FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona is more than just a club, it’s a way of life. It’s serious, philosophical, it teaches one how to live, it is life itself. There’s principles, philosophies and values we adhere to. We prize commitment and development above everything else. We work hard with humility. FC Barcelona represents a whole nation of people. FC Barcelona play for the freedom of the Catalan people. It’s about pride and dignity. It’s about playing beautiful football, we never play ugly that would defy the core of our identity. At Barcelona we’d rather lose and get relegated than play unappealing football. To be apart of Barca is to be a winner, unashamedly so too! We have structures in place, we are governed by a culture that reinforces that winning mentality. We are the best team in the world. At Barca we incubate talent and prize human relationships above all. We plan for the long haul, we make sacrifices to be the best. At Barca, we are consistent, we are relentless, we provide a blueprint on how to play the beautiful game. Joan Laporta is more of my president than Cyril Ramaphosa because unlike Cyril, he cares. At Barca we follow the principles and blueprints outlined by Johan Cruyff, we love him, he is our Godfather. We revere Pep Guardiola, Luis Enrique & Frank Rijkaard. At Barca we worship Lionel Messi, the greatest soccer player in the history of the game. We created him at our farmhouse but the rest of the world call it La Masia. In addition to creating the greatest football player ever, we produced Spain’s most decorated player Andres Iniesta, the greatest midfield player Spain has ever seen Xavi Hernandes and the greatest pivot of all time Sergio Busquets. The trio are considered to be the greatest midfield trio in football period! We also produced Puyol, Pique, Cesc Fabregas, Victor Valdes, Pedro Rodrigues and countless other superstars. We were able to do this because we see the bigger picture. We still doing it today with Balde, Gavi, Pedri and Ansu Fati. We will continue doing so because we have vision, we see into the future. We hone talents, create an environment that is optimal for our talents and ensure that they are happy with the confines of our systems. At Barca, discipline and effort is paramount, you play for the badge, you sacrifice yourself for the team, you die for the team. At Barca, there are no egos, you keep your head down, stick to the task at hand, do your job and celebrate the teams goals regardless of whether you are in the starting 11 or the sidelines. Failure to celebrate the teams goals will lead to a transfer away from Barca, this is non-negotiable, we celebrate together, we are a unit. There are no superstars at Barca, this is not the Galaticos of Real Madrid, everyone is equal under the scrutinizing eye of the badge. At Barca we are professional, humility reigns, no coming with your Ferrari to practice Ibrahimovic! Barca is more than a club, it’s a way of life. Dedication, commitment, hard work, sacrifice, humility and winning are at the core of our DNA.

Leather Jacket

Leather Jacket

“Disrespectful, arrogant, weed, Alexandra, leather jacket! The audacity! Who do you think you are? You are so forward”. Thank you so much for your projections and stereotypes. Funny how I am reduced to a few words, an attempt to marginalize and control me. I’ve reached the ceiling and breaking out is the next step but to keep me grounded is the plan. I have become too big for my shoes and the plan is to keep me barefoot. Cause if I realize my worth and get new shoes it exposes their raggedy shoes. “Stop being so brilliant, you exposing us! Keep it down, slow down, dim down the shine, fly lower, don’t forget where you come from, Little Alexandra kid”.

Arrogant, weed, Alexandra, Leather Jacket, you are nothing without me, I made you! Made who? The entitlement! If you made me, make another me. Move out of my way, you are a hindrance. Stop searching for relevance you are a fossil. The leather jacket is a staple of who I am. I smoke chronic and I live in Gomora. I am arrogant because I know my worth and you need audacity to be successful. Disrespectful? Only when it suits you? Being older doesn’t hand you privileges. Respect is a two-way street. Why should I respect you when you don’t respect me? You marginalize me to keep me beta. Stick holes through my confidence with knife edged words to affect my frame and string me along like it’s a game. But you are so lame. I’ve met people like you and you all the same. Plagued by insecurities and the need to always be on top. Penis envy has you contemplating penetration but it’s the womb that starts a nation. You hate me and my leather jacket because I have a dick! You are blocking the path, get out of my way, you are slowing me down! Success and fortune is ahead, I’ll never stop until I am ahead cause I’m disrespectful, arrogant, smoke weed, from Alexandra, forward cause I am the future and wear a black leather jacket like a character from ‘The Sopranos’. Screw you, your words don’t affect me. I am going to do and be everything I want and nothing is going to stop me. I am the best, I am the greatest. If you insist on being an obstacle then I’ll make you the way, I’ll smash right through you. You try to break me down because you are intimidated by me. You assign labels because it gives you a grip. You are frightened by me and my leather jacket. In the end the little kid from Alexandra will have it all.

