

The inner me

Things To Include In Your Budget For 2017 That Are Absolutely Worth The Money

As 2016 comes to a close, people begin prepping for 2017 with new goals, to-do lists, and updated budgets. While it’s great to cut back the spending and save, there are a few items that you should include in your budget that will actually make your life better.


Travel is one investment that’s always worthwhile. Life is too short to keep your wanderlust on hold. This year, incorporate a great road trip or destination vacation into your 2017 budget. First, pick a location and book your travel accommodations. This gives you something to look forward to during the mundane work weeks and can even improve your creativity. When your vacation date arrives, set out, explore the city, photograph like crazy, eat great food, and come home happier and filled with rich experiences.


Adding a furry friend to your home can provide several benefits. When you have a pet, you have an automatic best friend. Pets teach you how to take care of someone besides yourself and give you unconditional love. Owning a pet can also make you healthier; studies show that people with pets generally have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. Pets will make your life infinitely better in 2017.


Education is an ongoing process. Just because you’ve received your diploma doesn’t mean you have finished your education. This year, allot a portion of your budget for a class. Sign up for a language or art course at your local community college, take a dance or fitness class at a nearby recreation center, or learn a new skill like Photoshop or Excel. Find something that interests you and sign up to learn in 2017. It’ll expand your interests, make you more marketable and give you something to discuss at parties.

High Tech Home

Because we live in a tech-driven world, it’s only fitting that we begin to outfit our homes with smart features that can be controlled via smart phone or tablet. This year, consider investing in home automation features that allow you to remotely control everything from your thermostat, sprinklers, and lights to your coffee maker and blinds. Investing in tech saves you time, keeps you organized, and can even help you save money.


Losing weight and staying fit are among the top three New Year’s resolutions people make each year. Accomplish this goal once and for all and invest in a gym membership, fitness classes, or home-workout equipment. While all of these require an upfront cost, the long-term benefits are clear. Living a healthy lifestyle can lengthen your life, decrease stress, and increase energy—making you safer and happier in 2017.

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Sometimes I wonder in so many words less or more , what would my life be like?  if I wasn’t here now born in this century  or experience this world as it is today .

Would I be black , brown or white , albino even ? Although in my youngest years in primary school I use to have this problem for fitting in . They use to call me the odd one out or  the Jamaican term “Dundus” which stands for albino. Harsh and mean at the time .

That’s what I get for being lighter than most my class , with strong thick golden hair and With bright hazel eyes. Being tall and having my crush shorter than me .

Wished everyday to be darker , a little shorter. A lot of these things now I realize are worshipped by the present days society that I didn’t want. Such is life .

Maybe me wishing and wondering for , if and how my life would be is a repetition of what I did in primary school . Waste of space in the brain . Nothing is done  before it’s time I always say , so I plan on making a run with it and use the time wisely .

Do not dwell on the past and expect life to change for you , if you do that a next supermoon will just pass you by and you won’t even notice . Be a doer ! Live now . If something is not meant to be let it go and keep moving forward ! We waste our time on silly things like colors of our skin and wars for power. When we don’t realize we are just a cycle . We will die and someone else will take over . How do you choose to live yours?  I  choose to be happy .


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Proprium ( noun) its formal known for a next word for own , meaning a nonessential property common to all the members of a class; attribute according to the online dictionary.  Do we actually give enough credit to own selves or do we sit around hasting  to listen in every critizing comment that has been sent out to torcher our way of thinking what is right and wrong about our body?

I believe everyone is born a unique way and they there own talents , ways and means to give meaning to this life,  I never try to think one way to things other than to express how I feel about a certain situation , which is my God given right to do as in others whether it is negitive or positive .

On that note I support a woman or man expressing themselves to ever they seem fit to show it to , maybe we might learn from it or we might not but we shuldnt banish a person for his beliefs because we want it a certain way  or think the way we do. If the world was  thought one way we would never evolve from this new way of thinking that we apart of in these present times.

Yes we do still have  a lot to learn but at the same time there isn’t any ( I ) in team and no matter how much we try to toy around with it and think we can do this alone . WE just might find it difficult in the end , then we , inturn say how much we could be less boisterous and admit the stubborn truth that we in fact need each other to survive.


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The Real



What makes us human? Is it the way we stroll to depict a specific picture to the world ? Alternatively is it how we collaborate with each other ?

