10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Motivation

Motivation requires action. It doesn’t happen without it. We often feel like we need motivation before we take action, but it is our results that keep us moving forward. Being disciplined enough to show up even when we don’t feel like it is what separates successful people from people who experience less than desirable results….

5 Ways to Thrive in Life

Humans are funny creatures. The more I work with them, the more I am amazed at how complex our thought processes are.  No two humans are alike. We each have unique fingerprints and filters we use to define success and failure. Failure is a concept that can hold us hostage if we are unable to…

Are You Setting Goals for the New Year?

This morning as I was scanning my FB feed, I noticed a question posed to a group.  “How do you ensure you are being productive and not just busy?”  It’s a question I ask my coaching clients almost daily. I was intrigued to see how many responses indicated that busyness was filling a business professional’s…

5 Ways to Incorporate Gratitude in Your Life

As we approach the Holiday season, I am reminded of all of the things in my life I’m grateful for. I keep track of the people and things I’m grateful for on a daily basis, but sometimes it can get stale. In order to truly benefit from it, I have to be intentional about noticing…

5 Secrets That Make a Great Leader

There are  many different types of leaders: political, organizational and community, just to name a few. All of them come with a different set of responsibilities, but one commonality is: leaders help themselves and others do the right thing. They cast a vision and inspire their team to get on board to work together to…

10 Tips to Tap into the Power of Becoming

What is self-awareness?  In its simplest form, it is the habit of paying attention to how you think, feel and behave. It is a skill that should be practiced daily. It’s all about looking at patterns in your life and how we explain them to ourselves and make sense of the world we live in….

10 Habits That Will Foster Big Picture Thinking

Big picture thinking, simply put, is looking at life and business from a bird’s eye view. Great leaders use big picture thinking to grow and scale their businesses and uplevel their lives. When they employ this type of thinking, they are able to gain a new perspective and see possible pitfalls in their strategies to…