Desert Dwellers – Crossing Beyond (Duke Mushroom Remix)

The desert is an interesting place to compare the unique aspects of the way we view both the day and the night. To those who know what internally it means to be a dweller of the desert is to also know what it means to be a survivor. The hot desert sun gives way to the cool clear sky of the desert night. What is both real and unreal take on their own unique characteristics! Enjoy!

Meiko – Between the Sheets

The lyrics used in the song “Between the Sheets” by Meiko draws an interesting parallel, in my view, of how ones internal voice or dialogue can take place and what sometimes takes hold of ones thoughts within the flicking lights of a pixel environment; like what can be created in a place like Second Life. Now I’m sure Ms Meiko didn’t give a thought at all to digital types of environments or online interactions when she wrote this song. The choices between what is real and touchable within a real life experience and what takes places within ones mind eye and a portal into a digital type of environment between distance strangers I find most interesting and how it relates to the lyrics in this song.

“Lights on? Why? What are you afraid of? A secret? Really?”

Secrets that get lost in the flow of the digital stream when the flicking lights of the screen gets turned off!

Listen, enjoy and digitize!

Nneka ~ “Shining Star (Joe Goddard Remix)”

Intro is a tad too long, but it’s the club/extended version of Nneka’s “Shining Star” so I understand the reason for it. Vocals are strong; really strong and kick in around the 2:35 point in the song! Enjoy

“…And though you seem so far away
You pursuit me I can feel you
.. within my mind
And I know you’re sometimes lonely
Oh, I wish that I could change it,
Oh then I know you still got me
And I pray my love will give you life…”

Digital Builds at Relay for Life of Second Life 2012

I’ve included a few pictures I took last night and early this morning of a few of the builds at Relay for Life of Second Life (“RFL of SL”) 2012 this year. The actual relay run took place this past weekend; July 14th to July 15th 2012, however the 35 sims used to hold this years event in Second Life are up until Friday July 20th. The various builds at RFL of SL started to come down today. My time, was limited to really explore the large & diverse variety of digital builds at RFL of SL 2012. I really wish I had more time. The pictures I did get to snap off hopefully gives you a little idea of what really is a magical event held each year in the virtual world of Second Life. Can’t wait till RFL of SL 2013 starts now! Go Relay Go! Fighting cancer, helping others and being a part of the “Great Good” that’s what it’s all about!