No Tech,Only Holi! |Happy Holi 

Hello Dosto(friends), was’up?

No TECHNOLOGY post today,need a break  

Are you celebrating Holi or not?? 

The users from outside India,wish you a very happy holi .May this Holi brings lot of happiness and you live a colourful life❤

India walo ko Holi ki hardik shubhkamnaye😘❤❤❤❤

5 SOLID ways to increase your REAL Instagram Followers


Hello tech lovers, do you wants to increase your Instagram  followers or you want to develop your brand name via Instagram then this is for you only.


So without taking much time let’s get started.

1. Go after Relevant Followers: What does it mean actually?



Sometimes we  start following the famous celebrity and some irrelevant celebrities also(i think you are much smart to understand what i am trying to say) and do likes,comments there videos,pictures and expect some of the followers to get back to you.This is not a bad thing to do but wait, wait instead of getting the real followers we get some irrelevant followers(not permanent followers) and after some days what we found that they do not like ,comments our posts because there interest is not same as us.

So follow those celebrities to whom you really wants to follow and avoid to follow the irrelevant people(for eg 18+ profiles,nude etc).

2. Post Visual and Emotional Content Consistently

Yes, post more visual and emotional content on your Instagram profile(s). As we all are humans and we all are emotionally attached to our families, life partners, animals so it will be better to post some emotional posts and person who will visit your profile for first time will remember his/her feelings also and this increases the chances of more followers.


Who likes to read only in text form , no one? You also feel bored when you guys read only text based blogs. So same applies for the Instagram also, peoples like to see the content in visual formats like in images,videos,memes,gifs etc because it becomes easy to remember and understand them.So more chances of followers for you.

3.Submit your Content from Other Instagram Accounts


I have seen that many of the insta profiles have lot of followers but they are not active from a long time on Instagram ,i think you might have visited some profiles like this. So what you have to do  is select some of the popular posts of that profiles of your own interest  and re-post them on your profile but do not forget to credit them and tag them. Doing this the followers of that profile will notice  you and some of them start following you also because now you have the common link of interests  among those and you are the one who is responsible to remember their old memories/feelings attached to that post.


4. Collaborate with other Influencers on Instagram


what does it mean actually? You do not have to collaborate with the famous celebrities or famous influencers. What you have to do is just tag your friends also while uploading your pics with them. I know some of you already doing this but it is not about only tagging your friend.You can have a give-away of anything you can afford and what you have to write is ” we are giving 1 iPod and one Bluetooth headphones to 5 followers so share this post to your friends also and say them to re-post this for winning”.This is for those who are looking for getting much hype about their brand name because it is not affordable for normal user.

This will increase maximum no. of followers on your profile because we have seen this kind of messages and we had done it already to win those give-away 😛 LOL

5. Post the pictures where you want to go with your friends,family members


Suppose you want to go some haunted place with your friend or with anyone and you just want to show them that place so post a picture of that particular place and tag them with the hash tag also from that name. So this is also the follower booster for your profile.

So friends if you like any of the tip then PLEASE FOLLOW ME for more interesting and informative posts.





Artificial Intelligence:Half human-half machine

As you all know Artificial Intelligence(AI) is not a new term to understand now.

But i have decided to let you know/get some new and interesting things,facts,figures etc about AI.


Acc to me,AI is “how smart our machines are,how smartly they perform various task which seems impossible for humans to do” 

Acc to WIKIPEDIA,AI is “the intelligence displayed by machines,in contrast with natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals”

Or the single line definition of AI is, An ancient wish to forge the God.

AI is also known as,Machine Intelligence.


Acc to my study i found that the father of AI is JOHN McCARTHY. John McCarthy coined the term ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in 1956.

At this time the real evolution of AI had started ,many researches had been made.In 973 Assembly Robotics Group,built “Freddy” famous scotish robot capable of using vision to locate and assembly models.

In 1985, a drawing program had been drwan named AARON.

Similarly major achievements took place in 1990s,like gaming,Machine learning,data mining,web crawler,virtual realities etc.

1997 was the year when AI become so famous because DEEP BLUE chess program beaten WORLD CLASS CHAMPION Garry Kasparov.

