Days gone dog


It’s been more then a minute and months sense my last post. Reasons being I lost my way a bit and couldn’t find the motivations to publish blogs any longer. I kept writing but the motivation.

Death, loss and pain. That has been the spice and black-pills for me. Now I’m done with that. New era and new changes.

A lot of changes. Good and bad changes in the world. I find it all funny some how and I want to make people laugh and enjoy words and life for it’s puzzling and complicated moments.

I found my motivation. I’ll be bustling the blog as my job. You, the reader are my customer to delight and enchant for today.

This blog will be my street corner. For the would be traveler on the roads of the interwebs. I’ll treat you to a laugh, a smile or whimsical time and place to breath from a world of mad derangement.

The days have gone to the dogs. A division is present. Two waves of opinions. Two roads divided.

Conflict. I used to find it frightening. Now I breath it in like cotton candy vap juice and exhale red smoke and smooth dreamy vibes. I’m dogmatic and hard headed to fight in the shade of the arrows of despair with a smile and a butter knife in my hand.

I encourage you if your feeling low to embrace the same gusto my friend.

Warm Regards,

L. M. Parker



Update 2024

Welcome to the days gone Dogg.

I am your host and the artist known as

The ride doesn’t end and my sense of humor has only been feed and gotten a little darker then I thought it would. This blog is the landscape for my realm of dreams and fictional experiments and my journey in to the wonderful world of the current era of the…..

IRON AGE of the 21st century Americana artists.

I’m just adding up the points now and having a lot of fun. Things are heating up. It’s an election year, wars popping up all the world, Financial woes and over inflation of assholes.

Hmm. Let’s go!

I’m feeling hot damn grateful to be alive and inspired to kick some ass. Get your butter knives up and join me on the creatives journey.

Revised Titan of THE SIN

Revised and revived 2.0

An Old man looking back…..

I had a job to do. My only problem was the Immortal I had been sent to find was about to die. Aaron of Sharo lay on his death bed with a smile on his face. His mansion was quiet, his servants had left him alone. No lover. No wife. No sons. No daughters. No family to gather around him to wish him well unto the final abode of his immortal soul. He wondered a loud about strange journey of his life for the first time in his existence. Where would his soul go to? What spirit of the continuum would arrive to carry his soul on into the holding area of the mortal soul resting place. He felt a spirit in the room now waiting for him to finally give up his grasp on life and give up his ghost. I was quietly patient and didn’t interrupt his thoughts. Though I remained hidden to him not taking my mortal form I know he could sense me. That was more then most mortals or immortals could do in the pack lands.

Aaron settled back in his bed put aside those thoughts with a careless shrug. He had won in life much to the annoyance of his many enemies both mortal and immortal of the federation of pack lands. He suffered lost but he had had a grand adventure in his life. He smiled again and turned back his mind to the beginning of his life when he was a young slave working the land with his earth powers for his master Elmo Sharo.

“What are you grinning about, Master?” A voice spoke from drifting breeze of sand earth at the entrance of the door of the room.

Aaron frowned and looked to the door to see a tall young man with a black mask over his mouth. The young appeared in gust of sand and wind at the entrance. The young man’s amber glowing eyes were filled with love, friendliness and brotherly love for Aaron. “Ghost? What are you doing here? I thought you would be busy fighting some young upstart challenging you for your high position of the pack lands or some other nonsense like that.” He said.

“I finished that business early. I wanted to return to you as soon as I could. I needed some conversation. Is this about that little cough you had this morning. Are you trying to fool yourself into believing your going to die now?” Ghost said with a shrug.

Ghost walked over with a lightness to his steps and sway to his hips and snapped a apple into his hand offering it to Aaron before he sat down on chair of earth he formed out of the sand and earth. Aaron took the apple but sat it aside him on the bed and sat up in his bed.

“Ghost? You came by this morning and we talked all morning. Why are you here? You know I’m about to die. I thought you could give me a bit of alone time to myself. I’m an old man. I’ve done my bit. I’m ready to move on.”

Ghost rolled his eyes. “Your being over dramatic. What were you thinking about? Was it about that time you conquered the plains of Winslow or battled the dark sages of Darma? Tell me?”

Aaron sighed rolling his eyes. “I was thinking about the time I was a slave and then you-“

“Ah. Yeah. Your rise to power from your humble beginnings. I haven’t heard that story in a while. Remind me about it. I do like to hear how you tell the story.”

Aaron gave him a narrowed eye look of annoyance. “You know the story well enough. You were there and I’ve told it before. Many, many times over. What is your game? Your trying to trick me again. It won’t work.”

