Book Review – Marple: Twelve New Mysteries

books, reviews

Rating: 3 out of 5.

As a lover of Agatha Christie, I’m always intrigues but wary when modern writers take on her characters. I did buy a copy of Sophie Hannah’s first Poirot novel The Monogram Murders but didn’t get very far with it. No matter how good a writer is, they’ll never be able to emulate the Queen of Crime herself. Christie was an incredibly talented writer who understood people and behaviour. She’s also incredibly shrewd but still massively underrated. So, it feels as though many contemporary writers think it’s easy to write an Agatha Christie novel. It’s actually not easy to write like Agatha Christie. She just makes it seem easy. It also doesn’t help that crime fiction is so oversaturated these days that people think the solutions are obvious. When, in fact, people have just used her plots again and again, so they’re familiar. It’s why I’m not a fan of a lot of crime fiction these days. It just feels so familiar. So, I wasn’t sure what to expect from this collection. I wanted to read it but was worried about how it would tur out. That’s why it took me so long to pick it up.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

Another stressful work week but we’ve got a bank holiday to look forward to now. So, an extra day out of the office and then 4 days before a week off. I can’t wait. Next weekend is going to be busy, which means I’m embracing doing as little as possible. I’ve still got bits to do but I’ll spend as much of it reading as possible. We’re getting to the end of the month, so my mind is on my reading numbers. I’m doing pretty well this year and keeping momentum up. I don’t really care about how many books I read but I want to make sure I keep reading as much as possible. I spend too much time on social media and I need to change my habits.

Film Review – Next Goal Wins (2023)

films, reviews

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

I’m not a football fan, so any desire that I had to see this film came solely from my love of both Taika Waititi and Michael Fassbender. It’s so strong that it can overcome my powerful lack of interest in the sport. Although, I guess you don’t really need to care about sport to watch sports movies. I don’t care about hockey but continue to believe The Mighty Ducks is sensational entertainment. As a kid, I knew nothing about American football but would watch Little Giants on repeat. Does Teen Wolf count as sports movie? Probably and I bloody love that. So, it’s not as if I don’t have a history with sports movies. Sometimes they manage to sneak through and do something wonderful. Would that be the case for Next Goal Wins? I had to see.

Book Review – All I Know by Holly C Labarbera

books, reviews

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

In recent years, I’ve been a bit more selective when people offer to send me books to review. It’s not as if I don’t appreciate the offer but it can sometimes increase the pressure. I already have so much to read and I feel guilty enough about my unread books. If people start sending me books then the guilt increases. I feel a pressure to get the book finished quickly, which means I put of my TBR for even longer. Every so often, a book will come along that just sounds too good to miss. This was one of them. It helped that it featured twins because that always gets me interested. As a twin myself, I think I’ll always be drawn to narratives to play into that dynamic. It’s also something that is bound to have me feeling more emotional. If anything bad happens to twins in a book then it hits me harder than it would with normal siblings. Would this book leave me an emotional wreck?

Book Review – The Kamogawa Food Detectives by Hisashi Kashiwai

books, reviews

Rating: 4 out of 5.

There’s nothing a love more than some cosy Japanese fiction. All I need to know is if there’s a cat and it had less than 300 pages. There’s nothing I love more than a quick read to kickstart my reading again. It also helped that it was short enough to use up my remaining BookBeat minutes for the month. I’d been meaning to pick up the book for ages but I was keeping it for my next slump. They feel like the kind of books that I should save for the end of the month or for when I’m just not feeling it. So, I never really go for them unless I have to. It’s a stupid system because these books tend to be so lovely and engaging. Just the kind of thing to keep me on the right track. I was listening to this at work during a particularly busy period, so it was definitely a mood booster.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

What a week. Work is still awful and I don’t know how I’m going to get everything done next week. I’ve got some time off in a couple of weeks and I’m just counting down the days. I am, at least, still managing to read something every day. I’m not quite at my March levels of reading but I’m doing some solid work. I finished an audiobook this week and have been making good headway with my current read. Not as great as other people would but good for me. I’ve been feeling ill this week so have been pretty tired. It does make it difficult to get myself to read more than a few pages in that state.

Film Review – All of Us Strangers (2023)

films, reviews

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I had plans to see this film at the cinema but you know what it’s like. When you’re a working adult, it’s so difficult syncing up diaries and making days work. So, I never actually got to see it and then just kind of forgot to watch it. I knew that if I didn’t watch it soon, it would join a long list of films that I just never got around to watching. There are so many Oscar nominated films that I always said I’d catch up with at some point. Honestly, if it’s been more than 6 months, the likelihood is that I’ve forgotten it even exists. So, I tend to miss out on a lot of well praised films. It’s something I need to do something about because I used to be so good at keeping up with the latest releases.

Book Review – The Dance Tree by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

books, reviews

Rating: 4 out of 5.

We had a D&D session on Tuesday night, so my whole blogging schedule has been thrown off slightly. On the positive side, I had a little bit more time to finish my book before this review. I haven’t really been in a position to listen to it at work recently. It’s a really busy time and I have to concentrate on so many things. It means I don’t pay any attention to what I’m listening to. That’s why I’ve mostly been listening to the pop groups from my childhood. Eventually, I did manage to get to the end of this and it means I can cross another long term TBR feature off the list. I love Kiran Millwood Hargrave’s children’s books, so I knew I should check out her adult novels. I already know that I love her writing, so it would just depend on the story. This sounded like my kind of thing.

Book Review – Butter by Asako Yuzuki

books, reviews

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I don’t want to suggest that I’ve become a lazy reader but I definitely have become accustomed to reading books that with under 300 pages. It happened in lockdown and wasn’t help by the book club I joined. We only chose books with about 250 pages, so I totally embraced it. Nowadays, books with over 300 pages just seem so long to me. I know that they aren’t but it’s just that mental block I have to get over. I was definitely excited to read Butter but it just seemed to big. In reality, it’s only about 450 pages long but I didn’t think I’d ever get through it. So, I went down the audiobook route. I thought it would be the easiest way to do it. Thankfully, it was a really easy book to listen to and it wasn’t difficult to finish in time.

Sunday Rundown: That’s What She Read

books, films, rundown
Sunday Rundown

What have you been reading this week?

I had a couple of awful days back at work this week. I had having 3 days off and then finishing the week but I also didn’t want to use more holiday days for no reason. Not only did I return to a full inbox but it was just super disorganised and stressful. It’s always the same at this time of year but I just wasn’t quite prepared for it. Still, I did manage to finish a few books this week, which is great. I’m not saying that this month is going better than April but it shouldn’t be a complete write off. If I can just keep up the momentum.