survive and speak our truth. Of our deep and sustaining caring for one another.”

The Shipwreck of Modernity

We must recover the moral foundations of democracy.

Only Israel Is Not Allowed to Defend Itself

Blinken joins in the war against Israel’s right to self-defense.

Greta, Palestine, and the Current Thing

Progressive empathy is a never-ending struggle session.

Populism Is The Voice Of The Voiceless, The Real Threat To Democracy Is From The Elites

Let Them Destroy Each Other

Contrary to popular conservative opinion, I don’t want this college chaos to end anytime soon. I want it to increase and metastasize and continue right up until these entitled, ugly, mutated communist jerks totally alienate every normal American.

The Democrat Party’s Antisemitism Went Mainstream With Barack Obama

Obama’s embrace of antisemites is responsible for the anti-Israel radicalism rampant among Democrats today.

The People Setting America on Fire

An investigation into the witches’ brew of billionaires, Islamists, and leftists behind the campus protests

The Sickness of Israel-Hating Jews

Nothing more vile than a kapo

Iran’s Dangerous New Terror Proxy: Sudan

Iran’s Encirclement of Israel, Control of Red Sea, Almost Complete

Canada’s criminal sentencing discounts for non-citizens are unfair

Non-citizens who commit crimes in Canada shouldn’t get discounted sentences simply so they can avoid deportation. But in the Canadian justice system, that’s exactly what happens. We are beholden to judges who believe the rules apply differently to everyone.

Union leaders pledge support for U of T anti-Israel encampment, urge ‘consequences’ for dissenters

There need to be street-based consequences for clumsy buffoons’ like prof who infiltrated protest, OPSEU spokesperson tweets

Pro-Palestianian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden’s biggest donors

President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him “Genocide Joe” — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists pushing hard for his reelection.

The donors include some of the biggest names in Democratic circles: Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker, according to a POLITICO analysis.

Hamas and Hezbollah: How Iran Is Secretly Infiltrating Europe

The terrorist threat to Europe from the Islamic Republic of Iran — and Hamas and Hezbollah, its proxies — is growing.

American Jews should take a look at Catholic universities

The conventional measures of institutional prestige cannot provide two vital pieces of information: What does an institution teach, and what kind of students does it attract?

October 7 victims sue SJP, AMP for serving as Hamas propaganda arm

“It is time that Hamas and all of its agents, like AMP and NSJP, be held responsible for their horrific actions,” the victims said in a joint statement on Wednesday.“

They aren’t revolutionaries. They’re bigoted brats

The Columbia cranks rant about killing Zionists one minute and demand hot meals the next.

Milgram in the Modern Day: Psychology of Antisemitism in Higher Ed

Mere days after Columbia’s president testified the university was doing “everything it can” against antisemitism, extremist protestors took over the campus, threatening and attacking Jewish students, encouraging others to become “martyrs” like the Hamas terrorists who committed the Oct. 7 massacre, and calling for Oct. 7 to become “every day” for Jews worldwide. After Jewish community leaders called for Jewish students to leave Columbia, President Shafik moved all classes online.

Now, similar antisemitic extremism is spreading to other campuses, including Harvard, the University of Southern California, Yale, and Princeton. The police are getting involved. The protests are being praised by Iran’s Ayatollah and even Hamas.

How did we get here? How can generations raised on Holocaust history, museums, and films like “Schindler’s List” or the recently controversial “The Zone of Interest” be so spectacularly blind to their own antisemitism? How have we failed to learn from the past? 

Basic psychology provides the answer.

Group banned in Germany gets carte blanche in Canada to glorify Hamas massacre

Samidoun is one of the main groups behind the anti-Israel rallies across the country

Gen. Rick Hillier: Ottawa abandoned Canadian Jews in their darkest hour

The fear in the eyes of Jewish-Canadians, who have been abandoned by their country in their very darkest hour, is matched only by the fear in the eyes of our government, which abandoned them. Canada’s desertion of nearly 400,000 of our proudest citizens is unparalleled, save for our desertion of Japanese-Canadians during the Second World War.

Our citizens, hated not because they are bombing Gaza, but because they are Jews, are frightened as never before. They are frightened by the venomous hatred from so many sources, manifesting in the screaming crowds in their neighbourhoods, vandalizing of businesses, death threats and calls to genocide, as our police and governments stand in silence.

Iran seeks to expand its influence in Africa through weapons trades and chaos

Iran expands influence in Africa via trade and arms sales, leveraging global chaos. Reports detail its strategies, including partnerships in Sudan and Niger.

Netanyahu: Israel will enter Rafah with or without hostage deal

“The idea that we will halt the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question. We will enter Rafah and we will eliminate the Hamas battalions there – with or without a deal, in order to achieve the total victory,” Netanyahu said.

