Bringing Home the Grail

What is the Grail. In regards to this blog, it is: “any greatly desired and sought-after objective; ultimate ideal or reward.” I’ve just returned from Italy, where I found my quantum self. That is my grail. Now to be able to live it! That is the challenge! “Quantum physics is the name of the […]

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The Atmosphere Of My Thinking

When I look up the definition of the word “atmosphere” I see it has many definitions. The one I am writing about today in regards to my thinking is “the surrounding influence or environment.” Ernest Holmes, teacher, mystic and author wrote this: “We are all immersed in the atmosphere of our own thinking, which is […]

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Living Life to the Fullest

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” Henry David Thoreau Quantum Science teaches me that there are true archetypes – beauty, wisdom, love, goodness, truth, abundance, and wholeness, when embraced, bring us to a state of true joy and happiness. We will find our purpose by […]

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The Room of Requirement

Dr. David Walker, a New Thought Leader who passed away several years ago introduced me to the difference between a requirement and a need. There is a big difference. I have incorporated this into my life and it has made all the difference in the world. When I am needy, I am stating to the […]

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The Law of Good

We are surrounded by and infused with an Infinite Intelligence that responds to the impress of the thoughts and feelings we have. I call it the Law of Good. Modern quantum scientists call it “the Field.” When we use it in love, our life shows up in love. Lately, I have found myself in a […]

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Lessons from A Surfer

I know a man who is a surfer. He was in our Science of Mind class this week and he used a metaphor that I’ve been thinking about. He was talking about being in a “wipe out” when you are dragged to the bottom of the ocean and are pressed down with what feels like […]

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Oh, God!

I don’t mind using the word God. However, I know plenty of people have an aversion to the word. If you are one of those people, please substitute you name for God as you read this. Don’t let the word separate you from what I am writing. God has become a four-letter word to some, […]

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