
A New Testament Deconstruction

John W. Loftus, in the essay “The Outsider Test for Faith Revisited,” says that “the best way to test one’s adopted religious faith is from the perspective of an outsider with the same level of skepticism used to evaluate other religious faiths. This expresses the OTF.” The problems of using this method, he admits, are 1. we are ignorant of our own ignorance. 2. We don’t see culture; we see with culture (we swim in a Christian culture, unable to see the forest for the trees). 3. Investigating other religions is like “meeting one’s own anti-matter twin.” Other people believe in their religion as fervently as we do ours and they are also successful professionals. The diversity of religions forces us to see religion as a culturally relative phenomenon. The question then becomes: If their religion is relative, then why is ours not? (Loftus) He says the overwhelming number of believers adopt and defend the religion they were raised to believe in by their parents. I disagree. Loftus says that billions of people have been brainwashed to believe, and if you have been brainwashed to beleive, it is critical that you take the OTF. The reason why Christianity took over the Roman Empire and is still growing today is because, according to the Urantia Book, Jesus is the God of our universe of Nebadon. His name was Michael and now he is called Christ Michael. Also, it doesn’t matter what your religion was when you pass, you will be accepted into the resurrection halls on the morontia worlds. This will be the start of your ascension to Paradise. I think some people reincarnate, but I don’t know much about that. I know some of my past lives. but I am not going to reincarnate this time.

Loftus crossed the line with me. He attempts to teach the reader how to free themselves from God or the god delusion. He says, “I’m asking believers to change their assumptions and/or become agnostics. For example, Julia Sweeney of Saturday Night Live, to face her fears, put on her “No God Glasses” for a moment to look around as if God did not exist. Then she put them on for an hour each day. (You) try this. As she faced her fears, she “began to see the world completely differently.” Eventually, she was “able to say good-bye to God.” THAT is sooo bizarre!! Loftus trusts science exclusively. It produces “consistently excellent results,” except when it doesn’t. Science has been wrong, and new paradigms have reluctantly been adopted. Einstein, for example, hated quantum physics. Evolution has riddles that have not been solved. Loftus maintains that “Christianity is growing phenomenally” in the Southern Hemisphere because, don’t you know, those people are ‘superstitious’. Skating close to the line of, not only racism, but arrogance, Loftus must have lost his social skills with his god. Later, he says, “we should be skeptical about that which we were led to believe even though we can’t actually see anything about our beleifs to be skeptical about. The logic of that advice is worse than the logic of the Resurrection. Nobody raised me as a Catholic or brainwashed me. I grew up in a church I hated and was an atheist before I became a Catholic. I don’t fit his description of the person who keeps and defends his parents’ faith. Maybe that’s not the right picture. People in this country are flocking to those megachurches.

Loftus says, “the scientific method is the only sure way for assessing truth claims.” But then he quotes William Lane Craig, a Christian apologist, who objects, saying, “Most of our beliefs cannot be evidentially justified. Take, for example, the belief that the world was not created five minutes ago, or the belief that the external world around us is real rather than a computer generated virtual reality…But surely we’re rational in believing that the world around us is real and has existed longer than five minutes, even though we have no evidence for this…many of the things we know are not based on evidence. Why should the belief in God be so based?” Physicists believed in the Standard Model before they could see atoms and electrons orbiting the atoms and other sub-atomic particles. But nobody complained that physicists were delusional. That, Mr. Loftus, is science, too.


