AI Art

Artificial means fake, without spirit, without soul, a creation without feeling. No passion , no dreaming. An imitation of emotion that always feels empty, flat. There is nothing behind the eyes. It’s creator is a human who’s obsessed by the mind and mimicry and who’s thrown away their heart. AI is like looking into a narcissists brain. That is why I don’t like it. I find it hard to trust anyone that doesn’t cry, that doesn’t feel. That only knows how to copy. AI is the lazy road, the destroyer of the artists soul. I will always paint from the heart. No amount of ego will change that. Even if my art gets buried for a long time under a heavy load of computer chips and processors. You can’t take true passion out of a soul, only shout louder in the hopes no one hears its calling. The artists will keep creating, and the soulful undercurrent will always be there.

Laura Berry

Self Control

I feel temporarily powerful in myself, that I have control over something, anything. That I am not so weak that I flop over like a bent flower stem or as vulnerable as a quivering deer in the headlights. For a moment I feel I am not all the pain I am carrying. That I am not a dangling puppet at the whim of others pulling my strings. That I am not an emotional wreck tossed by the sea, this way and that, who’s body is cast on the rocks. Instead I don’t move. I am against life and myself and my pain lingers like a caged bird wishing to be free and it’s me controlling it. The experience of pain that would set me free. The experience of love, of joy, of progress that comes after being out of control won’t be known to me. No. Self control is harming myself. It’s like existing as an iron rod in a desert of my own making, complaining that the rain won’t come, when I could move to the rain cloud over there and let it all go. I have had enough of the tightness in my body from holding on. I want my heart to move like a contemporary dancer in complete abandon. It’s time to let it go.

Laura Berry


My wings aren’ t real.
They’re made with
cloth, feathers and beeswax.
They were only temporary
to escape life’s labyrinth’s.
But oh, i do so love the feeling
of the wind, how it sings
through my hair.
I’ve forgotten the world below
its challenges and lessons.
I go higher and higher,
the fierceness of the sun
drips hot wax upon my skin.
I fall like a bird with clamped wings,
through cloud and rain
and drop into the ocean,
tossing and turning in endless waves.
All that i avoided before me,
and i regret through my woe
that i didn’t wait for real wings
to grow.
Weighted by my insincerity
i sink
and drown in my grief.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 30 – 2024)


There´s a hazy film over my eyes.
The edges are fuzzy.
But sometimes i see a clear, crisp
edge of light.
And i feel alive again. I am present
and the moment feels real.
And i realise what i am missing,
the radiance of it all.
The crystal emotions.
The rays of light.
The ring of truth.
Then overwhelm clouds my vision
once more,
awaiting the courage
to see it all.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 29 – 2024)

I want to break free

I want to break free like the moss covering the patio
Under an overcast sky, the air is cold,
wrapped in a winter holding on.
My cat is content lapping water in the rain.
The garden chairs are too wet to rest on,
but the lilac is so inviting with its drooping purple bells.
I stand in the doorway and smell sweet earth.
The solar light won´t be glowing till dusk
and not for long as the cloud blocks the sun.
But for a moment it will invite me out again,
in the rain, where the scents are more heady,
and i can breathe in spring once more.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 27 – 2024)

Acceptable Grief

It´s sad that for many of us we feel our grief is unacceptable. But grief is pain, a loss, a void where love never came. An absence of love. And we should all be loved. A personal moment. It´s with you and God. A reaching out for something better, that this can´t be all there is. The courage to delve into the hole and clutch the light that draws you up into a more beautiful and whole place so that your cup starts overflowing with love. And you care about yourself enough, that you are willing to do the work, and let the tears stream down your face. You know its for your best interest. Your grief my dear is no one else´s business.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 26 – 2024)

Do you Lie?

If someone will judge me for the truth
then a lie might slip between my teeth.
Or maybe I’ll sugarcoat it and dip it in honey
then it won’t sound so nasty.
Or what if I just avoid it,
‘the weather is nice, oh! I best be going.’
Maybe I look at the ceiling and bite my tongue.
I might put on an invisibility cloak
and pretend I’m not there.
Or I claim what I am about to say
came from someone else,
‘a wise man once told me.’
when really it’s me.
I’ll do anything at times to stop the
pity, embarrassment, anger and blame.
Maybe that’s why I prefer nature,
the trees know all my secrets.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 25 – 2024)

Beautiful Earth

How beautiful the earth is still,
despite the wars, the industrial sprawl,
the highways and the cars for all.
There is still a starling singing in the branch,
and fields of flowers and wavering grass,
and the mountain tops whose views will last.
The earth is still a beautiful place,
hold hope in your heart and love on your face.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 24 – 2024)

The Invisible Woman

If I were invisible what would I do?
Would I slide into secret meetings,
or into forbidden places,
ancient tombs or hidden bases.
No, I think i’d probably be content
sitting peacefully in the forest
without the prodding and poking
of human fingers,
where I can breathe and love lingers.

Laura Berry (Napowrimo Day 23 – 2024)