Now it was the early twenties or we can say that we had entered in 20th century,so ROBOTS WITH EXPRESSIONS become commercially available. And from that day the evolution of AI is GROWING day by day.

3.   Future of AI: WHERE WE WILL STAND

As we increase the usage of chatbots in our personal lives, we will expect to use them in the workplace to assist us with things like finding new jobs, answering frequently asked HR related questions or even receiving coaching and mentoring.  Chatbots digitize HR processes and enable employees to access HR solutions from anywhere.Using artificial intelligence in HR will create a more seamless employee experience, one that is nimbler and more user driven.

Artificial Intelligence Will Transform The Employee Experience

HR leaders are beginning to pilot AI to deliver  value to the organization by using chatbots for recruiting, employee service, employee development and coaching. A recent survey of 350 HR leaders conducted by ServiceNow finds 92% of HR leaders agree that the future of providing an enhanced level of employee service will include chatbots. In fact, you can think of a chatbot as your newest HR team member, one that allows employees to easily retrieve answers to frequently asked questions. According to the ServiceNow survey, more than two thirds of HR leaders believe employees are comfortable accessing chatbots to get the information they need, at the time they need it. The type of questions HR leaders believe employees are comfortable using a chatbot for range from the mundane and factual ones; such as how much paid time off do I have left, to the more personal ones; such as how do I report a sexual misconduct experience.

4.   Applications of AI

Image source:Outside

A.   Expert System: Flight Tracking  System, Climate System

B.   Natural Language Processing: Google Now Feature, Speech Recognition, Automatic Voice Input

C.   Neural Network: Pattern Recognition System such as face recognition,character recognition,handwriting recognition.

D.   Robotics: Industrial Robots for Moving,spraying,painting,precession checking,drilling,coating,carving etc.


 The AI has played a very crucial role in robotics filed because we have seen that in 2017 robots were given citizenship also.I am talking about the first robot of world who got the citizenship of a particular country and that is SOFIA(name of that robot).

Sofia is the citizen of Saudi Arabia now and she does many things in very effective way,you’ll love to see tasks done by her.You can check details given in the link above.

6.  Is AI Dangerous for us?

Most researchers agree that a superintelligent AI is unlikely to exhibit human emotions like love or hate, and that there is no reason to expect AI to become intentionally benevolent or malevolent. Instead, when considering how AI might become a risk, experts think two scenarios most likely:

  1. The AI is programmed to do something devastating: Autonomous weapons are artificial intelligence systems that are programmed to kill. In the hands of the wrong person, these weapons could easily cause mass casualties. Moreover, an AI arms race could inadvertently lead to an AI war that also results in mass casualties. To avoid being thwarted by the enemy, these weapons would be designed to be extremely difficult to simply “turn off,” so humans could plausibly lose control of such a situation. This risk is one that’s present even with narrow AI, but grows as levels of AI intelligence and autonomy increase.

  2. The AI is programmed to do something beneficial, but it develops a destructive method for achieving its goal: This can happen whenever we fail to fully align the AI’s goals with ours, which is strikingly difficult. If you ask an obedient intelligent car to take you to the airport as fast as possible, it might get you there chased by helicopters and covered in vomit, doing not what you wanted but literally what you asked for. If a superintelligent system is tasked with a ambitious geoengineering project, it might wreak havoc with our ecosystem as a side effect, and view human attempts to stop it as a threat to be met.

  3. As these examples illustrate, the concern about advanced AI isn’t malevolence but competence. A super-intelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren’t aligned with ours, we have a problem. You’re probably not an evil ant-hater who steps on ants out of malice, but if you’re in charge of a hydroelectric green energy project and there’s an anthill in the region to be flooded, too bad for the ants. A key goal of AI safety research is to never place humanity in the position of those ants.

7.   Myths and facts about AI.

  Many AI researchers roll their eyes when seeing this headline: “Stephen Hawking warns that rise of robots may be disastrous for mankind.” And as many have lost count of how many similar articles they’ve seen. Typically, these articles are accompanied by an evil-looking robot carrying a weapon, and they suggest we should worry about robots rising up and killing us because they’ve become conscious and/or evil. On a lighter note, such articles are actually rather impressive, because they succinctly summarize the scenario that AI researchers don’t worry about. That scenario combines as many as three separate misconceptions: concern about consciousness, evil, and robots.