Be Very Afraid Most people expected Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 presidential election. If she had won, the Deep State would have been assured of the following: -continuation of the international drug trade -continuation of a policy of perpetual war -confront Russia and China as enemies -US military adventures around the world would continue to be funded -2009-like bailouts would be readily available -central bankers would continue to print as much fiat currency as needed to fund military conflicts abroad -trade deals would remain in place despite their unfairness -globalists would be assured of open borders and an influx of illegal immigrants and refugees, which would weaken US sovereignty (see Killing the Deep State: the Fight to Save President Trump, by Jerome Corsi). Illuminati bankers financed intellectuals 50 years ago to come up with ways to weaken society. Timothy Mathews listed their suggestions: 1. continual change to create confusion 2. racial offences 3. teaching sex and homosexuality in schools 4. undermining the authority of teachers and schools 5. promotion of drinking 6. huge immigration to destroy identity 7. emptying of churches 8. unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime 9. dependency on state benefits 10. control and dumbing down of media 11. encouraging the breakdown of the family As you can see, these problems are rife in our society. There has also been some backlash. For example, people have turned to alternative media, the churches are not empty, teachers are treating students more respectfully (there really is a better classroom climate), and Americans are adjusting to their hectic lifestyles. There’s pushback. Freemasonry is another secret society, and it is very powerful. It goes back centuries. America’s founders were Freemasons. Masonic symbolism is all over Washington, DC and the dollar bill. Between 1941 and 1971 Masons controlled the Supreme Court. During that time, they removed God, prayer and the Bible from the public schools. They are dedicated to a new world religion-the religion of the ‘Great Light.’ The Nordics are to usher in the New World Order with its new Luciferian religion. Nordics can be northern Europeans or a race of aliens-with Satanists, it’s a toss-up which they mean. With other secret societies there is a deeply hidden cabal which worships Satan but which is also tied in into military and CIA black budget programs running the gamut from time travel and teleportation to secret space programs. In addition they are in touch with ETs. They are allowing ETs to cross breed with humans and send their dangerous hybrids into our midst. See Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity, by David Jacobs. Jacobs says that “abduction evidence points to a single goal: global integration resulting in takeover.” And the takeover is in process currently. According to Lt. Col. Robert MCGinnis “some globalists like Bill Gates want to reduce the world’s population through force, such as forced vaccinations and eugenics.” A large intelligent middle class is a threat to the globalists, and they plan to destroy the middle class first. Ted Turner of CNN opines that the population should be lowered to 500 million. When David Rockefeller spoke at the Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner in 1994, he indicated his support for the UN’s covert population stabilization effort, including vaccinations, sterilizations, abortions, use of food as weapons and disease. Control by secret societies was addressed by President Kennedy on April 27, 1961, when he said, “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” James Forrestal, the first Secretary of Defense, noted that government leaders were not acting in the best interests of the country. He may have paid with his life for speaking out because in 1949 he either fell, jumped or was pushed from a 16th floor window at Bethesda Naval Hospital. In 1973 Col. Fletcher Prouty, a Focal Point liaison officer, wrote about a ‘secret team’ that controls the US “as an inner sanctum of a new religious order answerable only to themselves.” James Paul Warburg told a Senate Committee in 1950 “We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” All of this information comes from The Illuminati: The Secret Society that Hijacked the World, by Jim Marrs. Henry Kissinger is a member of the Bilderberger group, CFR, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, and is an alleged 33rd degree Mason. He has been Secretary of State and adviser to the last 8 or 9 presidents, but he is a troublemaking man. He said, “We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.” Jacques Cousteau, in an interview with the UNESCO Courier in 1991 opined that “In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.” The above information comes from Rise of the New World Order: The Culling of Man, by J. Micha-el Thomas Hays. Hays goes on to say, noting how immoral society has become and subject to multinational corporations, “Welcome to the New World Order. You are currently living in its transitional phase from a planet of sovereign nations to a borderless one world government controlled by the wealthiest, most diabolically evil people in the world.” Hays refers to the New World Order as the Great Plan. David Rockefeller thanked the media for its 40 years of discretion in not reporting on the Great Plan. That is OVER! The Internet has spilled the beans. Everywhere you hear NWO jargon bandied about. The internet may have saved us or put our fate off a little further. New we know what they are up to, and the conspiracy buffs can hold their heads up in pride. But we are not done here-there are other heads on this monster. In fact here are some things the bankers were ready to force on us: 1. the abolishing of nations and borders 2. the abolishing of all private property 3. the abolishing of all inheritance 4. the abolishing of all patriotism 5. no religion except the cabal’s Satanism 6. no family or marriage 7. the culling of humanity to 500 million In the 70s the Carter administration appointed a task force to study the effects of mankind on the world. He intended to legislate the Great Plan into law. This resulted in the Global 2000 Report. This report concluded that “the resources of the planet were not sufficient enough to support the expected dramatic increase in the world’s population” (see Hays). Hays goes on to say “This report called for the population of the US to be culled to less than 100 million by the year 2050, THIS IN A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSIONED REPORT”(emphasis mine). He says FEMA concentration camps all over the US are ready for the time when the economy crashes and marshal law is declared. And I’ve heard that Congress has bought guillotines-ponder and be afraid.

Who Controls the World?


In his book “The Answer” David Icke give us the answer and the way to get out of the clutches of the Cult. The change is not difficult, given the complexity of human control. The foundation of the human control system is manipulation of human perception and emotion into low vibrational states and the entanglement of the waves emitted by these states with the frequency band controlled by the Cult. The problems resulting from this situation range from bad health to addiction and criminality. Icke says there are two ways to deal with a problem: “You can seek a solution or remove the cause. Search for solutions and you will see complexity. Identify the cause, and you will see simplicity.” Seeing with your inner eye the reality of your prison will free you to see that you are being lied to by those in authority. You will see people differently, even your own children. But that’s not the important part. No, expanding your consciousness takes one change-your self-identity. According to Icke the Cult invented religions to keep humans fearful of the gods and feeling powerless in relation to the gods.


When people started to reject religion, other means were employed to ensnare perception and dictate low frequency transmissions. Science was marched out to tell us that we are “a cosmic accident of evolution” and that we have no eternal soul before or after death. This caused people to think of themselves as unimportant. They, like myself, became nihilists or atheists, anything but believers in a personal God, which as Icke puts it, we are points of awareness having an experience as a human in an infinite sea of Consciousness.


Your sense of self dictates the state of consciousness, or True Self, that you can access. We typically say, when somebody asks us, Who are you? something like I am a doctor or I am a lawyer, although those with name recognition will say, I am Bill Gates. Saying I am a teacher reflects a person’s limitation because you don’t know what else to say, except perhaps your name. I was a teacher and then I was a substitute teacher. Sadly, I partially identified with that because it was conversation material. Now I am nothing accept a child of God and a child and friend of Jesus. I have a lot of roles: mother, daughter, mother-in-law, grandmother, dog owner, Christian….But none of them are me…an awareness having an experience as a human on Earth. I am one with the Infinte sea of Consciousness. God is existential, he does not experience. Hence, we experience for him. God experiences all our life events with us. We are experiencers, not existentialists. None of your labels are you.

I have trouble opening my mind. There’s a saying, ” Don’t open your mind so far that your brains fall out.” I don’t know how to expand my mind without drugs, and because of the medications I take, I’m louzy at meditation. I think experiences and our responses to them determine how broadminded we will be. There is a lot of censorship going on today, mostly from Silicon Valley. I almost got banned from Facebook because of my blogs on Covid and the vaccine which only made people sicker. Anthony Fauci has been seen to be bad man, so I can’t understand why people are still invested in the mainstream story on Covid and the vaccines.

Who Controls the World?