Canada is unblocking aid to Afghanistan but delay is ‘extremely frustrating’: advocate

We’re aiding the fucking Taliban

Iran Mullahs Speeding Up Nuclear Weapons Program: Anyone Interested?

From Iran’s perspective, acquiring nuclear weapons is the easiest way to significantly complete its takeover of the region and “export the revolution”: “We shall export the revolution to the whole world. Until they cry, ‘there is no god but God [Allah]’ resounds over the whole world, there will be struggle.”

Will Jewish Voters Stop Voting for the Democrats Who Want to Kill Them?

Jewish Democrat voters are going to need to make a choice, survival or the comfort of liberal illusions.

The Global Empire of Palestine

The Palestinians have something better than a state. They have the backing of today’s worldwide power brokers.

Ex-Mossad expert warns Iran has built global financial network to bypass sanctions

Udi Levy, former head of spy agency’s financial division, says if Israel’s partners seriously intend to weaken Tehran, they must target its money-transferring infrastructure

Iran’s Nightmares

Details of the recent limited Israeli retaliatory strike against Iranian anti-aircraft missile batteries at Isfahan are still sketchy. Nonetheless, we can draw some conclusions.

Education Apocalypse Now?

Over a decade ago, I wrote a short book titled The Higher Education Bubble, which was followed by a much longer one called The New School, and a significantly longer and updated paperback version called The Education Apocalypse.

In all of these books I explained, with increasing amounts of detail and examples, why I thought that the existing system of higher education in America was doomed.  Not that higher education itself would cease to exist, but that the standard model of college, graduate, and professional education that had obtained since the passage of the G.I. Bill, and in many ways since the late 19th Century, would largely cease to exist.  This was due to a combination of out-of-control costs and loss of prestige.

So is the apocalypse now?  Maybe.  At the very least, we’re at some sort of a turning point.

MI5 plans to vet academics in British universities to root out foreign spies infiltrating campuses

Deputy PM Oliver Dowden met the vice-chancellors of 24 leading universities including Cambridge and Oxford yesterday to brief them on the espionage threat.

Let’s Get Ready To Rafah

Since the October 7th massacre carried out all over Southern Israel by Iranian-backed Hamas Nazis, the emergency war cabinet that convened in Israel came up with the plan to deal with Hamas once and for all, from north to south, in the Gaza Strip. It was always going to culminate in Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza, bordering Egypt.

Anti-Terrorism Police Arrest 16-Year-Old Allegedly Planning Suicide Bombing At Summer Olympics

Law enforcement officials in France arrested a teenager this week who was allegedly planning on carrying out an attack at the Olympic Games in Paris this summer.

Islamophobia czar’s wild claim that anti-Israel extremism is a “few individual protesters”

Amira Elghawhaby, the Trudeau government’s Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia. claimed the ‘Globalize the Intifada’ event had peaceful intentions

How the Chinese Limited Investigations of Covid’s Origin

The Associated Press published a lengthy story yesterday looking at the long history of China lying about the origins of COVID-19. Some of this will be familiar territory for people who followed this story closely but other aspects were new to me (and also to the WHO), including the possibility that China inspected the Wuhan wet market on Christmas day 2019, nearly a week before the Dec. 31, 2019 visit already known to the world.

Dutch intelligence: Europe foiled 10 jihadist attacks in 2023, Gaza war among triggers

‘The terrorist threat is serious at this moment,’ agency head says

Argentina asks host countries to arrest visiting Iranian minister over 1994 bombing

Buenos Aires notes Interpol warrant out for ex-senior Revolutionary Guards official Ahmed Vahidi, accused of masterminding AMIA Jewish center attack that killed 85 people

Jewish French woman allegedly raped, kidnapped to ‘avenge Palestine’

The suspect, according to Le Parisien, sent text messages to the victim’s mother and ex-boyfriend, telling the former partner that he wanted to “avenge Palestine.”

Qatari official: Jews are murderers of prophets; October 7 is only a ‘prelude’

Essa Al-Nassr, member of the Gulf state’s legislative body and a brigadier general at the Emiri Guard, gets ovation as he makes bigoted accusations against Jews and promises the end of Israel.

The Education Factory

By looking at the labor history of academia, you can see the roots of a crisis in higher education that has been decades in the making.

The cult of ‘my truth’

We must continue to seek out the truth for truth’s sake, before we lose touch with reality entirely.

Rising Antisemitism and Choosing Freedom

“Next year, may we all be free.”

Gil Troy to fellow Zionists: ‘Grow a spine’

“It’s time for some righteous anger,”

Israel builds enormous tent city and ‘prepares to evacuate a million Palestinians before six-week invasion of Rafah starting in May’ – as US warns Hamas is aiming for ‘full-scale regional war’

Israel has said several times that it plans to evacuate displaced civilians from Rafah ahead of a six-week military operation that will likely begin in May.