On the square II: Dress Code script

On the square II: Dress Code script

After “Dress Code” things went downsouth for me. It was the girls who kept me relevant for a month, they loved me. They made it hard for Daphne to get rid of me. They would always shower me with gifts, kisses and hugs. Honestly it was like heaven, I felt like I was floating walking on clouds, I was all soft inside, I was intoxicated by them, I was in awe of their talent, I loved them. I did everything above and beyond to please them, I treated them like royalty, like the stars they were, with reverence and awe. I executed every request with efficiency and care. The stage was spotless before the show and the mirrors reflected like diamonds. Cliff’s (Piano guy) water was iced and always on time and on queue before the show. I was professional, courteous, smelled good and dressed with real personality. I was the eye of God who kept watch over everything and addressed every significant or insignificant thing that had the power to affect the tone of the show. It was all about excellence. They were very happy with me. The girls flooded Daphne’s email with compliments about me, she was elated and she opened her purse for me. I accepted but it was never about the money. Quite clearly it was the girls who kept me in the theatre for that long, the staff at the theatre only needed someone to assist for 2-3 day’s tops. “Move in” day can be tough and time consuming as you welcome a new act to the theatre, sets need to be on the stage and it requires planning and thinking. There’s also the issue of the sound and lights, they need to be programmed to the system. Without the sound and lights, you don’t have a show. It’s just a casual job and the guys who help out do their two days and it’s done. A lot of the times the theatre uses young students who are keen to learn about theatre to help out. It’s a win for both sides, the student learns and gets practical and the theatre don’t have to pay for labor. That considered, I stayed for a month! I was also the usher for the girls show and generally everybody liked me and that’s the problem, I was magnetic, likeable and had a ton of charisma, illuminating the place and setting the mood for the show – I was too perfect. Inevitably envy and jealousy sets in and I became a target. Human nature and narcissistic tendencies, I refrained from responding and reacting, I observed like a bystander and was amused by the human condition. I knew what caused the hysteria, mainly that I was too amazing and I couldn’t help myself. I had no flaw, I came early for work, had a lot of enthusiasm, executed every task with perfection and everybody loved me. Around the 3rd week Daphne called me to her office and took my particulars. She asked what I was good at, education, skills and talents and so I shared. We talked for a while and she said she wished she had something for me. Her roster was full. I acknowledged but I was just there for the love. After that meeting I definitely felt the room getting smaller, it was like she was pushing me out but life went on and I got more  responsibilities. On the last day of “The Dress Code” as we were clearing the stage, I asked the director “Alan Swerdlow” for the script, I wanted it for it’s format, structure and I was really in love with the writing, it was witty, urban and well written. I also wanted to learn the skill of writing scripts for theatre. Alan liked my energy and appreciated everything I did for the girls, he gave it to me. After knockoff, Reginah from her car saw me from afar with the script and asked “Are you holding a script?”. I walked to her vehicle and replied “Yes”. She continued “You are not supposed to have that”, to which I replied “The director gave me the script”. She replied “No, you are not supposed to!”, I countered “But I want it”, I had the script in my hands. She started having a narcissistic fit and threw tantrums wanting to get out of the car. I watched her attempts to bully me off the script and I walked away from the scene with the script in hand. I left her shouting alone, she was wasting my time. It’s my fault, I encouraged her behavior hoping it would dissipate but she only got more controlling and overbearing, it was time for a receipt. As I was walking away, she shouted “Don’t come back on Tuesday”. It was the same Reginah who took 33% of my pay. She didn’t ask, she just took it in a power move. After “The Dress Code” Move In, Daphne delegated the task of paying me to her. She called me into a room, reached into her pocket and took out R300, gave me R200 and took the R100 stating that she needed it more and that she’d pay me back, she never did. I always resented that action, it was like she was entitled to my pay. I deserved the full R300! She didn’t ask me, if she had I would have given it to her, she took all the power away from me and took it! I judged her character that day and a receipt was definitely on the cards – she was going to respect me!

