After some consideration…

I’ve decided to leave the site up as it stands and a much cheaper plan that wasn’t available last time I checked allows me to keep the podcast up and running for now.  There is a lot of great archived information on this site and it would be foolish to take it down.

Where the hell have I been?

This is a message to any of you who still might follow this blog. I am going to take it down in the next month, along with the podcast. The downloads have slowly eroded away, so I can’t justify the monthly cost to keep it out there. I have also decided to quit my current career trajectory and do something different with my life. What that will be, I have no idea. There may be another podcast in me. I thank everyone who has listened over the years.

To anyone new who has stumbled onto this blog, I encourage you to download all the episodes, so you can listen to them at your leisure.

Take care in these troubling times and be skeptical of everything from official mouths!

Chad C.

Realigning my life.

Hello all. The last time I posted, I mentioned some health problems. Thankfully, these were not serious, but required my attention. I have neglected my own health for too long and needed time to recharge my batteries. I’m feeling much better these days, but I’m having trouble returning to the podcast. I feel like it has run its course and I need to try something different. I’m in a transition period right now, but I will make a decision soon as to the future of the podcast.

Thank you for listening,

The Red Pill 2051_9/12/13

Today’s podcast is an assortment of articles I have collected over the past few months that I feel I need to address. I will be out of town for the next ten days, but I will return as soon as possible.


What our conspiracies say about us

Brzezinski and alternative media

The CIA and the media

Canada and Mexico become part of the ‘homeland’ during NSA Senate briefing

Biotech propaganda in children’s cartoons

Nanotech food test may help expose chemtrail poisoning

Warren Buffet’s son says money doesn’t solve everything

On the phenomena of BS jobs

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The Red Pill 2051_9/10/13

On today’s podcast, I finish my report on Konrad Lorenz’s book, Civilized Man’s Eight Deadly Sins. The last two sins are The Break with Tradition and Indoctrinability. I hope you find something useful to ponder and share with like-minded people.


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