Mankind to me is the manner by which we love. Indicating empathy to one’s unique interests. Giving them the solace they require through unpleasant and cheerful times. Being their companion, lover, father, mother, sister or brother. We frequently mistake these collaborations for adoration with “Hope”.

A friend once asked me ,”Why do women persuade men into believing there is a relationship taking shape however at the end there was nothing there in the first place ?” It’s clever on the grounds that I being a woman, for the most part, make the same inquiries to men, yet when I contemplated it we as a whole have emotions and that is a part of being human. Just to be reasonable, a man can get hurt as much as a woman can. For Jamaican men, I think they give an excessive amount to sentiments, that is the reason most times they don’t indicate it with the exception of when they locate the one. They frequently go frantic if that individual isn’t for them, left heart broken through dismissal it changes their minds to behaving like silly mongrels, projecting threatening vibes towards women and in some cases they may even become self-destructive. For hell’s sake, it’s most likely only a gene thing or more like a Munchanda suspicion, a logical clarification to the insanity I’ve seen.

To answer my friend’s inquiry, men and women who are pulled towards the wrong individual in these circumstances usually have a tendency to not comprehend that they are as much at a deficiency as the individual committing the criminal offence. In view of my own expertise, I was once infatuated with a man that wasn’t my own and in some weird way I really ‘hoped’ that I had a fix of winning him. I think he began feeling sorry for me since I insisted that I could deal with it, he to his credit was straight forward with me from the get-go that I wasn’t the one for him, however in that one snapshot of the shortcomings of hope I settled for being the second woman in his life, what us Jamaicans like to call (Matie). Where it counts, I generally realized that it wasn’t going to work, however, I carried on stubbornly and relentlessly seemingly oblivious to what was really gazing me right in the eyes (denial to hope)< POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE.

There isn’t anything to feel humiliated about, sooner or later in life, we all have that one individual who we wildly and in the most discomforting way cherish.

Thus we push activities we would never do on an ordinary premise, to make that individual stay. I wouldn’t accuse love, the culprit is often loneliness and then hope. The vast majority don’t know how to live with, adore and acknowledge themselves in light of the fact that the general public has often thought of and treated them otherwise. To be one, we really need to get over it and figure out how to break free from the framework, then figure out how to act naturally and bit by bit sit tight for the perfect individual to simply be put into our lives. No man is an island, however in figuring out how to live on the island with oneself, having control and being at peace with your internal identity, you never know, a lost pontoon may appear some place with your loved one onboard. My musings may be insane, however do consider it.

My mother always said “Think with your heart, however, love with your mind”. Which means regardless of how you may think this is a tall tale, dependably put yourself first and inquire as to whether this is the thing that you truly merit or need. There are a lot of fishes out there to catch, don’t experience the hassle for the sake of somebody who isn’t demonstrating the same enthusiasm for you. On the off chance that a man needs you they will indicate it, regardless of what you’ve been through. In the event that he likes you, he will see past it, on the off chance that you are the one for him. Time sits tight for no man.

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Reggae Falls


My home Jamaica. I would never put my country in any other category than the most exotic and beautiful island in the world . Don’t take my word for it? How about researching it for yourself . Trip advisers across the waters name our land of  wood and water the idyllic spot to visit in this year 2016 .

Despite our countless encounters of dulls minds trying to tarnish our good name in war and overwhelming  negligence , lacking reasoning and the ability to really sit down and think about the actions that we have brought upon ourselves.

Tourist still fought all of it , found peace and seek more than what meets the eyes every day . I took a trip a couple days ago ,exploring the natural beauty that gives fluorescence to the island. I wanted to feel the cool water on my skin and forbid the harsh heat as the last of summer plagued on the land , headed into fall  where everyone was trying to get settled in for the dawn of school.

The hilly ride to the valleys of St. Thomas caught me by surprise because this wasn’t a place I normally visit . When I was younger my friends use to tell the tale of people doing witchcraft , in our term “obeah” . Those tall tales made us kids didn’t once thought of going to that place especially stories about some kind of monkey waiting on the top of the hill camouflage in the trees targeting his preys. People believed if you have an eye for that parish , it  might be possible you going to visit the witch doctor (obeah man/woman) for a remedy to seduce your significant other or to whom you have interest in , to instantly fall inlove with you for the rest of your  life , without having an input on the matter . We call the remedy ( tie mi).