It seems like Bill Gates is trying to control things. He already owns the World Health Organization (WHO), the CEO of which has too much power and a dubious character. Icke asserts that the ‘fake’ pandemic is a global psychological warfare on the collective human psyche (they’ve just discovered a new variant-it’s almost funny-but not quite). When Covid 19 came to the US, a project funded by the Gates Foundation was producing home testing kits for the disease. Gates said the positive results would be shared with health authorities, who would then track peoples’ movements. The kicker is that positive results do not indicate Covid, but, as I said, degradation of genetic material. The Gates Foundation also pledged 100 million to ‘fight the virus.’ People tried to go on YouTube and tell the real story of Covid 19, but they were censored and banned. David Icke’s video was banned as enforcement of a new rule whereby: “Any content that disputes the existence… of Covid 19 as described by WHO…is in violation of YT policies. This includes conspiracy theories which claim that the symptoms are caused by 5G.” Nobody wanted to hear anything but that Covid was a virus from China perhaps caught from a bat in a market. There were even funny stories about it. People got invested, and the medical profession was the most invested of all, and doctors don’t like to be wrong. Neither do nurses, for that matter. Also, there was a myth that the vaccines developed to deal with Covid were benign. None of it was true. Gates funded the vaccines, so he had a finger in every pie.

Icke describes a prophetic document put out in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation. It describes a deadly and virulent influenza strain that infected 20% of the world’s population and killed 8 million people in seven months. It had a deadly effect on the world’s economy with stores and offices empty of activity. The document described how totalitarianism was introduced to ‘protect citizens from risk and exposure.’ The Rulers imposed airtight rules…mandatory wearing of face masks…the lockdown continued after the pandemic had ended. At first a more controlled world was accepted and approved. It felt safe. ( As a woman I had to cross a dark parking lot to get to my apartment, and maybe a more controlled society would have decreased my paranoia.) China was praised for its quick response to the outbreak because of its mandatory quarantine and sealing of its borders. Also prophetic was the movie “Contagion” (2011). Bats were blamed and conspiracy theorists were demonised!

According to Icke, although Gates pledged millions to find a vaccine, there already was a vaccine. I honestly don’t know what vaccine he is referring to, unless sfizer got the drop on Gates and had one out that Gates didn’t know about. Tucker Carlson pointed out, however, that no vaccine was ever made for a coronavirus. They spent millions trying to find a vaccine for the SARSvirus, and never succeeded. So if there’s no Covid 19, says Icke, and you are only creating the illusion of one by fixing the figures through fake diagnosis and fake death certificates, then the vaccine, whatever the content, can appear to have worked. Earlier I said that British physicians put Covid 19 on all the death certificates no matter what the person had really died of because it was more profitable. And when doctors in the US found out what was happening in the UK, they did the same thing with the death certificates. The Gates (Cult) vaccination plan was to be compulsory and to stop people from going back to their previous lifestyle unless they agreed to be vaccinated. My doctor doesn’t even ask if I’m vaccinated anymore. It’s finally getting through to people because too many people have been maimed and crippled by the vaccine. I know what’s in the vaccine and I don’t need to repeat it, but it’s not pretty.

How did the non-pandemic benefit the Controllers (Cult)? Certain outcomes were expected from the lockdowns, and all was planned to ensure that untold numbers of businesses would never reopen, throwing both owners and employees out of work. Trillions of dollars were released in ‘stimulus packages’ which has always benefited the super-rich far more than those truly in need. As stock market prices dropped, the Cult was buying up businesses and resources at cents on the dollar to secure even more control. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, the world’s first centibillionaire, the planet’s richest man (Bill Gates doesn’t count), asked for public donations to provide basic support for his 800,000 employees who were suffering in poverty in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic. These people have no shame.

Any business that gathered people together (i.e. restaurants) were devastated. And that’s the point. The Controllers wanted us isolated and under lockdown. I felt nervous just going to the grocery store. And New Yorkers lived for Governor Cuomo’s noon update. But isolation doesn’t bother me. The Cult can’t get to me. I have all sorts of activities to keep me busy, too busy, sometimes.

Who Controls the World?

Arthur Firstenberg, scientist and author of “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life,” said in 2018 before Covid 19 or 5G that “Everytime we have dramatically changed the properties of the Earth’s magnetic field (magnetosphere), it had dramatic effects on health down here on Earth. Every influenza epidemic since electricity was introduced has coincided with a new and more powerful level of electromagnetic radiation.” I’ll paraphase the following. One example is Spanish flu, which killed as many as 100 million people worldwide. It began at naval bases which were the first to install high intensity radar. A common feature was nosebleeds (also reported with 5G, which will be significant later). Another feature was impaired blood coagulation, not a symptom of flu, but of the potential effect of electromagnetic fields. Another red flag is that Spanish flu outbreaks followed the places where radar was intoduced without affecting anyone between those locations. When the first radiation emitting satellite system went active in 1968, an outbreak of Hong Kong flu swept across the world.

As early as 1779 (!) it was known that exposure to intense electrical fields (EMF) caused flu-like symptoms. And electromagnetic fields trigger cells to release exosomes, the natural immune response called Covid 19. This Covid 19 is said to have originated in Wuhan, China’s first 5G “Smart City” with tremendous numbers of 5G antennae installed in October 2019, expanding rapidly (Covid). A discouraging fact is that 5G causes accelerated degradation of genetic material, which is what the fake virus test identifies (Firstenberg). I knew that the Covid virus couldn’t be identified in the lab, which meant there was no virus. So I thought the symptoms were coming from something else.

The entire electromagnetic microwave frequency (EMF) triggers hundreds of biological effects. 5G operates within the millimeter wave range (mmw) that includes 60GHz, the resonant frequency of oxygen and is fully absorbed by the oxygen molecule. 60 GHz affects the molecular structure of oxygen and stops it from binding properly with the blood’s iron-containing protein, hemoglobin. This means 1. Shared electrons between 2 oxygen atoms will spin at a rate that is not conducive to human uptake. 2. The orbit angle and distance of the electrons from the atomic nucleus is altered. 3. The possibility is that some or all of the molecule itself is changed from O2 (oxygen) to O3 (ozone). Scary! A researcher named Lena Pu found that Oxygen uptake by the mitochondria (the cell’s powerhouse) was adversely affected by 60GHz frequency which can lead to devastating organ failure.