I defied her and came back on Tuesday. There was no way I was missing “Vincent’s” Move In. I wanted to help with the production, I had been anticipating it for quite some time and luckily, I still had Daphne, she was reasonable, she’d see things my way. When I got to the theatre Reginah isolated me from the team and instructed me to wait for Daphne so we can discuss this script issue. In an act of power, she brought in a student to take my place. Gaslighting, she was downplaying my importance to the theatre, communicating that I was inferior and disposable. I saw that for what it was – insecurity. Everybody loved me and it was warranted, I was a hard worker. I wasn’t concerned, I was fine with any outcome, I stood by my decision to walk away with the script that night, I simply wanted it more, if not for the content then the hopeful connections it had the power to grant me. Daphne came in and we discussed the case. Reginah presented her inaccurate version, filled with slander and smear campaigns in attempts to get me to react. It was just pure lies concocted by her imagination. She was vicious, disagreeable and incoherent, a blind man could see that she was attacking me. She wanted to control me so much that she lost control. I was calm. I presented my case and took responsibility for taking the script and as anticipated, Daphne understood. I went back to the team and helped with the production of “Vincent”, flirting with my female student replacement in the process. In no time my replacement was hooked and mesmerized by my aura. She too was on my side. This was definitely not in Reginah’s plans. I survived but hostilities were brewing. “Vincent” was a success and my replacement stopped coming to the theatre so I reigned. I understand human nature and I realize I was a missed hit, I know a target is still on my back, so I decided to leave on my own terms before things spiraled out of control, I’ll be back later, when things are calmer, when I am in control.

I came back 3 weeks later and everybody welcomed me back with open arms, the script issue was all in the past, they were just so happy to see me. It was the girls who kept me relevant for a month, they loved me and I love them forever.

Receipts II

Receipts II

I am a cool guy, I ain’t got beef with anyone. I serve up what you give out. If you treat me good and with respect you’ll receive that a thousand fold, but if you an asshole I am happy to dish out shit. No excuses, no privileges, control yourself. I am a pro at your passive aggressive antics – what? Did you honestly think that you were smarter than everybody else? Funny guy, out of sync, you ain’t shit. I see through disguises too, masks can’t fool real eyes. If you want beef I am happy to serve it on a platter. If you organizing a hit, make sure it sticks cause if you botch it, I am coming for your soul. I am tired of being humble, I am the greatest of all time, come close and I’ll show you, anytime, any place. Receipts, receipts, receipts I am happy to reflect your tastes. If you want a battle, I am happy to oppose you. Words don’t count, it’s your actions that are gold. I am a fucked up person too and I am ready to exercise my repressions. Receipts, apologies don’t mean much prepare yourself for my comeback. I hold grudges, I never forget and I am coming for your ass. Receipts, don’t start wars you can’t finish. No negotiations, no treaties, everything will end up in fire and smoke. Cause I don’t give a shit, I am narcissistic, grandiose, egotistic, irrational and envious, so please give me an opportunity to exercise my nature. Receipts, cross the line please, I am begging you! Disrespect me, slander me, make me the scapegoat and I’ll show you why I am the goat. Receipts, receipts, receipts you on an imaginary pedestal, time to take you down and humble ya. Receipts, cause I also don’t care, I am after power, I am merely a reflection of you.