That immediately changed when I was captivated by the breathtaking views of the hills and how green and luscious the trees and grass looked . It was like I was finally back in my own part of the island where nothing else seem to be a bother except nature and I. You can just sit under a tree the entire day with a nice picnic with anything you need for your comfort and be reconciled from the rat race.

The journey to the falls wasn’t that bad , although I would recommend everyone to wear beach shoes because the stones weren’t friendly to the feet. My foot was killing me by the time I got there.  It was all worth it when I saw the powerful water slamming down on the rocks about 30 feet above us and it sprayed its cool water on our faces, the heat felt like a distant memory. I was happy! In a dramatic fulfilling way I just fell back in the water drenched my clothes and looked up to the clear blue sky and smiled .


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The Clash Of the Genders




Most times I don’t recover the steady and forward thinking as to whom is good or bad. In the realm of the contrast between the sexes, I don’t comprehend why there must be a war between us. Ladies are currently battling to be heard, and that’s great in light of our history. Previously we were only stay at home spouses with no aspirations in life other than to fulfil to the role of a wife within the family unit. As J-Lo (sang in the now cutting edge days she claims to say , “I ain’t your mom”) implied, she doesn’t feel that a lady ought to be static in her dealings with men, regardless of the fact that they require a guardian to guide them. Generally however I trust a lady is entirely helpful to the terms of a peaceful whisperer, a firm hand behind the provider for the family .

In this modern day society men are presently wearing heels and subsequently forgetting their responsibilities, no firm hand in the family . Ladies are left to be the provider and the stay at home spouse. Pioneers of the past, they gave us the voice we need to connect with whatever remains of this male dominated world we call the “RAT RACE.”

This is the juncture where I sincerely think we made a mistake. Men have a particular chemical make up, high levels of testosterone that compel them to push to hard work, not all in really getting their hands filthy but some rather in the discovering of hens meat. So when we women remove that privilege from them, they tend to stagnate and become apathetic. They don’t feel as if they have a purpose in life any longer, so they lie back and let a lady do all the work. As much we ladies say that we would prefer not to be second or behind, we also prefer not to have a lazy man < we often flee > In our own slip-ups of being on top, because of the battling for our own rights when that occurs. Ladies, I should concede are one of the hardest animal varieties to manage, yet that is the reason God made man to handle us. All things considered, in the book of scriptures Adam was made first yet when he was so desolate he required a friend, God decided that he needed a solid lady to remain behind him to make him whole. In relation to the entire pack of discussions that happened afterwards, I need not go into further details as we all know the story. In Jamaican local dialect, we generally have this adage “every hoe have tick a bush.” Meaning that everybody has somebody who might be listening sitting tight for them regardless as to what extent discovery may take or the place on the planet they may be, there is dependably somebody out there that was made for you .

On that note, Gender distinction is insignificant. When you cherish somebody, that individual ought to have the appreciation, information and the patience to gain an understanding of how to treat you. Make up your own particular tenets and implement them however you see fit. It’s your life, live it how you need to. I happen to lean towards a legitimate 60/40, I will often give the man a chance to do a tiny bit more. I think they like being in control so I let them assume the role. We are the ladies of the night, a quiet mind behind their ordinary considering. Why try battling it ? You’re just going to get your own way in the end anyway. We are after all the most controlling creatures known to man, and I for one don’t have a problem with that.

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Family definition from google ( a group consisting of two parents living under one roof with their children or descendants from generations in common with a person.)  In cultures our choice of words and how we apply them out to one’s self we usually halt at the family we are born with . In life it doesn’t matter where or whom they are , You can know someone for years be around them and know their every move, but yet they don’t put out as much effort in the relationship as its well deserved . A man you met just yesterday acts more humane and unpretentious , hence you’re left to feel more connected to their aspirations . In the end, you might even seek refuge in  them more than your own blood. Take for example for my Silverbirds family , I’ve known them since I was 15 years old . At that time I was going through a difficult time with my family , trying to really find where I belong . Ruptured in confusion about what Is and isn’t the truth about my life .