It gets worse. Lena Pu came across a troubling event at a junior high school in Texas. She found that 5G was much worse than other ‘Gs’, 25 to 100% more biologically active. In this school teachers and students alike were getting sick and had to hold classes outside. The school was in a pilot program for 5G. 60GHz is used not only in cell towers but in WiFi, cell phones and other small devices kept close to the body. The skin and sweat glands are antennae for 5G and used by the military in this way as a weapon. Some intensive care (ICU) doctors noticed that the worst cases of respiratory failure are not caused by an infectious disease (Covid) but by oxygen starvation. Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell went on YouTube desperate to let people know what was happening. YouTube deleted all his uploads of the video and Dr. Sidell was reported to have been removed from intensive care. I never understood the secrecy about Covid being from something other than a virus. Who was invested in the idea that Covid HAD to be a VIRUS? The health establishment is very powerful and they don’t like to be wrong. Maybe that’s all it is.

But it gets even worse. There are psychological effects of 5G. It triggers the fight or flight response in both humans and animals. It activates the survival response that results in terrible spending (our military spending is higher than Russia and China combined) or the passage of draconian laws (consider the Patriot Act). Finally, if one can believe this, 5G is being installed in schools worldwide to destroy the immunity of children. Icke says, “The potential of this for a mass human cull is obvious.”

Who Controls the World?

The media is employed in controlling free thought and free speech. It “spews out the Cult’s version of everything 24/7,” according to Icke. I get the digital version of the New York Times, and, while I like its articles, they seldom surprise me with brave underground information. I also get the Epoch Times, and its a lot braver and handles controversial topics. David Icke has been ridiculed and abused by the media for 30 years, but now he is being censored, despite the fact that interest in his work is growing every year. He has been warning us of our current situation since 1990, but because our situation involves Reptilians, he was laughed at. But now people don’t laugh so much about Reptilians. But the Cult uses the label of anti-Semitism to get him blocked from appearances. He was banned in Australia, for example. Once the media was owned by many companies, but that couldn’t be allowed to continue. Now, 4 companies own 90% of US media: Comcast, Disney, AT&T(Warner) and Viacom. But AT&T and Viacom are owned by the National Amusements Corporation.

But where do Americans really get their news? I haven’t turned on my TV in months. I get news from the 2 digital newspapers. I get underground news from kindle books from Amazon and from Project Camelot.org. I don’t own a radio and in my car I listen to music CDs. I also have a way of absorbing news from the internet as I carry on activities on my laptop and my phone. Social media is a big source of news for most people, especially YouTube, Twitter and the global book source, Amazon (Icke). He also thinks the Cult created the Internet to serve its agenda for human control. I read that the military invented the Internet and a man named Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (Icke).

Berners-Lee went on to unveil a nine-point plan to ‘save the Internet from digital dystopia.’ Icke said it sounded good until the censorship obsessed French and German governments, and the Silicon Valley censors like Google, Facebook and Microsoft got involved. Here’s an example: I tried to use Google to find Duck, Duck, Go, an alternate search tool. Google told me it didn’t exist. So I used Bing, and it found Duck, Duck, Go. I had it on my phone for a long time, and it allowed me to burn sites that wouldn’t go away. Amnesty International said that Google and Facebook were “posing a systemic threat to human rights.” You’ll remember that I was censored on Facebook by losing my posting ability and had to agree to self-censor my post. I’ve already broken the agreement by saying that 5G is harmful-more later. Chris Everard of the Enigma Channel says that people all over the world are failing to find websites or are being blocked from websites. I am frequently blocked from websites with the excuse that the domain is not sufficiently supported, whatever that means.

The Cult wants all information to be transferred to the Internet because then it can be censored through algorithims of AI, and can operate without human involvement after the codes are in place. The Cult-controlled DARPA, the Pentagon research agency, intended the Internet to be “the central pillar of human society.” But after the period of free flow of information, the Cult is turning to censorship, in pursuit of its ultimate ambitions. The Cult censors anything that exposes Cult activities, and secondly, ever more information, views and opinions, using excuses such as hate speech and fake news.

A definition of Icke’s ‘Postage Stamp’ analogy is unconsciousness and the definition of that is ‘to be locked away in the perceptual Bubble of Body-Mind. This is achieved by suppressing awareness and firewalling people from frequencies where knowing can be accessed. We have been vibrated into conformity, we are all on the same frequency, one that keeps us suppressed. Intimidating people into collective conformity is really vibrating them into line, like violins will vibrate to the same note. Frequencies such as 5G are designed to have the effect of entraining perceptions and preconceived ideas that prevent a person from seeing other possibilities (5G means fifth generation cellular wireless technology). It can be harmful to humans from EMF exposure if someone uses a cell phone too much. But also it gives off non-ionizing radiation, which is not harmful. I couldn’t find Icke’s idea that 5G prevents us from seeing possibilities, despite looking at his references very closely. Auterra produces a variety of EMF neutralizing products that retune the EMF frequencies of cell phones and other electronic devices into coherent energy. They no longer harm your DNA. Most of the energy produced by humans is incoherent, chaotic energy. I have a device plugged into the wall that coheres the electricity running through the wires. My usage hasn’t changed much. My usage is always the lowest in my neighborhood.

Who Controls the World?