Ghost held up a finger. “You’ve told it before but I wasn’t always there and you never did tell me what your thoughts were when all those events were happening and what the hell did you do to that asshole from the west. You never did tell me what you did to him to warrant him being so angry with you after he stole your precious love.”

Aaron’s face became heated in embarrassment at the mention of Aaron’s precious love. “I have no precious love. Your trying to trick me. I know your running some sort of game. I just don’t know the why of it or purpose. I will be a dead man in a few hours. Can’t you just leave me alone until then. The spirit guide is here to guide me away.” He said waving a careless hand in my general direction. I knew he could see me but still wondered what this whole play between them was about.

Ghost stared at him leaning forward on his throne of sand and granite earth. “What were you thinking about doing during those times? You’ve never told me. You’ve never told me not once what you were doing even on the day your master and my father had died in the last match against that bastard Endurance. Tell me. I want to hear the story. You owe me that much. Master. I’ve been real good to you. I followed all your orders for the last, what a couple of centuries now.”

A couple of centuries?! Interesting.

Aaron sighed dramatically. “So be it. You’re running a game of some kind. You are forever playing your games and leaving me in the dark about where the hell I am supposed to end up. I don’t know where this game is going or what it is about but I do owe you. I owe you quite a bit. You did provide me with a grand adventurous life from the beginning to this end. Where do you wish me to start then sense this will be the last time I tell the tale.”

Ghost leaned back in his seat and I could see a ghost of grin behind vail behind half his face. “What were you doing and thinking during the very day you knew your master had died when the trumpets sounded. You must have felt a sense of wonder when the Dan magical wards fell. Then the loss of the protection powers of your ancient home lands were captured by that thieving bastard Endurance?”

Aaron frowned and then couldn’t help grinning like a fool as he remembered as clear to the day so many years ago that day and the proceeding days of his the first steps to his adventure. “I was trying to break into Elmo’s locked treasure room. I thought….Well damn. That happened sooner then Ghost said it would. I better get to doing what I should to get this damn plan going before something else goes to hell. I only had one problem?”

Ghost stared at Aaron. “You were trying to break into your master’s treasure room during his fight to maintain his titled power over our former enchanted lands?!”

Aaron nodded his head stiffly. “Yes. I was. It took me some doing finding the damned spare key but I found it, well I found it on accident really when I was cleaning Lord Sharo’s private rooms under his reading lamp by his bed. It was a bit of a surprise. I had had a time deciding what I was going to do with it for a few seconds before I headed to the treasure room door.”

Ghost smiled. “You sly dog. Now I finally get the real story. Go on. I’m all ears for this shit.”

Aaron smiled. “I’ll tell you.”

I crossed my legs and sat back interested to hear the tale the old man had to tell. I had heard the rumors of course but I had never really heard the story behind this mortal’s rise. Now I would discover what were the facts, and fantasies behind Aaron of Sharo’s rise before I took his mortal soul to the wild soul lands. I snorted at the notion. These mortals are funny bunch.

The complete story is on my Patreon

An article on world building.

It’s worth a read and follow. L. M. kling always writes great content and tools to have about writing. This post was no different.

I enjoyed it but of course I have thoughts as I contrast my own views on world building and how I have deleveloped my ethos on the subject.

Everything starts in my head first with a concept or a conversation. A lingo in between a fictional person talks and element of mystery in how in who and what they are that colors the world around them.

I have a philosophy or school of thought about it that I have used over the years that has best helped me in exploring plot and story in regards to the type of stories I write.

Build a lead charecter and a story will build itself around the character. – Walter B. Gibson

I enjoy this concept because it is very much in line for how my mind works with world building or crafting a world.

I start with the charecter. I let the charecter reveal himself to me in his interactions with other people around him. In his lingo. In the events that happen to him and history and his culture and personal behavior when something happens to them and creates conflict or a color in them and the world around them.

The landscape is around the character and what they eat when their sand or the habit of smoking a particular cigarette when stressed out. Nothing is happenstance. It’s a discovery. A mystery unfolding that have write out with each form of conflict that arises and is dealt with in the manner that character handles it by the rules of the world they were born into.

If you can’t tell by now. I love D&D and other such role playing games. I’m an imagination heavy kind of guy. Current characters can only exist in a current in a certain way at a current time given the environment their born into.

Yes. Occasionally there are outliers however those individuals are the rarity not the base rule for everyone and there is a story behind them.

The Roin Episode 2

I spun into a 360 turn as I found myself with no mode of escape with a stand storm behind me and a Claw Breed hunter before I attacked and drew out some knowledge in the deep foggy regions of my mind to help win.

I found a power there and knowledge of a combat technique I had learned from someone once a very long time along. The impulse to act and fight worked as lightning element stroke out from my blade and hit the Claw Breed’s body striking him down and sending him into a deminsional storm. A key of memory unlocked in my mind as I reached for my power and pushed on.