I found solace in music. I haven’t seen much in my younger years growing up because my parents weren’t the richest or  the poorest, but they’d rather not spend money when It’s not needed . Understandable enough because five children aren’t exactly the easiest thing to provide for,  living in a third world country . So I spent time fantasizing about the outside world and how it would feel like to travel and live like adventurers  on point like what was shown on the television .  That didn’t happen until I saw the first steel drum pans played at my high school .  I was filled with fascination of the art , I wanted to know more . Luckily my new family was willing to teach me . I was off to my new life , seeing the musical aspects of one’s soul. My mom didn’t seem to mind much because anything that can bring  an extra buck would have been much appreciated and she wanted me to know the work world from early.

They taught me how to grab the musics florescent feel , groove it from the heart . However, it wasn’t until I was sexually active I finally knew how it felt to actually play the music with love ,  be totally consecrated and let it play the rhythms of my heartbeat. I honestly believe that musicians play how they have sex base on how they illustrate their facial expressions and I pay keen attention to how they caress their instruments and listen to the melodic chords as they carefully choose them given the right key . Often on stage , I wonder what is going through their minds ? how do they know that these chords express how they feel?  Gives me chills every time I hear it . It might sound crazy, but it is, in fact, our inner 6th sense reaching out to every human being on that hour of fame , manifesting on oscillation exhilarate we then use to push that energy so the audience can have semblance with us. Among other things, they taught me about life and how to live and carry myself as a lady. A band of class i must admit ,on the road with them was the best years of my life through fights and all .

A Family , in MUNCHANDAS definition, doesn’t necessarily have to be immediate , it can also be a part of one’s unique interest. It’s the decision you make with whom you choose to be a part of your life , that person/s that produces  a significant difference in your life . A lover , a friend and a companion. My Silverbirds family is in the category of close family .  My sisters and brothers , my mother , my father , that is how I will forever see them for the rest of my life.


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The Right to Ask


I ask my readers to be placid  about this tricky but effective topic “God”.
I believe Religion is a firm cult design to keep us under one strict rule , Govern by the most contradicting books in the world ,  “The  Bible,  Struti , Torah , Qur’an , Talmud….   Etc”  anything giving teachings of the supreme being  . It is carried out by an elite group of activist , we are left to be subsequent to the lectured exhortation that we ignorantly let be a part of us.

I haven’t relinquished the faith so there no issue listening the word of the lord because after all, I grew up in the church . My mom made sure that her children went to church every day that God sent . I did like my pastor a wonderful lady she is , thought me many things that were good , She was like a second mom . I’ve always had it in my thoughts what else is out there . As soon dilemma absconds through my mind ,   I began  to ask  questions ,  I usually get “certain questions don’t have answers” or “you will go to hell if you ask certain things.”  It is understandable that not everything has an answer and us then just go off a spiritual connection . I call it the (sixth sense) , (that which connects all inner beings . ) Without reason, we all feel it and that is something that we can’t articulate.

Why should we not want to know more ? Why do we feel like we are being rebuked and sent to express taxi to the depths of hell if we question religion ? How is it fair to tell me which denomination to go to ? Why do we fight against the same words we preach ?

For God so loved the “world” (us) he sacrificed his son for our sins .
I think the minds of each soul use the intellect of the bible , twist and sculpt it into their  own controversial book , resulting in disgusting inhuman like behaviors. Which makes the sense of Jesus dying irrelevant because we can’t grow pass the hatred for each other .
Entities from the ancient days expect the new generation of the evolving world to follow , but they have already tarnished the good name and it lead to a nonsensical devised war among the human race,  that still continue to pollute this nation.
I’m Basically thinking out loud but I have to stop and ask myself, is this something I should or want to be a part of ?

If the great ALMIGHTY does exist , I believe he is convivial .  He doesn’t use fear to control his people , he graced us with the knowledge to choose , gave us the wisdom to know right from wrong . Yes ! that’s what I live by, After all, he did create me in his own image .

Why did he design me like this? He must have known the sequence of my writing , hence I thinking and speculating life as I see fit in my own unique world of “MUNCHANDA”.   I believe he is open and willing to let us promenade the path on exploring his beautifully heavenly sent lands in our own way.
I could be wrong but remember I could be right .

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A Girl into A Woman



Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . Many use it but not a lot would comprehend its true means .
People, in general, are attracted to beauty , it’s a part of our gene we can’t help it . Even if you are not our type , We will still  catch someone a half a mile staring at us in a distance . For most women and men that is what they want , what they settle for.
I remember back when I was in high school . I was making my normal rounds to the school’s tuck shop . Coming down the  staircase I saw these senior guys , my year .
Now I am not the school boyfriend type never have been . As young girls in that prime time , we tend to mature much faster than the guys and left high school boys for the sophomores .. Who are more into the fascination of boys and willing to explore .