David Icke talks about “Postage Stamp Consensus;” it means that all the institutions of society, politics, government, law, science, academia, medicine, media, business banking, etc. are all founded on the same assumptions about the world and reality when they are nothing more than illusions. They are founded (quantum physics excepted) on the world being solid, brain over mind, consciousness of little value, souless bodies, isolation, lack of relatedness-in other words, an aggressive and unforgiving reductionism. Atheists are right at home in this godless ethos. I am reading books about the New Testament by atheists and they are trying to find historical evidence for the existence of Jesus. They can’t because they are reductionists. They refuse to believe that miracles are possible, although one of their arguments is that there were other Jesuses running around performing miracles!! But they just don’t believe in the paranormal or the possibility that someone could be healed supernaturally. They can’t believe that people can be changed as a result of an NDE.

But I’m off the topic. In this Postage Stamp Consensus, the only change is physical change. But what if someone with a mind says, “but isn’t the physical world an illusion?” At this objection the defenses go up. The Cult’s agenda must prevail, so the first line of defense is censorship by peer pressure. Icke calls it the “paramilitary arm of ‘everyone knows that’ syndrome.” This is self-censorship-the ‘worst of all censorships. It’s the ‘tyranny of silence.’ Avoiding the consequences of peer pressure. Allowing one to be programmed into believing ‘mega untruths’ and insisting that others do the same. If one doesn’t acquiesce, then anything from ridicule to a lost career can follow. In Icke’s opinion the peer pressure to conform is “psychological fascism.”

The examples are too many to count. Political correctness is the best known. It’s very hard to relate to a new acquaintance when there are so many sexual catagories and identities, and the power of the federal government can reach down into your mildest mistake. Someone asked an acquaintance if he were part Asian and that Someone got into a lot of trouble for mild curiosity and small talk. Evangetical Bible professors in seminaries and colleges can lose their jobs if they do not stick to the literal meaning of the Bible. One such professor suggested that an event in the NT might be symbolic rather than literal and lost his job. The Climate Change Cult is another example. The electromagnetic activity around the sun affects our climate, not humans. As I sit here, it is snowing in April in Upstate New York. So much for climate change.

Social media’s appearance has added to the pressure to conform. I have been posting controvercial blogs on my Facebook page for years. But this week they decided to disable my posting ability. When I typed a blog, I would click on Post but nothing would happen. After a couple of days of this I went backstage and asked Admin to fix it. Admin didn’t fix it. So I wrote a note to Admin saying they should have given me a warning before censoring me, so that I could redirect the content of my blogs. When I finished the note, I clicked on Post and it worked. They gave me my blog back but with the proviso that I self-censor. This sort of thing is happening all over the US, and it’s scary, but it’s just not that important to get worked up about.

Who Controls the World?

Who are the Illuminati? Len Kasten in “Alien World Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race” says the following: those with a high component of Reptilian DNA are known as bluebloods.” These people are the product of thousands of years of genetic manipulation, and are now mostly in positions of authority. All the members of the former European royalty are bluebloods, as are wealthy and powerful individuals in all segments of society, especially in industry, academics and health related fields. Those individuals who have been genetically nurtured to possess about 50 percent of Reptilian DNA are considered to be members of the Illuminati. The top world bankers, statesmen, clergy and CEOs would be in this category. These people are the most vulnerable to Brotherhood mind control and demonic influence from the astral realm.

Kasten cites Stewart Swerdlow, someone who seems to know the history of ETs, going back to the Queens of Orion. He also knows the history of human ETs on Earth. He mentions the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds, which professes to have a non-intervention now in the present. But they sure didn’t back in history! Swerdlow says that the Federation ETs wanted to create a religion on Earth that would unify all humans. So they abducted a girl named Mary with pure human genetics and got her pregnant by a man with pure Aryan blood. They called the baby Emmanuel. This is where Swerdlow slips into fantasyland. Jesus was also referred to as Immanuel (God with us), but Jesus comes to us quite differently. Not through an abducted and raped girl named Mary, but through the Holy Spirit. His real name was Michael and it was not his purpose initially to save mankind from their sins. His bestowal was ended after his baptism. He could have gone back to his HQ and been proclaimed Soveriegn God of Nebadon. But Swerdlow’s version of events after the birth follows the New Testament. As for the ETs, the priority of the Intergalactic Federation was to make sure that humans rather than Reptilians dominated on Earth.

Kasten proceeds with a history of Reptilian interference in humanity’s affairs. Take wars, for example. Reptilians, also called the Brotherhood, was able to affect the fate of millions by control or manipulation of just one or two powerful leaders. The Brotherhood took advantage of Kaisar Wilhelm’s tangled personal life and vengeful character by pushing him to attack Belguim, France and Russia, starting WWI. 17 million people, military and civilian, died in that war, and the Brotherhood only had to push one man over the edge. This may seem unbelievable at first, but we must realize that the Reptilians and the Cabal are in the business of lowering the Earth’s population, and 17 million would have been a prize, especially since it contained young men. Lots of young men. Of course we can’t forget the Serbian who shot the Archduke Ferdinand.

As for WWII the Brotherhood only had to manipulate 3 men: Hitler, who was into the occult, Mussolini, and Hirohito of Japan. An additional 43 million Europeans were killed in that war. If they counted Americans, it would be even higher, and it’s already over twice as high as WWI. And they are manipulating Vladimir Putin right now. I liked him when he was just a dictator, but now that he is a dictator with a mission, I’m losing respect for him. According to Kasten the Brotherhood had succeeded “in wiping out an entire generation of that segment of the human population that was most difficult to manage and control, and therefore, most troublesome.”