Now we can not say the exact and right things about AI future , so we have to wait for the future and look what will happen .

Hope AI will not destroy humans and become superhumans.

So if you like this post and get some new things about AI please follow me for interesting posts like this.

Wordprees vs Blogger- One sided game!

Do you want to create your BLOG? Or Do you want to express your thoughts,share your knowledge or want to learn some new things ? 
Whatever it is ,in today’s tech era the best way to do all the things which i just said above is to CREATE A BLOG or website.

As you all know that we have two platforms to create blog, the 

1.     first one is through BLOGGER( by               google)

2.    Second one is by WORDPRESS.

  •          BLOGGER 

 Since Google now owns Blogger, the  company offers plenty of Google built-in features, like Adwords, Adsense and Analytics, making the site extremely useful for novice bloggers.Originally started in 1999, Blogger was one of the first user-friendly interfaces for bloggers. Pyra Labs, Blogger’s original creators, started this small company in San Francisco in the middle of the rise of the dot com. 


 1   Blogger’s most attractive feature to           first-time and novice bloggers is its           cost free

2   Newer bloggers should opt for a        free  platform that is easy to use              and has step-by-step instructions. 

3. Blogger definitely delivers a user               friendly interface with widgets that           are  easy for users to master. The site      hosts a plethora of free templates,       so  bloggers can customize their         viewers’ experience and create a         visual presence that keeps their brand        consistent. 

4 . The site is also extremely reliable.              Blogger’s upgrades are seamless,      and the site is rarely down for                     maintenance or due to other issues,           such as hackers.

5. Many users also love that they can           connect their Blogger account to           their Google Adsense                             and Analytics accounts for seamless     tracking.


1.  They do not offer a lot of options for         more advanced bloggers.

2.  Many bloggers complain (both novice      and advanced) about losing their           template customizations. While            the simple interface is attractive to            novice bloggers.

3.  Many professional and advanced              bloggers complain about the lack of        high-end features and more                    advanced options. 

4.  The features are also limited, and              many bloggers complain about the      post editing options and minimal          comments options.

Created only a year before Google purchased Blogger, WordPress was created to give bloggers a more complex blogging platform. Its simplistic style was welcoming for users who wanted their photos and written content to shine instead of the blog widget’s bells and whistles.Wordpress was created on PHP and MySQL & originally called b2/cafelog.


  • Open-Source
    Since WordPress is open-source, you will have the ability to freely modify and distribute code without worrying about licensing fees.
  • Low Cost
    WordPress is a cost-effective option, making it a great choice for smaller businesses and non-profits.
  • Easy to Use
    You don’t have to be a developer to install and use WordPress. It is quite intuitive and a great option for people with little to no experience.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits
    Google especially likes WordPress sites because they tend to automatically solve SEO issues and are easily crawlable by search engines. Also, since WordPress has such a large community, there are many options for SEO plug-ins.


  • Limited Permissions
    Unlike other content management systems, WordPress does not give you the ability to create groups and assign permissions to various people. So, you cannot regulate which sections specific staff members can edit on the site.
  • Security Flaws
    Since WordPress is so large and many of the sites are self-hosted, it is quite attractive to potential hackers.
  • No Native Content Blocks
    WordPress does not offer the ability to natively define multiple content areas within one template which can make managing different sections of content more difficult.

E-Commerce Limitations

  • While WordPress does have a variety of e-commerce plug-ins available, they do not have high functionality like other systems offer

    Hope You find it useful and will help you to understand the differences.
    Thank You for reading this and PLEASE FOLLOW US!! And drop your comments down.

    10 New Secret Smartphone Features You Won’t Be Able to Live Without

    So let’s go!!!!!🏃 

    10 years ago, when there were 10 things to do, you needed 10 devices. Now, with a smartphone, you can make calls, text, watch TV shows, read the news, and make payments. And there’s even more to it.

    We at Know About Tech found a few really useful functions in your smartphone that will make your life easy!

    • Imagine you lost your phone, and the screen is locked with a graphic key. You are the only one who knows that unique code, right? Even though it may look like you won’t see your device anymore, you just might! Using a special feature in a new version of Android, just leave a message on the lock screen. For example, you can ask to have it returned.
    • Go to “Settings“ — ”Lock screen and security“ — “Lock screen signature.” Now write a backup phone number or your email there. Done!

