Bird Nests on The Older Pod Patio

Every spring, Mourning Doves make their nests around The Older Pod Patio (in the rafters). Our friends in Rooms 1, 2 and 3 enjoy watching the birds fly around, gather twigs and care for their eggs. We enjoy observing and discussing the beauty of nature in our learning environment.

Check out how our friends use playdough and natural elements to create their own bird nest inspired creations.


The metamorphosis of a butterfly has always been a favorite science project in our class. We got the little caterpillars in a small container, watched them slowly move, eat and grow. The kids got to see the chrysalis formed on the top of the container and a few few days later we found the butterflies flying around in their habitat.
We released the butterflies in our garden
Our class was exposed to different kinds of seeds, the kiddos chose from tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, squash or carrots to plan in our starter pots. As a surprise Ms. Silvia shared her carrots from her garden. All the kiddos got a chance to pull one of the carrots and were taken home.
Tie dye shirt was an adventure from beginning to end. Wrapping rubber bands on the t-shirt to make a design, squirting different color dye, unwrapping the rubber bands and watching the ultimate creation.
Ooh, Lala!

Snail’s Pace Race on the Patio

Snail’s Pace Race is a children’s board game that teaches cooperation, turn-taking, one-to-one correspondence, color matching and more! On the Older Pod Patio, we’ve adapted this game to be a fun and interactive gross motor activity.

Our friends in Rooms 1, 2, and 3 have enjoyed learning the rules to this game, trying new roles, cheering each other on, and practicing good sportsmanship with a hug or a high-five.

News and Reminders 2024

Can you believe we are already in the last month of the school year? The time has flown by since our first week together in August. We have had a fantastic year at the preschool and are excited about what will come over our remaining weeks together.

A group of ASL students from Maranatha High School will be coming to read to the older pod. While one student reads a developmentally appropriate book, additional students will sign the words. We look forward to seeing the “big kids,” hearing the stories, and learning a few new hand signs.

The first full week of May is Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week. Our fantastic teachers and staff do a tremendous job, and we look forward to showing them our gratitude.

Click Here to See the Appreciation Week Schedule

Please take a peek at your teacher’s Favorite Things Pages for inspiration, too.

Click Here to See the Teacher’s Favorite Things Pages

*Participation is entirely optional but greatly appreciated.

We are so excited to have a visit from the police department’s furry division. A K9 Unit will be with us to show how officers and trained dogs work together to help keep us safe. We are thrilled to have a member of the Puppy PD on campus and look forward to seeing the four-footed officer at work.

We are hosting our Open House at the preschool from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; this is a drop-by event. Each classroom will be working hard to spruce up and prepare for a visit from all of our families. We are excited to share the life and happenings of our campus and can’t wait to see everyone. This is also an excellent opportunity to visit our elementary campus, too. They will be hosting their Open House from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Our Fruit of the Spirit for the month of May is Goodness. We will discuss what happened after Christ rose from the tomb and how God sent us a special helper, the Holy Spirit, to guide us as we follow Jesus.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

You’re invited to join us for our annual end-of-the-year picnic! Families will enjoy water play, glitter tattoos, crafts, snow cones, popcorn, spending time with friends, meeting new families, and more. So please join us for all the fun!

  • WHEN: Saturday, May 18th, 11 AM to 1 PM
  • WHERE: PCS Field – Parking: Garfield Lot @ 1492 N. Garfield Ave.
  • COST: $5.00 (per person), includes a hotdog lunch & all activities.
  • RSVP: Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 15th

Payments can be made in the Preschool Office prior to the event. A few additional tickets will be available at the gate on the day of the picnic. Cash, checks, or FACTs billing are all accepted.

We’re looking forward to a fantastic time together! 

We will celebrate the end of the school year with our traditional classroom Pizza Parties. Of course, the preschool will provide pizza, but there will be classroom sign-ups for additional side items such as fruit, paper goods, and table décor. The classrooms will be sharing those sign-ups towards the middle of May.

The preschool will be closed to celebrate and remember all the brave men and women who have and continue to uphold and defend our nation here in the United States and around the world. Their service and sacrifice are greatly appreciated and deserve profound recognition and unceasing gratitude. Thank you for your service.