On with the story,   the student stopped me  and I thought he was approachable so I went to him . He held on to my hands and smiled then  said to me  “you know you are beautiful but you are just hard to look at.” I just stood there in shock because what am I suppose to say to that . How am I suppose to react ? I felt my organs clinch inside of me , my eyes filled with water . Holding back like , so you mean to tell me I’m only good looking because you took a long hard stare at me ? In my mind .
Instead of retaliation out of anger . I just smiled and said  “thank you .. ” sarcastically .
He then had the nerve to say your welcome . Like he had done me a favor .
Now I look back on that day and smile . Reason being , if I had been an empty shoe case , I could never be where I want to be , or doing what I want to do . Beauty doesn’t come with only the flesh  , it comes with what’s inside you . What you bring to the plate , will make so much different from the barbies across the world . What’s in your mind that counts . I  encourage girls to get an education,  make it mandatory . So when men or anyone else talk to you they will have to take a step back in awe . Because you are not just a face, you are a woman virtue  and stability , a firm mind . Never will they  have the audacity to be rude and look down on you , like you have no right  to talk or walk with your heads held high . Step up , make a stand , be extraordinary ! Be a visionary , a leader . You think because you walk with modesty they won’t try to bury you . Flash your hips with pride and say I am all that I am and more . Toss your fishing line with the fattest worm and you shall reap the benefits of the biggest fish .


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imageIn my recent travels to Greece, I noticed that there was a lot more than just the city of white . It was mostly the city of love and understanding. I sat in a crowded restaurant and I observed the difference between Jamaicans and Greeks romance.

Sitting facing the bar , in came this tall very muscular man with thick black hair  smiling with his white chalk teeth perfectly accord,  gazing behind him at his gorgeous woman , she waltz in dancing to the music in the restaurant with a jubilant vibration , they held hands and walked straight to the bar . She looked up at him with her piercing blue eyes and it twinkled as she hoists her body up to the tip of her toes to match his height, her long blonde hair flowed behind her touching her buttocks, he held her chin bringing it up to meet his lips and slicked her hair back, She smiled gracing him with a deep passionate kiss. Replicating her emotion I smiled in amusement and blushed . He lifted her up and spun around , both laughing and giggling in unison . I could see they were not afraid to show their love for each other in this metropolitan urban area , and no one there  seemed to care or even bother looking , it was a norm . No judgement of people’s perception of what should be or shouldn’t be but  just pure bliss.

It’s not often you find that kind of love demonstrated or reciprocated , Jamaicans tend to hide their compassion for  the ones they hold dear to them.  Never advertise it in public  I think they believe it reveals a  form of weakness , insecurities of themselves. It was written a long time ago in our culture  they never seemed to maturate from it.

I prefer if I’m with someone I care about it’d be shown out whether in public or in the bedroom. I like to feel owned . Appreciated in any form possible. I am a woman of light , and being florescent I must be seen. For what I am , for what my soul is , the inner me . If you can’t show compassion , you don’t deserve me .






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A belonging

I read this from a book called Lisa Kleypas this one part stood out to me , made perfect sense   “most lives are not distinguished by great  achievements. They are measured by an infinite number of small ones, each time you show or do a kindness for someone or bring a smile  to that person’s face , it gives your life meaning .”
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Nature at its Best


Hailing from the famously known Blue mountain in Kingston Jamaica . A small part of it called “Irish Town” I sat and wondered how good it must feel , to have absolutely no worries , no fear of what is yet to come and to determine how am I going to challenge this new quest for survival . Neglect and sadness abscond through my mind and paved the way giving percipience to a bliss of utopia . I closed my eyes as the cool mountain breeze passed by my face calmly , rest my chin on my elbow laid on my long golden legs , crossed in comfort . Inhaled the blue scented flowers that were bestowed beside me and captured the ambiance for what it was , Nature.

Not a person in sight for miles , just the white lonely road rendered with the hill behind me and the breathtaking view that I was privileged to glance upon once more .