    9. Smartphone return option

    • If the lock screen message is not enough, then use an anti-theft app. Such apps (Cerberus is one of them) can take pictures, activate a mic, block the phone or/and delete all the data on it, locate it via GPS, or even use a loud signal to draw the attention of people nearby.

    8. Save the memory

    • Sooner or later, the memory on your device gets full. This is when you can use a flash memory card, cloud services like Dropbox, or back up your data onto a PC. But wait! There’s another cool option: just upload all your data to Telegram Messenger.
    • Telegram allows you to send files, texts, and links to yourself. You can use it both as a notepad and cloud storage. Just find your number there, and start using it.

    7. Phone as CCTV

    • Use an old smartphone to create a simple security system for your home. An app with a motion sensor function will turn your device into a CCTV cam that takes pictures when someone appears in view. It will send photos to you right away.
    • More details on how you can assemble such a gadget can be found here. You can also turn the smartphone into a video-nanny for your baby (here is an app that reacts to selected noises). But remember that using specifically designated devices is always the best choice!

    6. Dash cam

    • You can also use your smartphone as a DVR (dash cam) in your car. All you need to do is install your cam so that it has the best view of the road. To make it work even better, use special DVR apps.
    • Using a real DVR in your car is always the best choice. However, when on a trip in a rented vehicle, such a DIY dash cam may be very useful.

    5. Access to the magic menu

    • If you are really serious about your smartphone and use it all the time, you may as well change its settings like a professional. To do so, you need to go to the Developer Menu.
    • Go to: “Settings“ — ”About the phone“ — Click 7 times on “Model Number.”
    • Congrats! Now you’re the developer! Using this menu, you can improve the overall performance, signal reception quality, and system appearance.

    4. UV light

    • A UV light can be very useful, especially if you want to check the authenticity of banknotes. DIY by utilizing some tape, markers, and a smartphone, of course.

    • Stick a piece of tape to the flashlight, and paint over it with a blue marker. Repeat step one, paint it purple, then add 2 more layers the same way. Done! To learn more about how to do it yourself, click here.

    3. Smartphone construction level

    Any smartphone now has an accelerometer and a gyro sensor. Both allow it to determine the device’s position in space. Download specific apps for Android and iOS, and your phone can replace a level device. It will definitely work for small construction. However, use real tools for a professional construction.

    2. Interesting stats

    • Does your family complain that you have become a smartphone addict? Then it is time to think about it and find out how addicted you are by looking at some interesting stats.
    • On iOS, simply go to “Settings“ — ”Battery” and press the dial key to the right of the “last 7 days” column. A list of your most-used apps will appear. For Android, you will have to install one more app (yes, again an app), such as Instant.

    1. Monochrome mode

    • Do you want to save your battery and your eyesight? Then use your smartphone in monochrome mode while reading. Go to the “magical“ developer’s menu, and find ”simulate anomaly,” then switch the monochrome mode on. Now your phone will work in black and white.

    Thanks a lot And PLEASE follow us for these kind of information!!

    Android OREO 8.0 features! 

    ​Android Oreo 8.0 Features Benifits & Specifications
    On 21 August 2017 Google has announced the launching of the final version of Android 8.0 Oreo which is smarter, faster and more powerful than ever. Android 8.0 Oreo is the latest version of the Android software by Google. The normal name of this version Android O but officially it is known as Android 8.0 Oreo. Google’s own Pixel and Nexus devices are going to be the first to get Android Oreo via the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). Google Posted the OTA (over-the-air) download links for Android 8.0 on its developer site which allows people to install Android 8.0 Oreo before their carrier pushes the update to their phones but to do this you need to have a certain level of technical knowledge and this comes with a series of warnings. The Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 will not be getting Android Oreo update as Google only supports older handsets for two years with software and these two were released in 2014. Google mentioned in its post that they are working with their partners and by the end of this year hardware makers including HMD Global (The Company who is making Nokia Phones), Huawei, General Mobiles, HTC, Kyocera, LG, Motorola, Samsung, and Sony are scheduled to launch or upgrade the device to Android 8.0 Oreo.

    Here is some special feature of Android 8.0 Oreo.

