
Adventures with Mr. Fox


Activity 11: Prosesu Delwedd Fideo

The final post of Mr. Fox

Activity 10: Verbesserung durch Histogrammanalyse

Mr. Fox now travels to the land of histograms.

Activity 8: обработка изображений морфологическое

Mr. Fox stumbles upon shape bending

Activity 7: segmentazione di immagini

After battling procrastination, Mr. Fox walks through the land of segmentation.

Activity 6 filter filter din (draft)


Fourier Transform and other nice things! – A5

Mr. Fox shows you how to transform yourself..... in a set of basis functions

Area Estimation

Mr. Fox tries to measure an area within an image.

The Basics of Scilab – A3

Difficulties arising from activity 2 forces Mr. Fox to do this first

Sup, World!

The beginning.

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