We felt that aloha was the perfect sentiment for the last two days of our preschool year. So, hello to summer, goodbye to our year together, and of course, I love you.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we invite all the kids to dress in their brightest, most tropical, and Hawaiian best. We will also celebrate our year’s conclusion with special photo ops at drop-off and much more.

This year has been amazing! It is a blessing to watch the children grow up, and we are excited to celebrate those students who will be moving on to the next phase of school, whether here at PCS or beyond.  

This year, we will host our traditional promotion ceremony on the main campus in the auditorium from 6 to 7 PM. The Room 1 & 2 kiddos have been rehearsing some adorable songs and can hardly wait to share them.

Keep your eyes peeled for your invitation with all the details. 

The preschool will be closed to students for cleaning and summer prep. However, the preschool office will be open to answer questions and help with any summer paperwork that may still need to be completed before the start of camp.

Our first session of Fun in the Sun: Rockin’ Rainforest! and Kinder Camp will kick off on Monday, June 10th. Summers at the preschool are chock-full of good times and new adventures, and we can hardly wait to get started. 

Will you join this year’s “Fun in the Sun” summer camp? If so, be sure to turn in your registration forms ASAP. Spaces are filling up fast, and we only have a few left. Summer camp is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE, so don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of the fun at preschool this summer.

  1. Please drive carefully, keeping an eye on speed and kiddos in the lot.
  2. Children should be directed to stay on the sidewalk during pick-up and drop-off except when accessing their vehicles. Little people are very hard to spot between cars.
  3. Our lot’s limited spaces make quick drop-offs and pick-ups ideal.

Thanks for helping us keep our little ones safe, healthy, and happy.

Fun in the sun ☀️

Our littles are enjoying some fun in the sun. They enjoyed playing with the water play and making lots of splashes! 🐳 Our littles also enjoyed the sand area and playing with the trucks during our outside time 🚚


Hat day
Pajama Day
Beach Day
Gardening with our class
On Fruit Day we planted strawberry seed, we are currently watching the seedlings appearing on the surface.
April Showers will soon bring May flowers
Parent Volunteers at work, reading books, making an art activity, interacting and playing with the little friends in and outside the playground. It is alway an adventure for both the child and the parents.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness, stories and your time.
Fun photos with joyful entertainment

Big Field

The preschool has so many different sensory experiences. There is sand, wood chips, gravel and a myriad of things for little hands to touch.

A place where we can experience something new is the field on the main campus. Once a week we get to walk over and roll and run in the grass.

We love the grass on the big field and it’s such a fun gross motor experience. Here are some photos of a few of our trips there.

We love running and chasing each other

We all got to be part of a tunnel

We had so much fun that we didn’t want to stop and come back. Until I said that we were going to go to patio when we headed back. So we held hands with a buddy and walked back to preschool.

We are enjoying all the sunshine 🌞 and beautiful weather this week!


Dressing up is one of our new addition the new to our class. They are having fun, Aren’t they cute?
We read the book “ Little blue and little yellow, by:Leo Lionni.” We used the context to develop many activities for the month of March. Yellow and blue marble painting, easel painting, yellow playdough for a few days, then blue playdough. When the colors were combined it gave us different shades of green.
Yellow and blue playdough squeezed together made a bright green.
During circle time all the kiddos had a chance to hold little blue and little yellow, as they squeezed and rolled both colors together they were very excited about the different shades of greens.
We made a beautiful rainbow by Using SKITTLES and warm water. We placed the skittles around a plate and followed the rainbow color sequence. We added warm water and watch the skittles bleed out their colors. We also learned the song “ Red, orange , yellow, green, blue, purple that makes the rainbow bright, bright, bright.
They were impressed!
Mixed glue, borax and food color is fun and messy, the Gak was very sticky,
Froot loop necklaces, pegs and markers are creative activities to encourage fine motor skills
The children are growing up so fast, they have learned to ride the scooters , bikes, build, follow traffic signals around the bike path and rake the leaves and collect them in a pile to be placed into the trash.

Engagement, persistence, independence, shared use of space and materials are some of the many social emotional developments our preschoolers are exposed to.