My Left Breast

My Left Breast

Award winning actor Shannon Esra plays a character who is a one-breasted, menopausal, Jewish, bisexual lesbian mother. The play is a woman’s humorous and moving encounter with relationships, parenthood, cancer and her ever-changing self. Unbelievable performer! She is pretty great! Captivating, entertaining, a real master of her craft. Quite clearly she has mastered the art of storytelling. She is lively, animated, expressive, has heart, and made use of the stage to perfection. It didn’t matter that the set was minimal, it was all about her, her story, her experiences, the lighting captured that beautifully, wonderful direction. Difficult story to tell, cancer, but she made it her own, she is convincing, it was her story. She is entertaining, she gives her all to the stage. I loved everything about the show, it is well-written, it has cadence – it flowed, very personal and subjective and that made it powerful. It is the best one woman show I’ve have ever experienced! It was the first time I’ve seen Shannon on the stage and I am a big fan. Simply, I loved her, so magnetic, she has charisma, she drew in the crowd, she had them in the palm of her hand, she commanded everything about that experience even after that slight turbulence; heckler alert, so you bought a ticket to be a thorn in the performers act, a wonderful job you have. Somebody get this spotlight stealer out the auditorium! Shannon remained calm and professional, it didn’t affect her swagger and frame, she pushed on fiercely and continued with the play!! A real master at play!!! I loved her!!! I loved the play, the subject matter, the lighting, how intimate it was the direction and most importantly her performance! She is the best! Well done to the whole team and a deserved standing ovation.

antakalipa – My Left Breast

The Heart Pt. 6

The Heart Pt. 6

Drake responded but he seems drained at this point. It’s like his giving up, like he doesn’t want to play anymore. The song is defensive, he denies the pedophilia allegations and about hiding an 11 year old daughter. The “Push ups” and “Taylor Made Freestyle” energy is gone. He is preserving what he has. He is still doubling up on Lamar being a wifebeater though and apparently Whitney and Kendrick have been separated for a while and Kendrick hasn’t seen his kids for 6 months. It’s information but not a diss, I think Drake has someone on payroll supplying him with all this. I don’t think it hurts Kendrick all that much. I mean why is Drake being a fly in Kendrick’s marital problems. He is weaponizing useless things and all his material is still based on “Mr. Morale and the big steppers”. If he was the one fucking Whitney, he’d have something but now he has his dick in his hand. I don’t think it’s wise that he keeps on persisting with this narrative, this will only energize Kendrick to keep on releasing more 6 minute diss tracks – a nightmare for him because he wants to bow out. I don’t think Kendrick will let him bow out, his intention is to destroy him! Kendrick Lamar is Drakes biggest hater! Interestingly, the whole culture seems to hate Drake. Everyone is releasing diss tracks against him. Mustard came out of retirement to collaborate with Kendrick on “Not Like Us”, a certified club banger, that’s saying something. Metro Boomin is giving out free beats to fans who can come up with the best verses aiming at Drake. Even Kanye had his say and claimed Drake has a “Rich baby daddy” who controls music and streaming algorithms in his favor. It’s a pattern, everyone dislikes Drake. Bowing out is the right choice, he has taken a lot of damage in the past couple of weeks. He is bleeding fast, he needs to salvage what’s left of his career.

antakalipa – The Heart Pt. 6



I don’t even know what to say anymore! Cause Drake dropped “Family Matters” only for Kendrick to respond minutes later with “Meet the Grahams”. J. Cole seeming like a genius with each passing day for not getting involved. This beef is intense, probably the greatest hip-hop beef of all time. Drake actually wrote “Family Matters” alone and he raps! But I have to concede, if somebody dissed me like how Kendrick dissed Drake on “Meet the Grahams”, I’d jump off a bridge or something. Both are not holding back! Drake just said Kendrick beats his wife cause she’s “bigger” than him. That’s funny but in all seriousness, being labeled as a wife-beater, Goddammit! 7 minute diss track with 3 beat switches, I didn’t expect that from Drizzy. He started off the song with defiance, using “NIGGA”, the word Kendrick revoked from him. He is charged up! Kendrick responded with a 6 minute joint and he turns his attention to Drakes family, labeling him deadbeat, accuses him of targeting and grooming young girls and he is hiding a second child, an 11 year old daughter – serious character assessination! It’s a brutal song! This has become personal, I don’t think Drake realizes it, he is busy making bangers, Kendrick is aiming for that headshot. I won’t choose a side. I am happy hip-hop is revived. I have to say, I am enjoying this toxicity.  What does that say about me? These guys have been subliminally dissing each other for years, they have a lot on each other, this might go on for a while but Kendrick definitely cooking Drake. In my estimation, this is done, “meet the grahams” is the killshot, it’s psychological, it discredits him heavily, it just might be the greatest diss record of all time. Drake should have never responded, he is finished.