Kasten also says that now the Brotherhood’s focus is on the European bloodline and letting an onslaught of migrants from the Middle East, specifically Syria and Iraq, where Reptilian DNA is high, in order to hybridize the population. And the same thing is going on in the US today. If you look at the charts for each of the last 3 years of migration (21, 22, 23), the year 2023 will scare you to death, because these migrants aren’t just asylum seekers. No, they are agents and soldiers from China, agents from other hostile countries, criminals let out of prison, killers and rapists, spys, drug smugglers, human traffickers, migrants with diseases and scum of every sort. And now somebody is sending drones over the border spying on what? There’s nothing to see. Mexican soldiers have been seen crossing the border. What do they want?

Is there a bright spot in this negative picture? Yes, these people mostly keep a low profile and work the jobs Americans hate. Apparently, they need services until they get oriented to their new situation and find jobs, so the services are probably temporary. We shouldn’t assume they are like lazy Americans, who stay on welfare year after year instead of getting work they are capable of performing. I know for a fact that there are hundreds of online jobs that pay well and anybody can do them. Also the government policing agencies are doing a good job of weeding out the bad guys. They seem to know who from Columbia or who from Argentina is a bad guy. And they have been getting help from Mexico. If the courts would cooperate, the states involved could be a big asset to the Border Patrol. Texas passed a law that let their police agencies arrest and deport people entering Texas illegally. The courts got involved and right now their new law is in limbo. Federal agencies argue that Texas as a state has no right to enforce federal border laws. This is the sort of division in America, the United States, that will cause the country to collapse, for the simple reason that nothing ever gets done. There are too many agencies wanting too much power, expecting the judicial system to arbitrate, and they are only people with feet of clay. They don’t have magic wands to wave and make all the problems disappear. Besides, they always go on precedent, and the past cannot tell us anything about the situation we are in now.

Who Controls the World?

Do the Cabal and the Reptilians control the various species that live under the surface of the Earth (Intraterrestrials)? I doubt it; one of them is 10 feet tall. Rear Admiral Richard Byrd made the world aware of inner Earth civilizations by flying over the North and South Poles. He saw lush green vegetation and an animal at the South Pole. Also, two boys from northern Europe decided to sail as far north as they could. They passed the North Pole and came to a place of trees, animals and giants. The 10 foot giants welcomed them to their community and said they had actually called the boys to them. They told the boys that they were very concerned about the use of atomic energy and the fact that the bomb had been used in war.

Byrd found a race called the Arianna near the South Pole who, oddly, said much the same thing to him about atomic weapons. A movie came out about Byrd’s discoveries with actual footage of the places he discovered. It was viewed all over the country until the government shut it down for national security excuses. These intraterrestrials are much more advanced than humans on the surface. They have knowledge of humanity’s ancient history, records of Earth’s violent geological events and of natural resources for maintaining health and longevity. They also have knowledge of psychic abilities by which they can control advanced technology. (This information comes from “Galactic Diplomacy:Getting to Yes with ET” by Michael Salla PhD.) Surprisingly, there are other Solarians (people living this Solar System, the sun being Sol) in addition to Earthlings. According to contactees, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and several moons are inhabited. For some hot, gassy planets, it is necessary to live beneath the surface. The Intergalactic Federation of Worlds has a massive installation in the mists of Jupiter. Also, if a planet has an interior sun, the inside of the planet can be inhabited.

David Icke has been “banging on” since the 90s about the Cabal and the Reptilians, and he has talked to people who have seen well-known people shapeshift from human to Reptilian or vise-versa. Maybe…But they represent a major problem for humanity. Now, the Greys are friends with the Reptilians, and they are encouraged by an ancient god, Yaldabaoth, and their plots are carried out by their puppets, the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Rulers. I could give you names, starting with Rothschilde and going on to Gates, but you know who they are. The Reptilians are keeping humanity trapped in a 5-sense prison….

So, what’s the situation now on Planet Earth? There are hybrids (Grey/human) living all over the country, if not the world. Generally, we are not able to discern the difference between a hybrid and a human (although I’ve seen individuals who appeared extremely unhuman). This reminds me of the various sexually significant labels the “woke” are putting on themselves. Even back in the 50s William Thompson was designing spaceships, and he didn’t know 2 things: 1. he didn’t know his assistant was an ET and 2. he didn’t know she was feeding him information telepathically about how to build the ships. As far as he knew, she was just a gorgeous flirt. Also, the Greys are still abducting people. I saw with my own eyes one of those little Greys try to abduct a teenage boy. I saw it through the camera of another boy who was casually filming on his iphone. I saw the Grey appear out from behind a pole and grab another boy’s arm, but the boy shook him off in an absentminded way. None of these 3 or 4 boys were really aware of what was going on at the time, but they must have come to their senses later because they discussed it with a well-known journalist. The Grey didn’t have a spaceship sitting in the middle of a crowded Mexican city, so he probably was going to take the boy through a portal.

There are constant disappearances, though, and in some areas of the US there are clusters of many disappearances in the same area. I’ve been watching David Paulides on YouTube. He has a channel called “Missing 411” and he has been investigating disappearances about 14 years. When someone is missing, there is a massive manhunt. It usually starts with the county sheriff and may include several dog teams, the army, search and rescue from multiple areas, helicopters, planes, national guard, police, highway patrol-hundreds of people. And it can be baffling because the person’s body sometimes turns up in a place that has been searched multiple times.

Disappearances Missing 411 Intraterrestrials

Portals Hybrids Solarians

Who Controls the World?

In “The Answer” Icke says that in experiments parts of the brain light up when a certain emotion is stimulated, giving the researchers an idea of where in the brain that emotion is connected. In spite of that, thoughts, feelings and memories do not originate in the brain; they originate in the wider consciousness (Icke). The brain decodes those states in specialized areas related to those states while the information being processed originates elsewhere. Information can come from multiple sources, both inside and outside the Bubble. Information processed by the brain comes from wavefields of consciousness outside the brain , and this can be inside the 5-sense Bubble or any scale of expanded awareness your mind allows itself to connect. The brain is a receiver, a transmitter and a processor of information, not the origin.

