Ranking TTPD

There has been a lot on my mind lately, and TTPD coming into my life has stalled my decision making process. I can no longer comprehend anything that is not Taylor Swift related. I have been swept away by the sadness and the rhyme and the amazing double meanings to songs. And then of course … Continue reading Ranking TTPD

I think I like this little light.

Hi y'all. I've been reading again! I'm so excited to finally feel back into the swing of reading. Don't get me wrong - I'm still watching the heck out of reality tv. But, I'm balancing my time between pages and tv and podcasts and it feels so much more natural. I am grateful to be … Continue reading I think I like this little light.


I am going to try and keep up with this writing thing. For as long as I can remember, I've begun a writing project and then stopped half way through. I am never sure how and why I stop writing, because I always want to write. I want to remember. Every day, I plan out … Continue reading Waiting