We Jamaicans produce so much more than what is midst the eye . Our keen sense of vision for nature let us see what the creator has blessed us with , we then used it to our advantage and built our foundation. To show the world to live life and to not be a static to the living . It will always be embedded in our genes . As we are a nation of love , unity and strength .


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The Mind

imageI’d rather die an enormous death for what I believe in than to die Domain . I never  see life as it presents itself  but for what it could be . I believe in the unity of all .

The entities don’t want you to have an envision for yourself,  so they formulate  plots and expedients to  have dominion. Convoluted our minds to postulate that they  should be the ones that call the shots . We can’t even blame them , for that plan is in fact  genius ! I’d like to think that perhaps they started with good intentions , maybe the world would be chaotically doomed and  by having  control we thought  it would  give the world a sense of reason and assurance . We felt as if we’ve made the right  decision in choosing a leader .

The ‘leaders’ that we ourselves put from the primordial  pyramid betrayed us and turned POWER into cruelty and greed,  giving them access to our minds making us not prudent enough  to understand what’s really happening . We are now left in  an altercation  , resulting in hostilities against each other . Crabs in a barrel we are . Silly fools . While “they ” eat our meat , celebrate and drink the finest wine . Boast and laugh  , gallivanting around in the nicest cars  saying ,   “imbeciles” .


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The Silence

Most people like myself enjoy the tiniest bit of Silence so we can get to breathe a little . I am a natural people person but I’ve always been fascinated with the ambiance of nature , especially living in the most exotic island in the world my home JAMAICA . Most times you will catch me in my corner enjoying what life has to offer in its finest way . I took a long walk on the beach admiring what the creator has given us . Saw the small birds flew by me singing their melodic music.  Listened to the breeze as it’s passed by the bushes making a swishing sound …. a tranquil moment when the  aurora that graced my nose started to tingle as the  flowers bloomed sending their natural fragrance in the air . Finally  I laid under a tall coconut tree , I looked up  and watched the leaves swayed back and forth  bending in the wind as the sun peaked between them giving off a shadow on my face angling my vision perfectly , so I could see the clear blue sky and it gave me a sense of warmth and closure . I pressed my hands on the thick grass bed a little moist from the night dew ,  I felt small  insects ran by my feet tickled my toes , I smiled . The bees hummed in the distance I closed  my eyes to embrace it all , I knew I was at peace . image

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Ridiculous Obessions

I don’t understand this endless war between blacks and whites , I strongly believe that all lives matter . We breathe the same air , we eat the same food , We all have the same organs . WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS. This ridiculous obsession  with war is and only child’s play for power , and when you get power what are you going to do with it ? Try to control me who has and always will have freedom of choice . ha ! RACISM of all nations needs to GROW up , move pass the hatred and let us all unite and solve the bigger problem .Keeping planet earth , {the world } the living and not of the dead. How can we do this , you ask? Let’s start by  me , You ! US. You can’t recycle wasted time but WE can do something about the time that is already here or what is yet to come, We can not be an obeisance to the way society curved us to be . Let the Inner us take control . Let us be a nation of change.

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I’m strongly attracted to intelligence on a different level , it stimulates the inner self an automatic response to one’s being . Having a deep conversation about something you can learn from is always a turn on . The inner self is a sapiosexual .

My readers desire elaboration and so I shall deliver, I enjoy having the views of anther soul , watching their interactions on how they view life , an illustration of what they do to challenge themselves to do better , how far along are they , most importantly if I see someone on a level of greatness I want to contribute and help  be a guide in any way possible to see the future with them . Someone once told me that they feel like they’re not free , I said “define free.” he said, “the world hasn’t changed.” I replied saying  “what you call freedom isn’t the world but it’s your inner self , you have to {change} to live freely. In a world that’s given to you by your birthright , FREEDOM begins with you. Until you can accept that , you won’t understand the term free . ” Then he leaned back in his seat and sipped his coffee and gave me a long daunting stare and said to me , “you make sense. ”

I’d like to believe I’ve changed the man’s perspective of the world . What I had said was nothing but the truth . The world is just a beautiful sight to the eyes and us humans are made to live and make the most of it nothing more nothing less . The world is people .
{Human beings} If we could change the way we think and view things to see the best outcome , just think what “world” would this be . True freedom comes from  US.