The Roin Episode 1

I blasts of sand woke me up from my slumber as I came into back existence of physical mortal form of man. I heard the snarl of a beast. Anger and fear raced inside of me as I got to my feet and faced off against a giant wolf-like creature with intelligence in his wild eyes faced off against me in the desert of a foreign world I notion for where it was or how I had gotten here.


It was a whisper in the wind. The name sounded close to but not quite to what I was. I wasn’t mortal I knew that much.

The beast took a step toward me and I formed my weapon of defense in my hand. The ease by which I did the action told me I was warrior of some kind but the fear I still held let me know I was capable of having my existence erased.

Information came to me slowly. My mind felt foggy but I was getting an understanding.

XO “Missing runner” Episode 9

Two bodies lay on the ground. Both had uniform jackets on from the company the missing runner worked at. They lay on the city streets right outside the runner business they both had worked at.

I scanned and examined the bodies with my cybernetic eye to see if they were still alive. Nope. By the looks of their body quickly fading body heat signatures and marks of violence on their necks and their brutalized faces someone very strong had killed them easily. They were recently terminated maybe ten minutes ago. Things were getting fucked up by the second with this job.

Valkyrie was in the cruiser calling down the authorities. She had been against it but we needed to cover our bases just in case this case was just a front to get us jammed up in a murder humocide.

We needed to wrap this shit up if we could quickly. I looked around taking in the walking traffic walking by igoring the violence on the street. Assholes in beat up old grounded class cruisers drove by totally indifferent to the scene. It was just another normal working night in the red district.

I needed a fucking cigarette. I couldn’t light up a cheery red just because the assholes in the authorities would get on my ass for fucking up their crime scene. Again, I still felt the eyes of Glassgo’s spy on my ass. He had a report to do for Glassgo to review on me or maybe he was waiting for me to reveal a character flaw to use on me. I wished that old man would find some other underground Solo to fuck with out of bordom.

I looked up as I heard the roar of a cyber bike. The rider was clad in all black and shining helmet. He had black mirrored sunglasses on and grim look on his face.

I didn’t have to see his name tag to know who the fuck he was. Judge Bran Rafe. The Authorities number one enforcer and the private hitman of King Gino Fish the leader of the authorities.

I straightened up to my feet as he parked on the side of the street. The man had a presense about him. I saw the massive P9 pulse full auto pistol at his side holster hip gunbelt. I heard rumors he had take off more then a few body parts with that thing.

Rafe stared at me and nodded. “Citizen Xander Onyx-.” He began but paused when I shook my head.

“Correction. Solo agent Xander Onyx. I earned my license from His Majesty Gino Fish. Two weeks ago.” I said and slowly reached in my pocket and presented my detapad screen to him showing him my creditionals and license.

The Judge just took a cursory glance at my creditionals. The vizor on his heltmet scanned me and my paperwork. He nodded his head. “Confirmed. Your information is updated now and filed in the justice computer database. Thank you for calling in the scene with the assistance of your partner. What happened?”

I shook my head. “I’m working a case. We came here looking for information. We found the bodies here. I did a scan on their bodies they were terminated a few minutes ago. No witnesses.”

The Judge grunted taking a look around the area with the few people staring at him in fear. When he looked back at me, I could almost see his elemental fire eyes have a slight glow. “You got till sunrise to find him before I do.”

“Okay. Yes Sir.” I said and turned away as he turned away and started toward a few bystanders who were staring at him in alarm as he approached.

I turned and I headed toward the cruiser where Valkyrie was in the cruiser waiting for me.

I don’t have super power I just like to think a lot.

Daily writing prompt
What are you good at?

Well of course I like to write. I like to do a few things but often times more then anything else I love to read.

I have my personal favorite books, news articles, blog posts and online opinion pieces from writers that have the voice to catch my attention and hold me on every word until out of nowhere one line just makes me laugh ou loud into a series of infinite playlists of lol’s.

I love reading and books. I love women too. I like beautiful women most definitely.

However, I don’t have a definitive thing I’m good at. I have interests but I do think a lot. It’s my thoughts. I find in my own my a place I can go to create my own fun or explore my own imagination. I have long epic novel dreams or weird fantastical story dreamy dreams.


for the sake of question. I’ll say I’m good at thinking and finishing the stories I find myself the most focused on.

The Tools of Life Coaching…mindset

When I started in my pursuit of life coaching or really applied positive psychology. It’s the the foundational notion that you yourself can take control over your life and decide your own outcomes and success. For some yes, this notion it comes easy. It’s a switch that comes on in their head and idea forms in to a strong enough idea that forms a singe sentence.