    Picture-In-Picture Mode

    In this feature Oreo allows users to use two apps together like if you are watching any video on YouTube and in the mean while you got an urgent message to reply or urgently you need to book a cab but you don’t want to close that video now with this feature you can continue with both the works.

    Smart Text Selection

    This feature includes a smart action that will depend on the type of text you have selected like select an URL and Android 8.0 Oreo will suggest operating it in chrome.
    Battery Saver 

    Now Oreo will control your apps when they are on the non-functional mode in the background which means cutting off broadcasts, background service, and location updates. This will increase your battery life and give you an efficient long-lasting device.


    A new feature called Notification channel is also there in which you will be able to customize your notification category and put your necessary app’s notification on top which you use frequently. You will also be able to silence the notifications which you don’t want and return them later

    Sound Quality

    It has ‘High-quality Bluetooth audio codecs’ to improve your wireless cans. Sony has apparently been a major partner for that infusion, it is also providing more important features enhancement and more than 250 bug fix to Oreo.

    System Optimization

    Android Oreo makes apps run faster and smoother. The search giant has made Changes in its runtime including new optimizations such as concurrent Compacting garbage collection, code locality and more.

    New Emojis

    Google has launched new sets of emojis which are more users friendly.

    Autofill Support

    Google has come up with this new Autofill APIs feature which allows user to select password and data storing apps to behave as their preferred autofill app. Now how this will be helpful for users? Because many people use password administrative apps to store their important data information which is sometime not all that safe.

    Go to this Link and know more about OREO !

    Best affordable Deals on amazon,you shouldn’t MISS!


    Do you love reading books? If yes,then it’s great ,if NO then it’ll gonna be great,as you’ll are ready to grab this offer nah😆. 

    Great leaders also used to read books daily or on weekly basis, you can go to internet and check about those great leaders(eg. Warren buffet) .

    If you too want to be successful in your life ,to break the paramters of achievements then start reading books on monthly basis then on weekly basis and then you and your friends will  notice the POSITIVE change in you , and you too want that to happen with you.  DONT YOU?

    So here I’m providing you the best offers on books till Now  go and take benefit of this offer right now.

    Go to this link and buy anyone you like

    Thanks and take care 😍

    Genuine Apps to earn through your mobile

    Hello Guys, why not you earn your small expenses by yourself?

    OK let’s come to the topic.

    As you all know that we use internet around 1-2 hours on average basis(it may vary person to person) so why not USE THAT TIME FOR EARNING.

    Yes you can earn enough  bucks very easily in just 5-10 mins by using these ANDROID APPS!

    1. GrabPoints :- The no. 1 app which i prefer the most for earnings as it gives us some easy tasks to complete and in return we get the points which we can withdraw in our paypal, bitcoin etc accounts.


    2. One Ad:- One Ad app is approved by the indian government also so you don’t have to worry for payment issues.

    What this app does?

    We don’t have to do anything in this app as we have to install this app and then you just have to open lock of your phone, the max numbers you opens the lock the max rewards we get, as this app uses our lock screen to show ads of various brands.

    You can also refer this app to your friends and family members, as they open their phone locks you’ll also get rewards .

    Use my refer code :- 1DM8AL

    3. Magic Bitcoin:-

    This app is creating HISTORY in 29 or more than countries including India.

    Magic bitcoin works on NETWORK MARKETING.

    Wait wait….. I know some of you might be thinking of closing this post( as many people still think that it’s not a genuine method to earn,but wait atleast give it a shot this time) .

    But in this app you can earn upto 7 levels. You have to make team by referring to your friends.

    You will get 1 BITCOIN and 1 MB(magic bitcoin) on registration only.

    Use my refer code and get one BITCOIN. CODE IS :- MB0269362

    4. BITCOIN MAKER: one of my favourite app till now.

    Really you don’t have to do anything, just open app and start doing your imp work and then check app after half an hour, you know what will you get? Guess!

    You’ll get 500 satoshi every time.

    Doesn’t it sound cool?

    Ok friends if you like my efforts then please leave reviews in comment section and please follow me as I’ll be posting useful information for you!

    Iphone X launched

    The most awaited phone of renowned brand APPLE has been launched by the Company today in UK!


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    Retina display

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