“OUT OF MANY ONE PEOPLE ” the motto of Jamaica and the only motto that has ever made sense to me. WE are all one,  no matter where we come from , what race we are and our appearance in any form , we are ONE . As humans, we can only hope that the rest of the world see it that way , but then you still have the freedom of choice , Given and can never be taken away. So my point is unless someone can reason with me on a different level like this or on many other conversational levels that make sense I would find you rather boring , then you’ll find my mind gazing off into my imaginary world of legitimacy.



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The Inner me

life is a never ending obstacle and to go through it , we must challenge ourselves everyday so we can understand it better and better

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First blog post

Its funny how one day you are sitting completely dry out of all feelings and you want to change all of that because you want a change for your self but yet you cant get that , because you have no idea how to get it started even if you have the right thoughts in your mind , no real friends to push , you are just here consuming waiting for the last breath to come and take you away from this world.

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The life


Today 2019 I see myself flourishing in my own needs to grow , I have to say it’s working .

To all of you whom had hardships thus far don’t fear as long as you have courage and the will to get up and fight a next day you succumb to  all your inner most desirable ambitions in life .

The journey to the goal is never easy but it’s the journey that what makes the goal more sweeter and also the most memorable. In some cases one might argue that it is the journey is the excitement of it all and the goal nothing but an ending to a great race . Which ever way you see it make sure to enjoy it either way …. one life !



Coming back

As this fresh New Year approaches her dawn I’m wondering to myself is this me ? Am I the same Amanda we all knew and loved ? Or am I reformed in a way I need not know myself any more ?

Questions , questions I ask time and time again . Is new form filled with doubt or more courageous in what I have been up to or going to do in this future of 2019.

Decisions, decisions . Do I still lust off the same same energy I once have or do I still crave for new up bringings ? Am I trapped in between worlds or is it just in my mind ?

The truth is we are left to figure what is well for us and what we must seek to do in our own right mind but it’s not so much about the destination it is about the journey of ones mortal life . That my friend , just that, is worth living . It’s just for us , Me , YOU to go after it .

Happy 2019. Welcome back A.Fisher

It’s Not OK !



It’s not ok to touch childern , an young girl  and  a woman in a ways that she did not give permission to do so!

Im sure you were born from a woman,  A MOTHER ! which carried you for 9 whole months could have killed you from the moment she found out she was pregnant but she didn’t she kept you and slept restlessly with you lying on her uterus causing her to get up in the night at all hours no rest , she probably was on her path in school and boom you happen .


She stood by you for ever so long even  after those nine months she wipe your nose when you’re sick , send you to school , feed you ! Scareficed herself just for you !!!! If you didn’t have the joys of having a mother around she still bought life into you , let you see this world ! And how you repay her ? By slaughtering women ? Prey on the weak and innocent ? What kind of sick twisted beast are you ?

Do you deserve to live ? Hoooooooow do you sleep at night savage man ? Hooow ? Explain to me . Arnt you haunted by the screams of your victims?  The  shadows of their death that walk beside you .. hooow do you eat ? Knowing that you have just butchered someone and threw her in a barrel ? Are you alive in there ? Do you look like us ?

Savage man beast of the weak I got a message for you . The  tables will turn and evil men like you never will rest for an eternity of fire is waiting for you and you shall not feel the kiss of the sun and the light of day or the fresh air that blows through the grass! You will never know happiness because you are doom to feel  the imperial wrath  of the inflicting pain you have caused on the innocent for it’s not set by me but a means higher than a human being and that’s a promise.


Inside Disney World’s new private cabanas


161206165240-disney-cabanas-super-teaseDisney worlds new luxury private cabanas include electronic charging stations, a mini fridge and desserts. enjoy the sight.

Super moon


What am I ? Am I a gazer that wishes that I could see more than what meets the eye ?

I lied in the settled grass the wind brush against my face , I thought about the places I’ve been, the people I have met and how in some weird way  I am being watch and guided by this light of pure goodness

I’m left to believe I am a lost godest who doesn’t know who or what I  am. left wondering the plague of this harsh life; reality . In some way I made a narrow line through it all . I’ve heard before I am Queen of integrity, love and passion , yet I’ve come to realize that I’m more spontaneous open to what is out there . My curiosity is what becomes me and I describe it as a once in a decade type of person a ( super moon ) . You don’t come across such Goodness , such purity and selfless soul such days . So when people ever get the chance to glance , breathe and walk beside Such joy that is bestowed on one person it’s a blessing in disguise.

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