antakalipa – beef



“Don’t look at me like that, we are practically family. I see the way you look at me.” GUILTY. She was right, my thoughts were not the purest but she was encouraging the behavior. She has been flirting with me the whole night. The sexual tension is prevalent, her gaze is intense, attention focused, wants to sit besides me, can’t stop playing with her hair and she’s all touchy-touchy. Surprise, surprise I’ve turned into Richard Pryor in her presence. She enjoys my attention and seems to want her hands inside of mine. Eyes closed, her head resting on my shoulders, the mood intimate, sweet and close. We are in sync, we are vibrating in unison. Not hard to see why my oxytocin levels spiked and my dopamine went off the charts. I’ve given it away that I want her. I may be drunk. My actions are all wrong, I’ve lost control, passive to her aura, lagging like a moving average, she’s in control like the driver and I am in the backseat of the vehicle. It’s like I am high of love-heroine, floating, hallucinating, hypnotized, in a trance. I have these raging thoughts, to tear off her blouse, drop her panties to floor and penetrate her to the core. We not family, her sister is married to my cousin, that doesn’t count, incest implies the same blood. You are not my family. Ain’t no way we of the same kind, you are out of this world! Legs created for mini skirts, body advertises lingerie and a face that graces magazine covers. We can fuck and our babies will be beautiful. I yearn to do things to your perfect body, your personality is fire but objectifying you is all that is in my mind. I want you, I’ve wanted you for a long time. I can’t get over how you make me feel. I see it in your eyes, feel it in your energy, I know you want the same thing.



J. Cole apologized for a reason, you don’t want beef with Kendrick Lamar, he is brutal, real life not AI and he will end you. Step to the side brother Jermaine, you are exempted from this slaughterhouse, be a fan like the rest of us and enjoy this from the comfort of your house. To the Rap Gods, we thank you for this gift, bars on bars we are appreciative of this gift. Kendrick, his a menace, he just caused a shift, hip-hop was on snooze, the game needed a lift. So much much for the Taylor shots, Drake was too swift. Damn! We said Kendrick needed a Hit em up kinda response and he topped that with that response. No pun intended, he PGLang now and there was nothing PG about that response. The runtime is six minutes, the beat changes 3 times. He starts off calm and mellow, beat soulful and voice low, then the beat changes and intensifies, you thought he was zen but hell no, the grim reaper is about to take souls. I get the feeling he hates Drake, something about his mannerisms, how he dresses, how he walks and how he sneak dissing on his songs. Kendrick asks an important question, namely is he battling AI or ghosts. I don’t think he was too impressed with Drake imitating a ghost. He went out of his way to be a visitor when he was the host. The type of things that will be exposed by a goat. I am ashamed to have conceded that Drake has my vote. Kendrick ripped him apart, called his use of the “n-word” cringeworthy and disbarred him from ever using the “n-word”. He revisited the Pusha T beef that Drake had to take the L in and covered how he hates women. He further assassinated his character and destroyed his reputation. He communicated he likes back-to-back and he’ll come back to that. I don’t think his done, his about to go back-to-back. Somebody should stop him, it’s a bloodbath, he killed him, it’s done. On a random Tuesday for that matter, Lord have mercy. Drizzy could respond but he has been rebuked, AI won’t do it, he needs an atomic bomb, something like Hiroshima to burn this bitch to a crisp. I don’t he has that, he’ll bite his lips and get a lisp. Kendrick will bury him and all his ghostwriters on the list. There we go again, me judging based on a singular angle rather waiting to see the broader picture. Good luck “Drizzy” Drake. Hip-hop is great again and I am feeling euphoric. Kendrick Lamar is a blessing for the culture – such euphoria.

antakalipa – euphoria