I had hoped Icke wouldn’t get into ‘love,’ but he just had to. I’ve had many disappointments in that department. The name Charles came up all the time as love interests in my life, and I’ve had several past lives with one of them. But the lives were always unfulfilled, as this one was. Icke says, “We experience love most potently in human discourse as friendship. Couples attracted ‘physically’ that develop a deep friendship can stay together for a lifetime. ‘Physical love’ may fade, but friendship love–Infinite Love–never does. ‘A friend is someone who walks into a room when everyone else is walking out.'”

Icke says he has spent 30 years exposing the psychopaths directing human society, but he doesn’t feel hatred toward them. What would be the point? Hatred would affect him, not them, and would distort his own perception of reality, and of course, “What you hate, you become.” He gives the example of all the anti-fascists who act like fascists. Being politically correct or not can get you into serious trouble. It seems that Identity Politics isn’t what it looks like. The Cult is manipulating the various groups to fight each other on one level, but on a deeper level the Cult is consolidating them to overthrow the government so a one world dictatorship can be ushered in. In fact, says Icke, that is the very world that is emerging before our eyes day after day. But he says the Cult can do this because they’ve suctioned off the love that leads to empathy and people don’t have the traditional attitudes toward their neighbors. I’m not sure I agree with Icke that it is even possible to suction off emotion in the way he’s describing it. But there has been the zombification of the masses in the fact that they can’t detach from their screens, whether it be computer, tablet or iphone. And now there is a pathology associated with it.

Icke came up with some really shocking and awesome information. James Gates, Director of the Center for String and Particle Theory at the University of Maryland led a team that discovered computer codes of digital data embedded in the energetic fabric of our reality which take the form of 1 and 0–the binary system used in computers of on-off electrical charges. Gates’ team also found equations embedded in reality identical to those that drive search engines and browsers. How do you ever set up an experiment like that? Suppose you had the strongest microscope on earth. Where would you get Reality? You would be magnifying Air or some substitute. But you would need a container. Air is not a captive audience. Maybe I’ll Google it…

Who Controls the World?

Doctors in several countries warned that the Covid vaccines contain lethal graphene oxide (DNA damage, cancer initiation) nanoparticles. A US Federal judge ordered documents to be released, and it was confirmed that graphene oxide was used in the manufacturing process. Lattice-like graphene conducts electrical signals, including communication between cells, changing the entire communication system of the body and even rewriting the body-brain dynamic. I can’t help but wonder: Is this going on in my body? My daughter? My son? My anger is so deep I can’t even express it. People are getting sick with strange neurological symptoms. People in China are getting sick with the varients of Covid. Could it be they are reacting to the new Covid vaccine? It is claimed in graphene promotional videos to be a way of treating spinal injuries, Alzheimers and cancer. Graphene, however, can cut the body to pieces on the nanoscale in fake vaccinated people. Claims that the body quickly ejects graphene are more lies. Many will die as a result of this injection, but those who don’t will be transformed into Humanity 2.0 (Icke).

A couple of scary incidents shows us just how deep the surveillance on us has become. A woman who rode horses when she was young was sitting in her living room wondering if she would have the nerve to start riding again. She told nobody about this, but when she went to her Instagram feed, an ad appeared about overcoming the fear of riding horses. It happened again after she thought about buying a toilet brush. They apparently listen to your thoughts through your ‘Smart’ devices.

MKUltra was a CIA program which allegedly turned people into assassins. They would torture people, even children until they developed several personalities. They would send that person out to assassinate some leader, American or foreign. They would give commands to one of the personalities, and afterwards, there was no memory of the event on the part of the assassin. Congress shut down the program, but it continued underground. It may be responsible for all the mass shootings taking place. Someone could be directing the shooter through mental techniques. The shootings could be false flags; Congress decides to ban guns, making it easier to enforce martial law.

In “The Answer” Icke quotes Donald Hoffman, a professor of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California at Irvine, who said, “perception is a controlled illusion and reality is our agreement about our hallucinations.” It’s called consensus reality and it’s usually not questioned, although lately some groups have been doing it and tearing the fabric of society apart. To Hoffman, Icke says, “Yes, but the Cult must control information to control perception to hijack collective reality.” In China the CCP puts a great firewall on the Internet so its people can’t see what’s going on in the rest of the world. Chinese immigrants are coming here in droves. The Biden administration is facing several lawsuits for allegedly violating First Amendment rights. It is being accused of pressuring social media executives to censor the speech on their websites. Covid is one area that Biden wants censored. I posted some sensitive material about Covid on Facebook and my WordPress blog and was not censored. The truth will be out soon enough, anyway, and people are going to be shocked and mad as hell.

Number one on the road to freedom…is to rid ourselves of left-brain dominance because it is the primary sign that our minds are closed. A closed mind processes reality through the left brain. We must open our perceptions to all possibilities instead of one, and the right brain will kick in to balance the five-sense obssessed myopia of the left-brain. We will again become whole brained. Perceptions begin to expand on the knowledge that everything has multiple possibilities and connections (Icke). This fits perfectly with quantum physics: the idea that there are many possibilities for the future but only one wave will be chosen. We are Divine Sparks having a temporary experience as a human, teacher or king. We are a part of All That Is And Ever WillBe–Infinity. And you only need to start giving your right brain some attention. How much harder it would be to divide and control people aware that they are all aspects of the same Consciousness and that our temporary labels are illusory divisions and not real as they seem? We are a unique point of attention through which Infinite Awareness, or God, can infinitely experience itself.

Who Controls the World?