Fuck this shit I’m going to change do something with my life because I done thinking like this.

It seems simple enough. But, I wasn’t taught the shit in school. It’s something I had to learn the slow way.

It’s the process of taking control of your mind and self and not just letting your thoughts run rough shot on you. You command your thoughts. You acknowledge this one thing.

You are not your thoughts. You are the thinker of your thoughts.

Thoughts have a wild way of forming into actions and bad habits if you don’t check them at the door with active control to become the driver of your thoughts and controller of your mind.


Depression. Panic attacks. Resentful. Self doubt and self pity.

These are not only feelings. They can be thoughts or illusions to make you think in a certain way if your not active in your control of your mind.

XO “A Missing Runner” Episode 8

I stared at the profile picture of the kid and frowned at the D8 at the bottom of the image. I wondered about that as I scrolled down the image to get only a passing few details on the man from his typical hobbies of gaming and racing bikes. Not much else.

“So is this kid a new G.E.H. model or one of the old ones on his last leg?”

Valkyrie was silent.

I looked up see her gaze focused intently focused on the skyway ignoring me. She had heard the question.

I scrolled down the entire file and profile with a flick of my finger on the screen and read the file. No mention on what type of G.E.H he was. In fact no mention he was a G.E.H at all.

“How do you know the kid is a tech born?” Valkyrie asked. “Is it your eye?”

“I just made a guess because of the name. It’s a classification for GEHs. So if he isn’t a G.E.H his pack mother most be one. What I read from the file he’s addicted to attending music concerts and cheery Bomb cigarettes. We can start with interviewing his coworkers at the runner station he works out of to get a feel for his pattern.”

“Are you fucking with me?!” Valkyrie asked.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Your a fucking with me. Be honest. How can you make that thought leap?”

“Focus on the job.” I said.

“Tell me, Damn it.”

I snorted. “It’s the name and his eyes. He looks sixteen but his eyes and name tell me he’s at least maybe in his sixties by human standards but by GEH that would still put him in a youngster category. So what are we doing here Valkyrie? Are we hunting for this kid or just trying to find out where he is.”

Silence met my words. She looked away from me and continued driving. “You find em. I’m going to bag him. You don’t need to do anything else.”

Damn it. I thought she was done with his shit but apparently the price tag or something else was going on here. I saw her shaking her head but she wasn’t looking at me.

“Just leave it. I’m not going to explain and you don’t have to over think it. It’s just one job. Where do we start?”

“I just told you. We start with his friends. They’ll tell us what concert he’s going to or whatever trouble he might or might not be into.”

Black waters of my mind….

Strip me down to my most basic elements.

What am I?

Frankly I don’t care. What matters most is duty and honor. However, I have my hobbies that define me.

I am not interested in self discovery as

I was in my youth and the raging 20s.

What interests me is thinking. Give me a subject. Give me a problem. Give me a puzzle to solve and my subdued responses too life at times turns over and I find myself tuned into the moment.

My mind fog of boredom and mindless routines dissipates. I am tuned into the moment and my mind is feed and engaged in the question. What is the answer? Or how many answers can I come up with for a viable solution?

How do you find out who you are? Embrace what you are.

I’ve known who I was when I was 16 years old. I spent the rest of the time either fighting it or pretending I didn’t know for some psychological bullshit reason.

I believe half the reason most young dudes don’t know supposedly is because they’re ignoring how they behave and what they say out their own mouth.

I was the same way.

Don’t get me wrong. Life and situations change us in ways and shine a light on some shit we do that makes us change either to adjust to reality or survive. Programming is a real thing. The Public school system is a testimony to that shit. Your programmed to behave in away.

But, at some point you are what the fuck you are and if your not a uncontrollable fucking liar then you know and your turning your eyes away from it because….


Distractions are everywhere.

Where do I fit? What role do I settle in outside of work or profession?

Daily writing prompt
Are you a leader or a follower?

In normal every day grind of the day I settle into following orders at a job. I like assignments and knowing what is my part in a organizational body or a business relationship.


I see it as I signed a contract to fulfill my end of an agreement. I have to do this in exchange the business gives me something of value in exchange for my work and time. Simple one for one.

What can end the business relationship?

1. If however, I do this and you don’t give me what you promised then there is nothing in it for me then fuck you and fuck your contract

2. You get to personal. Listen. Business is business. I’m a disinterested party looking to get some bread and provide some value to a customer. I got a tribe to be personal with my dude. If you (the business) assume a unprofessional (female bullshit) attitude with me then I’m in that mode of making my exit plan.

Outside of work. I don’t follow no man or woman. I go my own way. I like to float ideas some times to my people and figure out my plans but overall I’m going to do what I’m going to do.