Our 5 sense prison includes our illusion of 3 dimensions + time-space/time; physicists speak of the ‘arrow of time’ going in only one direction-forward. Despite that, time exists only in the Present; there is no Past or Future, or the Future is one of millions of possibilities. Time is an illusion cooked up by Astral AI especially for the simulation. But we are manipulated into guilt and regret about past mistakes and worry about future disasters. Many people today are worried about human extinction, and this could happen in many ways. All these negative energies create loosh for the demons and other entities. Niels Bohr, a quantum pioneer, said, “that everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real” (Icke). Physicists are discovering ever tinier particles and they say there are vast spaces between them. And Space itself is a vast nothingness. But I’ve read books about the Zero Point Zone and that Space is full of energy. It contains scalar waves. The military has black budget operations that have been able to pull free energy out of this Zero Point Field. Also scalar weapons have been used to attack people. This free energy is limitless and would heat and light all homes and buildings in the world. It would be used in place of fossil fuel. But the sad thing is that all the inventors outside black ops either get murdered or their patents fail. It’s all bad. But I have heard that a big electricity company is using free energy, maybe on a trial basis. Free energy would change the world, but it would put fossil fuel businesses into bankrupcy, so that’s the catch. In any case, says Icke, “We are back to controlling perceptions in order to control behavior as in controlling the perception of time and enslaving people in the perceived limitations of time.”

We are largely unaware of the ways in which the Cabal controls our lives. But people are becoming aware of one way, and they don’t like it. The Cabal is changing the face of Europe, Britain and the US by allowing millions of migrants to flow into the countries and take over all the available housing and welfare systems. Everything they eat or wherever they live is at taxpayer expense. Other needs are at taxpayer expense. Especially in Europe they bring bad attitudes, foreign religions, languages, and typically do nothing to ‘fit in’ to their new environment. A very critical problem is that criminals and Chinese soldiers are coming in at the Southern border. These Chinese soldiers come in where ever they can find a lax border defense all over the world and establish stations. They have a network of these stations and this is how China plans to take over the world. Shmucks! The migrant problem is changing Britain because they are being housed in fancy hotels and even historic hotels. Ones who have been there for awhile are in public office-there is even a clueless Prime Minister. I watch British cop show where there is routinely an Indian or Afghan detective, and it seems very normal to me. One had a Pakistani detective who was a particularly good actor. This is the replacement of one culture with another in the West-the so-called great replacement theory-except that it’s not a theory. It’s fact that political correctness censorship forbids it being debated. It’s happening, anybody can see it’s happening, but woe betide you if you say it’s happening! At first migrants sought safety from violence and economic devastation in the US, but at some point “front organizations for Cult operative George Soros encouraged and facilitated ever increasing numbers to cross the Southern border until the Cult owned Biden administration opened the border and offered free health care and other benefits to encourage even more migrants. Soros’ organizations were involved in the same way in Europe.

Icke research led him to a person that gave him astounding information. The Executive Director of Nursing with the UK National Health Service (NHS) went on Twitter (X) to reveal how Covid deaths were concocted. First, nobody died of Covid 19. It just didn’t exist as a disease. There was no such virus as Covid-19. Or the other name for it. People died of other diseases, and under a revised Medical Examiner System, these other diseases were certified as Covid-19. All pneumonia and flu deaths were certified as Covid-19. Any death, even old age, was certified as Covid. This monumental oddness seemed to have been planned as far back as 2016 or even 2012. The only reason I can think for this Covid Hoax was to stick billions of people with a toxic vaccine, and that’s just what happened. After my 2 shots, I did visualizations, prayers, meditations, etc, because I knew the vaccine was toxic, but I was nagged into it. None of my relatives have had any reactions (not even my 96 year old mother who is allergic to everything) but that’s with fingers crossed. I told my mother not to get the shot that’s out now. No sense tempting fate. Hospitals were incentivized to report Covid deaths because they received more money for Covid deaths than for other deaths. In the US the same incentives applied. Hospitals received $4,600 for a pneumonia death, but $13,000 for a Covid death. They received $39,000 for a Covid death if a patient died on a ventilator, which they always did because the ventilator killed them. Now we can see that the statistics on Covid deaths were inflated, at least in the US and UK. My sister went to a hospital to visit her son, but the hospital was on lockdown because Covid or its variants was running rampant through the facility. With people getting sick and catching from others and there is no actual virus, what is going on? This is the first year I haven’t had a flu shot. I’m afraid if I go to my doctor, she’ll force me to get a Covid shot. I read an article by a doctor who said his patients were hesitant to get a Covid shot and that he had heard the same from other doctors. Here is the hoax vaccine and its contents: “Fake vaccine vials contain synthetic genetic material called mRNA and nanotechnology which self-replicates and self-assembles in the body to form crystalline nanotubes and other technological systems. They are then further activated by 5G and other electromagnetic phenomena to instigate the connection between the body and AI via the 5G, 6G, 7G radiation field or Cloud. This is how AI is infiltrating body and brain to create the demonic hive mind and block perceptual influence of the Divine Spark (this is Who You Really Are). Not everyone got this demonic vial, and life isn’t really like this simulation that Icke is describing, but humanity needs to wake up because it is one of the possibilities for the future.

The Cult is planning on controlling our language, if it isn’t already. I wrote a post on Facebook about the non-existent Covid 19 virus yesterday, and the algorithm wouldn’t spell Covid properly. It was Vovid, Civid, etc. I’ve been censored, once on Facebook and once or twice on WordPress. A “1984” type Newspeak is in the works. Language is interesting because if you don’t have a word for something, it’s hard to imagine or describe. That was so at the beginning of the feminist/womens movement. Women literally didn’t have words to describe what they were feeling. We didn’t have a word we could match with racism until someone came up with ‘sexism.’ And then later women were forced to agree that it went both ways.